Error using GRASS in QGIS 3.22: can't open file 'C:\etc\' - qgis

I have the last version of QGIS installed through advanced installation (OSGeo4W). However I cannot use the GRASS algorithms due to this error:
The system cannot find the path specified.
C:\OSGeo4W\bin\python3.exe: can't open file 'C:\etc\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Press any key to continue . . .
Can anyone help me, please?
In the following image there are the versions installed in my computer.

You have 2 versions of QGis: 3.22 and 3.16.
You can try to reinstall QGis and Grass with the osgeo4w installer by choosing normal mode (not advanced)


installing MUSCLE on windows

I want to install the lates version of MUSCLE downloaded from
named muscle3.8.31_i86win32.exe . As the guidelines
says I have to write the below line in the command prompt:
C:\Program Files (x86)\muscle3.8.31_i86win32 -in seqs.fa -out seqs.afa
However, I faced this error:
MUSCLE v3.8.31 by Robert C. Edgar This software is donated to the public
domain. Please cite: Edgar, R.C. Nucleic Acids Res 32(5), 1792-97.
* ERROR * Cannot open 'seqs.fa' errno=2
I am sure the file exists in the mentioned directory, but I don't why has this happened and how can I fix it. Any idea?
The program is reporting that the OS reported that the file doesn't exist. (That's what errno 2 is.)
Testing reveals that relatives paths are resolved relative to the current work directory as expected.
So, your operating system is saying there's no file named seqs.fa in the current work directory.
Double check the name of the file you have. Keep in mind that File Explorer hides known file extensions by default so using dir would be more reliable.

ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am not sure if this is the right forum for askign this quesiton but saw some similar question around , so posting it here.
I am having trouble in enabling POSTGIS extension in PostgreSQL9.6
when i try to enable POSTGIS:
I get below error:
ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory SQL state: XX000
File reported is avaialble under /usr/lib as i verified using find / -name, the out is as following:
I have build the POSTGIS from source , OS is SLES12 SP2.
I found the solution by trial and error but manage to resolve this issue.
Looks like POSTGIS installation was looking for LD_LIBRARY_PATH , I resolved it by making sure that my environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set and also includes /usr/lib in it.
In-case someone else hit the same issue or similar.

Gear VR Framework: Problems with cleaning (first step)

I'm currently trying to set up everything to develop a Gear VR app with Eclipse in Java but I keep getting errors when I clean the Gear VR Framework project:
"Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden." simply means:
"The system cannot find the file specified."
At first Eclipse didn't recognize the directory "C:\Programme\Programmieren\AndroidNDK" (originally "Program Files" instead of "Programme" but it didn't work because of the space; has the subfolders "build", "platforms",...) as a valid folder for the NDK. According to another thread on Stackexchange, you have to create an empty file without a file extension and with the name "ndk-build" in the main folder (so "AndroidNDK"), which I did - even though there's already a file like that in the subfolder "build". That at least made Eclipse happy but now I get the above error messages.
Yes, the folders "GVRf" and "ovr_sdk_mobile" are in the same root folder and yes, I added "C:\Programme\Programmieren\AndroidNDK" to the Windows Path variable but I still get the same error messages.
I checked, the files really don't exist but I don't know, where I would even get them. I followed the steps here, including 1.b., so I should have everything necessary but apparently I don't. Plus, I double checked with this youtube video. I did everything the guy did - except the Git part for GVRf (I downloaded the zip) but including not copying the project into my workspace (that sadly gave me a bunch of other "cannot find..." errors) - and it worked just fine for him but not for me.
Since this doesn't work, I also can't even test the samples. :/
Any ideas where I can get the missing files or what actually could be the problem and how I can fix it?
I fixed it:
There must not be any spaces in the path, so you shouldn't put the framework + NDK in a subfolder of e.g. "Program Files". Eclipse and Java usually don't care but the framework and NDK apparently do.
Eclipse's workspace/your project has to be on the same HDD as the framework. I've tried a couple of things but haven't gotten it to work with my usual workspace since that's on a different HDD.
There seemed to be a problem with the old version of the framework (April 11th to 13th), simply couldn't get it to run. It's now running fine with a newer version (April 15th) - as long as the two above points are met.

how to configure less in eclipse?

I downloaded the plugin from
and installed in on eclipse however when I try to compile the less to css I get this error
Cannot be launched because of an I/O exception
Cannot run program "lessc": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
can anyone whose successfully installed this guide me in the right direction ? Also xtext is installed already.
There is a similar issue for the lessc GitHub repo: issues/213
I added a new launch configuration as follows:
LESS command: lessc (existing)
Compress the generated CSS file (existing)
Use this launch configuration as default
Your have to change the "LESS Command".
Please filling your "lessc" physical path, just like "C:\Users\[Yourname]\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc.cmd"
(Windows 7, node.js standard installer)
That means you must indicate the full path of lessc.cmd

Upgrading to a newer version of Cocos2dx

I've been running cocos2dx version 1.0.1-x-0.11.0 till now and have a small project working fine. I need to upgrade to the latest version, cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4. What would be the correct way to do this? I don't want to
A. Mess up my project.
B. End up with 2 different versions of cocos2dx
Can I just download and replace the old cocos2dx folder with the new one? Any help appreciated.
I actually downloaded the latest version and tried to set it up separately. I ran the build_win32.bat and after running for a while it opened the test application. Then I opened the vs2010.sln and tried adding a new project, but it throws include errors.
Error 3 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'CCApplication.h': No such file or directory c:\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4\chilra\classes\appdelegate.h 4 1 Chilra.win32
Error 2 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'CCPlatformDefine.h': No such file or directory c:\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4\cocos2dx\platform\ccplatformmacros.h 32 1 Chilra.win32
Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'CCStdC.h': No such file or directory c:\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4\chilra\win32\main.h 11 1 Chilra.win32
X:\CC2Dx (where my source is, unzipped the entire source file into this folder)
Open the cocs2d-Win32.sln. Run it in Debug mode and Release mode, You should find Debug.win32, Release.win32 folder inside your cocos2d-x
(Now here you can test, Make TestCpp as startupProject by RightClicking on the folder TestCpp ..then Run)
Now Run build_win32.bat (It will copy some files in to your Debug.win32 and Release.win32
This is where it created the solution, Debug.win32 & Release.win32.
After running build_win32.bat now either you can create your new project using VS 2008 template because Vs2012 has some script error I have solution for that also
But I suggest you to copy the HelloWorldProject and replace it with your files
Always Remember whenever you get some cocos2d file error like you have got in your above procedure then just copy those .lib file and .dll files from the Debug.win32 and Release.win32
and then run ......
This works fine
Any queries please feel free to ask
I've added cocos2dx to the upstream tracker for analysis and seems there some API/ABI changes made between 0.11.0 and 2.0.4:
You can use japi-compliance-checker tool to generate such reports.