How to rename folders to put the year first using Powershell - powershell

I'm trying to organize some old photos that are split into many different folders. All of the folder names do contain the year, but almost always at the end of the folder name. This doesn't work very well when I'm trying to sort all of my photos from the past 20 years. I'm trying to write a script that would loop through all of the folder names and move the year (YYYY) to the beginning of the folder name.
Current Folders:
The best trip ever 2012
Visiting relatives 2010
2017 trip
Old photos from 2001
Convert to:
2012 The best trip ever
2010 Visiting relatives
2017 trip
2001 Old photos from
I am not very familiar with powershell so I've spent a few hours fiddling with regex and the necessary scripts to filter to the right subset of folder names (that start with a letter and contain a 4 digit year) but I'm struggling to actually rename these successfully.
Here's what I have:
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\User\pictures\ | Where-Object { $_.Name -match '^[a-zA-Z].+[0-9]{4}' }
foreach ($folder in $folders)
{ $folder.Name.Split() | Where {$_ -match "[0-9]{4}"}
Rename-Item -Path $folder-NewName "$($Matches[0])_$folder.Name"
Any help is appreciated!

If you use the -match operator with a regex that captures the name parts of interest via capture groups ((...)), you can rearrange these name parts, as reflected in the automatic $Matches variable variable, in a delay-bind script block passed to the Rename-Item call:
Get-ChildItem -Directory C:\Users\User\pictures |
Where-Object Name -match '^(.+?) ?\b(\d{4})\b(.*?)$' |
Rename-Item -WhatIf -NewName {
'{0} {1}{2}' -f $Matches.2, $Matches.1, $Matches.3
Note: The -WhatIf common parameter in the command above previews the operation. Remove -WhatIf once you're sure the operation will do what you want.
For an explanation of the regex and the ability to interact with it, see this page.
Note: The following simplification, which uses the -replace operator, works in principle, but, unfortunately, reports spurious Source and destination path must be different errors as of PowerShell 7.2.1, for all directories whose name either doesn't contain a 4-digit year or already has it at the start of the name:
# !! Works, but reports spurious errors as of PowerShell 7.2.1
Get-ChildItem -Directory C:\Users\User\pictures
Rename-Item -WhatIf -NewName { $_.Name -replace '^(.+?) ?\b(\d{4})\b(.*?)$' }
The reason is Rename-Item's unfortunate behavior of complaining when trying to rename a directory to its existing name (which happens when the -replace operation doesn't find a regex match and therefore returns the input string as-is), which should be a quiet no-op, as it already is for files - see GitHub issue #14903.


Removing Parts of a File Name based on a Delimiter

I have various file names that are categorized in two different ways. They either just have a code like: "866655" or contain a suffix and prefix "eu_866655_001". My hope is to write to a text file the names of files in the same format. I cannot figure out a successful method for removing the suffix and prefix.
Currently this what I have in my loop in Powershell:
$docs = Get-ChildItem -Path $source | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '.doc*'}
if ($docs.basename -contians 'eu_*')
Write-Output ([io.fileinfo]"$doc").basename.split("_")
I'm hoping to turn "eu_866655_001" into "866655" by using "_" as the delimiter.
I'm aware that the answer is staring me down but I still can't seem to figure it out.
You could do something like the following. Feel free to tweak the -Filter on the Get-ChildItem command.
$source = 'c:\path\*'
$docs = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -File -Filter "*_*_*" -Include '*.doc','*.docx'
$docs | Rename-Item -NewName { "{0}{1}" -f $_.Basename.Split('_')[1],$_.Extension }
The important things to remember is that in order to use the -Include switch, you need an * at the end of the -Path value.
-Filter allows us to filter on names that contain two underscores separating three substrings.
-Include allows us to only list files ending in extensions .docx and .doc.
Rename-Item -NewName supports delayed script binding. This allows us use a scriptblock to perform any necessary operations for each piped object (each file).
Since the target files will always have two underscores, the .Split('_') method will result in an three index array delimited by the _. You have specified that you always want the second delimited substring and that is represented by index 1 ([1]).
The format operator (-f) puts the substring and extension together, completing the file name.

How would I specify a directory to run a PowerShell script that would edit file extensions?

I am new to PowerShell and new to IT. I've been asked by my boss to write a PowerShell script that will identify filenames that have no file extension and then change them to .PDF files. After doing some research online I've found a script that had a similar purpose and tried to tailor it to my needs:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq "."}
ForEach ($file in $proj_files) {
$filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf"
Rename-Item $file $filenew
My first question is does the logic in this script make sense? Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension? My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like? My other question is how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to? My thought here would be to specify the path under Get-ChildItem, like so: $proj_files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\mthomas\Documents | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".'} Does that seem correct? I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that. Anyhow, thanks everyone for the help.
You can do something like the following to find files in a directory without an extension, and rename them to have a PDF extension:
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
Get-ChildItem -File $directory | Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension } | Foreach-Object {
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Let's break this down
$directory = "C:\Path\To\Directory"
This is where we set the directory we want to locate files without extensions in. It doesn't have to be set as a static variable but since you are just getting your feet wet with Powershell this keeps it simple.
Get-ChildItem -File $directory
Get-ChildItem is the cmdlet which is used to list directory contents (also aliased to gci, ls, and dir). -File tells it to only list files, and $directory references the directory we want to search from, which we set above. Note that Get-ChildItem might behave differently depending on the provider (for example, you can also use Get-ChildItem on a registry key), but if you are working with a filesystem path you do not need to worry about additional providers for this case.
Passes the previous output down the pipeline. This is a common operator in Powershell, but basically you can string commands together using it. You can read more about the pipeline at
Where-Object { -Not $_.Extension }
Where-Object evaluates a condition on one or more items, and filters out items that do not meet the condition. Since Get-ChildItem can return one or more files, we use the -Not operator in the ScriptBlock (denoted by {} and make sure that there is no extension on the file. $_, or $PSItem, is a special variable used by the pipeline, in this case $_ equals each item returned by Get-ChildItem. The Extension property exists on files returned by Get-ChildItem, and will be blank, or evaluated as $False. So filtering on -Not $_.Extension is the same as saying to only match objects that are missing a file extension. Where-Object can be read about in more detail here:
Foreach-Object { SCRIPTBLOCK }
Similar to Where-Object, but runs code for each object in the pipeline rather than evaluating and filtering out objects which don't match a condition. In this case, we pipe the each file without an extension to Rename-Item, which I'll break down further below. More information on Foreach-Object can be read about here:
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName "$($_.Name).pdf"
Rename the current file in the Foreach-Object block to the new name with .pdf appended. The "$( ... )" is called a sub-expression, which is a string interpolation technique that lets you run a command within a string, and make its output part of the string. You could achieve the same effect by doing $_ | Rename-Item -NewName ( $_.Name + ".pdf" ) which just adds a .pdf to the end of the current name.
The pipeline is a very powerful tool in Powershell, and is key to writing efficient and less bloated scripts. It might seem complex at first, but the more you use it the less daunting it will seem. I highly suggest reading the additional documentation I linked to above as it should help fill in any gaps I may have missed in my explanations above.
To simplify the breakdown above, the command does this, in this order: Gets all files in the specified directory, selects only the files that do not have an extension, then renames each file found without an extension to have a .pdf at the end.
The logic in the script - the overall shape - makes understandable sense, but is not right for it to work as you intend.
Testing on my computer here:
new-item -ItemType File -Name 'test'
get-item test | format-list *
get-item test | foreach { $_.extension; $_.Extension.length; $_.extension.GetType().name }
a file with no extension shows up with an empty string (blank content, length 0, type String, so your where-object { $_.Extension -eq "." } needs to be looking for "" instead of ".".
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '' }
shows me some folders as well, because they also have no extension in their name, so you might want Get-ChildItem -File to restrict it to just files.
how would I specify a given directory for this script to search through, or would I even need to?
It would run in the current directory, whichever shows up in your prompt PS C:\wherever> so if you need it to run somewhere else, yes you'd need to change to that folder or specify in get-childitem -LiteralPath 'c:\path\to\wherever'. You haven't mentioned subfolders, if you need those included, get-childitem -Recurse switch as well.
Speaking of subfolders, your $filenew = $file.Name + ".pdf" only makes sense in the current directory, I think it would work better if you used the full filename including path, so they definitely get renamed in the same place they were found $filenew = $file.FullName + ".pdf"
Is "Extension -eq "." the correct syntax to specify a filename with no extension?
Being careful here, what you wrote in your question was correct syntax but incorrect string content. What you've written here with quotes on the left of Extension is incorrect syntax.
My other thought was to use Extension -eq "null" or something similar. If I do need to use a null value, what would that look like?
And being careful here, "null" is not a null value, it's a string containing the four letter word 'null'.
You don't need to use a null value here, normally if you do it looks like $null, but in this case you could use where-object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Extension) } but there's no benefit to it, I think.
And, as a stylistic choice, both "" and '' are strings, but "" can contain variables and sub-expressions, so if you have plain text it's a neat habit to use '' for it because it makes it clear to the reader that you intend there to be nothing special happening in this string.
Then your code, with parameter names given, looks more like:
$proj_files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath 'C:\Users\mthomas\Documents' |
Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.'}
foreach ($file in $proj_files)
$filenew = $file.FullName + '.pdf'
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew
If you want to see what it will do, use -WhatIf on the end of Rename-Item:
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName -NewName $filenew -WhatIf
Then it won't make the changes, just tell you what it would do.
I am hesitant to test this out before getting a second opinion because I don't want to change every file extension on my computer or something stupid like that
Sensible. But internet people are going to tell you to test their code before running it, because ultimately it's your responsibility to safeguard your files, rather than trust random code from the internet, so having test folders, having a spare machine, having a good backup, playing with PowerShell in pieces until you are happy with what they do, they're all good habits to get into as well.

Using Powershell to reverse the sequence numbers in a set of file names

I am new to using PowerShell (and coding for that matter), all I'm trying to do is rename my files).
I have 222 .jpg's that are named
but my problem is that they are in the wrong order, I need to reverse them, for example I need
"REF_10001.jpg" --> "REF_10222.jpg"
and vice versa.
"REF_10222.jpg" --> "REF_10001.jpg"
Is there a way to do this? I have been struggling for hours to rename my files properly, just to realize they are in the wrong order, I am tempted to just go do them individually at this point.
Also if someone could help me to change the files to read
that would be great.
Or if what I'm asking isn't possible, I have a back up folder of my image sequence before i started trying to rename them, the files read
_0221_Layer 1.jpg
_0220_Layer 2.jpg
_0000_Layer 222.jpg
I need to change them so that
"_0221_Layer 1.jpg" --> "Ref.0001.jpg"
"_0000_Layer 222.jpg" --> "Ref.0222.jpg"
Try this:
Get-ChildItem ".\Pics\*.jpg" |
ForEach-Object {$i = 1} {
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -NewName "$($_.BaseName)-$i.jpg"
Get-ChildItem ".\Pics\*.jpg" |
ForEach-Object {$j = 222} {
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -NewName "REF_$("1{0:0000}" -f $j).jpg"
It's seems a bit inefficient to me, in that you need to enumerate twice, but it works on my test files, so will hopefully be good enough to resolve your immediate problem.
The first loop adds a unique 'tag' to the filename that is later discarded - this is needed otherwise you end up with clashes (e.g. if you try to name "REF_10001" to "REF_10222", it will fail since the latter already exists.
My assumptions:
We do not know in advance if the numbers in the file names always follow each other
We do not know in advance the number of digits in these numbers
I would only take files starting REF_ followed by numbers and ending with the extension jpg
So I propose a solution that reverses the first name with the last one, the second with the last before and so on :
#Creation to new dir for copy
$Temporatydir= [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
New-Item -ItemType Directory $Temporatydir
#get all file jgp with format REF_ + Number + .jpg and order by number
$ListFile=Get-ChildItem $DirWithFiles -File -Filter "REF_*.jpg" | where BaseName -Match "^REF_\d{1,}$" | select Fullname, Name, #{N="Number";E={[int]($_.BaseName -split '_')[1]}} | sort Number
#copy files into new temporary dir and rename 1 position by N position, 2 by N-1, 3 by N - 2 etc...
for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($ListFile.Count / 2 ); $i++)
Copy-Item $ListFile[$i].FullName "$Temporatydir\$($ListFile[$ListFile.Count-$i - 1].Name)" -Force
Copy-Item $ListFile[$ListFile.Count-$i - 1].FullName "$Temporatydir\$($ListFile[$i].Name)" -Force
#Copy all files in temporary dir to initial dir with overwriting
Get-ChildItem $Temporatydir | Copy-Item -Destination $DirWithFiles
#delete temporary dir
Remove-Item $Temporatydir -Recurse
A simple method to reverse the order is:
subtract the highest number+1 from each file number.
to remove the resulting negative sign multiply with -1 or use the [math]::abs() function.
To get the number from the (Base)Name a Regular Expression '^REF_1(\d+)?' captures () the number without the leading 1.
a format string operator "REF.{0:0000}.jpg" -f is used to create the name inserting the calculated new number with 4 places
As the prefix changes there is danger overwriting a file from the other end.
Get-ChildItem REF_1*.jpg |
Where-Object BaseName -match '^REF_1(\d+)?' |
Rename-Item -NewName {"REF.{0:0000}.jpg" -f (-1 *($Matches[1]-223))} -whatif
If the output looks OK remove the trailing -WhatIf parameter.
Sample output last line:
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: REF_10222.jpg
Destination: REF.0001.jpg".
The following works with a variable number of files and also performs the desired name transformation (in addition to reversing the sequence numbers):
# Enumerate the files in reverse alphabetical order - which thanks to the 0-padding
# is equivalent to the reverse sequence-number order - and rename them with
# an ascending 0-padded sequence number.
# Note that in-place renaming is only possible because the new filename pattern
# - REF.*.jpg - doesn't conflict with the old one, REF_1*.jpg
$iref = [ref] 0 # sequence-number helper variable
Get-ChildItem -Filter REF_1*.jpg | Sort-Object Name -Descending |
Rename-Item -NewName { 'REF.{0:0000}.jpg' -f (++$iref.Value) } -WhatIf
Note: The use of -WhatIf previews the command without actually running it.
If the preview shows the intended operations, remove -WhatIf to actually perform it.
Note the need to use a [ref]-typed aux. variable for the sequence number and to increment it via its .Value property in the script block ({ ... }) that calculates the new name, because the script block runs in a different variable scope and therefore cannot directly modify variables in the caller's scope.

PowerShell: Find similar filenames in a directory

In a purely hypothetical situation of a person that downloaded some TV episodes, but is wondering if he/she accidentally downloaded an HDTV, a WEBRip and a WEB-DL version of an episode, how could PowerShell find these 'duplicates' so the lower quality versions can be automagically deleted?
First, I'd get all the files in the directory:
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory -Exclude '*.nfo','*.srt','*.idx','*.sub' |
Sort-Object -Property Name
I exclude the non-video extensions for now, since they would cause false positives. I would still have to deal with them though (during the delete phase).
At this point, I would likely use a ForEach construct to parse through the files one by one and look for files that have the same episode number. If there are any, they should be looked at.
Assuming a common spaces equals dots notation here, a typical filename would be AwesomeSeries.S01E01.HDTV.x264-RLSGRP
To compare, I need to get only the episode number. In the above case, that means S01E01:
If ($File.BaseName -match 'S*(\d{1,2})(x|E)(\d{1,2})') { $EpisodeNumber = $Matches[0] }
In the case of S01E01E02 I would simply add a second if-statement, so I'm not concerned with that for now.
$EpisodeNumber should now contain S01E01. I can use that to discover if there are any other files with that episode number in $Files. I can do that with:
$Files -match $EpisodeNumber
This is where my trouble starts. The above will also return the file I'm processing. I could at this point handle the duplicates immediately, but then I would have to do the Get-ChildItem again because otherwise the same match would be returned when the ForEach construct gets to the duplicate file which would then result in an error.
I could store the files I wish to delete in an array and process them after the ForEach contruct is over, but then I'd still have to filter out all the duplicates. After all, in the ForEach loop,
would first match
AwesomeSeries.S01E01.WEB-DL.x264.x264-RLSGRP, only for
to match
AwesomeSeries.S01E01.HDTV.x264-RLSGRP afterwards.
So maybe I should process every episode number only once, but how?
I get the feeling I'm being very inefficient here and there must be a better way to do this, so I'm asking for help. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Filter the $Files array to exclude the current file when matching:
($Files | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $File.FullName}) -match $EpisodeNumber
Regarding the duplicates in the array the end, you can use Select-Object -Unique to only get distinct entries.
Since you know how to get the episode number let's use that to group the files together.
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory -Exclude '*.nfo','*.srt','*.idx','*.sub' | Select-Object FullName, #{Name="EpisodeIndex";Expression={
# We do not have to do it like this but if your detection logic gets more complicated then having
# this select-object block will be a cleaner option then using a calculated property
If ($_.BaseName -match 'S*(\d{1,2})(x|E)(\d{1,2})'){$Matches[0]}
# Group the files by season episode index (that have one). Return groups that have more than one member as those would need attention.
$Files | Where-Object{$_.EpisodeIndex } | Group-Object -Property EpisodeIndex |
Where-Object{$_.Count -gt 1} | ForEach-Object{
# Expand the group members
# Not sure how you plan on dealing with it.

PowerShell file rename and counter issue

I have made a very simple ps1 script that rename my txt files with an "ID" number like
This works for simple lines, but I need a mass rename of lines, so I need something different.
$i = 1
Get-ChildItem *.txt | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('Card.{0:D3}.txt' -f $i++)}
But I can only properly run it if there are no other files named
and every day I get one new file that I store in an archive folder after it got renamed.
how can I make a script that doesn't try to do a mass renaming task?
I need a counter that can continue from yesterdays task performed with the same script.
How about something like this. Not the most efficient but should be easy to read
$thePath = "C:\temp"
$allTXTFiles = Get-ChildItem $thePath *.txt
$filestoberenamed = $allTXTFiles | Where-Object{$_.BaseName -notmatch "^Card\.\d{3}$"}
$highestNumber = $allTXTFiles | Where-Object{$_.BaseName -match "^Card\.\d{3}$"} |
ForEach-Object{[int]($_.BaseName -split "\.")[-1]} |
Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
$filestoberenamed | ForEach-Object{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('Card.{0:D3}.txt' -f $highestNumber++)}
Collects all the files and splits them into two groups. Using $allTXTFiles we filter all the files that have the "Card" naming convention and parse out the number. Of those number determine the current highest one as $highestNumber.
Then we take the remaining files as $filestoberenamed and put them through your Rename-Item snippet using $highestNumber as index.
Known Caveats
This would not act correctly if there is ever a file with the number higher than 999. It would allow the creation of one but it currently I am only looking for files with 3 digits. We could change that to ^Card\.\d+$ instead. Depends on what logic you would want.