Let's suppose we have 2 fs2 Streams:
val stream1 = fs2.Stream.bracket(IO { println("Acquire 1"); 2})(_ => IO { println("Release 1") })
.flatMap(p => fs2.Stream.range(1,p))
val stream2 = fs2.Stream.bracket(IO { println("Acquire 2"); 4})(_ => IO { println("Release 2") })
.flatMap(p => fs2.Stream.range(1,p))
which I would like to connect with each other:
def connect[F[_]]: (fs2.Stream[F, Int], fs2.Stream[F, Int]) => fs2.Stream[F, Int] = {
def go(stream1: fs2.Stream[F, Int], stream2: fs2.Stream[F, Int]): Pull[F, Int, Unit] =
stream1.pull.uncons1.flatMap { stream1Element =>
stream2.pull.uncons1.flatMap { stream2Element =>
(stream1Element, stream2Element) match {
case (Some((stream1Head, stream1Tail)), Some((stream2Head, stream2Tail))) =>
println("Some, Some")
Pull.output1(stream1Head + stream2Head) >> go(stream1Tail, stream2Tail)
case (Some((stream1Head, stream1Tail)), None) =>
println("1 Stream still available")
Pull.output1(stream1Head) >> go(fs2.Stream.empty, stream1Tail)
case (None, Some((stream2Head, stream2Tail))) =>
println("2 Stream still available")
Pull.output1(stream2Head) >> go(fs2.Stream.empty, stream2Tail)
case _ => Pull.output1(-1)
(one, two) => go(one, two).stream
now checking logs I see:
Acquire 1
Acquire 2
Some, Some
Release 2
Release 1
2 Stream still available
2 Stream still available
which is a bit surprising for me because it seems that once the first Stream is finished the resources of the second one are closed as well. Suppose now that the resource is the connection to the database, then the elements from the second stream cannot be fetched anymore.
Is it correct behavior? Is there any way to avoid closing the resource of the second stream? Surprisingly if the first Stream has more elements than the second one, everything works as expected(stream 1's resource is not closed when the second stream is finished)
By checking the implementation of the zipAllWith function I found out that indeed uncons1 in such cases should be avoided. The final solution would be to use the stepLeg function instead of uncons1. So the function from the above should look like this:
def connect[F[_]]: (fs2.Stream[F, Int], fs2.Stream[F, Int]) => fs2.Stream[F, Int] = {
def go(stream1: fs2.Stream[F, Int], stream2: fs2.Stream[F, Int]): Pull[F, Int, Unit] =
stream1.pull.stepLeg.flatMap { stream1Element =>
stream2.pull.stepLeg.flatMap { stream2Element =>
(stream1Element, stream2Element) match {
case (Some(sl1), Some(sl2)) =>
println("Some, Some")
val one = sl1.head(0)
val two = sl2.head(0)
Pull.output1(one + two) >> go(sl1.stream, sl2.stream)
case (Some(sl1), None) =>
val one = sl1.head(0)
println("1 Stream still available")
Pull.output1(one) >> go(sl1.stream, fs2.Stream.empty)
case (None, Some(sl2)) =>
val two = sl2.head(0)
println("2 Stream still available")
Pull.output1(two) >> go(fs2.Stream.empty, sl2.stream)
case _ => Pull.output1(-1)
(one, two) => {
go(one.flatMap(fs2.Stream.emit), two.flatMap(fs2.Stream.emit)).stream
And the logs:
Acquire 1
Acquire 2
Some, Some
Release 1
2 Stream still available
2 Stream still available
Release 2
An additional example of this issue can be found here:
uncons vs stepLeg
I need to execute a Future method on some elements I have in a list simultaneously. My current implementation works sequentially, which is not optimal for saving time. I did this by mapping my list and calling the method on each element and processing the data this way.
My manager shared a link with me showing how to execute Futures simultaneously using for-comprehension but I cannot see/understand how I can implement this with my List.
The link he shared with me is https://alvinalexander.com/scala/how-use-multiple-scala-futures-in-for-comprehension-loop/
Here is my current code:
private def method1(id: String): Tuple2[Boolean, List[MyObject]] = {
val workers = List.concat(idleWorkers, activeWorkers.keys.toList)
var ready = true;
val workerStatus = workers.map{ worker =>
val option = Await.result(method2(worker), 1 seconds)
var status = if (option.isDefined) {
if (option.get._2 == id) {
} else {
} else "FAILED"
val status = s"$worker: $status"
if (option.get._1) {
ready = false
MyObject(worker.toString, status)
}.toList.filterNot(s => s. status.contains("INVALID"))
(ready, workerStatus)
private def method2(worker: ActorRef): Future[Option[(Boolean, String)]] = Future{
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 1 seconds;
Try(Await.result(worker ? GetStatus, 1 seconds)) match {
case Success(extractedVal) => extractedVal match {
case res: (Boolean, String) => Some(res)
case _ => None
case Failure(_) => { None }
case _ => { None }
If someone could suggest how to implement for-comprehension in this scenario, I would be grateful. Thanks
For method2 there is no need for the Future/Await mix. Just map the Future:
def method2(worker: ActorRef): Future[Option[(Boolean, String)]] =
(worker ? GetStatus).map{
case res: (Boolean, String) => Some(res)
case _ => None
For method1 you likewise need to map the result of method2 and do the processing inside the map. This will make workerStatus a List[Future[MyObject]] and means that everything runs in parallel.
Then use Future.sequence(workerStatus) to turn the List[Future[MyObject]] into a Future[List[MyObject]]. You can then use map again to do the filtering/ checking on that List[MyObject]. This will happen when all the individual Futures have completed.
Ideally you would then return a Future from method1 to keep everything asynchronous. You could, if absolutely necessary, use Await.result at this point which would wait for all the asynchronous operations to complete (or fail).
I have a source which emits Either[String, MyClass].
I want to call an external service with batches of MyClass and continue downstream with Either[String, ExternalServiceResponse], that's why I need to group elements of stream.
If the stream would emit only MyClass elements, it would be easy - just call grouped:
val source: Source[MyClass, NotUsed] = <custom implementation>
.grouped(10) // Seq[MyClass]
.map(callExternalService(_)) // ExternalServiceResponse
But how to group only elements on the right side of Either in my scenario?
val source: Source[Either[String, MyClass], NotUsed] = <custom implementation>
.??? // Either[String, Seq[MyClass]]
.map {
case Right(myClasses) => callExternalService(myClasses)
case Left(string) => Left(string)
} // Either[String, ExternalServiceResponse]
The following works, but is there any more idiomatic way?
val source: Source[Either[String, MyClass], NotUsed] = <custom implementation>
.groupBy(2, either => either.isRight)
.map(input => input.headOption match {
case Some(Right(_)) =>
callExternalService(input.map(item => item.right.get))
case _ =>
This should transform a source of Either[L, R] into a source of Either[L, Seq[R]] with a configurable grouping of Rights.
def groupRights[L, R](groupSize: Int)(in: Source[Either[L, R], NotUsed]): Source[Either[L, Seq[R]], NotUsed] =
in.map(Option _) // Yep, an Option[Either[L, R]]
.concat(Source.single(None)) // to emit when `in` completes
.statefulMapConcat { () =>
val buffer = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[R](groupSize)
def dumpBuffer(): List[Either[L, Seq[R]] = {
val out = List(Right(buffer.toList))
incoming: Option[Either[L,R]] => {
incoming.map { _.fold(
l => List(Left(l)), // unfortunate that we have to re-wrap
r => {
buffer += r
if (buffer.size == groupSize) {
} else {
}.getOrElse(dumpBuffer()) // End of stream
Beyond that, I'll note that the downstream code to call the external service could be rewritten as
If you can reliably call the external service with parallelism n, it may also be worth doing that with:
.mapAsync(n) { e.fold(
l => Future.successful(Left(l)),
r => Future { Right(callExternalService(r)) }
You could even, if wanting to maximize throughput at the cost of preserving order, replace mapAsync with mapAsyncUnordered.
You could divide your source of eithers in two branches in order to process rights their own way and then merge back the two sub-flows:
// case class MyClass(x: Int)
// case class ExternalServiceResponse(xs: Seq[MyClass])
// def callExternalService(xs: Seq[MyClass]): ExternalServiceResponse =
// ExternalServiceResponse(xs)
// val source: Source[Either[String, MyClass], _] =
// Source(List(Right(MyClass(1)), Left("2"), Right(MyClass(3)), Left("4"), Right(MyClass(5))))
val lefts: Source[Either[String, Nothing], _] =
.collect { case Left(l) => Left(l) }
val rights: Source[Either[Nothing, ExternalServiceResponse], _] =
.collect { case Right(x: MyClass) => x }
val out: Source[Either[String, ExternalServiceResponse], _] = rights.merge(lefts)
// out.runForeach(println)
// Left(2)
// Right(ExternalServiceResponse(Vector(MyClass(1), MyClass(3))))
// Left(4)
// Right(ExternalServiceResponse(Vector(MyClass(5))))
I am looking to expand the following code to work for an unknown amount of actor ask requests.
implicit val timeout = Timeout(100 millis)
val sendRequestActor = context.actorOf(Props(new SendRequest(request)), "Send_Request_".concat(getActorNumber))
val sendRequestActor2 = context.actorOf(Props(new SendRequest(request)), "Send_Request_".concat(getActorNumber))
val a1 = ask(sendRequestActor, Request).fallbackTo(Future.successful(RequestTimeout))
val a2 = ask(sendRequestActor2, Request).fallbackTo(Future.successful(RequestTimeout))
val result = for {
r1 <- a1
r2 <- a2
} yield(r1, r2)
val r = Await.result(result, 100 millis)
r match {
case (b: SuccessResponse, b2: SuccessResponse) => {
//Process Results
case (b: SuccessResponse, b2: RequestTimeout) => {
//Process Results
case (b: RequestTimeout, b2: SuccessResponse) => {
//Process Results
case (b: RequestTimeout, b2: RequestTimeout) => {
//Process Results
case _ => {}
I am trying to send out requests to a List of recipients(gotten from a previous database call). The number of recipients will vary each time this function is called. Recipients have a maximum of 100 milliseconds to respond before I want to time out their requests and record a RequestTimeout. The SendRequest actor will reply with SuccessResponse if the recipients respond. I am assuming I will have to change the val result for-loop to process a list, but I am unsure of how to structure everything so that I will wait the minimum amount of time(either when all actors return or when the timeout hits, whichever is lower). I do not need everything in a single return value like the example, I am fine with a list of results and matching type on each iteration.
Any help would be appreciated, please let me know if I can provide any other information.
Thank you
Calling Class:
case object GetResponses
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val route = {
get {
complete {
val req_list = List(req1,req2,req3)
val createRequestActor = system.actorOf(Props(new SendAll(req_list)), "Get_Response_Actor_" + getActorNumber)
val request_future = ask(createRequestActor, GetResponses).mapTo[List[Any]]
//more stuff
Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8080)
Updated Sending Class:
class SendAll(requests: List[Request]) extends Actor {
import context.{become,dispatcher}
var numProcessed = 0
var results: List[Any] = List()
requests.foreach(self ! _)
implicit val timeout = Timeout(100 millis)
def receive = {
case r: RequestMsg =>
val sendRequestActor = context.actorOf(Props(new SendRequest(r)), "Send_Request_".concat(getActorNumber))
(sendRequestActor ? Request).pipeTo(self)
case s: SuccessResponse =>
println("Got Success")
results = results :+ s
println(results.size + " == " + requests.size)
if(results.size == requests.size) {
println("Before done")
case akka.actor.Status.Failure(f) =>
println("Got Failed")
results = results :+ RequestTimeout
if(results.size == requests.size) {
case m =>
println("Got Other")
def done: Receive = {
case GetResponses =>
sender ! results
case _ => {
println("Done as well")
Got Success
1 == 3
Got Success
2 == 3
Got Success
3 == 3
Before done
Future(<not completed>)
I would pass the list of requests to the actor, then pipe the responses from the child actors to self instead of using Await.result. For example:
class Handler(requests: List[RequestMsg]) extends Actor {
import context.{become, dispatcher}
var numProcessed = 0
var results: List[Any] = List()
requests.foreach(self ! _)
implicit val timeout = Timeout(100.millis)
def receive = {
case r: RequestMsg =>
val sendRequestActor = context.actorOf(Props(new SendRequest(r)), "Send_Request".concat(getActorNumber))
(sendRequestActor ? Request).pipeTo(self)
case s: SuccessResponse =>
println(s"response: $s")
results = results :+ s
if (results.size == requests.size)
case akka.actor.Status.Failure(f) =>
println("a request failed or timed out")
results = results :+ RequestTimeout
if (results.size == requests.size)
case m =>
println(s"Unhandled message received while processing requests: $m")
sender ! NotDone
def done: Receive = {
case GetResponses =>
println("sending responses")
sender ! results
You would instantiate an actor for every list of requests:
val requests1 = List(RequestMsg("one"), RequestMsg("two"), RequestMsg("three"))
val handler1 = system.actorOf(Props(new Handler(requests1)))
In this example--following the principle that an actor should have a distinct, limited sphere of responsibility--the actor simply coordinates requests and responses; it doesn't perform any processing on the collected responses. The idea is that another actor would send this actor a GetResponses messages in order to get the responses and process them (or this actor would proactively send the results to a processing actor).
The simplest solution is put all your actor refs into the List map it to List[Future] and use Future.sequence to obtain Future[List].
val route = {
get {
val listActorRefs = List(actorRef1, actorRef2, ...)
val futureListResponses = Future.sequence(listActorRefs.map(_ ? Request))
onComplete(futureListResponses) {
case Success(listResponse) => ...
case Failure(exception) => ...
A better solution is avoid a lot of actor' asks, prepare some ResponseCollector actor which will send all your message (I suggest to look at BroadcastPool) and schedule one message for itself to stop waiting and return result.
I'm trying to combine two Play Framework Enumerators together but merging values that come through which have the same key value. For the most part it works, except, the Map used to keep previous values that do not have a match as of yet gets lost each time a match is found and a Done Iteratee is returned.
Is there a way to provide the state to the next invocation of step after a Done has been returned?
Any examples I've found thus far all seem to be around grouping consecutive values together and then passing the whole grouping along, and none on grouping some arbitrary values from the stream and only passing specific values along once grouped.
Ideally once the match is made it'll send the matched values along.
What I've gotten to thus far, (pretty much based off of Creating a time-based chunking Enumeratee )
def virtualSystemGrouping[E](system:ParentSystem): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
def step(state: Map[String, Detail])(input:Input[Detail]): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
input match {
case Input.EOF => {Done(null, Input.EOF)}
case Input.Empty =>{Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state)(i))}
case Input.El(e) => {
if (!system.isVirtual) Done(e)
if (state.exists((k) =>{k._1.equals(e.name)})) {
val other = state(e.name)
// ??? should have a; state - e.name
// And pass new state and merged value out.
Done(e + other)
} else {
Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state + (e.name -> e))(i))
The calling of this looks like;
val systems:List[ParentSystem] = getSystems()
val start = Enumerator.empty[Detail]
val send = systems.foldLeft(start){(b,p) =>
b interleave Concurrent.unicast[Detail]{channel =>
implicit val timeout = Timeout (1 seconds)
val actor = SystemsActor.lookupActor(p.name + "/details")
actor map {
case Some(a) => {a ! SendDetailInformation(channel)}
case None => {channel.eofAndEnd}
} recover {
case t:Throwable => {channel.eofAndEnd}
} &> Enumeratee.grouped(virtualSystemGrouping(parent)) |>> Iteratee.foreach(e => {output.push(e)})
send.onComplete(t => output.eofAndEnd)
The one method that I've been able to come up with that works, is to use a Concurrent.unicast and pass the channel into the combining function. I'm sure there is a way to create an Iteratee/Enumerator that does the work all in one nice neat package, but that is eluding me at the time being.
Updated combining function;
def virtualSystemGrouping[E](system:ParentSystem, output:Channel): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
def step(state: Map[String, Detail])(input:Input[Detail]): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
input match {
case Input.EOF => {
Done(null, Input.EOF)
case Input.Empty =>{Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state)(i))}
case Input.El(e) => {
if (!system.isVirtual) {output.push(e); Done(e, Input.Empty)}
if (state.exists((k) =>{k._1.equals(e.name)})) {
val other = state(e.name)
output.push(e + other)
Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state - e.name)(i))
} else {
Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state + (e.name -> e))(i))
Here any combined values are pushed into the output channel and then subsequently processed.
The usage of this looks like the following;
val systems:List[ParentSystem] = getSystems(parent)
val start = Enumerator.empty[Detail]
val concatDetail = systems.foldLeft(start){(b,p) =>
b interleave Concurrent.unicast[Detail]{channel =>
implicit val timeout = Timeout (1 seconds)
val actor = SystemsActor.lookupActor(p.name + "/details")
actor map {
case Some(a) => {a ! SendRateInformation(channel)}
case None => {channel.eofAndEnd}
} recover {
case t:Throwable => {channel.eofAndEnd}
val combinedDetail = Concurrent.unicast[Detail]{channel =>
concatDetail &> Enumeratee.grouped(virtualSystemGrouping(parent, channel)) |>> Iteratee.ignore
val send = combinedDetail |>> Iteratee.foreach(e => {output.push(e)})
send.onComplete(t => output.eofAndEnd)
Very similar to the original except now the calling to the combining function is done within the unicast onStart block (where channel is defined). concatDetail is the Enumerator created from the interleaved results of the child systems. This is fed through the system grouping function which in turn pushes any combined results (and remaining results at EOF) through the provided channel.
The combinedDetails Enumerator is then taken in and pushed through to the upstream output channel.
The virtualSystemGrouping can be generalized as;
def enumGroup[E >: Null, K, M](
key:(E) => K,
merge:(E, Option[E]) => M,
): Iteratee[E, E] = {
def step(state: Map[K, E])(input:Input[E]): Iteratee[E, E] = {
input match {
case Input.EOF => {
state.mapValues(f => output.push(merge(f, None))) //Push along any remaining values.
Done(null, Input.EOF)
case Input.Empty =>{ Cont[E, E](i => step(state)(i))}
case Input.El(e) => {
if (state.contains(key(e))) {
output.push(merge(e, state.get(key(e))))
Cont[E, E](i => step(state - key(e))(i))
} else {
Cont[E, E](i => step(state + (key(e) -> e))(i))
With a call such as;
((e1, e2) => e2.fold(e1)(v => e1 + v)),
a simple code sample that describes my problem:
import scala.util._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
class LoserException(msg: String, dice: Int) extends Exception(msg) { def diceRoll: Int = dice }
def aPlayThatMayFail: Future[Int] = {
Thread.sleep(1000) //throwing a dice takes some time...
//throw a dice:
(1 + Random.nextInt(6)) match {
case 6 => Future.successful(6) //I win!
case i: Int => Future.failed(new LoserException("I did not get 6...", i))
def win(prefix: String): String = {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => "%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll)
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => win("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case _: Throwable => "%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)
"I want to do something like futureGameLog.waitForRecursiveResult, using Await.result or something like that..."
win("I started playing the dice")
this simple example illustrates what i want to do. basically, if to put it in words, i want to wait for a result for some computation, when i compose different actions on previous success or failed attampts.
so how would you implement the win method?
my "real world" problem, if it makes any difference, is using dispatch for asynchronous http calls, where i want to keep making http calls whenever the previous one ends, but actions differ on wether the previous http call succeeded or not.
You can recover your failed future with a recursive call:
def foo(x: Int) = x match {
case 10 => Future.successful(x)
case _ => Future.failed[Int](new Exception)
def bar(x: Int): Future[Int] = {
foo(x) recoverWith { case _ => bar(x+1) }
scala> bar(0)
res0: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#64d6601
scala> res0.value
res1: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = Some(Success(10))
recoverWith takes a PartialFunction[Throwable,scala.concurrent.Future[A]] and returns a Future[A]. You should be careful though, because it will use quite some memory when it does lots of recursive calls here.
As drexin answered the part about exception handling and recovering, let me try and answer the part about a recursive function involving futures. I believe using a Promise will help you achieve your goal. The restructured code would look like this:
def win(prefix: String): String = {
val prom = Promise[String]()
def doWin(p:String) {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => prom.success("%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll))
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => doWin("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case other => prom.failure(new Exception("%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)))
Await.result(prom.future, someTimeout)
Now this won't be true recursion in the sense that it will be building up one long stack due to the fact that the futures are async, but it is similar to recursion in spirit. Using the promise here gives you something to block against while the recursion does it's thing, blocking the caller from what's happening behind the scene.
Now, if I was doing this, I would probable redefine things like so:
def win(prefix: String): Future[String] = {
val prom = Promise[String]()
def doWin(p:String) {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => prom.success("%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll))
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => doWin("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case other => prom.failure(new Exception("%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)))
This way you can defer the decision on whether to block or use async callbacks to the caller of this function. This is more flexible, but it also exposes the caller to the fact that you are doing async computations and I'm not sure that is going to be acceptable for your scenario. I'll leave that decision up to you.
This works for me:
def retryWithFuture[T](f: => Future[T],retries:Int, delay:FiniteDuration) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] ={
f.recoverWith { case _ if retries > 0 => after[T](delay,s)(retryWithFuture[T]( f , retries - 1 , delay)) }