sqoop query is giving error for the Import command - postgresql

I am trying to transfer 35 GB table from aws rds postgres to hive but when I try to full table it take much time and after long time execution get stop. so I decide to load incremental way.
schema:All are in varchar except mentioned below.
twoway_seq =>int
create_tmsmp =>timestamp
update_tmsmp =>timestamp
kshsjsjsj 320393682 IN K 02 TMU ISS CMM GPI 14 0 20201800230936 FAIL 02 Y 500 ISS ISS 2020-12-02 17:36:36.447 ISS ISS 2020-12-02 17:36:36.462
sqoop query: This query is working perfectly for full table load.
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k"\
--query 'SELECT * FROM db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012 where 1=1 AND $CONDITIONS'\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--hive-import --hive-table db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012\
--hive-overwrite --hs2-url jdbc:hive2://hivehostname:10000/default;
tried but not working
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k"\
--query 'SELECT * FROM db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012 where create_tmsmp like '2020-12-01%' AND $CONDITIONS'\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--hive-import --hive-table db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012\
--hive-overwrite --hs2-url jdbc:hive2://hivehostname:10000/default;
21/12/29 16:02:43 ERROR manager.SqlManager: Error executing statement: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: operator does not exist: integer % boolean
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
This is also not working
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k \
--table `db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202112`\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--where "create_tmsmp < 2020-12-04 04:51:26.150"\
Also help me on incremental load query. I am also facing syntax error issue.
Incremental import arguments:
Argument Description
--check-column (col) Specifies the column to be examined when determining which rows to import.
--incremental (mode) Specifies how Sqoop determines which rows are new. Legal values for mode include append and lastmodified.
--last-value (value) Specifies the maximum value of the check column from the previous import.

I think the way you are passing --where need to be changed like below. You need to use single quotes around strings.
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k \
--table `db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202112`\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--where " create_tmsmp < TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-12-04 04:51:26','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS' )"\
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k"\
--query "SELECT * FROM db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012 where create_tmsmp < TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-12-04 04:51:26','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') AND \\\$CONDITIONS"\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--hive-import --hive-table db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202012\
Pls change position of \$CONDITIONS if above doesn't work.
Now you can implement Incremental sqoop like below.
NEW ROWS : you can use --incremental append to append new records. identify a column which can be used to determine brand new record - like primary key. And also calculate max() of that column in hive(i assumed it to be 1000). Load those data using below sqoop.
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k \
--table `db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202112`\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--check-column pk_col \
--incremental append \
--last-value 1000
So this above Sqoop will append any row where pk_col > 10000 from postgres.
EXISTING ROWS : Similarly you may want to bring modified rows from source. Then use below SQL. You need to first calculate max() of create_tmsmp and then use it in below statement(i assumed max to be 2020-12-04 04:51:26).
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/db_core_k \
--table `db_core.service_twoway_ifo_202112`\
--m 1 --target-dir "/user/hive/warehouse/db_core.db/service_twoway_ifo_202112"\
--username test --password test001 \
--check-column create_tmsmp \
--incremental lastmodified \
--last-value "'2020-12-04 04:51:26'"


sqoop import create hive table, the table not found in the specified database

I write the following sqoop command :
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/export --username root --password cloudera --table cust --create-hive-table --fields-terminated-by ' ' --hive-table default.cust -m 1
Then, I could not found the table in default database but the file appeared in /user/cloudera/cust
Use —hive-import and -hive-overwrite if it is a overwrite table. You can also mention the —target-dir

Sqoop - Use schema in saved job

When I run this command on shell works fine:
sqoop import --incremental append --check-column id_civilstatus --last-value -1
--connect jdbc:postgresql://somehost/somedb --username someuser
--password-file file:///passfile.txt --table sometable --direct -m 3
--target-dir /jobs/somedir -- --schema someschema
But when I try to save it as a job:
sqoop job --create myjob -- import --incremental append --check-column id_civilstatus
--last-value -1 --connect jdbc:postgresql://somehost/somedb --username someuser
--password-file file:///passfile.txt --table sometable --direct -m 3
--target-dir /jobs/somedir -- --schema someschema
Then I execute:
sqoop job --exec myjob
I get this error message:
PSQLException: ERROR: relation "sometable" does not exist
This is error due to 'sometable' does not exists in default schema.
Why sqoop job soes not take schema parameter? I am missing something?
You can specify /change default schema passing "?currentSchema=myschema"in jdbc connection More detail .
You don’t need to mention schema separately, you can either keep it in jdbc URL, not sure if postgres jdbc URL have that option or not. You have to add it in the table option itself. Something like below
—table schemaName.tableName
Use the following as your JDBC URL
and remove --schema someschema from the Sqoop Statement.
I found a way to make this work here.
sqoop job --exec myjob -- -- --schema someschema

Cloudera-Sqoop import with/without --hive-import

I'm trying to do an activity whereas i'll import a table from MSSQL then export to MSSQL again in another database for the sake of testing sqoop1. So far, my imports are successful. My concern is regarding the export, if i import a table without --hive-import option, i'll be able to export it successfully. But if i include --hive-import option, sqoop wont be able to export it and prompts an error:
17/04/02 23:08:20 ERROR sqoop.Sqoop: Got exception running Sqoop:
org.kitesdk.data.DatasetIOException: Unable to load descriptor
for dataset:customer org.kitesdk.data.DatasetIOException: Unable to
load descriptor
for dataset:customer
As per checking, there's a difference in the metadata with --hive-imports. Imports with --hive-import parameter only does not have the required metadata:
My question is, is it possible to import a table in sqoop with --as-parquetfile and --hive-import option then be able to export it also?
here's my sample import and export code for referrence:
sqoop export \
--connect "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=SqoopDB;schema=dbo;" \
--username sa \
--password Password1 \
--export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/customer \
--table customer
sqoop import \
--connect "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=SourceDB;schema=dbo" \
--username sa \
--password Password1 \
--table Customer \
--as-parquetfile \
--hive-import \
--hive-overwrite \
-m 1

Sqoop export is successful but destination postgres table is empty

I am trying to export the table from hdfs to postgres
Below is the query which I used for export:
sqoop export --connect jdbc:postgresql:hostname:5432/postgresDB --username user --password password --input-fields-terminated-by '\001' --fields-terminated-by ',' --table customer --export-dir /hdfs/location/customer --input-null-string '\\N' --input-null-non-string '\\N' --direct --update-key customer_id
The sqoop query completes with success message. Please see the screenshot below:
But when I query the table, I am not finding any data.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
sqoop export --connect jdbc:postgresql:hostname:5432/postgresDB \
--username user \
--password password \
--input-fields-terminated-by '\001' \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--table customer \
--export-dir /hdfs/location/customer \
--input-null-string '\\N' --input-null-non-string '\\N' \
--direct \
--update-mode allowinsert
This worked ..
For me, this worked after I added the schema name for my table name.
-- -- schema my_schema

Sqoop + Postgresql: how to prevent quotes around table name

I am trying to import a table from Postgresql to a Parquet file on HDFS.
Here is what I do:
sqoop import \
--connect "jdbc:postgresql://pg.foo.net:5432/bar" \
--username user_me --password $PASSWORD \
--table foo.bar \
--target-dir /user/me/bar \
and I get
INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM "foo.bar" AS t LIMIT 1
ERROR manager.SqlManager: Error executing statement: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "foo.bar" does not exist
SELECT t.* FROM "foo.bar" AS t LIMIT 1 does not work indeed, but SELECT t.* FROM foo.bar AS t LIMIT 1 does. So the problem is that table name is quoted. I tried supplying --table argument different ways, but with no effect.
How do I work it around?
As the docs you linked state, there is a --schema argument. For some reason it is not mentioned in sqoop help import.
Another weird thing is that
--table bar --schema foo
still does not work, but
--table bar -- --schema foo
Anyway, it works now. Thanks for linking the relevant docs section!
The table name is bar, foo is the name of the schema.
According to the docs you should do it like:
sqoop import \
--table bar \
--schema foo
According to the documentation you need to specify the schema separately:
sqoop import \
--connect "jdbc:postgresql://pg.foo.net:5432/bar" \
--username user_me --password $PASSWORD \
--table bar \
--schema foo \
--target-dir /user/me/bar \