Python 3.8.1 subprocess call/Popen methods not working - subprocess

I recently updated my python package from 3.6.8 to 3.8.10 , from what I've read there is no much difference between the versions.
But I've encountered some problems in my code speficially with the subprocess.Popen() method not working as expected.
commands = ["sc start " + service_name_string]
command_executions =
subprocess.Popen('cmd.exe', shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for cmd in commands:
command_executions.stdin.write(str(cmd + "\n").encode())
another option
or another example is running the following command :
uninstall_process =,shell=True)
this really puzzling me because there is no problem or exception (i did not inlcude the exception wrapping)


ng server command opens file open option menu

In VS code editor, ng serve command opening "How do you want to open this file?" dialog box in
The answer by Petr Freiberg helped get me to what I believe is a better solution. Instead of deleting files that may or may not actually be important for the system, we should update our PATH variables so that the "correct" command is found first.
In my situation, I had my npm paths in this order:
I just switched the order so that C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\npm came first.
The issue is that the terminal is finding the first "command match" which may just be a file, so that is why it is asking where you want to open it.
I did run the command Run Get-Command -All ng | ForEach-Object Path as Petr suggested, which called out the order issue I describe here.
I encountered a similar problem when executing a Docker command within Visual Studio Code. I also got a window asking "How do you want to open this file?". I think the problem is not in Visual Studio Code, but in PowerShell, which Visual Studio Code uses.
I solved it like this:
Run Get-Command -All docker | ForEach-Object Path
Among the file paths returned, remove those that do not end in *.exe (use
For ng it should be same.
i have faced the same issue, while trying to run ng -v or ng --version, it pops open a Open option editor, which gives following ng.js text...
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
// Provide a title to the process in `ps`.
// Due to an obscure Mac bug, do not start this title with any symbol.
try {
process.title = 'ng ' + Array.from(process.argv).slice(2).join(' ');
} catch (_) {
// If an error happened above, use the most basic title.
process.title = 'ng';
// This node version check ensures that extremely old versions of node are not used.
// These may not support ES2015 features such as const/let/async/await/etc.
// These would then crash with a hard to diagnose error message.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-var-keyword
var version = process.versions.node.split('.').map((part) => Number(part));
if (version[0] % 2 === 1 && version[0] > 14) {
// Allow new odd numbered releases with a warning (currently v15+)
'Node.js version ' +
process.version +
' detected.\n' +
'Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS status and should not be used for production.' +
' For more information, please see',
} else if (
version[0] < 12 ||
version[0] === 13 ||
(version[0] === 12 && version[1] < 14) ||
(version[0] === 14 && version[1] < 15)
) {
// Error and exit if less than 12.14 or 13.x or less than 14.15
'Node.js version ' +
process.version +
' detected.\n' +
'The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of either v12.14 or v14.15.\n\n' +
'Please update your Node.js version or visit for additional instructions.\n',
process.exitCode = 3;
} else {
what is the error here, i tried uninstall clear cache and install but still same error....

unable to resolve the name (function name) in MATLAB

I am using matlab with python for image processing in which i have to call function from python code in matlab. for that all python and matlab files should be in the same folder.
Everything works fine at my laptop but when i send it to my boss he gets this message " unable to resolve the name " then function name , for example : py.differentiation.dx so the error is " unable to resolve the name py.differentiation.dx " .
He tried to set path for the new folder given by me but still didn't work. we are using the same versions MATLAB 2019b and python 3.7

How to display musical notation using music21 in ipython/python with MuseScore WITHOUT MuseScore re-opening every time .show() is called?

I am using music21 with MuseScore in an ipython notebook. It works well, the only problem is that every time I create a Stream and then run, it takes a forever because it waits to open the MuseScore application. This happens even if MuseScore is already open (it opens a second copy of the app, which then closes itself after the image is printed).
How can I prevent music21 from re-opening MuseScore each time and get it to use the already opened app instead?
EDIT: Adding version/OS info
I'm on a mac (OSX 10.10.4) using MuseScore version 2.1.0
I've also tried the method outlined here to print out sheet music in an ipython notebook but the same thing happened.
For the second method at least, the problem seems to be in music21/converter/
class ConverterMusicXML(SubConverter):
There's this section:
musescoreRun = '"' + musescorePath + '" ' + fp + " -o " + fpOut + " -T 0 "
if 'dpi' in keywords:
musescoreRun += " -r " + str(keywords['dpi'])
if common.runningUnderIPython():
musescoreRun += " -r " + str(defaults.ipythonImageDpi)
storedStrErr = sys.stderr
fileLikeOpen = six.StringIO()
sys.stderr = fileLikeOpen
sys.stderr = storedStrErr
I believe that this line in particular
is opening MuseScore independently each time, but I can't figure out what to replace it with that will allow music21 to find the already running instance of MuseScore.
Same problem errors. Here refers an issue on GitHub:
... changing os.system(musescoreRun) line 891 of by You need also to import subprocess at the start of
Maybe it works for you!

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

I am working on an application that executes a Jython 2.5.3 script from JAVA 1.6.027. The script just open a file using codecs library and it looks like this:
from codecs import open as codecs_open
except ImportError:
print 'ERROR', 'Could not import.'
CODECS_LIST = ['latin-1', 'utf-8', 'utf-16', '1250', '1252']
def open_file(filename, mode):
for encoding in CODECS_LIST:
f = codecs_open(filename, mode, encoding)
print 'INFO', "File %s supports encoding %s." % (filename.split("\\")[-1], encoding)
When I execute this script debugging in Eclipse, everything works OK, but when I execute the part of the JAVA application that invokes this script, I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
at org.python.core.PyFile.<init>(
at org.python.core.PyTraceback.getLine(
at org.python.core.PyTraceback.tracebackInfo(
at org.python.core.PyTraceback.dumpStack(
at org.python.core.PyTraceback.dumpStack(
at org.python.core.Py.displayException(
at org.python.core.PySystemState.excepthook(
at org.python.core.PySystemStateFunctions.__call__(
at org.python.core.Py.printException(
at org.python.core.Py.printException(
at org.python.util.jython.main(
The JAVA application is able to execute others similar jython scripts. I have detected that the class is in the library rt.jar, which is inside /bin/common/ folder and included in my classpath via jvm.cfg file:
The same way I do it with other libraries that work fine.
I have been stacked with this problem for a few days, so any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
The problem has been resolved by reinstalling Java Runtime Environment, in my case version jre-6u45
This happened to me because the mysql package that I had installed was installed globally and required root privileges, so when running java, I had to include sudo to get it to work correctly.

Scala on Mac - Cannot figure out how to run target?

I'm attempting to run a Scala script that imports scala.IO.Source, which throws an exception every time I try to run it as follows:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot figure out how to run target: countchars1.scala
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:108)
I believe it is due to my Path or Classpath settings but I'm unsure what these need to be or where they need to be set. I have tried amending .bash_profile to no avail and have tried adding .profile with what I believe to be the required PATH settings but there doesn't appear to be a straight answer to this that I can find
I'm currently running Scala 2.9.1 on a Mac OSX 10.6. The script I'm trying to run from 'Programming in Scala' is as follows:
if (args.length > 0) {
for (line <- Source.fromFile(args(0)).getLines)
print(line.length +" "+ line)
Console.err.println("Please enter filename")
I encounter the exception when I type the following in the terminal window:
$ scala countchars1.scala countchars1.scala
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Managed to solve the issue by setting the JAVA_HOME variable using the following instructions: