Filtering in Kafka and other streaming technologies - apache-kafka

I am currently doing some research about which stream processing technology to use. So far I have looked at message queueing technologies and streaming frameworks. I am now leaning towards Apache Kafka or Google Pub/Sub.
The requirements I have:
Deliver, read and process messages/events in real time.
Persistence in the messages/events.
Ability to filter messages/event in real time with out having to read entire topic. For example: if I have topic called ‘details’, I want to be able to filter out the messages/events out of that topic where an attribute of an event equals a certain value.
Ability to see if the producer to a certain topic or queue is finished.
Ability to delete messages/events in a topic based on an attribute within an event equaling a certain value.
Ordering in messages/events.
My question is: what is the best framework/technology for these use cases? From what I have read so far, Kafka doesn’t provide that out of the boxes filtering approach for messages/events in topics and Google Pub/Sub does have a filter approach.
Any suggestions and experience would be welcome.

As per the requirements you mentioned kafka seems a nice fit, using kafka streams or KSQL you can perform filtering in real-time, here is an example
What you need is more than just integration and data transfer, you need something similar to what is known as ETL tool, here you can find more about ETL and tools in GCP


Kafka Streams DSL over Kafka Consumer API

Recently, in an interview, I was asked a questions about Kafka Streams, more specifically, interviewer wanted to know why/when would you use Kafka Streams DSL over plain Kafka Consumer API to read and process streams of messages? I could not provide a convincing answer and wondering if others with using these two styles of stream processing can share their thoughts/opinions. Thanks.
As usual it depends on the use case when to use KafkaStreams API and when to use plain KafkaProducer/Consumer. I would not dare to select one over the other in general terms.
First of all, KafkaStreams is build on top of KafkaProducers/Consumers so everything that is possible with KafkaStreams is also possible with plain Consumers/Producers.
I would say the KafkaStreams API is less complex but also less flexible compared to the plain Consumers/Producers. Now we could start long discussions on what means "less".
When it comes to developing Kafka Streams API you can directly jump into your business logic applying methods like filter, map, join, or aggregate because all the consuming and producing part is abstracted behind the scenes.
When you are developing applications with plain Consumer/Producers you need to think about how you build your clients at the level of subscribe, poll, send, flush etc.
If you want to have even less complexity (but also less flexibilty) ksqldb is another option you can choose to build your Kafka applications.
Here are some of the scenarios where you might prefer the Kafka Streams over the core Producer / Consumer API:
It allows you to build a complex processing pipeline with much ease. So. let's assume (a contrived example) you have a topic containing customer orders and you want to filter the orders based on a delivery city and save them into a DB table for persistence and an Elasticsearch index for quick search experience. In such a scenario, you'd consume the messages from the source topic, filter out the unnecessary orders based on city using the Streams DSL filter function, store the filter data to a separate Kafka topic (using or, and finally using Kafka Connect, the messages will be stored into the database table and Elasticsearch. You can do the same thing using the core Producer / Consumer API also, but it would be much more coding.
In a data processing pipeline, you can do the consume-process-produce in a same transaction. So, in the above example, Kafka will ensure the exactly-once semantics and transaction from the source topic up to the DB and Elasticsearch. There won't be any duplicate messages introduced due to network glitches and retries. This feature is especially useful when you are doing aggregates such as the count of orders at the level of individual product. In such scenarios duplicates will always give you wrong result.
You can also enrich your incoming data with much low latency. Let's assume in the above example, you want to enrich the order data with the customer email address from your stored customer data. In the absence of Kafka Streams, what would you do? You'd probably invoke a REST API for each incoming order over the network which will be definitely an expensive operation impacting your throughput. In such case, you might want to store the required customer data in a compacted Kafka topic and load it in the streaming application using KTable or GlobalKTable. And now, all you need to do a simple local lookup in the KTable for the customer email address. Note that the KTable data here will be stored in the embedded RocksDB which comes with Kafka Streams and also as the KTable is backed by a Kafka topic, your data in the streaming application will be continuously updated in real time. In other words, there won't be stale data. This is essentially an example of materialized view pattern.
Let's say you want to join two different streams of data. So, in the above example, you want to process only the orders that have successful payments and the payment data is coming through another Kafka topic. Now, it may happen that the payment gets delayed or the payment event comes before the order event. In such case, you may want to do a one hour windowed join. So, that if the order and the corresponding payment events come within a one hour window, the order will be allowed to proceed down the pipeline for further processing. As you can see, you need to store the state for a one hour window and that state will be stored in the Rocks DB of Kafka Streams.

Is it ok to use Apache Kafka "infinite retention policy" as a base for an Event sourced system with CQRS?

I'm currently evaluating options for designing/implementing Event Sourcing + CQRS architectural approach to system design. Since we want to use Apache Kafka for other aspects (normal pub-sub messaging + stream processing), the next logical question would be, "Can we use the Apache Kafka store as event store for CQRS"?, or more importantly would that be a smart decision?
Right now I'm unsure about this.
This source seems to support it:
This other source recommends against that:
In my current tests/experiments, I'm having problems similar to those described by the 2nd source, those are:
recomposing an entity: Kafka doesn't seem to support fast retrieval/searching of specific events within a topic (for example: all commands related to an order's history - necessary for the reconstruction of the entity's instance, seems to require the scan of all the topic's events and filter only those matching some entity instance identificator, which is a no go). [This other person seems to have arrived to a similar conclusion: Query Kafka topic for specific record -- that is, it is just not possible (without relying on some hacky trick)]
- write consistency: Kafka doesn't support transactional atomicity on their store, so it seems a common practice to just put a DB with some locking approach (usually optimistic locking) before asynchronously exporting the events to the Kafka queue (I can live with this though, the first problem is much more crucial to me).
The partition problem: On the Kafka documentation, it is mentioned that "order guarantee", exists only within a "Topic's partition". At the same time they also say that the partition is the basic unit of parallelism, in other words, if you want to parallelize work, spread the messages across partitions (and brokers of course). But this is a problem, because an "Event store" in an event sourced system needs the order guarantee, so this means I'm forced to use only 1 partition for this use case if I absolutely need the order guarantee. Is this correct?
Even though this question is a bit open, It really is like that: Have you used Kafka as your main event store on an event sourced system? How have you dealt with the problem of recomposing entity instances out of their command history (given that the topic has millions of entries scanning all the set is not an option)? Did you use only 1 partition sacrificing potential concurrent consumers (given that the order guarantee is restricted to a specific topic partition)?
Any specific or general feedback would the greatly appreciated, as this is a complex topic with several considerations.
Thanks in advance.
There was a similar discussion 6 years ago here:
Using Kafka as a (CQRS) Eventstore. Good idea?
Consensus back then was also divided, and a lot of people that suggest this approach is convenient, mention how Kafka deals natively with huge amounts of real time data. Nevertheless the problem (for me at least) isn't related to that, but is more related to how inconvenient are Kafka's capabilities to rebuild an Entity's state- Either by modeling topics as Entities instances (where the exponential explosion in topics amount is undesired), or by modelling topics es entity Types (where amounts of events within the topic make reconstruction very slow/unpractical).
your understanding is mostly correct:
kafka has no search. definitely not by key. there's a seek to timestamp, but its imperfect and not good for what youre trying to do.
kafka actually supports a limited form of transactions (see exactly once) these days, although if you interact with any other system outside of kafka they will be of no use.
the unit of anything in kafka (event ordering, availability, replication) is a partition. there are no guarantees across partitions of the same topic.
all these dont stop applications from using kafka as the source of truth for their state, so long as:
your problem can be "sharded" into topic partitions so you dont care about order of events across partitions
youre willing to "replay" an entire partition if/when you lose your local state as bootstrap.
you use log compacted topics to try and keep a bound on their size (because you will need to replay them to bootstrap, see above point)
both samza and (IIUC) kafka-streams back their state stores with log-compacted kafka topics. internally to kafka offset and consumer group management is stored as a log compacted topic with brokers holding a "materialized view" in memory - when ownership of a partition of __consumer_offsets moves between brokers the new leader replays the partition to rebuild this view.
I was in several projects that uses Kafka as long term storage, Kafka has no problem with it, specially with the latest versions of Kafka, they introduced something called tiered storage, which give you the possibility in Cloud environment to transfer the older data to slower/cheaper storage.
And you should not worry that much about transactions, in todays IT there are other concepts to deal with it like Event Sourcing, [Boundary Context][3,] yes, you should differently when you are designing your applications, how?, that is explained in this video.
But you are right, your choice about query this data will be limited, easiest way is to use Kafka Streams and KTable but this will be a Key/Value database so you can only ask questions about your data over primary key.
Your next best choice is to implement the Query part of the CQRS with the help of Frameworks like Akka Projection, I wrote a blog about how can you use Akka Projection with Elasticsearch, which you can find here and here.

We read data from brokers through multiple consumers using consumer group, but how the consumed data is combined?

I need data from kafka brokers,but for fast access I am using multiple consumers with same group id known as consumer groups.But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
By design, different consumers in the same consumer group process data independently from each other. (This behavior is what allows applications to scale well.)
But after reading by each consumer,how can we combine data from multiple consumers? Is there any logic?
The short but slightly simplified answer when you use Kafka's "Consumer API" (also called: "consumer client" library), which I think is what you are using based on the wording of your question: If you need to combine data from multiple consumers, the easiest option is to make this (new) input data available in another Kafka topic, where you do the combining in a subsequent processing step. A trivial example would be: the other, second Kafka topic would be set up to have just 1 partition, so any subsequent processing step would see all the data that needs to be combined.
If this sounds a bit too complicated, I'd suggest to use Kafka's Streams API, which makes it much easier to define such processing flows (e.g. joins or aggregations, like in your question). In other words, Kafka Streams gives you a lot of the desired built-in "logic" that you are looking for:
The aim of Kafka is to provide you with a scalable, performant and fault tolerant framework. Having a group of consumers reading the data from different partitions asynchronously allows you to archive first two goals. The grouping of the data is a bit outside the scope of standard Kafka flow - you can implement a single partition with single consumer in most simple case but I'm sure that is not what you want.
For such things as aggregation of the single state from different consumers I would recommend you to apply some solution designed specifically for such sort of goals. If you are working in terms of Hadoop, you can use Storm Trident bolt which allows you to aggregate the data from you Kafka spouts. Or you can use Spark Streaming which would allow you to do the same but in a bit different fashion. Or as an option you can always implement your custom component with such logic using standard Kafka libraries.

Akka Stream Kafka vs Kafka Streams

I am currently working with Akka Stream Kafka to interact with kafka and I was wonderings what were the differences with Kafka Streams.
I know that the Akka based approach implements the reactive specifications and handles back-pressure, functionality that kafka streams seems to be lacking.
What would be the advantage of using kafka streams over akka streams kafka?
Your question is very general, so I'll give a general answer from my point of view.
First, I've got two usage scenario:
cases where I'm reading data from kafka, processing it and writing some output back to kafka, for these I'm using kafka streams exclusively.
cases where either the data source or sink is not kafka, for those I'm using akka streams.
This already allows me to answer the part about back-pressure: for the 1st scenario above, there is a back-pressure mechanism in kafka streams.
Let's now only focus on the first scenario described above. Let's see what I would loose if I decided to stop using Kafka streams:
some of my stream processors stages need a persistent (distributed) state store, kafka streams provides it for me. It is something that akka streams doesn't provide.
scaling, kafka streams automatically balances the load as soon as a new instance of a stream processor is started, or as soon as one gets killed. This works inside the same JVM, as well as on other nodes: scaling up and out. This is not provided by akka streams.
Those are the biggest differences that matter to me, I'm hoping that it makes sense to you!
The big advantage of Akka Stream over Kafka Streams would be the possibility to implement very complex processing graphs that can be cyclic with fan in/out and feedback loop. Kafka streams only allows acyclic graph if I am not wrong. It would be very complicated to implement cyclic processing graph on top of Kafka streams
Found this article to give a good summary of distributed design concerns that Kafka Streams provides (complements Akka Streams).
message ordering: Kafka maintains a sort of append only log where it stores all the messages, Each message has a sequence id also known as its offset. The offset is used to indicate the position of a message in the log. Kafka streams uses these message offsets to maintain ordering.
partitioning: Kafka splits a topic into partitions and each partition is replicated among different brokers. The partitioning allows to spread the load and replication makes the application fault-tolerant (if a broker is down the data are still available). That’s good for data partitioning but we also need to distribute the processes in a similar way. Kafka Streams uses the processor topology that relies on Kafka group management. This is the same group management that is used by the Kafka consumer to distribute load evenly among brokers (This work is mainly managed by the brokers).
Fault tolerance: data replication ensures data fault tolerance. Group management has fault tolerance built-in as it redistributes the workload among remaining live broker instances.
State management: Kafka streams provides a local storage backed up by a kafka change-log topic which uses log compaction (keeps only latest value for a given key).Kafka log compaction
Reprocessing: When starting a new version of the app, we can reprocess the logs from the start to compute new state then redirect the traffic the new instance and shutdown old application.
Time management: “Stream data is never complete and can always arrive out-of-order” therefore one must distinguish the event time vs processed time and handle it correctly.
Author also says "Using this change-log topic Kafka Stream is able to maintain a “table view” of the application state."
My take is that this applies mostly to an enterprise application where the "application state" is ... small.
For a data science application working with "big data", the "application state" produced by a combination of data munging, machine learning models and business logic to orchestrate all of this will likely not be managed well with Kafka Streams.
Also, am thinking that using a "pure functional event sourcing runtime" like will help make the mutations explicit and separate the application logic from the technology used to manage the persistent form of the state through the principled management of state mutation and IO "effects" (functional programming).
In other words the business logic does not become tangled with the Kafka apis.
Akka Streams emerged as a dataflow-centric abstraction for the Akka Actors model.
These are high-performance library built for the JVM and specially designed for general-purpose microservices.
Whereas as long as Kafka Streams is concerned, these are client libraries used to process unbounded data. They are used to read data from Kafka topics, then process it, and write the results to new topics.
Well I used both of those and I have a pretty good idea about their strength's and weaknesses.
If you are solely concentrated in Kafka and you don't have to much experience about stream processing, Kafka Streams is good solution out of the box to help understand the streaming concepts. It Achilles heel in my opinion is its datastore, RockDB to help stateful scenarios with KTable or internal State Stores.
If you use Kafka Streams library, RockDB install itself in the background transparently, which is great for a beginner but troublesome for an experienced developer. RockDB is a key/value database like Cassandra, it has the most strengths of Cassandra but also the weakness, one major of those you can only query the things with primary key, which is for most of the real life scenarios s huge limitation. There are some means to implement your own datastore but they are not that well documented and could be great challenge. Also RockDB is really great loading single Values but if you have iterate over things, after a Dataset size of 100 000 the performance degrades significantly.
Unfortunately while RockDB is embedded so deep in Kafka Streams, it is also not that easy to implement a CQRS solution with it.
And as mentioned above, it has no concept of Back Pressure while Kafka Consumer give Records one by one, in a scenario that you have to scale out that can be really good bottleneck. And be really careful about that statement that Kafka Streams does not need Backpressure mechanism, as this Netflix blog points out it can really cause unpleasant effects.
"By the following morning, alerts were received regarding high memory consumption and GC latencies, to the point where the service was unresponsive to HTTP requests. An investigation of the JVM memory dump revealed an internal Kafka message concurrent queue whose size had grown uncontrollably to over 1.3 million elements.
The cause for this abnormal queue growth is due to Spring KafkaListener’s lack of native back-pressure support."
Well so what are the advantages and disadvantages of Akka Streams compared to Kafka Streams. Well first of all, Akka is not that much of out of the box framework, you have to understand the concepts much better, it is not coupled with single persistence of options, you can choose whatever you want. It has direct support for CQRS pattern (Akka Projection) so you are not bound to query your data only over Primary Key. Akka developer thought about a lot scaling out and back pressure, committed a lot of code to Kafka code base to improve performance.
So if you are only working with Kafka and new to Stream Processing you can use Kafka Streams but be prepared that at some point you can hit a wall and switch to Akka Stream.
You want to see working details/example, I have two blogs about it, you can check it those, blog1 blog2

Implement filering for kafka messages

I have started using Kafka recently and evaluating Kafka for few use cases.
If we wanted to provide the capability for filtering messages for consumers (subscribers) based on message content, what is best approach for doing this?
Say a topic named "Trades" is exposed by producer which has different trades details such as market name, creation date, price etc.
Some consumers are interested in trades for a specific markets and others are interested in trades after certain date etc. (content based filtering)
As filtering is not possible on broker side, what is best possible approach for implementing below cases :
If filtering criteria is specific to consumer. Should we use
Consumer-Interceptor (though interceptor are suggested for logging
purpose as per documentation)?
If filtering criteria (content based filtering) is common among consumers, what should be the approach?
Listen to topic and filter the messages locally and write to new topic (using either interceptor or streams)
If I understand you question correctly, you have one topic and different consumer which are interested in specific parts of the topic. At the same time, you do not own those consumer and want to avoid that those consumer just read the whole topic and do the filtering by themselves?
For this, the only way to go it to build a new application, that does read the whole topic, does the filtering (or actually splitting) and write the data back into two (multiple) different topics. The external consumer would consumer from those new topics and only receive the date they are interested in.
Using Kafka Streams for this purpose would be a very good way to go. The DSL should offer everything you need.
As an alternative, you can just write your own application using KafkaConsumer and KafkaProducer to do the filtering/splitting manually in your user code. This would not be much different from using Kafka Streams, as a Kafka Streams application would do the exact same thing internally. However, with Streams your effort to get it done would be way less.
I would not use interceptors for this. Even is this would work, it seems not to be a good software design for you use case.
Create your own interceptor class that implements org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerInterceptor and implement your logic in method 'onConsume' before setting 'interceptor.classes' config for the consumer.