How to show multiple GetX snackbars at once - flutter-getx

I want to popup multiple snackbars like they are on top of eachother.
Is there a way to do that ?
backgroundColor: secondaryColor,
maxWidth: 350,
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: Get.height * 0.95),
isDismissible: false,

You can not show popup as stack.. with Get.snackbar because the Concept of Get is a Context less Widget tree. and for dialogue popup with Get each dialogue is created separated and show one and after such as ques FIFO.. for that approaches you need to think out side the Get then you will get your desire result
Happy Coding.... :)


how to create multiple radial bar inside each other?

I need to make a multiple radial bar inside each other. I searched but only syncfusion_flutter_charts package had some thing like that but I it needs licenses .There is no limitation on using other flutter packages.
the chart is some thing like this multiple radial bar
The best way to do this is to use a Stack widget together with Positioned Widgets. Examples with guides are found in the added links by the Flutter team itself.
What You can do is, use Stack widget to stack the Widgets and use to Wrap those widgets in Positioned widget to Passioned them the way you want inside the Stack.
Although I should mention heavy use of stack widget will have some performance impact.
using this way you can achieve it ( this is only a example , how to do it , it is not a implementation code ) ,
write code according to the use case , that is add alignment ,positioned ,etc...
stack(children: [
radius: 50.0,
circularStrokeCap: CircularStrokeCap.round,
progressColor: Colors.purple,
radius: 100.0,
circularStrokeCap: CircularStrokeCap.round,
radius: 150.0,
circularStrokeCap: CircularStrokeCap.round,
actually I found the best way.CircularPercentIndicator has a center property which takes a widget. I gave it an another CircularPercentIndicator .this way worked perfect

html editor enhanced alert dialog not working when the dialog placed on editor

Dependency : html_editor_enhanced: ^2.4.0+1
controller: controller,
htmlEditorOptions: HtmlEditorOptions(
darkMode: true,
initialText: _phase!.value,
hint: "Enter you information",
autoAdjustHeight: false,
shouldEnsureVisible: true,
name: "editorBG",
name: "height",
script: """
var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"type": "toDart: height", "height": height}), "*"); //,"color":'white'
const HtmlToolbarOptions(
// toolbarItemHeight: 90.0,
// gridViewHorizontalSpacing: 0.1,
// gridViewVerticalSpacing: 0.1,
toolbarPosition: ToolbarPosition.aboveEditor,
toolbarType: ToolbarType.nativeGrid
otherOptions: OtherOptions(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.white,
border: Border.all(
color: const Color.fromRGBO(244, 248, 248, 1),
width: 2),
If I click alert dialog(image choose) cancel or ok button, then click goes to editor only which is placed under dialog box. please confirm what other dependency is compatible for this... also this is flutter inbuild widget which they already wrap it with PointerInterceptor... but still it is not working
html_editor_enhanced uses an HtmlElementView to display the editor and the HtmlElementView consume mouse events before Flutter gets to consume the events.
When overlaying Flutter widgets on top of HtmlElementView widgets that
respond to mouse gestures (handle clicks, for example), the clicks
will be consumed by the HtmlElementView, and not relayed to Flutter.
The result is that Flutter widget's onTap (and other) handlers won't
fire as expected, but they'll affect the underlying webview.
Source: pointer_interceptor docs
Wrap the dialog widget with a PointerInterceptor from the pointer_interceptor package.
From the docs:
PointerInterceptor is a widget that prevents mouse events (in web)
from being captured by an underlying HtmlElementView.
So if your dialog code was this previously:
content: Container(
You should update it to this:
content: Container(
I've been having a similar issue, but I found this
Try running your flutter app with "--web-renderer html".
if you face an error after ok or cancel you should clear focus before the dialog/page closed use the below function, first create a controller for the htmleditor

Using TextField and Button to create a message bubble in Flutter

Android Studio + Flutter
I have a Row at the bottom of the screen.
It includes TextField and Button (Add).
When there is some text in TextField and user clicks Add, I want it to appear as a Bubble inside a Container starting from the top left.
What would be the correct way to do it? I want the bubbles to accumulate like a notes app and eventually be scrollable too.
Try using the Snackbar Widget, which can be personalized heavily.
Here's the documentation.
EDIT. Since you want a permanent list of bubbles on the top, I'd suggest using a provider, so that when you click the button, the onTap event validates and adds the data to a list (below, myElements). Then, up to the top, just add a Consumer Widget that listens to changes to the list (it rebuilds its children every time something changes). In the following example code (I have not tested it!) I use an Expanded widget just for fun and I use a ListView.builder inside the Consumer to show the list of elements you've added, since the amount of added element could be high. Finally, I suggest using either ListTile or Card or a combination of the two, since you want something aesthetically beatiful like a bubble (you'll have to play with the settings, a little):
return ... (
child: Column(
children: [
Text("Some title..?"),
builder: (ctx, myElements, _) => ListView.builder(
itemCount: myElements.length,
itemBuilder: (ctx, i) => ListTile(
title: Text("You added ${myElements[i]}"),
// something else...?
Row( /* ... Text field + Button here... */),
// ...

Best way to allow a bit of overscroll in a CustomScrollView

The UI I'm making usually starts with the bottom sliver scrolled all the way in, so that its top is at the top of the view. But also:
Needs an extra empty space at the top, in case the user wants to pull the content down so that they can reach it without moving their hand from the bottom of the phone (this is a really basic ergonomic feature and I think we should expect to see it become pretty common soon, first led by apps moving more of their key functionality to the bottom of the screen, EG, Firefox's url bar.) (Currently, I'm using the appBar sliver for this, but I can imagine a full solution not using that)
Might need extra empty space at the bottom, whenever the content in that bottom sliver wont be long enough to allow it to be scrolled in all the way. It will seem buggy and irregular otherwise. Ideally I'd impose a minHeight so that the bottom sliver will always at least as tall as the screen, but it's a sliver, so I'm pretty sure that's not possible/ugly-difficult.
The avenue I'm considering right now is, ScrollPhysics wrapper that modifies its ScrollMetrics so that maxExtent and minExtent are larger. As far as I can tell, this will allow the CustomScrollView (given this ScrollPhysics) to overscroll. It feels kinda messy though. It would be nice to know what determines maxExtent and minExtent in the first place and alter that.
Lacking better options, I went ahead with the plan, and made my own custom ScrollPhysics class that allows overscroll by the given amount, extra.
return CustomScrollView(
physics: _ExtraScrollPhysics(extra: 100 * MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio),
And _ExtraScrollPhysics is basically just an extended AlwaysScrollable with all of the methods that take ScrollMetrics overloaded to copy its contents into a ScrollMetric with a minScrollExtent that has been decreased by -extra, then passing it along to the superclass's version of the method. It turns out that adjusting the maxScrollExtent field wasn't necessary for the usecase I described!
This has one drawback, the overscroll glow indicator, on top, appears at the top of the content, rather than the top of the scroll view, which looks pretty bad. It looks like this might be fixable, but I'd far prefer a method where this wasn't an issue.
mako's solution is a good starting point but it does not work for mouse wheel scrolling, only includes overscroll at the top, and did not implement the solution to the glow indicator problem.
A more general solution
For web, use a Listener to detect PointerSignalEvents, and manually scroll the list with a ScrollController.
For mobile, listening for events is not needed.
Extend a ScrollPhysics class as mako suggested but use NeverScrollableScrollPhysics for web to prevent the physics from interfering with the manual scrolling. To fix the glow indicator problem for mobile, wrap your CustomScrollView in a ScrollConfiguration as provided by nioncode.
Add overscroll_physics.dart from the gist.
Add custom_glowing_overscroll_indicator.dart from the other gist.
GestureBinding.instance.pointerSignalResolver.register is used to prevent the scroll event from propogating up the widget tree.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:my_project/custom_glowing_overscroll_indicator.dart';
import 'package:my_project/overscroll_physics.dart';
class OverscrollList extends StatelessWidget {
final ScrollController _scrollCtrl = ScrollController();
final double _topOverscroll = 200;
final double _bottomOverscroll = 200;
void _scrollList(Offset offset) {
_scrollCtrl.offset + offset.dy,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: 300,
decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(width: 1)),
child: Listener(
onPointerSignal: (PointerSignalEvent event) {
if (kIsWeb) {
GestureBinding.instance.pointerSignalResolver.register(event, (event) {
_scrollList((event as PointerScrollEvent).scrollDelta);
child: ScrollConfiguration(
behavior: OffsetOverscrollBehavior(
leadingPaintOffset: -_topOverscroll,
trailingPaintOffset: -_bottomOverscroll,
child: CustomScrollView(
controller: _scrollCtrl,
physics: kIsWeb
? NeverScrollableOverscrollPhysics(
overscrollStart: _topOverscroll,
overscrollEnd: _bottomOverscroll,
: AlwaysScrollableOverscrollPhysics(
overscrollStart: _topOverscroll,
overscrollEnd: _bottomOverscroll,
slivers: [
child: Container(width: 400, height: 100, color:,
child: Container(width: 400, height: 100, color: Colors.yellow),
child: Container(width: 400, height: 100, color:,
child: Container(width: 400, height: 100, color:,
dartpad demo
Mobile result:

flutter typeahead suggestionbox doesn't hide

my problem:
The suggestionbox doesn't hide, except i choose one suggestion. hideSuggestionsOnKeyboardHide changes absolutely nothing...
I saw that others solved this problem with another package named keyboardvisibility.
But for me this is not a solution, beause i don't want the suggestionbox to disappear as soon as the keyboard disappears, I want the suggestionbox to disappear as soon as I tap somewhere outside the suggestionbox. Hope someone can help.
Here my code if it helps:
hideOnEmpty: true,
hideOnError: true,
suggestionsBoxController: _suggestionsBoxController,
textFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration(
controller: typeAheadControllerA,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Artikelnummer',
icon: const Icon(
color: Colors.grey,
suggestionsCallback: (pattern) {
return autoA
.where((autoA) =>
itemBuilder: (context, suggestion) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(suggestion),
transitionBuilder: (context, suggestionsBox, controller) {
return suggestionsBox;
onSuggestionSelected: (suggestion) {
typeAheadControllerA.text = suggestion;
Another minor problem/question:
How can i change the width of the suggestionbox / adapt to the width of the input field?
When I set the icon, logically the width of the input field decreased but the width of the suggestion box did not adapt to the width of the input field. I tried with suggestionsBoxDecoration offsetX. With offsetX I can move the box to the right, but the box keeps its width and therefore goes too far to the right but then i tried with wrapping the typeaheadfield in a padding widget or sizedbox but nothing works. If nobody knows how to solve this, I will probably remove the icons...
Thanks for help :)
You just use the keyboard "done" on iOS physical devices (I haven't tested it on Android yet - assuming there is something similar?), or click another field if there is one. The iOS simulator just doesn't bring up the keyboard when typing so it annoyingly seems like it can't be hidden without selecting a suggestion.
Tapping outside the field but not on another field doesn't unfocus normal TextFields either.
Use this metod: hideSuggestionsOnKeyboardHide: true,
You should wrap your scaffold with GestureDetector and with the property onTap() you call _suggestionBoxController.close();. Another thing if it does not work for you maybe you have a lot of code that is executed in one single file a simple refactoring can be your solution and set hideSuggestionsOnKeyboardHide : true (it was my case). For the width of the box suggestionBoxController.resize()