Word JavaScript preview API - ms-word

Is it possible to use the preview API in a offline environment? I means, something like to reference locally the library.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards

Yes, it is possible if you download the latest office.js version locally. To use preview APIs:
You must reference the beta library on the CDN (https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/beta/hosted/office.js). The type definition file for TypeScript compilation and IntelliSense is found at the CDN and DefinitelyTyped. You can install these types with npm install --save-dev #types/office-js-preview.
You may need to join the Office Insider program for access to more recent Office builds.
Read more about that in that in the Word JavaScript preview APIs article.


Microsoft.MixedReality.QR is nonexistent despite NuGet installation

I am working on a project in MixedReality using mainly MRTK and its features. I found out that MRTK can use QR codes to read data, and I wanted to use it and try multiples ideas.
The problem is that, currently, is seems any QR feature is nonexistent in my project.
I Installed the NuGet package Microsoft.MixedReality.QR and its corresponding Microsoft.VCRTForwarders.14 package, as indicated in
But anything I try in code, from my project, will tell me in the console window that the namespace could not be found, and all cascading items (properties, classes, functions) could not be found either, none of them.
It is weird since everything should be installed and up to date ( I verified this directly in Visual Studio and everything is there).
Any kind of help would be much appreciated, thanks !
For Unity projects, you need to import NuGet for Unity to install Mixed Reality QR NuGet package. Meanwhile the tutorial you are referring is not an official document. Some types/classes are defined by the author and are not included in Microsoft.MixedReality.QR namespace.
Please refer to the new QR sample on https://github.com/yl-msft/QRTracking and all the C# API references are listed on QR Code tracking API reference
I've been developing an app that uses QRcode on the hololens as well. I ran into that issue before, and the console seemed to throw that error for me because I was using the wrong version of the MRTK services in the Microsoft Mixed Reality Feature Tool. I would recommend using version 2.6.1 for all your services. Do you by any chance have a problem where "QR tracking is not supported" for the Unity Project you are building?

OpenUI5 offline documentation

When offline I'd like to have the UI5 documentation saved locally.
It appears the docs contained in the runtime simply reference the official website and the only other form of downloadable documentation I could find is a PDF from SAP which is indeed well structured and cross-referenced.
Still, I wonder: is there a packaged version of the UI5 documentation ?
Using the Node modules for OpenUI5, I expected to find a separate package for the documentation: there is none. Serving the unzipped SDK with any local webserver works just fine.

If I can use the components by installing syncfusion as a module in my angular project, then why do I need o download and use the Installer

I registered for syncfusion trial for 1 month free, It asks me to download install file, My question is if I can use the components by installing syncfusion as a module in my angular project, then why do I need to download and use the Installer.
If I just reference in my package.json and do npm i I am able to use it. In this case where do I put my license
You need the license so that they can keep an eye on you if you are making more than 1 million USD.
however you don't need to download the installer, just import registerLicense like so and then put your API key within the registerLicense('api key') and you're good to use the component without any popup on the application.
import { registerLicense } from '#syncfusion/ej2-base'
registerLicense('api key');
You can grab the API key from your syncfusion dashboard "Downloads and keys" -> "Get License key".
Yes, you can download our npm package. However, to use our package legally they needed to get license from us by visiting syncfusion.com and signing up for license. This is also mentioned in our licensing document in npm package. Please find its content from GitHub link
Link: https://github.com/syncfusion/ej2-javascript-ui-controls/blob/master/controls/grids/license
Documentation: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/installation/
Online Demo: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/material/grid/overview
We don’t have any source level license validation, so you don’t have to do anything in your application for license validation. Our current license validation are fully based on support and new feature requests.
Please get back to us if you require any more assistance on this.

how to include external libraries to arduino extension?

pnp_device.h:10:42: fatal error: digitaltwin_device_client_ll.h: No
such file or directory
I'm using arduino and azure iot tools to use azure iot plug and play feature.
I generated the plug and play code stub using vscode azure iot tools, but while uploading the code the above error is raised.
As the file missing is in the external library (Azure-iot-sdk-c) I tried adding its path in c_cpp_properties.json even though the error persists.
I want to know why it is happening ?
I need some help...
We have a devkit SDK especially for the PNP. You can follow this readme and change the version of SDK.

eZ Publish Site Package Error

I am installing ez publish(CMS) in my xampp...
however in this section of installation
I can't proceed even though I can click next.. I bet the site package is mandatory... I need your help guys... btw, I am installing 2013.5 version
here's the error
Invalid package
Remote repository URL: http://packages.ez.no/ezpublish/5.0/5.0.0/
I've tried uploading the ezwebin_site.ezpkg in the remote repository still I can't proceed... thanks in advance.
Site Package selection step within the Setup Wizard is more or less required (you must select one package using the ratio buttons) to complete a proper eZ Publish installation first time.
Notice the 'Help' sidebar content, "The type of site will choose some basic settings for toolbars, menus, color and functionality. It is possible to change these settings at a later time.".
This is to remind new users that you first use the setup wizard for your first time installation of eZ Publish and then you can re-configure eZ Publish settings, design, extensions, etc manually as much as you desire / require. You can customize almost any part of eZ Publish, once you have it installed and setup properly.
It is recommended for new users to install the 'Website Interface' (with content) package for your first installation. Again you can change all it all after you have completed the default installation and have a working default installation.
More experienced developers may choose to use the 'Plain site' package (with no content, and significantly less default functionality and helpful tools) but this option often causes extreme confusion to new users / developers (who need the tools provided in the 'Website Interface' package to get started using eZ Publish quickly) as it omits expected content classes, default content use case examples, roles / policies, default settings use case examples, ezwebin design extension and much more. As such any package choice other than 'Website Interface' (with the version of eZ Publish you are using) is very strongly discouraged.
Advanced Developers with an already setup installation can create their own site packages to reuse in the future to simplify configuration of a default installation.
Resolution Edit: During an extensive stackoverflow and irc chat it was determined that the user asking the question lacked the WAMP server (PHP modules) support required by eZ Publish 5.x which is why the user was having installation setup problems. Specifically the user was missing the required php curl module which is used / required by the setup wizard to download site packages. The user was strongly recommended to replace Xampp (on win32) with Bitnami (for eZ) which provides for all the requirements of eZ Publish 5.x by default and has already been heavily tested and customized for use with eZ Publish 5.x. Also the user was using an older version of eZ Publish 5.x (2013.5 community build) which only supports PHP 5.3 and the user's Xampp PHP version was PHP 5.6.8 which requires at the very least eZ Publish 5.x (2014.11 community build).