Using Regex to identify Entity on a Google Action Intent - actions-on-google

I have this Intent on Google Actions with a couple of utterances:
and I'm using one of the default system types:
The Bank Account should always be 8 digits so I was thinking if I could use Regex on Google Actions to identify this exact entity when typed by the user.
If yes, how exactly?
Can I just create an utterance with Regex like this: \d{8}
Should I "highlight" as Parameter just like I did with the two given examples as well?

While this is not visible in the Actions Console, it is something that can be done if you download the project to a local environment using gactions.
You can create a new Type in under custom/types. You will use create RegularExpression Entities.
# `bankNumber` is your parameter name. It can be custom.
- \d{8} # In the `re2` syntax
Then you'll need to re-upload your project to the Actions Console with gactions push and gactions deploy preview.


Can I automatically add comments to Azure DevOps PR based on code changes

Occasionally in our codebase we need to use an //eslint-disable to bypass a styleguide rule on a line. I would like to somehow automatically add a comment on each new instance of that in PRs, requiring the developer to explain why they bypassed the styleguide.
I've found this question referencing how to create a comment programmatically, but what I'm not sure how to do is identify the new code and parse it for a certain piece of text, then add comments on those particular lines where the text was found.
This is one of the approaches to ingest scripts & achieve what you want, wherein Expected outcome is:
On every pull request, a pre build validation pipeline kicks off & adds comments on the PR.
Create a script (powershell/python/bash) with following logic:
Find file names in the given branch which contains //eslint-disable
In the files above (1.), get the location/line number of //eslint-disable
Foreach file.LineNumber (wrote like that just for representation): add comment on file.LineNumber using Pull Request Threads API. See line parameter
Create a pipeline containing above script & add that pipeline as build validation or if you have an existing build validation process, add these scripts as tasks in that pipeline.
Hope this helps :)

How do i do use Jenkinsfile pipeline syntax for Espresso or Flutter for AWS DeviceFarm

How do i do use Jenkinsfile pipeline syntax for Espresso or Flutter for AWS DeviceFarm?
The plugin appears broken in a small way - when you try to use the snippet generator and tap custom for environment in "create run" you see a list of test specs - both custom if you created one and default per type of testing, appium, espresso, etc.
That drop down does not show up. "Custom" did not work I believe.
Searching the source code I find private static final String CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT = "CustomEnvironment"; on line 214.
It's like an Easter Egg, using that exact string, and a string for a custom spec file I created in the console works.

step definition regex wtih cucumber-protractor framework

Is there any way in that framework to use a regex for including steps that are similar.
the user logs in
a user logs in
the user can log in
In java, I used to be able to do:
Given(^(?:the|a) use (?:can log|logs) in$)
And this would recognize all the 3 steps above. It seems like the protractor-cucumber framework doesn't recognize those regex. Any idea?
I was using quotes around the step definition like:
When("the user enters correct credentials", async() {
and that doesn't support regex.
Changed it to
When(/^the user enters (correct|incorrect) credentials$/, async(word)=> {
And now I can use regex in the middle as I was hoping to.

Azure DevOps - Can we reuse the value of a key in the same variable group?

I have lots of URL values and their keys. But there is no way to batch import the variables and the "value" controls are also not text boxes in the Variables Group page to perform chrome browser extensions assisted find and replace.
If this is possible, what is the syntax to refer to the key?
As in, I have a variable App.URL :
I am using the key to substitute value in my next variable like this Login.URL : $(App.URL)\Login and this doesn't work.
GitHub link :
This isn't currently available, not sure if it will be. Can you create a task early in your pipeline that sets the variables you need in subsequent tasks/steps? This gives you more control as you can store the script along with your source. You could then use a pipeline variable for the environment you're in and let your script use that to set values appropriately.
See Set variables in scripts in the MS docs.
If it's not possible to re-architect your app to concatenate the url strings in the application, what the previous commenter said about creating a simple script to do that for you would be the way to go. Ie:
#full login url
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Login.URL]$fullLoginUrl
Otherwise, perhaps playing around with the run time vs compile time variables in YAML pipelines might be worth trying.

VSTS: Built in variable for organization name?

In many of the calls described in the Azure DevOps REST API documentation, I need to supply the name of the organization, e.g.:{organization}/{project}/_apis/release/releases?api-version=5.0-preview.8
The project I can get from System.TeamProject. I would have expected something similar for organization name, something like:
This does not seem to be available. I've even printed out all of my environment variables on the agent and don't see anything that fits the need exactly. Sure, I can parse it out of one of the other values, but this seems fragile since MS seems to like to change the format of URLs.
I also can't hard code the organization name because this release definition will live in multiple organizations and we don't want to have to manually update it for each. How are others solving this problem?
Try using System.TeamFoundationServerUri and System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri to build your API requests. They have the organization included in them.
edit: SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI/BUILD_PROJECTNAME/_apis/release/releases?api-version=5.0-preview.8
It looks like currently there is no such variable for the organization, also, the variables return the old URL ( and not the new URL ( so if you use the System.TeamFoundationCollectionName the API should work without the {organization}:
In Powershell, do this:
([System.Uri]$Env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI).Host.split('.')[-3] # returns 'some_org_name'
Now, just assign that to a variable and use it anywhere you like. "SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT" is the Project Name, so no need to do any parsing there. It is already available.