Has Streamsets / datacollector-oss gone proprietary after SDC version 4.x? - streamsets

I am unable to find any link to download Streamsets SDC Opensource version. Looks like they no longer will release opensource version of Streamsets/datacollector-oss. The last version of datacollector-oss was Apr 27, 2021 on GitHub and there are no further commits after that. There is no opensource version after 4.x so is it safe to assume that SDC datacollector-oss is dead as open source and will only be proprietary henceforth.

Yes, Streamsets went proprietary. The current product is called DataOps Platform and includes, apart of SDC, a cloud-based Control Hub, as well as engines for running data transformations in Spark and Snowflake.


Is apache kafka Mirror maker officially released, I would like to use the stable version in our prod environment for disaster recovery

I would like to use Mirror Maker 2 for our data pipeline and take advantage of its features in prod but I don't find anything related to whether its officially release or still beta version.
MirrorMaker 2 was released as part of Apache Kafka 2.4.0. You can verify this in the release notes, and see the specific JIRA here.

Future of OrientDB

Since CallidusCloud Acquired OrientDB, does anyone knows about its future?
The announcement says...
"CallidusCloud will continue to enhance the technology, expand the
customer base, and support the OrientDB open source community."
It's good to see that community version will be supported. But will it be under Apache 2 License?
Yes, absolutely, OrientDB Community Edition remains Open Source with Apache 2 license (Open Source).

Mongodb change enterprise edition to community edition

My mongodb is in version 3.0 and run on Linux Redhat 6.
I do not use entreprise options, then I would like to switch enterprise edition to community edition. Any drawback on data? It's much like binary upgrade?
Unless you are using an Enterprise storage engine (eg. Encrypted Storage Engine in MongoDB 3.2+), the data format in MongoDB Community and Enterprise editions is identical and changing between editions is just a change in the MongoDB server binaries. If you need to change storage engines you can do so without downtime on replica sets using a rolling maintenance procedure (see: Your Ultimate Guide to Rolling Upgrades).
I would recommend using matching release versions when changing between MongoDB Enterprise and Community editions to minimize any unexpected issues. The standard upgrade/compatibility caveats (as mentioned in the MongoDB Release Notes) apply if you happen to be upgrading or downgrading between major MongoDB versions (i.e. 3.2 and 3.4).

When is Spring Data MongoDB targeting support for MongoDB 3.0?

Seems the MongoDB release is a significant performance upgrade - ay idea when Spring Data MongoDB will support this version?
Strictly speaking, the MongoDB 3.0 server can even be used with the latest 2.13 Java driver and thus the currently released Spring Data MongoDB 1.6.2. For a full compatibility overview of the driver and server versions, see this wiki page.
The recently released first release candidate of Spring Data MongoDB 1.7 ships support for the MongoDB 3.0 Java driver. This is mostly a compatibility release, we don't target special 3.0 features yet (although you should be able to benefit from an upgrade nonetheless).
Find more information about this in the release train wiki, the JIRA ticket as well as the corresponding section of the reference documentation.
The GA release of Spring Data MongoDB 1.7 is scheduled to be part of the Fowler release train GA end of March.
Spring Data Mongo has 1.7RC1 -> http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-mongo/docs/1.7.0.RC1/ Hopefully that one will be released soon.
As Java Driver github repo says, they released a 2.13.0 version on January 29th and it is stable -> https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/releases/tag/r2.13.0 It includes all the features for mongo 3.0, but you need to go through the compatibility to upgrade to this version.
Also, they are working on v. 3.0.0. for Java Driver, you can find it here -> https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/releases/tag/r3.0.0-beta3 (its still in beta though)

Is there a MongoDB 2.4+ installation available for Arm chips?

I'm interested in building a small server using the Odroid U3 which has 1.7GHz Quad-Core chip. I did install MongoDB 2.1.1 on a Raspberry but found the performance far too low for any serious usage other than tinkering. I was wondering there is a MongoDB package/instruction/tutorial somewhere to install newer versions of MongoDB. Any suggestion/help would be appreciated
You may use mongodb-linux-armv7l-2.4.1.tgz that I've uploaded, taken from a JIRA comment. An experimental but working build. Not production ready.
There is a really up to date version of MongoDB for Arm chips on ArchLinux. Its currently 2.6.1+ and no need for compiling. Is also production ready - albeit with the limitations MongoDB 32bit has.
As of version 3.4 MongoDb officially supports ARM 64.
One thing to note though: Currently (v3.4.0) Only the Wired Tiger storage engine is currently supported.
The current version can be downloaded here: https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-arm64-ubuntu1604-3.4.0.tgz
You may watch this thread on Github of DietPi for update.
For now I have tested prebuild MongoDB 3.0.14 Binaries for Odroid XU4 Running DietPi_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Jessie and it is working fine. Pl check bellow screenshot.
MongoDB 3.0.14 Running on Odroid XU4 on DietPi V6.10 (Debian Jessie):