How to set up dependencies between two different user scope services in systemd? - service

I am using systemd to run Podman containers as services:
Kafka via kafka user and managing service via: systemctl start/stop --user kafka.service
Zookeeper via zookeeper user and managing service via: systemctl start/stop --user zookeeper.service
Files reside in locations:
Kafka: /home/kafka/.config/systemd/user/podman-kafka-pod.service,
Zookeeper: /home/zookeeper/.config/systemd/user/podman-zookeeper-pod.service.
Both are separate, user-scoped systemd services. What I'd like to achieve to set up dependency to Zookeeper from Kafka: restart/start Zookeeper when Kafka is restarted/started. I am not sure if it's possible to define such relations between user-scoped services.
I tried adding:
To Kafka service, but it fails with the following error:
$ systemctl restart --user podman-kafka-pod
Failed to restart podman-kafka-pod.service: Unit podman-zookeeper-pod.service not found.
Fair enough, because I cannot list Zookeeper service from Kafka user and vice-versa, it's expected I think.
Is it possible to set up dependencies between services being run by different users in systemd?
I could not find the answer on SO or in the documentation. Thanks in advance for a reply.


how to force all kubernetes services (proxy, kublet, apiserver..., containers) to write logs to /var/logs

How to force all kubernetes services (proxy, kublet, apiserver..., containers) to write logs to /var/logs?
For example:
Can I use syslog config to do that? What would be an example of that config?
I have already tried journald configuration forward to syslogs=yes.
Just first what comes to my mind - create sidecar container that will gather all the logs in 1 place.
The Complete Guide to Kubernetes Logging.
That's a pretty wide question that should be divided on few parts. Kubernets stores different types of logs in different places.
Kubernetes Container Logs (out of this question, but simply kubectl logs <podname> + -n for namespace, if its not default + -c for specifying container inside the pod)
Kubernetes Node Logs
Kubernetes Cluster Logs
Kubernetes Node Logs
Depending on your operating system and services, there are various
node-level logs you can collect, such as kernel logs or systemd logs.
On nodes with systemd both the kubelet and container runtime write to
journald. If systemd is not present, they write to .log files in the
/var/log directory.
You can access systemd logs with the journalctl command.
Tutorial: Logging with journald have a huge explanation how can you configure journalctl to gather logs. With agrregation logs tools like ELK and without them. journald log filtering can simplify your life.
There are two ways of centralizing journal entries via syslog:
syslog daemon acts as a journald client (like journalctl or Logstash or Journalbeat)
journald forwards messages to syslog (via socket)
Option 1) is slower – reading from the journal is slower than reading from the socket – but captures all the fields from the journal.
Option 2) is safer (e.g. no issues with journal corruption), but the journal will only forward traditional syslog fields (like severity, hostname, message..)
Talking about ForwardToSyslog=yes in /etc/systemd/journald.conf --> it will write messages, in syslog format, to /run/systemd/journal/syslog. You can pass processing then this file to rsyslog for example. Either you can manually process logs or move them to desired place..
Kubernetes Cluster Logs
By default, system components outside a container write files to journald, while components running in containers write to /var/log directory. However, there is the option to configure the container engine to stream logs to a preferred location.
Kubernetes doesn’t provide a native solution for logging at cluster level. However, there are other approaches available to you:
Use a node-level logging agent that runs on every node
Add a sidecar container for logging within the application pod
Expose logs directly from the application.
P.S. I have NOT tried below approach, but it looks promising - check it and maybe it will help you in your not easiest task.
The easiest way of setting up a node-level logging agent is to
configure a DaemonSet to run the agent on each node
helm install --name st-agent \
--set infraToken=xxxx-xxxx \
--set containerToken=xxxx-xxxx \
--set logsToken=xxxx-xxxx \
--set region=US \
This setup will, by default, send all cluster and container logs to a
central location for easy management and troubleshooting. With a tiny
bit of added configuration, you can configure it to collect node-level
logs and audit logs as well.

How to run Kafka-Connect in Minikube?

To run cp S3-connect to consume kafka topic in my local mac, I did something like below
1. Installed Confluent Kafka connector and ran the kafka
ML-C02Z605SLVDQ:kafka_2.12-2.5.0 e192270$ confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-s3:latest --component-dir /usr/local/share/java --worker-configs config/ 
ML-C02Z605SLVDQ:kafka_2.12-2.5.0 e192270$ cd kafka_2.12-2.5.0
ML-C02Z605SLVDQ:kafka_2.12-2.5.0 e192270$ bin/ config/ // connector.class=io.confluent.connect.s3.S3SinkConnector
Now, to run Kafka S3 connect in minikube I have installed Kafka-connect(kafka-connect-s3) in minikube using cp-helm-charts with help this tutorial Using a connector with Helm-installed Kafka/Confluent.
How to copy kafka config and script files inside kafka-connect pod ?
Should I need to login kafka-connect pod to run command?
There is a from scratch procedure here. The only requirement is Minikube.
The steps you need are the following:
Start Minikube
Deploy a Kafka cluster using the Strimzi Operator
Build your own custom image including required plugins and dependencies
Deploy Kafka Connect cluster in distributed mode using that image
Create a KafkaConnector instance passing a configuration YAML
How to copy kafka config and script files inside kafka-connect pod
You shouldn't copy anything. Everything is configured by env-vars. The Helm charts should be mostly documenting how those variables are working.
The Docker image uses Connect Distributed, which is started via a REST API, not a property file. And confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect already contains S3 Connect
You can also take a look at
The project is aimed at making the installation and management of a Kafka and Kafka Connect cluster on Kubernetes very easy.

What is the confluent platform components service url on docker

I have started confluent platform on windows with the help of docker. I am able to start Kafka Broker, Zookeeper & control center.
I have setup the confluent-cli as well in docker. Now when I try to run the commands on confluent-cli, it's expecting --url param. Confluent docs says that Contact your IT admin to get the HTTP address for the <service url> (for example, for each Confluent Platform component. Since I am running docker on my local now, what would be my service url ?
Now, I have started schema-registry as well and I can use the schema-registry port to check the cluster details.
confluent cluster describe --url http://<my_ip>:<schema_registry_port>
I got the below output when I run the describe command
Type | ID
kafka-cluster | d60cQ7BWQTSz5v9fNuvQRw
schema-registry-cluster | schema-registry
Reference :

How to create connectors for Kafka-connect on Kubernetes?

I am deploying Kafka-connect on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using cp-kafka-connect Helm chart in distributed mode.
A working Kafka cluster with broker and zookeeper is already running on the same GKE cluster. I understand I can create connectors by sending post requests to http://localhost:8083/connectors endpoint once it is available.
However, Kafka-connect container goes into RUNNING state and then starts loading the jar files and till all the jar files are loaded the endpoint mentioned above is unreachable.
I am looking for a way to automate the step of manually exec the pod, check if the endpoint is ready and then send the post requests. I have a shell script that has a bunch of curl -X POST requests to this endpoint to create the connectors and also have config files for these connectors which work fine with standalone mode (using Confluent platform show in this confluent blog).
Now there are only two ways to create the connector:
Somehow identify when the container is actually ready (when the endpoint has started listening) and then run the shell script containing the curl requests
OR use the configuration files as we do in standalone mode (Example: $ <path/to/CLI>/confluent local load connector_name -- -d /connector-config.json)
Which of the above approach is better?
Is the second approach (config files) even doable with distributed mode?
If YES: How to do that?
If NO: How to successfully do what is explained in the first approach?
With reference to his github issue(thanks to #cricket_007's answer below) I added the following as the container command and connectors got created after the endpoint gets ready:
- /bin/bash
- -c
- |
/etc/confluent/docker/run &
echo "Waiting for Kafka Connect to start listening on kafka-connect "
while : ; do
curl_status=`curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://localhost:8083/connectors`
echo -e `date` " Kafka Connect listener HTTP state: " $curl_status " (waiting for 200)"
if [ $curl_status -eq 200 ] ; then
sleep 5
echo -e "\n--\n+> Creating Kafka Connector(s)"
sleep infinity
/tmp/scripts/ is a script mounted externally containing a bunch of POST requests using CURL to the Kafka-connect API.
confluent local doesn't interact with a remote Connect cluster, such as one in Kubernetes.
Please refer to the Kafka Connect REST API
You'd connect to it like any other RESTful api running in the cluster (via a Nodeport, or an Ingress/API Gateway for example)
the endpoint mentioned above is unreachable.
Localhost is the physical machine you're typing the commands into, not the remote GKE cluster
Somehow identify when the container is actually ready
Kubernetes health checks are responsible for that
kubectl get services
there are only two ways to create the connector
That's not true. You could additional run Landoop's Kafka Connect UI or Confluent Control Center in your cluster to point and click.
But if you have local config files, you could also write code to interact with the API
Or try and see if you can make a PR for this issue

Storage plugin configuration on Zookeeper for Apache Drill + Zookeeper in Kubernetes cluster

I am running Apache Drill and Zookeeper on a Kubernetes cluster.
Drill is connecting to zookeeper through a zookeeper-service running on port 2181. I am trying the persist storage plugin configuration on zookeeper. On the Apache Drill docs (, it is given that key needs to be added to drill-override.conf property. But I am not able to figure out a value for this key if I want to connect it to Zookeeper service in Kubernetes.
The value should be:
That's how services get resolved internally in Kubernetes. You can always test it by creating a Pod, connecting to is using kubectl exec -it <pod-name> sh, and running:
ping <name-of-your-zk-service>.<namespace-where-zk-is-running>.svc.cluster.local
Hope it helps!
This is an optional config. You can specify it to modify where the ZooKeeper PStore provider offloads query profile data [1] or you can remove this property from your drill-override.conf and restart drillbits.