Is there an idiomatic way to structure a Lua project? - plugins

I'm creating a Neovim plugin in Lua and am looking for a reasonable way to structure my projects for testing, loading modules from Luarocks for development, and distributing this to users.
For example, in a Javascript project it's common to see something like the following:
After reviewing a number of Github repos for Lua projects, I'm not seeing a common pattern, so suggestions or boilerplates are welcome. Many thanks.


Bazel build rules for BLAS & LAPACK

I have not found any project/repo providing Bazel build rules for Blas or Lapack.
This is quite unfortunate as these tools are often the primary libraries one must use for project oriented towards numerical computations.
Does such thing already exist somewhere?
No BUILD files yet...
However, a quick fix if you want to use already installed Blas or Lapack libs is to add a line like this one (according to the installed libs on your computer):
build --linkopt="-llapacke -llapack -lblas"
in your bazel.rc file (in the tools/ directory):
├── ...
└── tools
└── bazel.rc
I am not aware of BUILD files for these libraries either.
If you do create them, sharing them publicly or trying to submit them upstream (in the library code) will be a great way for others to benefit from your efforts.

Foundation 5 Production Environment Files

I've created a new foundation project using the foundation new myproject --libsass method.
Its just a simple static index.html (for the purpose of this question).
I've deployed it to a live server now, and I am wondering about the best way to structure this. I have omitted the node_modules & scss directories, and i'm left with the following:
bower_components is needed in its current form, unless I shuffle some files around, which is what I intend to do, but I'm checking if there is a better way of doing this, and that I haven't missed some magic terminal command to deploy to production.
As msturdy suggested in the comments, grunt is the way to go here. There are a lot of plugins out there, see a list on the official page.
If you want to have grunt "compile" your project into one specific folder which you can then for example push to a deployment server, you should do several things in grunt:
compile your scss
minify your javascript, that is making the files smaller, see jscompress for a demo of what it is. All your js-files from /bower_components which you include in your project should be in a vendor.js which is loaded first, and then a second js-file should contain your custom js from /js
save everything into a deployment folder.
(optional) automatically deploy to a server.
Take a look at these grunt tutorials for setting up your gruntfile.js, you'll want to have two tasks, one for just quickly compiling your scss, one for the whole deployment process:
grunt is not weird and hard
official tutorial
sitepoint tutorial
They show you how to do certain things and definitely how to write the gruntfile. Plugins you might want to use apart from your current libsass plugin are uglify and any plugin that lets you deploy your code via git, ftp or anything else. You can download all these plugins via npm by adding them to your package.json and doing npm install, refer to their websites for exact usage instruction.

Organizing C++, Java and Python Codebases in a GIT Repository

I am reorganizing 3 different implementations of a library in Java (built with Maven), C++ built with CMake and Python in a Git repository. One simplistic way is to simply have 3 top level directories Java, C++ and Python and put all code underneath it. An alternative is to use the Maven directory structure, that is, put Java code under src/main/java, c++ code under src/main/cpp, Python code under src/main/python. Similarly for tests (src/test/java etc.).
Are there any recommendations on how this should be done? Ideally, if you could point me to some open source project with Java, C++ and Python code, I could study how their codebase is organized. What would be good candidates?
I recommend you to go with the latter case, the Maven directory structure. It is not only a Java Maven specific conventions. Hence, other programming languages will fit good into that structure, for instance:
For some you will even find corresponding Maven plugins. Anyway, there are no recommendations per ses, but it is heavily used that way.
Please also see the answers to the following question which were also answered with respect to other languages than Java: Java project directory structure convention
I also have projects which contain multiple codes, both each of them belong to different components, for instance:
Client written in Java
Server written in Python
Then I create folders for each component since it does not belong together as the other project structure would imply.

Seeking advise for sharing Eclipse Projects

I'm looking for advice regarding best practices for sharing an Eclipse project among developers.
It seems clear to me that each developer should have his/her own Eclipse workspace. However, projects seem to loan themselves better for many users to use the same project, e.g., if several users are working on a particular component, they are all likely to need to use the component's project, since if they each had their own project, they'd each have to set up and maintain the same project dependencies, etc. Looking to see if this is what other folks do or if their are reasons to give each developer his own project for a particular component.
Also, if the recommendation is to share a project, what are recommendations for configuration managing an Eclipse project? In the past we have used ClearCase, but we are now looking to change to Git or SVN. In the ClearCase world, it would seem advisable to do frequent checkins and merges to help the team stay up to date. Again, I'm looking for opinions from folks who have already lived this.
Thanks for any recommendations or external "how to" books or websites!
Sharing an Eclipse project doesn't cause any problem. Just put the .classpath, .project files and the .settings directory (and any project-related config file/directory that Eclipse generates at the root of the project) under source control.
Also, avoid using absolute paths in your project (for external libraries, for example), since all the developers don't necessarily have the same setup and use the same locations.
Git, SVN or ClearCase : it doesn't matter : all allow sharing Eclipse files.
We put the entire eclipse project folder under version control (with an svn:ignore for the directory containing the compiled classes).
This allows us to share not only the build configuration, but also launch configurations (with the proper VM-parameters), the configuration for compiler warnings the team considers relevant, and the formatter configuration for the coding conventions in use. We can also set text file encodings that way.
...avoid using absolute paths in your project
Good point.
We've had some issues with this in ClearCase. Our third party libs were placed in a different part of the filesystem under version control. So to avoid absolute paths to the libs we added an ant script. The script would copy the libs to a view private directory that was directly under the project root.
We then added a builder to the project to make sure that the script was run first at every clean + rebuild.

Perforce, Projects shared among multiple Solutions

So it turns out that we may have found a bug in Visual Studio 2003 (I surprise). We found out that if the solutions were added to the repository using Visual Studio (using Add Solution to Source Control) everything went fine...go figure.
So we're converting our VSS repository (if it can be called that) to Perforce and we're running into issues with projects included in multiple solutions.
Our repository might look like this...
Project1 (Builds to a DLL)
Solution2 (Has Project1 as a project reference)
Solution3 (Has Project1 as a project reference)
When using the integrated Source Control in Visual Studio for Solution2 it complains that the projects are not under the current solutions folder and we may want to move it. Because multiple solutions reference Project 1 we can never organize it where one solution won't complain...
Is the best practice to just build Project1 to DLL and store it in a Lib folder? Or is there a better way?
We had a similar problem and were approaching it very much like #Toby Allen mentions in his answer, via client specs. However, in time this becomes very painful (setting up a new team member becomes more and more difficult as client specs become more and more convoluted; also automation is much more complicated because things are... "in flux" :-) ).
Eventually, we evolved our strategy to use a directory structure and branching instead. The directory structure is as follows:
(files, csproj, vbproj, etc)
(files, csproj, vbproj, etc)
(files, csproj, vbproj, etc)
Solution1.sln (includes src/Project1)
Solution2.sln (includes src/Project1, src/Project2)
Solution3.sln (includes src/Project1, src/Project3)
Note that the same structure is repeated throughout the structure (doc/lib/src/solutions). Lib contains "external" libraries - 3rd party libraries that are included in project references. Src contains a flat list of all projects that are part of a particular product. Solutions are then used to "combine" projects in any number of ways. I think of src directory as a container with "what is available", solutions are then picking from this container and combining projects (as needed).
Libraries that are shared among multiple products go into shared directory. Once in shared directory, they are treated as independent from products - they have their own release cycle and are never joined to products as source. Shared libraries are pulled into products by branching the shared library release assembly/assemblies into product's lib directory -> from product's perspective there is no difference between a 3rd party library and a shared library. This allows us to control what product is using what version of a shared library (when a product wants new features, it has to explicitely branch in newer release of a shared library, just like it would include a new release of a 3rd party library, with all pros and cons that go with it).
In summary, our structure has concept of two "types" of shared libraries:
projects local to a product, used by multiple solutions (included in a flat list of projects in src directory, multiple solutions can reference them)
projects used by multiple products (added to shared directory, treated as 3rd party libraries with releases independant from products)
The solution should be to rebind Solution1 to the source control server each time it's added to a new project. (It's under File->Source Control->Change Source Control.)
This should only need to be done once per desktop per solution.
I don't know much about using Visual Studio with Perforce, but you might consider creating workspace views that map Project1 into Solution2, Solution3, etc., where needed.
If I understand correctly you want how your files are stored on disk to differ from how it is stored in Perforce. If this is the case, and you cant simply redefine the reference within VS, then a cleverly designed client can do the trick.
Client: Client_Solution2
Created by Me.
Root: C:/Development/Solutions
//depot/Devmain/Solution1/... //Client_Solution2/Solution2/Solution1/...
//depot/Devmain/Solution2/... //Client_Solution2/Solution2/...
This will give you a structure where Solution1 is a sub directory of solution 2.