Drools with last version of Oracle JDK - drools

Would it be possible to use the latest version of Drools 7.63.0.Final with the latest version of Tomcat 10.0.14 and Java Oracle JDK 17 LTS ?
I notice that the latest version of Drools7.63.0.Final can only work/is supproted with Wildfly 23 which only supports JDK 11 (not the last one, which is not recommended) !!!
What if we have to use the latest versions of Drools with Wildfly 26/tomcat 10 and java 17 ?


Netbeans not installing with JDK 13 and saying my JDK is less than 9

I have JDK 13 installed in my PC but when I am trying to install Netbeans 13.3 it is showing that JDK 8 and newer is required.
For certainty I tested my JDK version using javac -version on cmd and got 13 I can not understand why Netbeans is showing such error.

What is the latest version of jdk used by apache-beam

Does apache-beam support jdk version 1.12. if not What is the latest version of jdk supported by apache-beam
The only supported JDK is 8 (link). It should be possible to run Beam 2.12+ pipelines on JDK 11 but that's experimental and not supported yet: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2530 . As far as I know there is no active work that focuses on JDK 12

Does Solaris 8 Support Connect:Direct Version 3.3.03

A Solaris 5.6 System is being upgraded to Solaris 8. We have Connect:Direct Version 3.3.03 installed. In the link What versions of Connect:Direct are supported on Solaris 9 we found that "Connect:Direct UNIX, Release 3.6.00 is supported on Solaris 8 or 9." Does this mean Versions below 3.6.00 is not supported or Versions below 3.6.00 are supported but not versions above 3.6.00.

Scala Worksheet not evaluating in Eclipse

I have ubuntu 14, and have installed latest sbt and then installed Eclipse for scala. I then created a scala project, and then a worksheet.
I typed in a few line like 1+2 etc, but the sheet doesn't evaluate.
Below is my system configuration:
OS: Ubuntu 14
sbt version: 0.13.13
JAVA version: 8
eclipse version: Version: 4.5.0 (neon.1)
I have NOT installed Scala.
Can someone suggest a possible solution?

google app engine eclipse installation fails

I have Eclipse Juno and Helios on my pcs. I have tried installing Google AppEngine plugin for Eclipse on both of them and there is always a failure. I have seen posts on the web saying that Google has confirmed there is a problem with the latest issue and v3.2 will be corrected. Is there any way I can install a version that will run with either of my
Eclipse installations and has anyone heard when v3.2 will be published?
it is possible to install gpe on juno, i have been using it for some time, and just did an update last night to 3.1.2
]$ uname -a
Linux Device-7DB829 3.6.7-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 18 10:11:22 CET 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
]$ ./java -version
java version "1.6.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Eclipse Platform 4.2.1.M20120914-1800
Java EE IDE Feature
Google App Engine Java SDK 1.7.3 1.7.3
Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.1.2.v201211121240-rel-r42
good luck