PowerShell Export-CSV - Missing Columns [duplicate] - powershell

This question already has an answer here:
Not all properties displayed
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
This is a follow-up question from PowerShell | EVTX | Compare Message with Array (Like)
I changed the tactic slightly, now I am collecting all the services installed,
$7045 = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable #{ Path="1system.evtx"; Id = 7045 } | select
#{N=’Timestamp’; E={$_.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}},
#{N=’Machine Name’; E={$_.MachineName}},
#{N=’Service Name’; E={$_.Properties[0].Value}},#{N=’Image Path’;E=$_.Properties[1].Value}},
#{N=’RunAsUser’; E={$_.Properties[4].Value}},#{N=’Installed By’; E={$_.UserId}}
Now I match each object for any suspicious traits and if found, I add a column 'Suspicious' with the value 'Yes'. This is because I want to leave the decision upto the analyst and pretty sure the bad guys might use something we've not seen before.
foreach ($Evt in $7045)
if ($Evt.'Image Path' -match $sus)
$Evt | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Suspicious' -Value 'Yes'
Now, I'm unable to get PowerShell to display all columns unless I specifically Select them
$7045 | Format-Table
Same goes for CSV Export. The first two don't include the Suspicious Column but the third one does but that's because I'm explicitly asking it to.
$7045 | select * | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation
$7045 | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation
$7045 | Select-Object Timestamp, Id, 'Machine Name', 'Service Name', 'Image Path', 'RunAsUser', 'Installed By', Suspicious | Export-Csv -Path test.csv -NoTypeInformation
I read the Export-CSV documentation on MS. Searched StackOverFlow for some tips, I think it has something to do with PS checking the first Row and then compares if the property exists for the second row and so on.
Thank you

The issue you're experiencing is partially because of how objects are displayed to the console, the first object's Properties determines the displayed Properties (Columns) to the console.
The bigger problem though, is that Export-Csv will not export those properties that do not match with first object's properties unless they're explicitly added to the remaining objects or the objects are reconstructed, for this one easy way is to use Select-Object as you have pointed out in the question.
Given the following example:
$test = #(
A = 'ValA'
A = 'ValA'
B = 'ValB'
C = 'ValC'
D = 'ValD'
E = 'ValE'
Format-Table will not display the properties B to E:
$test | Format-Table
Format-List can display the objects properly, this is because each property with it's corresponding value has it's own console line in the display:
PS /> $test | Format-List
A : ValA
A : ValA
B : ValB
C : ValC
D : ValD
E : ValE
Export-Csv and ConvertTo-Csv will also miss properties B to E:
$test | ConvertTo-Csv
You have different options as a workaround for this, you could either add the Suspicious property to all objects and for those events that are not suspicious you could add $null as Value.
Another workaround is to use Select-Object explicitly calling the Suspicious property (this works because you know the property is there and you know it's Name).
If you did not know how many properties your objects had, a dynamic way to solve this would be to discover their properties using the PSObject intrinsic member.
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function ConvertTo-NormalizedObject {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
[object[]] $InputObject
begin {
$list = [List[object]]::new()
$props = [HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
process {
foreach($object in $InputObject) {
foreach($property in $object.PSObject.Properties) {
$null = $props.Add($property.Name)
end {
$list | Select-Object ([object[]] $props)
# From Pipeline
$test | ConvertTo-NormalizedObject | Format-Table
# From Positional / Named parameter binding
ConvertTo-NormalizedObject $test | Format-Table
Lastly, a pretty easy way of doing it thanks to Select-Object -Unique:
$prop = $test.ForEach{ $_.PSObject.Properties.Name } | Select-Object -Unique
$test | Select-Object $prop
Using $test for this example, the result would become:
- - - - -
ValA ValB
ValC ValD ValE

Continuing from my previous answer, you can add a column Suspicious straight away if you take out the Where-Object filter and simply add another calculated property to the Select-Object cmdlet:
# create a regex for the suspicious executables:
$sus = '(powershell|cmd|psexesvc)\.exe'
# alternatively you can join the array items like this:
# $sus = ('powershell.exe','cmd.exe','psexesvc.exe' | ForEach-Object {[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'
$7045 = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable #{ LogName = 'System';Id = 7045 } |
Select-Object Id,
#{N='Machine Name';E={$_.MachineName}},
#{N='Service Name'; E={$_.Properties[0].Value}},
#{N='Image Path'; E={$_.Properties[1].Value}},
#{N='RunAsUser'; E={$_.Properties[4].Value}},
#{N='Installed By'; E={$_.UserId}},
#{N='Suspicious'; E={
if ($_.Properties[1].Value -match $sus) { 'Yes' } else {'No'}
$7045 | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\Services.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation
Because you have many columns, this will not fit the console width anymore if you do $7045 | Format-Table, but the CSV file will hold all columns you wanted.
I added switch -UseCulture to the Export-Csv cmdlet, which makes sure you can simply double-click the csv file so it opens correctly in your Excel.
As sidenote: Please do not use those curly so-called 'smart-quotes' in code as they may lead to unforeseen errors. Straighten these ’ thingies and use normal double or single quotes (" and ')


Why Powershell outputting this table?

I'm a powershell noob. How come the following code is also outputing the table at the end after the "File to Delete" loop?
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# use partial hashes for files larger than 100KB:
# see documentation at: https://powershell.one/tricks/filesystem/finding-duplicate-files#finding-duplicate-files-fast
$result = Find-PSOneDuplicateFileFast -Path '\\READYNAS\Pictures\2020\10' #-Debug -Verbose
# output duplicates
$allFilesToDelete = #(foreach($key in $result.Keys)
#filters out the LAST item in the array of duplicates, because a file name of xxxx (0) comes before one without the (0)
$filesToDelete = $result[$key][0..($result[$key].count - 2)]
#add each remaining duplicate file to table
foreach($file in $filesToDelete)
$file |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hash -Value $key -PassThru |
Select-Object Hash, Length, FullName
$allFilesToDelete | Format-Table -GroupBy Hash -Property FullName | Out-String | Write-Host
$allFilesToDelete | Sort-Object -Property FullName -OutVariable allFilesToDelete
$allFilesToDelete | Format-Table -Property FullName | Out-String | Write-Host
$confirmation = Read-Host "Are you Sure You Want To Delete $($allFilesToDelete.count) files? (y/n)"
if ($confirmation -eq 'y') {
$i = 0
foreach($fileToDelete in $allFilesToDelete)
Write-Host "$i File to Delete: $($fileToDelete.FullName)"
#Remove-Item $file.FullName -Force -Verbose 4>&1 | % { $x = $_; Write-Host "Deleted file ($i) $x" }
} else {
Write-Host "User chose NOT to delete files!"
$allFilesToDelete | Sort-Object -Property FullName -OutVariable allFilesToDelete produces output (the input objects in the requested sort order), and since you're not capturing or redirecting it, it prints to the host (display, terminal) by default.
It seems your intent is to sort the objects stored in $allFilesToDelete, which your command does, but it also produces output (the common -OutVariable parameter does not affect a cmdlet's output behavior, it simply also stores the output objects in the given variable); you could simply assign the output back to the original variable, which wouldn't produce any output:
$allFilesToDelete = $allFilesToDelete | Sort-Object -Property FullName
In cases where actively suppressing (discarding) output is needed, $null = ... is the simplest solution:
See this answer for details and alternatives.
Also see this blog post, which you found yourself.
Because the output resulted in implicitly Format-Table-formatted display representations (for custom objects that have no predefined formatting data), the subsequent Read-Host and Write-Host statements - surprisingly - printed first.
The reason is that this implicit use of Format-Table results in asynchronous behavior: output objects are collected for 300 msecs. in an effort to determine suitable column widths, and during that period output to other output streams may print.
The - suboptimal - workaround is to force pipeline output to print synchronously to the host (display), using Out-Host.
See this answer for details.

Running Powershell command Out-File in Azure Pipeline cuts lines

As part of a CI pipeline, I need to generate a list of all the files in the repository, including certain properties of them, and to Out-File it into a file. The command I use:
Get-ChildItem $Path -File -Recurse | Select-Object -Property LastWriteTime, #
label = "Size(KB)"
expr = { [string]::Format("{0:0.00}", $_.Length/1KB) }
}, FullName, <some_other_property> | Out-File $OutputFile
My problem is, that running this script from the command line gives the desired result.
However, running this during a Azure Pipeline build does 2 bad things:
cuts the lines in the FullName column when they are long:
LastWriteTime Size(KB) Name
------------ ------- ----
<some_date> <some size> ASomeWhatLong...
Doesn't display the rest of the properties such as <some_other_property>
If I turn FullName into Name it all goes OK, but I really need the FullName property.
Because I'm working in a Air-gapped environment I can't copy all the outputs and everything.
I've tried using the -Width flag for Out-File with no success.
I believe what's happening under the hood, ps uses the ToString() method of the object created which outputs it as the Format-Table cmdlet does. You get truncated properties because of the Window's size. To look at it you could use:
Probably this is too small.
What I would suggest is the following:
Pipe the object into Format-Table
Get-ChildItem $Path -File -Recurse | Select-Object -Property LastWriteTime, #
label = "Size(KB)"
expr = { [string]::Format("{0:0.00}", $_.Length/1KB) }
}, FullName, <some_other_property> | Format-Table | Out-String | Out-File $OutputFile
This probably won't work as it is, but you could play with the Format-Table's properties like: -Wrap. By default it will allocate enough space for the first properties, and the last one it would try to 'fit' it, which might look as:
LastWriteTime Size(KB) Name
------------ ------- ----
<some_date> <some size> ASomeWhatLong
To solve this, you can use the -Property argument, which needs to be as:
$propertWidth = [int]((Get-Host).ui.RawUI.WindowSize.Width / 3)
$property = #(
#{ Expression = 'LastWriteTime'; Width = $propertWidth; },
#{ Expression = 'Size(KB)'; Width = $propertWidth; },
#{ Expression = 'FullName'; Width = $propertWidth; }
... | Format-Table -Property $property -Wrap | ...
If you don't mind having a JSON into your file, you could use:
Get-ChildItem $Path -File -Recurse | Select-Object -Property LastWriteTime, #
label = "Size(KB)"
expr = { [string]::Format("{0:0.00}", $_.Length/1KB) }
}, FullName, <some_other_property> | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $OutputFile
But take into account that ConvertTo-Json has a default Depth of 2. This will also truncate your objects if you have nested objects. But as far as property lengths, it will do fine.

Issue with Powershell custom table

I'm trying to create a custom table based on two other tables (csv-imported) - some kind of a VLOOKUP, but I can't seem to find a solution. I've come up with the following (failing) code:
$DrawPlaces | select Module, Workplace, #{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {$Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)}} -First 15
Both Drawplaces and $Workplaces are PSCustomObject. The result of this would then go to another variable.
I'm not even sure the logic or syntax is correct, but the result table has the IPaddress column empty. I've also tried with -match instead of -eq.
This doesn't make sense: $Workstations.workstation.where($_.WorkPlace -eq $Workstations.Workplace)
.where() requires a scriptblock parameter like .where({}).
Keeping in mind that inside the where-statement $_ is refering to the current object in the $workstations.workstation-loop, your where-statement is testing ex. $workstations.workstation[0].workplace -eq $workstations.workplace. Is that really what you want?
Are you trying to achieve this?
$DrawPlaces |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property #(
#{ Name = "IPaddress"; Expression = {
#Save the Workspace-value for the current object from $DrawPlaces
$wp = $_.WorkPlace;
#Find the workstation with the same workplace as $wp
$Workstations | Where-Object { $_.WorkPlace -eq $wp} | ForEach-Object { $_.Workstation }

powershell: Check if any of a bunch of properties is set

I'm importing a csv-file which looks like this:
Now I want to check, if any of the value-properties in one group is set.
I can do
Import-Csv .\test.csv | where {$_.Value1.1 -or $_.Value1.2 -or $_.Value1.3}
Import-Csv .\test.csv | foreach {
if ($_.Value1 -or $_.Value2 -or $_.Value3) {
Write-Output $_
But my "real" csv-file contains about 200 columns and I have to check 31 properties x 5 different object types that are mixed up in this csv. So my code will be realy ugly.
Is there anything like
where {$_.Value1.*}
where {$ArrayWithPropertyNames}
You could easily use the Get-Member cmdlet to get the properties which have the correct prefix (just use * as a wildcard after the prefix).
So to achieve what you want you could just filter the data based on whether any of the properties with the correct prefix contains data.
The script below uses your sample data, with a row4 added, and filters the list to find all items which have a value in any property starting with value1.
$csv = #"
$data = ConvertFrom-csv $csv
$data | Where {
$currentDataItem = $_
$propertyValues = $currentDataItem |
# Get's all the properties with the correct prefix
Get-Member 'value1*' -MemberType NoteProperty |
# Gets the values for each of those properties
Foreach { $currentDataItem.($_.Name) } |
# Only keep the property value if it has a value
Where { $_ }
# Could just return $propertyValues, but this makes the intention clearer
$hasValueOnPrefixedProperty = $propertyValues.Length -gt 0
Write-Output $hasValueOnPrefixedProperty
Alternate solution:
$PropsToCheck = 'Value1*'
Import-csv .\test.csv |
Where {
(($_ | Select $PropsToCheck).psobject.properties.value) -contains ''

PowerShell script to export to single CSV

I need help to get the following PowerShell script to output too just one .CSV file instead of the current two. Can someone please help? I'm wanting to get the SNMP settings that are set on remote servers. The information I'm after is held in the registry. $DellAdmKey is one key that holds SubKeys and refers to the "communityNames". Within each of the SubKeys I get the "Value Data" which refers to the "TrapDestinations". $DellAdmKey2 is a Key called "ValidCommunities" but does not have Subkeys, it just has DWORD values that refer to "AcceptedCommunityNames" and the "Rights". So the foreach on the 1st line can't be used as "ValidCommunities" does not contain SubKeys
$servers = "ServerName"
$BaseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey(‘LocalMachine’, $server)
$SubKey= $BaseKey.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SNMP\Parameters",$true)
$DellAdmKey = $BaseKey.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SNMP\\Parameters\\TrapConfiguration\\",$true)
$DellAdmKey2 = $BaseKey.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SNMP\\Parameters\\ValidCommunities\\",$true)
$DellAdmKey.GetSubKeyNames() | foreach {
$action = $_
$subkey = $DellAdmKey.openSubKey($_)
$subkey.GetValueNames() | foreach {$_ | Select
} | Export-Csv c:\temp\1.csv -NoTypeInformation
$action = $_
$subkey = $DellAdmKey2.openSubKey($_)
$subkey.GetValueNames() | foreach {
$_ | Select #{name="ServerName";Expression={$server}},
} | Export-Csv c:\temp\2.csv -NoTypeInformation
If I understand your question (and your code) correctly, the third group of instructions is supposed to go inside the $DellAdmKey.GetSubKeyNames() | foreach { ... }. In that case you simply need to move the | Export-Csv outside that loop to capture all output in one CSV. You need to make sure all objects have the same set of properties, though.
$DellAdmKey.GetSubKeyNames() | foreach {
$action = $_
$subkey = $DellAdmKey.openSubKey($action)
$subkey.GetValueNames() | Select #{name="ServerName";Expression={$server}},
$subkey = $DellAdmKey2.openSubKey($action)
$subkey.GetValueNames() | Select #{name="ServerName";Expression={$server}},
} | Export-Csv 'c:\temp\out.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Edit: If you really just want to run the code as you posted (which seems somewhat dubious to me, since $_ in line 17 should be empty), you could change the second Export-Csv instruction to
... | Export-Csv 'c:\temp\1.csv' -Append -NoTypeInformation
provided you're running PowerShell v3. Prior to that something like this should do:
... | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | select -Skip 1 |
Out-File 'c:\temp\1.csv' -Append
Either way you should make sure all the objects you're exporting have the same set of properties, though. Otherwise you might end up with Rights values in the TrapDestination column or some such.
I have resorted to using this http://psrr.codeplex.com/ it make life easier. Thanks for the replies Ansgar.