Scala Future Type mismatch issue - scala

I am running into an issue with Scala and multiple futures in a for yield scenario. Both f1 and f2 are futures. f2 future is based on a value obtained from f1 future.
val result = for {
f1 <- Await.result(dao.findNode("nodeA"), 5 seconds) // This returns back a MyNode class
f2 <- if (f1 != None && f1.isUpAndRunning)
Future { LookupResult(true, f1.varA, f1.varB) }
lk ? Lookup(, sm.("address"))
} yield(f1, f2)
Dependent on the result of f1 I either do a Lookup() when my if statement evaluates to false (which takes some time and returns back a LookupResult) or I mimic a default LookupResult.
Getting the following error back:
Type mismatch. Required: Option[B_], found: Future[(MyNode, Any)]
Am I just not mapping the result correctly? e.g. should I use asInstanceOf somewhere as whatever I do I cannot get this to compile.
Many thanks guys.

Chances are your dao.findNode method results in a Future[Option[MyNode]], so the Await.result makes f1 an Option[MyNode]. It's not that clear what type you want, but you can get a Future[(Option[MyNode], LookupResult)] with this
dao.findNode("nodeA"), 5.seconds)
.flatMap { nodeOpt: Option[MyNode] =>
.map { node =>
// node exists and is up and running
val finalResult = nodeOpt -> LookupResult(true, node.varA, node.varB)
// it's much more efficient in this scenario to use
// Future.successful than Future { }
.getOrElse {
// node didn't exist, or wasn't up and running
val lookupFut = lk ? Lookup(, sm.("address")) { lookupResult =>
nodeOpt -> lookupResult
The rough outline of what's happening is:
use dao to find the node
schedule a callback for when we get the (possibly nonexistent) node to check if it's up and running (in which case we short-circuit to our now-known final result), otherwise perform the lookup and build a final result if that lookup succeeds
Future.successful is used because Future {} will almost certainly incur more overhead scheduling a task on a thread and completing the future than constructing the final result.


Safer way to extract future result [duplicate]

I have two functions which return Futures. I'm trying to feed a modified result from first function into the other using a for-yield comprehension.
This approach works:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get) if sid.isDefined
} yield s
However I'm not happy with having the "if" in there, it seems that I should be able to use a map instead.
But when I try with a map:
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
I get a compile error:
[error] found : Option[scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]]
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]
[error] s <-
I've played around with a few variations, but haven't found anything attractive that works. Can anyone suggest a nicer comprehension and/or explain what's wrong with my 2nd example?
Here is a minimal but complete runnable example with Scala 2.10:
import concurrent.{Future, Promise}
case class User(userId: Int)
case class UserDetails(userId: Int, schoolId: Option[Int])
case class School(schoolId: Int, name: String)
trait Error
class UserStore {
def getUserDetails(userId: Int): Future[Either[Error, UserDetails]] = Promise.successful(Right(UserDetails(1, Some(1)))).future
class SchoolStore {
def getSchool(schoolId: Int): Future[Option[School]] = Promise.successful(Option(School(1, "Big School"))).future
object Demo {
val userStore = new UserStore
val schoolStore = new SchoolStore
val user = User(1)
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
(Edited to give a correct answer!)
The key here is that Future and Option don't compose inside for because there aren't the correct flatMap signatures. As a reminder, for desugars like so:
for ( x0 <- c0; w1 = d1; x1 <- c1 if p1; ... ; xN <- cN) yield f
c0.flatMap{ x0 =>
val w1 = d1
c1.filter(x1 => p1).flatMap{ x1 =>
... => f) ...
(where any if statement throws a filter into the chain--I've given just one example--and the equals statements just set variables before the next part of the chain). Since you can only flatMap other Futures, every statement c0, c1, ... except the last had better produce a Future.
Now, getUserDetails and getSchool both produce Futures, but sid is an Option, so we can't put it on the right-hand side of a <-. Unfortunately, there's no clean out-of-the-box way to do this. If o is an option, we can Exception))
to turn an Option into an already-completed Future. So
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId) // RHS is a Future[Either[...]]
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId) // RHS is an Option[Int]
fid <- Exception)) // RHS is Future[Int]
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(fid)
} yield s
will do the trick. Is that better than what you've got? Doubtful. But if you
implicit class OptionIsFuture[A](val option: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def future = Exception))
then suddenly the for-comprehension looks reasonable again:
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid <- ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId).future
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid)
} yield s
Is this the best way to write this code? Probably not; it relies upon converting a None into an exception simply because you don't know what else to do at that point. This is hard to work around because of the design decisions of Future; I'd suggest that your original code (which invokes a filter) is at least as good of a way to do it.
This answer to a similar question about Promise[Option[A]] might help. Just substitute Future for Promise.
I'm inferring the following types for getUserDetails and getSchool from your question:
getUserDetails: UserID => Future[Either[??, UserDetails]]
getSchool: SchoolID => Future[Option[School]]
Since you ignore the failure value from the Either, transforming it to an Option instead, you effectively have two values of type A => Future[Option[B]].
Once you've got a Monad instance for Future (there may be one in scalaz, or you could write your own as in the answer I linked), applying the OptionT transformer to your problem would look something like this:
for {
ud <- optionT(getUserDetails(user.userID) map (_.right.toOption))
sid <- optionT(Future.successful(ud.schoolID))
s <- optionT(getSchool(sid))
} yield s
Note that, to keep the types compatible, ud.schoolID is wrapped in an (already completed) Future.
The result of this for-comprehension would have type OptionT[Future, SchoolID]. You can extract a value of type Future[Option[SchoolID]] with the transformer's run method.
What behavior would you like to occur in the case that the Option[School] is None? Would you like the Future to fail? With what kind of exception? Would you like it to never complete? (That sounds like a bad idea).
Anyways, the if clause in a for-expression desugars to a call to the filter method. The contract on Future#filteris thus:
If the current future contains a value which satisfies the predicate,
the new future will also hold that value. Otherwise, the resulting
future will fail with a NoSuchElementException.
But wait:
scala> None.get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
As you can see, None.get returns the exact same thing.
Thus, getting rid of the if sid.isDefined should work, and this should return a reasonable result:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get)
} yield s
Keep in mind that the result of schoolFuture can be in instance of scala.util.Failure[NoSuchElementException]. But you haven't described what other behavior you'd like.
We've made small wrapper on Future[Option[T]] which acts like one monad (nobody even checked none of monad laws, but there is map, flatMap, foreach, filter and so on) - MaybeLater. It behaves much more than an async option.
There are a lot of smelly code there, but maybe it will be usefull at least as an example.
BTW: there are a lot of open questions(here for ex.)
It's easier to use or to do A-Normal-Form transform.

Scala Futures - flatMap and onFailure

If I have some computation that takes a while I might place it in a scala.concurrent.Future:
val f = Future { someLongRunningFunction() }
and let's say I want to do something else asynchronously once that computation is completed:
f.flatMap{ _ => anotherLongRunningFunction() }
In the event that f's initial block fails, how do I "idiomatically" handle this when using flatMap or other combinators? Is it merely a case of using recover or onFailure before the flatMap?
I like the elegance and simplicity of using a flatMap but it seems failure scenarios get in the way of it.
Edit: the second future is reliant on the first, hence the flatMap. I'm looking for a solution that'll elegantly let me chain like I would with flatMap but also handle failures of the first.
To quote the scaladoc for flatMap:
Creates a new future by applying a function to the successful result
of this future, and returns the result of the function as the new
future. If this future is completed with an exception then the new
future will also contain this exception.
Notice the bold, meaning that whatever you pass to flatMap will only be executed if the initial future completes successfully.
So you should only handle the result of the entire execution:
val result = future1.flatMap {
result => functionReturningFuture2(result)
and then:
result.onFailure // or
result.onSuccess // or
If you have several futures you can put them in a for comprehension.
val futureResult = for {
result1 <- future1
result2 <- future2
} yield {
//computation with results
You can add a recover at the end in case you want to process any exception you may find:
case exceptionResult: Throwable => // Process exception
I think this is more clean that using flatMap.
I'm only starting with Future, but here are some ideas.
If you really want to use flatMap, you have to turn the failure into a success.
for{ a <- f recover r
b <- another(a)
} yield b
This works if the return type of r is :> the result type of f.
Or you can pass the problem of what to do with the failure on to the next process
for{ a <- f map (x => Success(x)) recover (ex => Failure(ex))
b <- another(a)
} yield b
Here the argument type of another would be Try[T] where the type of f is Future[T].

Scala future return based on first future result

I have a Scala future that calls an api and returns future, if the result isn't correct, then another api call will be submitted with first future's result and returned as future.
This is what I have so far.
val fut1 = Future(queryFirst)
val fut2 = fut1 map {
case y if y.isInstanceOf[NoResult] => Future(queryAgainWithFut1Result)
case x => x
But if I access fut2 result, it gives something like this:
scala.concurrent.Await.result(fut2, 5 seconds)
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
fut2: Any = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#61ab71c2
Is there a way that I can choose to return fut2 if fut1 result is not accurate?
Second future has to use first future to continue api call. This is what I have so far.
val fut1 = Future("queryFirst")
val fut2 = fut1 flatMap {
case y if y.isInstanceOf[Int] => Future("queryAgainWithResult(y)")
case x => Future(x)
You can filter the first Future to cause it to fail when its contained result doesn't match what you want, then use recoverWith to recover the value to another Future.
.filter(result => /* logic that returns true if result is correct */)
.recoverWith { case NonFatal(e) => Future(querySecond) }
If queryFirst is successful and makes it through the filter, then it's result will be returned (wrapped in the Future).
If queryFirst is successful and does not have a correct value according to the filter or simply fails, then the result of Future(querySecond) will be returned, success or fail.
Edit: In light of the new information from the OP, if you need the result of the incorrect first Future, then you don't really have a choice but to use flatMap.
Future(queryFirst).flatMap {
case result if(/* failed condition */) => Future(querySecond(result))
case result => Future.successful(result)

Create Future without starting it

This is a follow-up to my previous question
Suppose I want to create a future with my function but don't want to start it immediately (i.e. I do not want to call val f = Future { ... // my function}.
Now I see it can be done as follows:
val p = promise[Unit]
val f = p.future map { _ => // my function here }
Is it the only way to create a future with my function w/o executing it?
You can do something like this
val p = Promise[Unit]()
val f = p.future
//... some code run at a later time
p.success {
// your function
I think the pattern you're looking for can be encapsulated like this:
class LatentComputation[T](f: => T) {
private val p = Promise[T]()
def trigger() { p.success(f) }
def future: Future[T] = p.future
object LatentComputation {
def apply[T](f: => T) = new LatentComputation(f)
You would use it like this:
val comp = LatentComputation {
// your code to be executed later
val f = comp.future
// somewhere else in the code
You could always defer creation with a closure, you'll not get the future object right ahead, but you get a handle to call later.
type DeferredComputation[T,R] = T => Future[R]
def deferredCall[T,R](futureBody: T => R): DeferredComputation[T,R] =
t => future {futureBody(t)}
def deferredResult[R](futureBody: => R): DeferredComputation[Unit,R] =
_ => future {futureBody}
If you are getting too fancy with execution control, maybe you should be using actors instead?
Or, perhaps, you should be using a Promise instead of a Future: a Promise can be passed on to others, while you keep it to "fulfill" it at a later time.
It's also worth giving a plug to Promise.completeWith.
You already know how to use p.future onComplete mystuff.
You can trigger that from another future using p completeWith f.
You can also define a function that creates and returns the Future, and then call it:
val double = (value: Int) => {
val f = Future { Thread.sleep(1000); value * 2 }
f.onComplete(x => println(s"Future return: $x"))
println("Before future.")
println("After future is called, but as the future takes 1 sec to run, it will be printed before.")
I used this to executes futures in batches of n, something like:
// The functions that returns the future.
val double = (i: Int) => {
val future = Future ({
println(s"Start task $i")
i * 2
future.onComplete(_ => {
println(s"Task $i ended")
val numbers = 1 to 20
.map(i => (i, double))
.foreach(batch => {
val result = Await.result( Future.sequence({ case (i, callback) => callback(i) }), 5.minutes )
Or just use regular methods that return futures, and fire them in series using something like a for comprehension (sequential call-site evaluation)
This well known problem with standard libraries Future: they are designed in such a way that they are not referentially transparent, since they evaluate eagerly and memoize their result. In most use cases, this is totally fine and Scala developers rarely need to create non-evaluated future.
Take the following program:
val x = Future(...); f(x, x)
is not the same program as
f(Future(...), Future(...))
because in the first case the future is evaluated once, in the second case it is evaluated twice.
The are libraries which provide the necessary abstractions to work with referentially transparent asynchronous tasks, whose evaluation is deferred and not memoized unless explicitly required by the developer.
Scalaz Task
Monix Task
If you are looking to use Cats, Cats effects works nicely with both Monix and fs2.
this is a bit of a hack, since it have nothing to do with how future works but just adding lazy would suffice:
lazy val f = Future { ... // my function}
but note that this is sort of a type change as well, because whenever you reference it you will need to declare the reference as lazy too or it will be executed.

Future[Option] in Scala for-comprehensions

I have two functions which return Futures. I'm trying to feed a modified result from first function into the other using a for-yield comprehension.
This approach works:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get) if sid.isDefined
} yield s
However I'm not happy with having the "if" in there, it seems that I should be able to use a map instead.
But when I try with a map:
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
I get a compile error:
[error] found : Option[scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]]
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]
[error] s <-
I've played around with a few variations, but haven't found anything attractive that works. Can anyone suggest a nicer comprehension and/or explain what's wrong with my 2nd example?
Here is a minimal but complete runnable example with Scala 2.10:
import concurrent.{Future, Promise}
case class User(userId: Int)
case class UserDetails(userId: Int, schoolId: Option[Int])
case class School(schoolId: Int, name: String)
trait Error
class UserStore {
def getUserDetails(userId: Int): Future[Either[Error, UserDetails]] = Promise.successful(Right(UserDetails(1, Some(1)))).future
class SchoolStore {
def getSchool(schoolId: Int): Future[Option[School]] = Promise.successful(Option(School(1, "Big School"))).future
object Demo {
val userStore = new UserStore
val schoolStore = new SchoolStore
val user = User(1)
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
(Edited to give a correct answer!)
The key here is that Future and Option don't compose inside for because there aren't the correct flatMap signatures. As a reminder, for desugars like so:
for ( x0 <- c0; w1 = d1; x1 <- c1 if p1; ... ; xN <- cN) yield f
c0.flatMap{ x0 =>
val w1 = d1
c1.filter(x1 => p1).flatMap{ x1 =>
... => f) ...
(where any if statement throws a filter into the chain--I've given just one example--and the equals statements just set variables before the next part of the chain). Since you can only flatMap other Futures, every statement c0, c1, ... except the last had better produce a Future.
Now, getUserDetails and getSchool both produce Futures, but sid is an Option, so we can't put it on the right-hand side of a <-. Unfortunately, there's no clean out-of-the-box way to do this. If o is an option, we can Exception))
to turn an Option into an already-completed Future. So
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId) // RHS is a Future[Either[...]]
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId) // RHS is an Option[Int]
fid <- Exception)) // RHS is Future[Int]
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(fid)
} yield s
will do the trick. Is that better than what you've got? Doubtful. But if you
implicit class OptionIsFuture[A](val option: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def future = Exception))
then suddenly the for-comprehension looks reasonable again:
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid <- ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId).future
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid)
} yield s
Is this the best way to write this code? Probably not; it relies upon converting a None into an exception simply because you don't know what else to do at that point. This is hard to work around because of the design decisions of Future; I'd suggest that your original code (which invokes a filter) is at least as good of a way to do it.
This answer to a similar question about Promise[Option[A]] might help. Just substitute Future for Promise.
I'm inferring the following types for getUserDetails and getSchool from your question:
getUserDetails: UserID => Future[Either[??, UserDetails]]
getSchool: SchoolID => Future[Option[School]]
Since you ignore the failure value from the Either, transforming it to an Option instead, you effectively have two values of type A => Future[Option[B]].
Once you've got a Monad instance for Future (there may be one in scalaz, or you could write your own as in the answer I linked), applying the OptionT transformer to your problem would look something like this:
for {
ud <- optionT(getUserDetails(user.userID) map (_.right.toOption))
sid <- optionT(Future.successful(ud.schoolID))
s <- optionT(getSchool(sid))
} yield s
Note that, to keep the types compatible, ud.schoolID is wrapped in an (already completed) Future.
The result of this for-comprehension would have type OptionT[Future, SchoolID]. You can extract a value of type Future[Option[SchoolID]] with the transformer's run method.
What behavior would you like to occur in the case that the Option[School] is None? Would you like the Future to fail? With what kind of exception? Would you like it to never complete? (That sounds like a bad idea).
Anyways, the if clause in a for-expression desugars to a call to the filter method. The contract on Future#filteris thus:
If the current future contains a value which satisfies the predicate,
the new future will also hold that value. Otherwise, the resulting
future will fail with a NoSuchElementException.
But wait:
scala> None.get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
As you can see, None.get returns the exact same thing.
Thus, getting rid of the if sid.isDefined should work, and this should return a reasonable result:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get)
} yield s
Keep in mind that the result of schoolFuture can be in instance of scala.util.Failure[NoSuchElementException]. But you haven't described what other behavior you'd like.
We've made small wrapper on Future[Option[T]] which acts like one monad (nobody even checked none of monad laws, but there is map, flatMap, foreach, filter and so on) - MaybeLater. It behaves much more than an async option.
There are a lot of smelly code there, but maybe it will be usefull at least as an example.
BTW: there are a lot of open questions(here for ex.)
It's easier to use or to do A-Normal-Form transform.