Kubernetes configMap or persistent volume? - kubernetes

What is the best approach to passing multiple configuration files into a POD?
Assume that we have a legacy application that we have to dockerize and run in a Kubernetes environment. This application requires more than 100 configuration files to be passed. What is the best solution to do that? Create hostPath volume and mount it to some directory containing config files on the host machine? Or maybe config maps allow passing everything as a single compressed file, and then extracting it in the pod volume?
Maybe helm allows somehow to iterate over some directory, and create automatically one big configMap that will act as a directory?
Any suggestions are welcomed

Create hostPath volume and mount it to some directory containing config files on the host machine
This should be avoided.
Accessing hostPaths may not always be allowed. Kubernetes may use PodSecurityPolicies (soon to be replaced by OPA/Gatekeeper/whatever admission controller you want ...), OpenShift has a similar SecurityContextConstraint objects, allowing to define policies for which user can do what. As a general rule: accessing hostPaths would be forbidden.
Besides, hostPaths devices are local to one of your node. You won't be able to schedule your Pod some place else, if there's any outage. Either you've set a nodeSelector restricting its deployment to a single node, and your application would be done as long as your node is. Or there's no placement rule, and your application may restart without its configuration.
Now you could say: "if I mount my volume from an NFS share of some sort, ...". Which is true. But then, you would probably be better using a PersistentVolumeClaim.
Create automatically one big configMap that will act as a directory
This could be an option. Although as noted by #larsks in comments to your post: beware that ConfigMaps are limited in terms of size. While manipulating large objects (frequent edit/updates) could grow your etcd database size.
If you really have ~100 files, ConfigMaps may not be the best choice here.
What next?
There's no one good answer, not knowing exactly what we're talking about.
If you want to allow editing those configurations without restarting containers, it would make sense to use some PersistentVolumeClaim.
If that's not needed, ConfigMaps could be helpful, if you can somewhat limit their volume, and stick with non-critical data. While Secrets could be used storing passwords or any sensitive configuration snippet.
Some emptyDir could also be used, assuming you can figure out a way to automate provisioning of those configurations during container startup (eg: git clone in some initContainer, and/or some shell script contextualizing your configuration based on some environment variables)
If there are files that are not expected to change over time, or whose lifecycle is closely related to that of the application version shipping in your container image: I would consider adding them to my Dockerfile. Maybe even add some startup script -- something you could easily call from an initContainer, generating whichever configuration you couldn't ship in the image.
Depending on what you're dealing with, you could combine PVC, emptyDirs, ConfigMaps, Secrets, git stored configurations, scripts, ...


Limit/Controlled kubectl exec command

I am still bit of kubernetes newbe. But I am looking for a way to give developers controlled access to kubectl exec command . I want to give them run most of the read-only command but prevent some high risk command and also prevent interactive download/install etc. Also want to log all their action during sessions for audit purpose.
I am not seeing any straight forward way to do it using rbac. Also not seeing those options in rancher either. I am looking for some guidance and direction to achieve such capability.
I am sure some of you have achieved it some way.
Kubernetes RBAC can only validate whenever you can or cannot exec into pods, (by checking create verb on pods/exec resource), after that it switches to SPDY protocol and passes your input and returning back output from analog of docker exec on your container runtime, without actually caring about what's going in and out
With rbac you also have to specify pod name, which might be problematic if you are using Deployments, where each new revision will generate a different pod name. Since pattern matching is not implemented in rbac - you would have to change your role every time new pod name is generated.
So the answer is "No, you can' do it with rbac"
An alternative solution would be to use some kind of CI/CD (jenkins,gitlab-ci etc.) or orchestration tool (rundeck, ansible-tower etc) where you will create some kind of script, where your developers would pass arguments to a job, controlled by you, i.e.
kubectl exec deploy/foo -- /bin/bar baz "$DEV_ARGUMENT"
Which, essentially, means, that you would be responsible for managing access to that job/script, creating and maintaining serviceAccount for that script, etc.
If you are afraid of image mutability, i.e. you don't want your developers to install something in running container, but otherwise are okay with giving them shell on it (remember, they can still read any secrets/env vars/configMaps and even serviceAccount tokens that pod uses of you mount them by default), you should consider the following:
Don't run your containers as root. Try to use images, that support rootles operation, and then either specify correct non-root UID in runAsUser field in securityContext, or configure runAsNonRoot: true flag to deny containers running as root.
Better general solution would be to utilize PodSecurityPolicy (deprecated, removed in 1.25), Pod Security Admission or some 3rd party admission contoller like OPA Gatekeeper to deny containers running as root in your namespace
You can also make your pods immutable by using readOnlyRootFilesystem in security context, which will deny write operation to pod ephemeral storage (but if you mounted any volume as RW - they still will be accessible to write operations). Feasibility of this approach depends on whenever your apps use some kind of temporary files of not
Relevant links:
kubernetes RBAC role verbs to exec to pod
https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/44703#issuecomment-324826356 - issue, discussing current rbac limitations
https://erkanerol.github.io/post/how-kubectl-exec-works/ - bot links explaining how exec actually works

How can a file inside a pod be copied to the outside?

I have an audit pod, which has logic to generate a report file. Currently, this file is present in the pod itself. I have only one pod having only one replica.
I know, I can run kubectl cp to copy those files from my pod. This command has to be executed on the Kubernetes node itself, but the task is to copy the file from the pod itself due to many restrictions.
I cannot use a Persistent Volume due to restrictions. I checked the Kubernetes API, but couldn't find anything by which I can do a copy.
Is there another way to copy that file out of the pod?
This is a community wiki answer posted to sum up the whole scenario and for better visibility. Feel free to edit and expand on it.
Taking under consideration all the mentioned restrictions:
not supposed to use the Kubernetes volumes
no cloud storage
pod names not accessible to your user
no sidecar containers
the only workaround for your use case is the one you currently use:
the dynamic PV with the annotations."helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
use PVCs and explicitly mention the user to not to delete the
If any one has a better idea. Feel free to contribute.

What are other ways to provide configuration information to pods other than ConfigMap

I have a deployment in which I want to populate pod with config files without using ConfigMap.
You could also store your config files on a PersistentVolume and read those files at container startup. For more details on that topic please take a look at the K8S reference docs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/
Please note: I would not consider this good practice. I used this approach in the early beginning of a project where a legacy app was migrated to Kubernetes: The application consisted of tons of config files that were read by the application at startup.
Later on I switched to creating ConfigMaps from my configuration files, as the latter approach allows to store the K8S object (yaml file) in Git and I found managing/editing a ConfigMap way easier/faster, especially in a multi-node K8S environment:
kubectl create configmap app-config --from-file=./app-config1.properties --from-file=./app-config2.properties
If you go for the "config files in persistent volume" approach you need to take different aspects into account... e.g. how to bring your configuration files on that volume, potentially not on a single but multiple nodes, and how to keep them in sync.
You can use environment variable and read the value from environment.
Or you

What is the right way to provision nodes with static content in Amazon EKS?

I have an application that loads a .conf file and some additional files on startup. Now I want to run this app in Amazon EKS. What is the best way to inject these files into a pod in Kubernetes? I tried copying them into a directory on the node and mounting that directory in the pod via hostpath. That works but doesn't feel the right way to do it. Does EKS have any autoprovision tool for this?
If it's a fixed config file for your app, you can even burn it inside docker image, i.e. copy file in your Dockerfile
If it needs to be configurable during deployment (e.g. it's environment-specific), then indeed, as mentioned by #anmolagrawal above, ConfigMap is the right way:
If you can modify your app to rely on env vars or command-line arguments, it will make your life a lot simpler, you can just pass those values in the Pod spec, no need for ConfigMap.
But you definitely shouldn't be managing yourself any app-specific content on the Kubernetes nodes.

What prerequisites do I need for Kubernetes to mount an EBS volume?

The documentation doesn’t go into detail. I imagine I would at least need an iam role.
This is what we have done and it worked well.
I was on kubernetes 1.7.2 and trying to provision storage (dynamic/static) for kubernetes pods on AWS. Some of the things mentioned below may not be needed if you are not looking for dynamic storage classes.
Made sure that the DefaultStorageClass admission controller is enabled on the API server. (DefaultStorageClass is among the comma-delimited, ordered list of values for the --enable-admission-plugins flag of the API server component.)
I have given options --cloud-provider=aws and --cloud-config=/etc/aws/aws.config (while starting apiserver, controller-manager, kubelet)
(the file /etc/aws/aws.conf is present on instance with below contents)
$ cat /etc/aws/aws.conf
Zone = us-west-2a
Created IAM policy added to role (as in link below), created instance profile for it and attached to the instances. (NOTE: I missed attaching instance profile and it did not work).
For dynamic provisioning:
Created storage class and made it default.
Let me know it this did not work.
This is the one used by kubespray, and is very likely indicative of a rational default:
with the tl;dr of that link being to create an Allow for the following actions:
(although I would bet that s3:* is too wide, I don't have the information handy to provide a more constrained version; similar observation on the route53:*)
All of the Resource keys for those are * except the s3: one which restricts the resource to buckets beginning with kubernetes-* -- unknown if that's just an example, or there is something special in the kubernetes prefixed buckets. Obviously you might have a better list of items to populate the Resource keys to genuinely restrict attachable volumes (just be careful with dynamically provisioned volumes, as would be created by PersistentVolume resources)