SuiteTalk SOAP API CustomFieldSearch in Java - soap

I am using the Java proxies downloaded from
Given a CustomFieldRef (with say, InternalId "30"), how do I fetch the name of this CustomField? In short, is there a CustomFieldSearch to search all CustomFields?

In the soap world, you'll want to think of the CustomField as the superclass for a number of specialized classes like TransactionBodyCustomField or EntityCustomField. From there, you can access the record using a standard get call. I'm not familiar with the java-proxies, but in python, we'd do something like:
f = soap.get('transactionBodyCustomField', '30')
which would send an xml body with the appropriate recordRef xml.


Controller return type and httpStatus best practice and production/consumption on method in REST WS

I commence in REST and I have some questions:
What type must the controller return? Typically, I'm asking if my Rest #Controller must return Item object as it is or encapsulate it in ResponseEntity in order to specify http-status-code.
What http status code to use in a GET method on a particular item ("/items/2") if the given item does not exists: HttpMediaStatus.OK(200) and null return or HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT(204) and null return ?
Second part: I saw it was possible to specify #Produces and #Consumes on WS method but what the use of that? My application and my methods work so, why specify MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE? Doesn't Spring/SpringBoot automatically convert Item or ResponseEntity into json?
Context: using Spring Boot, hibernate, REST webservice.
Thank you.
Many questions in one, I'll provide short answers with a bunch of link to relevant articles and the reference documentation.
What type must the controller return?
Depends on your annotation and the RESTful-ness of your service. There are three annotations you can use for controllers: #Controller, #RestController and #RepositoryRestController.
Controller is the base annotation to mark your class as a controller. The return type of the controller endpoint methods can be many things, I invite you to read this dedicated post to get a grasp of it.
When developing a pure-REST service, you will focus on using RestController and RepositoryRestController.
RestControlleris Controller + ResponseBody. It binds the return value of the endpoint method to the web response body:
public ItemController {
public Item getItem(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
Item item = ...
return item;
With this, when you hit http:/.../api/items/foo, Spring does its magic, automatically converting the item to a ResponseEntity with a relevant 40X status code and some default HTTP headers.
At some point, you will need more control over the status code and headers, while still benefiting from Spring Data REST's settings. That's when you will use RepositoryRestController with a ResponseEntity<Item> as return type, see the example the Spring Data REST reference.
What http status code to use in a GET method on a particular item if the given item does not exists?
Bluntly said: use HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND. You're looking for a resource that does not exist, there's something wrong.
That being said, it is completely up to you to decide how to handle missing resources in your project. If your workflow justifies it, a missing resource could be something completely acceptable that indeed returns a 20X response, though you may expect users of your API to get confused if you haven't warned them or provided some documentation (we are creatures of habits and conventions). But I'd still start with a 404 status code.
(...) #Produces and #Consumes on WS method but what the use of that? My application and my methods work so, why specify MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE? Doesn't Spring/SpringBoot automatically convert Item or ResponseEntity into json?
#Consumes and #Produces are respectively matched against content-type and accept headers from the request. It's a mean of restricting the input accepted and the output provided by your endpoint method.
Since we're talking about a REST service, communications between clients of the API and the service are expected to be JSON-formatted. Thanks to Spring HATEOAS, the answer are actually formatted with the application/hal+json content-type.
In that scenario, you can indeed not bother with those two annotations. You will need them if you develop a service that accepts different content-types (application/text, application/json, application/xml...) and provides, for instance, HTML views to users of your website and JSON or XML response to automated clients of your service.
For real life examples:
Facebook provides the Graph API for applications to read to/write from its graph, while users happily (?) surf on web pages
Google does the same with the Google Maps API

Restful API for Templating

I am struggling with a design aspect of my restful api for templating collections of resources.
The endpoint calls for a json with the name to a particular template and a collections of tokens. The API will then create entries into numerous tables and use the tokens where appropriate.
A very simple example is:
'template': 'DeviceTemplate'
'tokens': [
'customer': 1234,
'serial_number': '12312RF3242a',
'ip_address': ''
This creates a new device for the customer with that ip address along with several other objects, for instance interfaces, device users etc etc. I use the tokens in various places where needed.
I'm not sure how to make this endpoint restful.
The endpoint for /device is already taken if you want to create this resource individually. The endpoint I need is for creating everything via the template.
I want to reserve the POST /template endpoint for creating the actual template itself and not for implementing it with the tokens to create the various objects.
I want to know how to call the endpoint without using a verbs.
I also want to know if its a good idea to structure a POST with a nested JSON.
I'd suggest that you create an action on the template object itself. So right now if you do /templates/<id> you are given an object. You should include in that object a url endpoint for instantiating an instance of that template. Github follows a scheme that I like a lot [1] where within an object there will be a key pointing to another url with a suffix _url. So for instance, your response could be something like:
"template": "DeviceTemplate",
"id": "127",
"create_url": "",
Then this way you treat a POST to that endpoint the same as if this template (DeviceTemplate) was its own resource.
The way to conceptualize this is you're calling a method on an object instead of calling a function.
[1] - For example

Integrate AngularJS App with SoftwareAG webMethods Integration Server

I have been trying to set up a sample AngularJS app with webMethods Integration Server on the backend. Using $resource, I can easily pull normal JSON files and manipulate the data within the file. However, the goal is that I want to create services in webMethods Designer and call them from AngularJS using $resource to display the data in my app. The problem is that from AngularJS I cannot extract the data I need from the service that I'm creating in Designer. In Designer I can use (in WMPublic) documentToJSONString, and output something like:
jsonString {"id":"1", "name":"Dan", "quantity":"3"}
But I cannot extract the data because this is not a pure JSON string. Does anyone know how to (1) extract the JSON string output data using AnularJS or (2) output a JSON document from Designer? I am calling a REST service; something to the effect of
from my services.js file in AngularJS.
Here is my services.js file:
/* Services */
var orderServices = angular.module('orderServices', ['ngResource']);
orderServices.factory('Order', ['$resource',
return $resource('http://localhost:2222/rest/REST/getOrderData', {}, {
query: {method:'GET', isArray:true}
Then, in my app, I want to use an ng-repeat to call things like {{}}, {{}} etc. Is anyone good with webMethods and Angular or done this before?
To force the response that you want, I would have used the service
pub.flow:setResponse mapping the jsonString to it's string parameter and probably hardcoded (eww!) the contentType parameter to 'application/json'
You may also need to use the service pub.flow:setResponseCode to set the response code.
They would be the last services in getOrderData
I would have invoked it using the below (where namespace is the folder structure in designer)
The above applies to Integration Server V8 and it looks like you're using V9 since some of the services that you mention didn't exist in V8. This would also apply to a normal flow service, not a specific REST one (assuming they exist in V9).

Play Framework: How to bind a complex REST request to a Controller method

Working on a REST API with Play Framework.
I have a requirement to support a RESTful request containing the "order" with multiple "line items".
In terms of the "POST data", I see it like: (split into multi-lines for clarity)
Note that I have an issue to require all the "line items" to come with a full set of data. In the example above, the 2nd item has no discount. Since I cannot "force" developers using the API to work with my own "wrapper", I want to leave some flexibility.
I would like to map it to something like:
method(int orderID, string orderType, Item[] items)
However, I failed to find something appropriate in the docs.
What's the right way?
Should I build my own parser of the HTTP request data?
Any alternative way to format the POST data - as long as it is ok with REST guidelines - is also acceptable.
To map an array of Pojo objects, then you need to put item. in front of the item object. Just like you map an object in a form. Then, you should specify that it is an array using the standard array syntax.
I would do something like the following

How to post a file in grails

I am trying to use HTTP to POST a file to an outside API from within a grails service. I've installed the rest plugin and I'm using code like the following:
def theFile = new File("/tmp/blah.txt")
def postBody = [myFile: theFile, foo:'bar']
withHttp(uri: "http://picard:8080/breeze/project/acceptFile") {
def html = post(body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC)
The post works, however, the 'myFile' param appears to be a string rather than an actual file. I have not had any success trying to google for things like "how to post a file in grails" since most of the results end up dealing with handling an uploaded file from a form.
I think I'm using the right requestContentType, but I might have missed something in the documentation.
POSTing a file is not as simple as what you have included in your question (sadly). Also, it depends on what the API you are calling is expecting, e.g. some API expect files as base64 encoded text, while others accept them as mime-multipart.
Since you are using the rest plugin, as far as I can recall it uses the Apache HttpClient, I think this link should provide enough info to get you started (assuming you are dealing with mime-multipart). It shouldn't be too hard to change it around to work with your API and perhaps make it a bit 'groovy-ier'