Neo4j perform multiple actions within MERGE ON CREATE - merge

In the following code snippet I would like to perform only 1 SET command if MERGE = ON MATCH, and perform the remaining code (SET, UNWIND, MATCH, MERGE) if MERGE = ON CREATE.
However, when I PROFILE the query during an ON MATCH process I can see that the db is being hit with the last 4 lines, the UNWIND, MATCH and MERGE commands. If I comment them out then the db hits reduce down from 6 to 2.
Is there any way to ensure that the last 4 lines are only run during the ON CREATE process, and not run by the ON MATCH process? I've tried silly things like wrapping everything below ON CREATE in brackets or placing a comma between the two etc :-)
The reason for trying to optimise like this is that I have 150k+ json objects and I am trying to speed up the load process as much as possible. I also need to
Thank you!
CALL apoc.load.json('file:///20220103.json')
//I will be iterating through 150k+ JSON objects here
YIELD value
WHERE value.skills <> []
MERGE (j:Role {roleId: value.roleId})
SET j.keep=true
SET j.title =replace(value.title,'&','&'), j.createdDate = datetime(), ...... etc
WITH value,j
UNWIND value.skills AS list
MATCH (s:Skill {name: toLower(list.skillname) })
MERGE (j)-[:HAS_SKILL{value:list.rank}]->(s)

I think you can filter out the rows that were just created like this:
WITH value,j
UNWIND value.skills AS list


How can I alias labels (using a query) in Grafana?

I'm using Grafana v9.3.2.2 on Azure Grafana
I have a line chart with labels of an ID. I also have an SQL table in which the IDs are mapped to simple strings. I want to alias the IDs in the label to the strings from the SQL
I am trying to look for a transformation to do the conversion.
There is a transformation called “rename by regex”, but that will require me to hardcode for each case. Is there something similar with which I don't have to hardcode for each case.
There is something similar for variables - But I don't see anything for transformations.
Use 2 queries in the panel - one for data with IDs and seconds one for mapping ID to string. Then add transformation Outer join and use that field ID to join queries results into one result.
You may need to use also Organize fields transformation to rename, hide unwanted fields, so only right fields will be used in the label at the end.

Merge vertex list in gremlin orientDb

I am a newbie in the graph databases world, and I made a query to get leaves of the tree, and I also have a list of Ids. I want to merge both lists of leaves and remove duplicates in a new one to sum property of each. I cannot merge the first 2 sets of vertex
.V().has('UserId', within('001','002')).as('UsersList2')
There are several things wrong in your query:
you call V().has('UserId', within('001','002')) for every user that was found by the first part of the traversal
the traversal could emit more than just the leafs
select('UsersList1','UsersList2') creates pairs of users
values('petitions') tries to access the property petitions of each pair, this will always fail
The correct approach would be:
g.V().has('User', 'UserId', within('001','002')).fold().
I didn't test it, but I think the following will do:
has('UserId', within('001','002')))
In order to get only the tree leaves, it is better to use until. Using emit will output all inner tree nodes as well.
union merges the two inner traversals.

Using NEsper to read LogFiles for reporting purposes

We are evaluating NEsper. Our focus is to monitor data quality in an enterprise context. In an application we are going to log every change on a lot of fields - for example in an "order". So we have fields like
Consignee name
Consignee street
....and a lot of more fields. As you can imagine the log files are going to grow big.
Because the data is sent by different customers and is imported in the application, we want to analyze how many (and which) fields are updated from "no value" to "a value" (just as an example).
I tried to build a test case with just with the fields
order reference
For my test cases I added two statements with context-information. The first one should just count the changes in general per order:
epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("create context RefContext partition by Ref from LogEvent");
var userChanges = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("context RefContext select count(*) as x, context.key1 as Ref from LogEvent");
The second statement should count updates from "no value" to "a value":
epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("create context FieldAndRefContext partition by Ref,Fieldname from LogEvent");
var countOfDataInput = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("context FieldAndRefContext SELECT context.key1 as Ref, context.key2 as Fieldname,count(*) as x from pattern[every (a=LogEvent(Value = '') -> b=LogEvent(Value != ''))]");
To read the test-logfile I use the csvInputAdapter:
CSVInputAdapterSpec csvSpec = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(ais, "LogEvent");
csvInputAdapter = new CSVInputAdapter(epService.Container, epService, csvSpec);
I do not want to use the update listener, because I am interested only in the result of all events (probably this is not possible and this is my failure).
So after reading the csv (csvInputAdapter.Start() returns) I read all events, which are stored in the statements NewEvents-Stream.
Using 10 Entries in the CSV-File everything works fine. Using 1 Million lines it takes way to long. I tried without EPL-Statement (so just the CSV import) - it took about 5sec. With the first statement (not the complex pattern statement) I always stop after 20 minutes - so I am not sure how long it would take.
Then I changed my EPL of the first statement: I introduce a group by instead of the context.
select Ref,count(*) as x from LogEvent group by Ref
Now it is really fast - but I do not have any results in my NewEvents Stream after the CSVInputAdapter comes back...
My questions:
Is the way I want to use NEsper a supported use case or is this the root cause of my failure?
If this is a valid use case: Where is my mistake? How can I get the results I want in a performant way?
Why are there no NewEvents in my EPL-statement when using "group by" instead of "context"?
To 1), yes
To 2) this is valid, your EPL design is probably a little inefficient. You would want to understand how patterns work, by using filter indexes and index entries, which are more expensive to create but are extremely fast at discarding unneeded events.
Read: and also
Try the "previous" perhaps. Measure performance for each statement separately.
Also I don't think the CSV adapter is optimized for processing a large file. I think CSV may not stream.
To 3) check your code? Don't use CSV file for large stuff. Make sure a listener is attached.

Spark - Update target data if primary keys match?

Is it possible to overwrite a record in the target if specific conditions are met using spark without reading the target into a dataframe? For example, I know we can do this if both sets of data are loaded into dataframes, but I would like to know if there is a way to perform this action without loading the target into a dataframe. Basically, a way to specify overwrite/update conditions.
I am guessing no, but I figured I would ask before I dive into this project. I know we have the write options of append and overwrite. What I really want is, if a few specific columns already exist in the data target, then overwrite it and fill in the other columns with the new data. For example:
I would like the result to look like this:
Basically, Name and Date columns act like primary keys in this scenario. I want updates to occur based on those two columns matching, otherwise make a new record. As you can see id 4 overwrites id 2, but id 5 appends because the date column did not match. Thanks ahead guys!

Tableau: Create a table calculation that sums distinct string values (names) when condition is met

I am getting my data from denormalized table, where I keep names and actions (apart from other things). I want to create a calculated field that will return sum of workgroup names but only when there are more than five actions present in DB for given workgroup.
Here's how I have done it when I wanted to check if certain action has been registered for workgroup:
WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD(IF [action] = "ADD" THEN [workgroup_name] END))
When I try to do similar thing with count, I am getting "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments":
WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD(IF COUNT([Number of Records]) > 5 THEN [workgroup_name] END))
I know that there's problem with the IF clause, but don't know how to fix it.
How to change the IF to be valid? Maybe there's an easier way to do it, that I am missing?
(after Inox's response)
I know that my problem is mixing aggregate with non-aggregate fields. I can't use filter to do it, because I want to use it later as a part of more complicated view - filtering would destroy the whole idea.
No, the problem is to mix aggregated arguments (e.g., sum, count) with non aggregate ones (e.g., any field directly). And that's what you're doing mixing COUNT([Number of Records]) with [workgroup_name]
If your goal is to know how many workgroup_name (unique) has more than 5 records (seems like that by the idea of your code), I think it's easier to filter then count.
So first you drag workgroup_name to Filter, go to tab conditions, select By field, Number of Records, Count, >, 5
This way you'll filter only the workgroup_name that has more than 5 records.
Now you can go with a simple COUNTD(workgroup_name)
EDIT: After clarification
Okay, than you need to add a marker that is fixed in your database. So table calculations won't help you.
By definition table calculation depends on the fields that are on the worksheet (and how you decide to use those fields to partition or address), and it's only calculated AFTER being called in a sheet. That way, each time you call the function it will recalculate, and for some analysis you may want to do, the fields you need to make the table calculation correct won't be there.
Same thing applies to aggregations (counts, sums,...), the aggregation depends, well, on the level of aggregation you have.
In this case it's better that you manipulate your data prior to connecting it to Tableau. I don't see a direct way (a single calculated field that would solve your problem). What can be done is to generate a db from Tableau (with the aggregation of number of records for each workgroup_name) then export it to csv or mdb and then reconnect it to Tableau. But if you can manipulate your database outside Tableau, it's usually a better solution