Generate uml diagram from eclipse - eclipse

I want to generate an UML diagram from Eclipse (code to uml diagram) and when I searched for that I found a tool called OrientedAid in github that you add to your Eclipse program. I installed it but when I'm using it it won't work .. when I press the finish button it doesn't work .. like it's showing in the pic :
What is the issue here?


Create plug-in that creates a snapshot of the source code currently opened on editor - Eclipse CDT

I need to create a plug-in for Eclipse CDT that sends a "snapshot" of the source code of the currently opened editor each time the code is "built".
I am already capable of doing it each time the user presses a custom button created by me, but it would be great if it could be done when the "standard" "build" action is performed.
Do i need no create a plug-in of the type "builder"?
I am using Eclipse 4.4.0...
Can someone help me?! (Sorry for some english mistakes... :( )
One solution would be to create your own custom "Builder". Instead of actually building the code, it would invoke the functionality you already have.
For information on how to use the eclipse build system, please have a look here:
Also, this website goes into more details about building in eclipse: However, I think that the first one should do.
As a side note, this works with any kind of eclipse project (JDT and CDT). The build described there is common to all flavours.
Hope it helps,

integrate an UML modeling Tool in my plugin?

I'm developing a plugin eclipse that generates code from a UML diagram. I want to integrate the tool making these UML diagrams in my plugin. I explain : I want to have a button or a menu that contains " create a new UML diagram". By clicking on it, the tool's editor ( papyrus for example ) shows up so I can create my diagram.
Is it possible ? I admit I am new in developing plugins. And if it is, how ?
Thank you for your help
Yes, this should be straightforward. You can use an Eclipse model-to-text templating technology like M2T-JET to easily generate the file containing the new model and to easily generate code from that model. Once the model file is created and populated with initial content, use the IDE class to open the default editor on the file.

netbeans 6.1 - reverse engineer java source code to UML class diagrams

i was using netbeans 7.1.2 and it didn't have any UML plug in capabilities and now i have had to resort to netbeans 6.1 and i already have two classes from which i would like to create UML Class diagrams but the reverse engineering option yields no results. I cannot generate any class diagrams. Does anyone know how to utilize the UML plug in to reverse engineer source code and create class diagrams.
This isn't possible anymore I think, I looked for it as well and found nothing but that was a year ago. Something might have happened since.
Check out EIDOS_UML, it's a community effort to recreate the UML capabilities I think, don't know the current status of it.
I hope you have followed the procedure correctly to generate the class diagram:
Right Click the Project (or select the specific packages or java files you want) then select Reverse Engineer option in the right click menu, this will generate model based on the selection. This is a necessary step before creating diagrams.
Then browse the model and select the package (or all the classes) for which you want Class Diagram, right click and select Create Diagram from Selected Elements...
Select diagram type (in this case "Class Diagram"), give a name and click finish.
I have tested it in both Netbeans 6.1 and 6.5, and it works fine.
Hope this solves your problem.

Using UMLGraph in Eclipse to Reverse Engineer Java Class Diagram (with or without LightUML) on MacOSX

I am about to leave my position and I need to leave documentation for the maintenance of my Java program. The class diagrams I designed at the start of my project are all out of date, to save time I would like to automatically reverse engineer class diagrams. I cannot figure out how to use UMLGraph with Eclipse - I tried LightUML plugin but that error-ed out, with this:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: /Users/ctcyu/_EclipseWorkSpace/.metadata/.plugins/org.lightuml.core/build.xml:131: Execute failed: Cannot run program "dot" (in directory "/Users/uname/_EclipseWorkSpace/.metadata/.plugins/org.lightuml.core"): error=2, No such file or directory
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: /Users/ctcyu/_EclipseWorkSpace/.metadata/.plugins/org.lightuml.core/build.xml:131: Execute failed: Cannot run program "dot" (in directory "/Users/uname/_EclipseWorkSpace/.metadata/.plugins/org.lightuml.core"): error=2, No such file or directory
I see that the program "dot" is in the Graphviz package required by UMLGraph. Since I am using MacOSX, I downloaded Graphviz's Mac package. It installs a, I can't find any "dot" binaries anywhere. If I compile from source will there be binaries for the "dot" tool?
If I don't use LightUML, and typed in the absolute path to UMLGraph.jar in the "Generate Javadoc" tool in Eclipse, I get this error:
javadoc: error - Cannot find doclet class UMLGraph
1 error
How do you specify custom doclets in Eclipse? Or, how do I get LightUML to work? I am using Eclipse Helios.
I left my previous company few weeks ago and must admit that they are very happy with my consulting. My project documentation is based on UML class diagrams mainly with few other diagrams.
I used a tool from a company named O....o EclipseUML to reverse my full java project into UML. It has reversed no only the code but also all my java persistence annotations.
Once I reversed my project in order to get my UML model then I have created views from my project by drag abd drop of classes and interfaces into empty class diagrams. I have finaly let many comments directly into the diagrams as note (e.g. yellow) and also left java doc visible in some diagrams as a note.
finaly I left the code with a full model attached to it and about 50 class diagrams. I did not have generated a paper documentation but if you open your project with Eclipse Helios then you have a the root of each package the related class diagrams including my notes. If you click on a class in one of the diagrams then you can see my comments written directly in the model. etc...
I would say that my documentation is live synchronized with the code now and it will be very easy for a new developer to understand the full project in just few hours by navigating inside the code and looking UML explanation by a double click.
I think that paper documentation is useless because you never understand the full scope of the project. I believe that my project using UML mixed with the project and synchronized with the code is a lot more powerful.
Hope this help

How to generate code by Papyrus on Eclipse?

I install Papyrus at here. So how to generate code using Papyrus ?
To generate the java code from UML you can follow the below steps.
New Project->EMF Project Press Next
give the project name
In Model Importer page select UML model and press Next
Select UML model which is created by using Papyrus.Press next
In Package selection page select all the root packages
click finish, it will generate genmodel.
Use the genmodel to generate Java code.
I hope this information helps.
In order to generate any text artifacts from UML models in the Eclipse Modelling Environment (i.e. Papyrus, TopCased, etc.) you should use Acceleo which is an eclipse implementation of the MOF models to text transformation language, the OMG standard language for models to text transformations.
It is a very well made technology but it could take some time to become familiar with it especially if you do not know MOF and the Model Driven Architecture.
QVT is another OMG language but its aim is models to models transformations (not models to text). It is therefore not the right answer to your question.
These can help you.
Papyrus Tutorials
Papyrus is an Eclipse lugin for modeling, you need to use additional Eclipse plugin to do model transformations. In the other answer you can find link to tutorials. First of them indicates you should use QVTo.
To generate code from a UML diagram created with Papyrus must create a run configuration for Papyrus.
More information and a demo video at the following links.
You need to install Papyrus Java Classes Generator.
Help --> install new software
work with :
Check group items by category
Check show only the latest version of available software
Check Papyrus Java
Next --> accept terms and conditions
Now, in your model.di : right click on your class --> Java --> Generate java code.
And you're done !
It doesn't work with Java because even if you get a code from a class diagram then this code is so dirty that it is totally unusable.
It seems that this tool has been written by modelers who have never done any java codding :-)