How to find out what i'm doing wrong. Getting validation exception in timestream write Records with go sdk? - aws-sdk-go

As the title says, I'm trying to write a bunch of records to timestream, but I keep getting "ValidationException" without any further information, so I have no idea what should be fixed. The exact error response is:
operation error Timestream Write: WriteRecords, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ValidationException:
It made me think that it was a multiline string and somehow the logging framework wasn't logging properly, but I tried splitting by \n and all I got was a size 1 list with the same text.
Any ideas?

For some reason, the validation error is wrapped multiple errors deep. To get to the validation error message, you need the following:
import (
responseError := err.(*smithy.OperationError).Unwrap().(*http.ResponseError)
validationError := responseError.Unwrap().(*types.ValidationException)


Adding information to Golang Gin HTTP error responses

I am trying to return a custom error response when an HTTP 500 Internal Error is encountered. If I use c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, CustomError{}) when a database write error occurs, Gin ignores my CustomError struct and substitutes a default "500 server Error" message.
How can I add information to the default response or return a custom response while still using the HTTP 500 Internal Server error code?
This is what I am trying to accomplish. Notifying users of a duplicate entry in the Mongo database. Gin ignores my DBErrorResponse struct and just returns the default 500 error json response.
_, err := handler.collection.InsertOne(handler.ctx, data)
if err != nil {
if mongo.IsDuplicateKeyError(err) {
dbErr := err.(mongo.WriteException)
Type: "Write Exception",
Code: dbErr.WriteErrors[0].Code,
Err: "similar record exists",
If the error is caused by a user providing a duplicate key, it's not an internal server error. You might want to use something like BadRequest(400), which suits duplicate value far more, if provided by the client. Thus, you should be able to return a custom error message with StatusCode 400.
Additionally, as far as I know, InternalServerError(500) is not designed to provide a 'server-side' problem feedback to the client, since, well, it's not public information. Although I'm not certainly sure if that's so and if is, why.
UPD: As Gavin mentioned, httpCode 409 is far better choice, here is the doc:
HTTP 409 error status: The HTTP 409 status code (Conflict) indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as the requested resource is not in the expected state, or the result of processing the request would create a conflict within the resource.

4xx Response type not returning content

We are currently developing an API based on OpenAPI 3.0 and are having some troubles with OpenapiGenerator(I'll call it OAG for short). When specifying a JSON response for an error 422 for example OAG does return the specified error code but not the given JSON Response but will work for any combination of 2xx error codes.
Now the question that comes to us is if we should not return an error code with 4xx errors OR this is a bug in OAG and we should try to fix it in their code and make a PR.
Best wishes!
Edit: for mor einformation

Debugging Transformer Errors in Mirth Connect Server Log

Fairly new to Mirth, so looking for advice in regards to debugging/getting more information from errors reported in the Server Log in Mirth Connect. I know what channel this is originating from, but that's about it. This error is received 10 times for each message coming through. It should be noted that the channel is working properly except for this error cluttering up the logs.
The Error:
ERROR (transformer:?): TypeError: undefined is not an xml object.
What I've Tried:
Ruled out Channel Map variables (mappers), they don't have null default values, they match up with vars in the incoming xml message, even changed to Javascript transformers to modify the catch to try to narrow down the issue, but no luck.
Modified external javascript source files to include more error handling (wrapped each file in a try/catch that would log with identifying info) but this didn't change the result at all.
Added a new Alert to send info if errors are received, but this alert never fired.
Anything else to try? Thanks for any/all help!
This is a Rhino message that happens when you use an e4x operator on a variable that isn't an xml object. The following two samples will both throw the same error you are seeing when obj is undefined. Otherwise, 'undefined' in your error will be replaced with obj.toString();
// Putting a dot between the variable and () indicates an xml filter
// instead of a function call
// Two consecutive dots returns all xml descendant elements of obj
// named test instead of retrieving a property named test from obj.

How should an error be returned to a REST client (if at all)?

I have a REST resource that returns tabular data:
This returns the first page of results from the foo table.
There is a query parameter to add a selection criteria to the resource:
id=bar is not a free text query. Internally the server attempts to resolve bar to a known entity and creates a regular expression limiting the rows returned from foo. For this query to succeed bar must be an ID that the system is aware of - otherwise the regular expression cannot be generated appropriately.
What's the correct behavior for this resource if bar is not known to the system? I understand that 5xx responses are not appropriate since the client cannot call again and expect a different result. Is it appropriate to return a 404 response with a message detailing that bar was not recognized? Or is it better to return a 200 response (since this is a search result) with some envelope wrapping the empty search result detailing that bar could not be found? Something else entirely?
It all depends on your business domain.
If a call to an unknown entity is a failure in your domain - you should provide an error status code of 4xx (if I understand you correctly, the resource was not found - so a status code of 404 Not Found will be appropriate in here).
If a call to an unknown entity is ok, it just yield no results (lets say a google search that yields 0 results) you should provide a status code of 2xx.
Status codes 5xx are server error, and they tell the client that there is something wrong with the server side. In your situation there is nothing wrong with your server, so a status code of 4xx will be appropriate in here.
By the way, you don't have to use all the error codes for every error - basically if you go over you business domain, you will see that you can use only a small subset of these codes to describe your errors.
Be sure to provide a detailed message back in the response so that the person using your service will get as much details and information as possible.
If you can, provide links to online resources explaining the problem. For example, if you have a developers forum thread discussing this exact problem - provide a link to that thread.
If you have to use error codes, use string codes rather then random numbers, for example: use "UNKNOWN_ENTITY" instead of error number #9842.
Example for an error message:
"message" : "Unknown entity provided".
"description" : "Parameter bar is not known to the system.",
"errorCode" : "UNKNOWN_ENTITY",
{ "rel" : "help",
"href" : "",
"title" : "My Forum"
This is a question often up for debate, but most people will use 401 Unauthorized or 400 Bad Request to indicate errors. I typically use 401 for login failures / authentication failures and 400 for bad parameters. In the message body of a 400 response, I often return a message indicating the bad parameters.

Zend framework- how to stop execution and redirect to the error controller

I want to catch php errors so i used set_error_handler('handler_function') when i echo the error message , 'Zend_Controller_Response_Exception' with message 'Cannot send headers; headers already sent' is thrown when i used the following lines
an error happened 'call to setBody method of a non-object'
i tried to throw an exception from the error handler but this depend on the error occurring before bootstrapping is displayed directly after bootstrapping displayed in errorController
i used $fc->throwExceptions(false) to ensure it will send exceptions to error controller
when i do nothing in the error handler the execution is continued
what i need is to have one place to handle all errors
if there is a way to redirect to the error controller with error in params this will be good
IMO best way to handle these errors is to register error handler that will convert any error/fatal error to exception. I guess that response is not created yet. You have to use $fc's setResponse() method to create new response. I would guess that converting to exception should work in any case. Same as exceptions from Zend classes work.