How to make TypeAliases Hashable - swift

I have the following definitions and a type alias:
`typealias Alien = AlienClass & AlienProtocol`
`class AlienClass: SKSpriteNode {}`
`protocol AlienProtocol {}`
In order to store an object in a Set (or Map) it needs to be Hashable. SKSpriteNode is hashable, so I have no problem with let s = Set<AlienClass>().
However, if I use let s = Set<AlienClass>() then I get the error Protocol 'Alien' (aka 'AlienClass & AlienProtocol') as a type cannot conform to 'Hashable'.
Is there any way to force the typealias to inherit the hash function from its underlying AlienClass (which itself inherits from SKSpriteNode)?
I ran into this same issue when trying to store protocols in Sets directly. I stumbled upon Type Erasure but this doesn’t seem to work for heterogenous objects in the set. My hacky workaround has been to store the objects implementing the interface in a map like so: var AlienProtocols: [SKSpriteNode: AlienProtocol] = [:]. This really isn't great though, so a better pattern would be helpful.


Swift 5: How to make a Set containing Class Types (for NSXPCInterface)

In Apple documentation of NSXPCInterface.setClasses(_:for:argumentIndex:ofReply:), for Swift, the first parameter is described as:
An NSSet containing Class objects —for example, [MyObject class].
Hmmm, it looks as though someone neglected to update this from Objective-C to Swift. For Swift I presume it should be something like
A Set containing Class Types
(Someone please correct my wording.) But how do you make a Set containing Class Types? The compiler will not allow me to declare a Set whose member types are not do not conform to Hashable. This makes sense because hashes are needed to maintain uniqueness among members. But Class Types in Swift do not seem to be hashable. Try this in any Swift file, or a playground…
class Foo {}
let mySet: Set<AnyHashable>
The compiler complains:
Argument type 'Foo.Type' does not conform to expected type 'Hashable'
Or, more broadly, does anyone know how to use NSXPCInterface.setClasses(_:for:argumentIndex:ofReply:) in Swift 5?
The classes you pass need to be #objc classes (and subclasses of NSObject). You'll put them into an NSSet, and then cast that to Set:
let classSet = NSSet(object: Foo.self) as! Set<AnyHashable>
This is almost certainly a bug in NSXPCInterface (it needs some kind of "refine for Swift" or possibly a shim), and I suggest opening a defect at
As of Swift v5.6 (perhaps earlier), you can create the set without casting:
let classSet = NSSet().adding(Foo.self)
This is because adding() is declared like this:
open func adding(_ anObject: Any) -> Set<AnyHashable>

Swift: How to conform to protocol with associated types if I have two types to associate?

OK weird question perhaps, and it's only because I don't really know what I'm asking for so I'll try to describe it best I can. Please direct me appropriately if this has been asked before.
So I'm using the awesome Codable protocol with pretty much all my models and I'm making a class that handles some storing, let's call it Storage<Model: Codable> which has a generic type conforming to Codable because one instance of this class will handle storage for one type of model.
Now I need to be notified when things change in the Storage instance, like stuff getting written to disk and deletions. So I make a new protocol StorageListener that declares functions like func storage(_ storage: Storage<CodableType>, didRemoveModelForKey key: String). Now since this uses the Storage type which requires use of a generic Model an associated type must be declared: associatedtype CodableType: Codable.
So I now use type erasure to make an AnyStorageListener<AnyCodableType: Codable>: StorageListener, that I can store in an array in my Storage class.
Now this is fine, I can just conform my ViewModel or whatever to StorageListener and declare the typealias CodableType = MyModel but what if I need my ViewModel to listen to two Storages of different types?
What I've come up with is using listener container objects that I can initialize with closures to the protocol functions and thus work around the problem. That should work but I was wondering if there's a cleaner solution? Perhaps some way to type erasure away the generic requirement altogether?

Swift work around to make `AnyObject.Type` conform to `Equatable`?

I would like to make AnyClass (AKA AnyObject.Type) conform to Equatable so that when I have an array with AnyClass elements (Array<AnyClass>), I can call remove(Element:), but this requires Element to conform to Equatable.
Since Swift 3 you could use AnyHashable as a replacement for AnyObject. It represents any value which conforms to the Equatable protocol.
Instead of
var array:[AnyObject] = []
just write
var array:[AnyHashable] = []
I don't actually think what your trying to acheive is possible, or whether you should even try to do it in this way.
Classes are generally represent real world objects, whether this is a car, a view or soemthing completely different. So it's very difficult to say is ANY custom I class I create the same as this other custom class I created.
Swift just doesn't know how to compare them, what makes them the same.
The simplest way to achieve what you want here would be to define a custom protocol/interface that does represent the generic version of the classes you will use in this application and then ensure each conforms to that and also equatable. Then you should be able to do something like:
var objs = Array<MyAppClassesProtocol>()
and also use remove(element:)

A guess that the Swift type alias mechanism is the automatic initializer Inheritance

The question popped in my head, what is happening when I define a Swift type alias? What is the mechanism behind it? Until I learned the Automatic Initializer Inheritance chapter from the Swift official document:
If your subclass doesn't define any designated initializer, it automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initializers
And here is my practice code for learning
class Vehicle{
var numberOfWheels = 0
var description: String {
return "\(numberOfWheels) wheel(s)"
class Auto: Vehicle{}
let VM = Auto()
Wow! this works,at least performs, exactly as the Swift type alias. Auto is the alias of the type Vehicle
Question: Am I understand it right? This is the mechanism behind type alias.
Question: Am I understand it right? This is the mechanism behind type alias.
NO, typealises and subclassing (with inheriting all methods and initializers) are different things and based on different semantics and mechanisms.
let v1 = Vehicle()
v1 is Auto //->false
typealias Norimono = Vehicle
v1 is Norimono //->true (with warning "'is' test is always true)
The last result (including the warning you may find) is exactly the same as v1 is Vehicle.
Typealias is literally an alias, it's giving another name for the same type.
One more, you can define typealias of structs or enums, which you cannot define inherited classes (types).
Not really, but if you've never seen object oriented programming they could look somewhat similar, i agree.
Auto is a subclass that extends the original vehicle and could add additional properties and method to the Vehicle even if in that example it doesn't do it.
Auto and Vehicle are not the same thing, a Vehicle is a basic type and and Auto is one of its subtypes, what you can do with a Vehicle you can do with an Auto but not vice-versa.
A typealias is just an alias, a way to give and additional "name" to a pre-existing type, just that. A type and his alias are the same thing.

any is not identical to anyObject

I've a payload getting shuttled from one part of the system to the other.
The shuttle is carrying the payload as Any, so I could carry any kind of objects including non objects like tuples, etc.
one of the parts of the system is accepting AnyObject so is the error.
I'm confused like what type to use to carry stuff around so it's compatible between all parts of the system.
Shall I make a choice and stick to one of the types, either Any or AnyObject for the system as a whole or what's the best choice for shuttling items if you are not concerned with their actual types.
we had type Object in other languages that could carry anything around, but not sure how this works in SWIFT world
or is there a casting that could work between the two? If I'm 100% convinced that the coming object is AnyObject, I could load it off from the shuttle (Any) as an AnyObject
Note to negative voters: Please help to clear up the question if it doesn't make any sense to you or help to improve this question, since I'm new to SWIFT. I need an answer not your vote.
a case where I had to do comparison between Any and AnyObject while unit testing, how would you handle such situation.
class Test {
var name: String = "test"
var anyObject: AnyObject = Test()
var any: Any = anyObject
//XCTAssert(any == anyObject, "Expecting them to be equal")
any == anyObject
Any will hold any kind of type, including structs and enums as well as classes. AnyObject will only hold classes. So what Any can store is a superset of what AnyObject can. No amount of casting will cram your custom structs or enums into an AnyObject.
Sometimes it seems like AnyObject is holding a struct such as a String, but it isn’t, what has happened is somewhere along the way Swift has converted your String to an NSString (which is a class so can be stored in an AnyObject).
(technically, Any is defined as something that implements 0 or more protocols, which anything does, whereas AnyObject is defined as a special protocol all classes implicitly conform to, and that is marked as an #objc protocol, so only classes can conform to it)
edit: to answer your question about comparisons – there’s no == operator for Any or AnyObject (how would it work if you equated an Any containing a String to an Any containing an Int?). You have to cast both sides back into what they really are before you can compare them using an appropriately-defined operator for that type.