how to enforce deepface to generate embeddings for multiple faces in single image( assuming there are more than one face in given image) - deepface

I tried adding the following code, but I end up with the error from represent function saying :
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not dict
I understand that the first argument to represent function should be image path but I am supplying the output of MTCNN detection, which is metadata. I am unable to figure out how I can enforce it to get multiple embedding when there is more than one face in a given image
from mtcnn import MTCNN
import cv2
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("all_faces.jpeg"), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
detector = MTCNN()
embeddings = []
for face in faces:
embedding = DeepFace.represent(face, model_name = 'Facenet', enforce_detection = False)

Your face object stores the bounding box and confidence scores.
face: {'box': [412, 161, 593, 853], 'confidence': 0.9996218681335449, 'keypoints': {'left_eye': (579, 518), 'right_eye': (861, 518), 'nose': (735, 681), 'mouth_left': (575, 790), 'mouth_right': (883, 773)}}
You need to extract the faces one by one with the bounding box information. To sum up, you will find the detected face with face["box"] and then pass the detected face to deepface library as shown below.
from mtcnn import MTCNN
from deepface import DeepFace
import cv2
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("deepface/tests/dataset/img1.jpg"), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
detector = MTCNN()
embeddings = []
for face in faces:
x, y, w, h = face["box"]
detected_face = img[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)]
embedding = DeepFace.represent(detected_face, model_name = 'Facenet', enforce_detection = False)


deepface for generating embedding for multiple faces in single image

i am using deep face library for the face recognition project. in my case, I want to detect multiple faces present in the test image using facenet. when I apply deepface preprocess function i see that it generates only one embedding where as in the given image four faces are present. how can i get respective embeddings for each face?
**my code looks:**
import deepface as DeepFace
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from deepface.basemodels import Facenet
import os
from deepface.commons import functions
model = Facenet.loadModel()
target_size = (160, 160)
embedding_size = 128
backends = ['opencv', 'ssd', 'dlib', 'mtcnn', 'retinaface']
target_path = "/home/niveus/PycharmProjects/deepface-elastic-research/deepface/align_img/deep_aku.jpg"
target_img = functions.preprocess_face(target_path, target_size = target_size,detector_backend = backends[3])
target_embedding = model.predict(target_img)[0] #[0]
Deepface enforces you to use single faces in an image. But you are still able to process multiple faces.
1- Extract faces with retinaface
#!pip install retina-face
from retinaface import RetinaFace
faces = RetinaFace.extract_faces(img_path = "img.jpg", align = True)
2- Pass extracted faces to deepface
#!pip install deepface
from deepface import DeepFace
embeddings = []
for face in faces:
embedding = DeepFace.represent(img_path = face, model_name = 'Facenet', enforce_detection = False)
The trick is to set the enforce detection argument to false because we will pass already detected faces to deepface.
You are also able to use MTCNN instead of RetinaFace. RetinaFace is amazing but it is very slow. Instead, mtcnn comes with high performance and speed.
from mtcnn import MTCNN
from deepface import DeepFace
import cv2
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("deepface/tests/dataset/img1.jpg"), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
detector = MTCNN()
detections = detector.detect_faces(img)
embeddings = []
for detection in detections:
confidence = detection["confidence"]
if confidence > 0.90:
x, y, w, h = detection["box"]
detected_face = img[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)]
embedding = DeepFace.represent(detected_face, model_name = 'Facenet', enforce_detection = False)
The both retinaface and mtcnn find facial landmarks such as eyes. In that way, deepface can align faces in the background and it increases the quality of embeddings dramatically. However, opencv is not good at finding landmarks. That's why, if you are going to use opencv, its score might be low because of the alignment.

Given an array of pixels, how to I set up a Gtk3 image in Python

I have written a simple GTK 3 application that reads an image, displays it, applies a threshold to the pixel intensity and tries to draw the result. So I have a numpy array with the pixel values. I do not know how to load the GtkImage from an array of pixels.
It seems the the gtk.gdk.Drawable class might be the answer. I cannot import GdkDrawable because the introspection typelib is not found. So I am stuck - how to I get use a numpy array to set the image of a GtkImage object in Python?
The only way I know to do it is to use Pillow to write the array to a png file and then set the GtkImage widget from the file. Since I want to update as a slider is adjusted, that is too slow.
import gi
from PIL import Image
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
#Load the gtk image widget from a file
#Get pixel array
pb = self.image_widget.get_pixbuf()
h = pb.get_height()
w = pb.get_width()
pixels = pb.get_pixels()
pixels = np.frombuffer(pixels, dtype=np.uint8)
pixels = pixels.reshape((h,w,3))
# Apply the threshold
self.pixels = pixels
self.pixels = (self.pixel>thresh)*255
im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(self.pixels))'temp.png')

Extract objects (fingerprint and signature) from an image using OpenCV and python

At my website I receive an image contains the user fingerprint and signature, I wan't to extract these two pieces of information.
for example:
Original Image
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
def imshow(label, image):
cv2.imshow(label, image)
#read image
rgb_img = cv2.imread('path')
rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img, (900, 600))
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
Gray Image
#canny edge detection
canny = cv2.Canny(gray_img, 50, 120)
canny edge image
# Morphology Closing
kernel = np.ones((7, 23), np.uint8)
closing = cv2.morphologyEx(canny, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
Morphology Closing
# Find contours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(closing.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
# Sort Contors by area and then remove the largest frame contour
n = len(contours) - 1
contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=False)[:n]
copy = rgb_img.copy()
# Iterate through contours and draw the convex hull
for c in contours:
if cv2.contourArea(c) < 750:
hull = cv2.convexHull(c)
cv2.drawContours(copy, [hull], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2)
imshow('Convex Hull', copy)
Image divided to parts
Now my goals are:
Know which part is the signature and which is the fingerprint
Resolve the contours overlapping if exist
P.S: I'm not sure if the previous steps are final so please if you have better steps tell me.
These are some hard examples i may wanna deal with
You can use morphology for finger print and signature selecting.
By example:
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('fhZCs.png')
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
img=cv2.bitwise_not(img) #negate image
#color definition
blue_upper = np.array([130,255,255])
blue_lower = np.array([115,0,0])
#blue color mask (sort of thresholding, actually segmentation)
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, blue_lower, blue_upper)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (20,20))
finger=cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
mask2=cv2.morphologyEx(finger, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, kernel), mask, cv2.CMP_LT)
signature=cv2.morphologyEx(signature, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, kernel)
signature=cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=signature)
finger=cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=finger)
cv2.imwrite('finger.png', finger)

cartopy: map overlay on NOAA APT image

I am working on a project trying to decode NOAA APT images, so far I reached the stage where I can get the images from raw IQ recordings from RTLSDRs. Here is one of the decoded images,
Decoded NOAA APT image this image will be used as input for the code (seen as m3.png here on)
Now I am working on overlaying map boundaries on the image (Note: Only on the left half part of the above image)
We know, the time at which the image was captured and the satellite info: position, direction etc. So, I used the position of the satellite to get the center of map projection and and direction of satellite to rotate the image appropriately.
First I tried in Basemap, here is the code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
im = plt.imread('m3.png')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
rotated_img = ndimage.rotate(im, rot) # rotate image
w = rotated_img.shape[1]*4000*0.81 # in meters, spec says 4km per pixel, but I had to make it 81% less to get better image
h = rotated_img.shape[0]*4000*0.81 # in meters, spec says 4km per pixel, but I had to make it 81% less to get better image
m = Basemap(projection='cass',lon_0 = center[1],lat_0 = center[0],width = w,height = h, resolution = "i")
im = plt.imshow(rotated_img, cmap='gray', extent=(*plt.xlim(), *plt.ylim()))
I got this image as a result, which seems pretty good
I wanted to move the code to Cartopy as it is easier to install and is actively being developed. I was unable to find a similar way to set boundaries i.e. width and height in meters. So, I modified most similar example. I found a function which would add meters to longs and lats and used that to set the boundaries.
Here is the code in Cartopy,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from scipy import ndimage
import cartopy.feature
im = plt.imread('m3.png')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
def add_m(center, dx, dy):
# source:
new_latitude = center[0] + (dy / 6371000.0) * (180 / np.pi)
new_longitude = center[1] + (dx / 6371000.0) * (180 / np.pi) / np.cos(center[0] * np.pi/180)
return [new_latitude, new_longitude]
fig = plt.figure()
img = ndimage.rotate(im, rot)
dx = img.shape[0]*4000/2*0.81 # in meters
dy = img.shape[1]*4000/2*0.81 # in meters
leftbot = add_m(center, -1*dx, -1*dy)
righttop = add_m(center, dx, dy)
img_extent = (leftbot[1], righttop[1], leftbot[0], righttop[0])
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.imshow(img, origin='upper', cmap='gray', extent=img_extent, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.coastlines(resolution='50m', color='yellow', linewidth=1)
ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', edgecolor='yellow')
Here is the result from Cartopy, it is not as good as the result from Basemap.
I have following questions:
I found it impossible to rotate the map instead of the image, in
both basemap and cartopy. Hence I resorted to rotating the image, is
there a way to rotate the map?
How do I improve the output of cartopy? I think it is the way in
which I am calculating the extent a problem. Is there a way I can
provide meters to set the boundaries of the image?
Is there a better way to do what I am trying to do? any projection that are specific to these kind of applications?
I am adjusting the scale (the part where I decide the number of kms per pixel) manually, is there a way to do this based
satellite's altitude?
Any sort of input would be highly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time!
If you are interested you can find the project here.
As far as I can see, there is no ability for the underlying Proj.4 to define satellite projections with rotated perspectives (happy to be shown otherwise - I'm no expert!) (note: perhaps via ob_tran?). This is the main reason you can't do this in "native" coordinates/orientation with Basemap or Cartopy.
This question really comes down to a georeferencing problem, to which I couldn't find enough information in places like
My solution is entirely a fudge, but does get you quite close to referencing this image. I double the fudge factors are actually universal, which is a bit of an issue if you want to write general-purpose code.
Some of the fudges I had to make (trial-and-error):
adjust the satellite bearing by 3.2 degrees
adjust where the image centre is by moving it along the satellite trajectory by 10km
adjust where the image centre is by moving it perpendicularly along the satellite trajectory by 10km
scale the x and y pixel sizes by 0.62 and 0.65 respectively
use the "near-sided perspective" projection at an unrealistic satellite_height
The result is what appears to be a relatively well registered image, but as I say, seems unlikely to be generally applicable to all images received:
The code to produce this image (fairly involved, but complete):
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', 'm3.jpg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from scipy import ndimage
import cartopy.feature
im = plt.imread('m3.jpg')
im = im[:,85:995] # crop only the first part of whole image
rot = 198.3913296679117 # degrees, direction of sat movement
center = (50.83550180700588, 16.430852851867176) # lat long
import numpy as np
from cartopy.geodesic import Geodesic
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
tweaked_rot = rot - 3.2
geod = Geodesic()
# Move the center along the trajectory of the satellite by 10KM
f = np.array([center[1], center[0]],
180 - tweaked_rot,
tweaked_center = f[0, 0], f[0, 1]
# Move the satellite perpendicular from its proposed trajectory by 15KM
f = np.array([tweaked_center[0], tweaked_center[1]],
180 - tweaked_rot + 90,
tweaked_center = f[0, 0], f[0, 1]
data_crs = ccrs.NearsidePerspective(
# Compute the center in data_crs coordinates.
center_lon_lat_ortho = data_crs.transform_point(
tweaked_center[0], tweaked_center[1], ccrs.Geodetic())
# Define the affine rotation in terms of matplotlib transforms.
rotation = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around(
center_lon_lat_ortho[0], center_lon_lat_ortho[1], tweaked_rot)
# Some fudge factors. Sorry - there are entirely application specific,
# perhaps some reading of
# would enlighten these... :(
ff_x, ff_y = 0.62, 0.65
ff_x = ff_y = 0.81
x_extent = im.shape[1]*4000/2 * ff_x
y_extent = im.shape[0]*4000/2 * ff_y
img_extent = [-x_extent, x_extent, -y_extent, y_extent]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.axes(projection=data_crs)
with ax.hold_limits():
# Uing matplotlib's image transforms if the projection is the
# same as the map, otherwise we need to fall back to cartopy's
# (slower) image resampling algorithm
if ax.projection == data_crs:
transform = rotation + ax.transData
transform = rotation + data_crs._as_mpl_transform(ax)
# Use the original Axes method rather than cartopy's GeoAxes.imshow.
mimg = Axes.imshow(ax, im, origin='upper', cmap='gray',
extent=img_extent, transform=transform)
lower_left = rotation.frozen().transform_point([-x_extent, -y_extent])
lower_right = rotation.frozen().transform_point([x_extent, -y_extent])
upper_left = rotation.frozen().transform_point([-x_extent, y_extent])
upper_right = rotation.frozen().transform_point([x_extent, y_extent])
plt.plot(lower_left[0], lower_left[1],
upper_left[0], upper_left[1],
upper_right[0], upper_right[1],
lower_right[0], lower_right[1],
marker='x', color='black',
ax.coastlines(resolution='10m', color='yellow', linewidth=1)
ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', edgecolor='yellow')
sat_pos = np.array(, 180 - tweaked_rot,
np.linspace(-x_extent*2, x_extent*2, 50)))
with ax.hold_limits():
plt.plot(sat_pos[:, 0], sat_pos[:, 1], transform=ccrs.Geodetic(),
label='Satellite path')
plt.plot(tweaked_center, 'ob')
As you can probably tell, I got a bit carried away with this question. It is a super interesting problem, but not really a cartopy/Basemap one per-say.
Hope that helps!

Further define Cascade Object Detector

I have code that is supposed to detect every musical note on a piece of sheet music, but the results with the object detector does not match any of the notes.
posDir = fullfile('D:','Tom','Documents','MATLAB','Music Reader','raw');
negDir = fullfile('D:','Tom','Documents','MATLAB','Music Reader','bad');
detector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('noteDetector.xml');
img = imread('jazzpolice.jpg');
%img = imbinarize(img);
bbox = step(detector,img);
detectedImg = insertObjectAnnotation(img,'rectangle',bbox,'note');
Here are the other parts:
LEFT Image Trainer (I highlighted each note as a positive)
MIDDLE Image for Detection
RIGHT Result
As you can see it's not what I wanted as a result.
Any Ideas?
EDIT Here are my negative samples: