Unable to configure Self hosted agent on Azure DevOps in MacOs - azure-devops

I am trying to install azure Devops self hosted agent on my MacBook but I am having some trouble doing this. Followed the below url for configration
After downloading the vets-agent tar file when I run the command its throwing error. Can someone help me?

When you receive error messages, please carefully read them; they often contain all of the relevant information you need to solve the problem on your own.
In this case, careful reading shows that you have a file named xxx.tar. You are running the tar command and pointing it to xxx.tar.gz. Thus, it's giving you a file not found error, which is absolutely correct, because there is no file with the .gz extension.


Why is Access to the path '/bin/roslyn' denied?

Long story short, I was able to build a bitbucket .NET/MVC/Angular project successfully on windows 2019 azure hosted agent, but I am unable to make it build successfully on ubuntu agent.
The reason I want to build it on ubuntu is because I noticed the build time is way faster than that of the windows agent, which makes sense considering the platforms.
I am facing this error:
Copying file from "/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/obj/Debug/Bobby.ProjectA.pdb" to "/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/bin/Bobby.ProjectA.pdb".
Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
warning MSB3021: Unable to copy file "/home/vsts/work/1/s/packages/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0/build/../tools/csc.exe" to "/bin/roslyn/csc.exe". Access to the path '/bin/roslyn' is denied. [/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/Bobby.ProjectA.csproj]
According to this post, the issue is because the VBCSCompiler is locking the src.
So i have exhausted all of these solutions here to kill the VBCCompiler, but none of them worked.
I also can't restart the ubuntu agent during a build due to CI limitation, and killall VBCSCompiler bash script before msbuild task resulted in this error: VBCSCompiler: no process found
So now i am stumped, if VBCSCompiler process is not even running, why is Access to the path '/bin/roslyn' denied???
Ive also tried updating/installing Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform package per this post here, but that didnt do/help anything.
This is how my build tasks looks like if it helps:

Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage Settings.xml already exists

I am using sdk 3.3.622.9590 and having some difficulty deploying my application using powershell.
The error is like follows:
Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage : The file 'C:\Users\xxx\A
ppData\Local\Temp\TestApplicationPackage_740405352\n2r3lbmn.zlv\Release(service name)\Config\Settings.xml' already exists.
At C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\Tools\PSModule\ServiceFabricS
DK\Publish-NewServiceFabricApplication.ps1:163 char:38
+ ... tionSuccess = (Test-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage $AppPkgPathToUse)
My application structure is like this
Applicaiton Folder
Service 1
Service 2...
I managed to deploy twice, but the other times it all failed with the same error.
I am new to SF and powershell. Can someone please help me and point me to the right direction?
Just in case it may help anyone who hits this, we were using a self-hosted agent to run the pipeline. Switching the fabric publish task to use an Azure hosted agent seems not to exhibit the same problem.
Hope this helps
As a short term workaround - until Microsoft fix the issue formally, I've managed to mitigate the problem...
What was needed was to ensure that the workspace was cleaned before each and every action involving the application. Build and each release stage.
My specific instance was when using the multi-stage YAML file for build and deployment so adding in a workspace: clean was what was needed.
I still have a support ticket with Microsoft for a more formal fix.

Deploy resources using Powershell DSC pull server

I am trying to deploy Powershell modules from my https pull server but couldn't. I don't know what I'm missing here. These are things which I already did or tried:
Setup a https based pull server using instructions outlined at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullserver
Register a pull client using instructions mentioned here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullclientconfignames
On my pull server I've placed modules under C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules as xWebAdministration_1.12.0.0.zip and xWebAdministration_1.12.0.0.zip.checksum
If I double click xWebAdministration_1.12.0.0.zip file it contains: DSCResources, Examples, Tests, HighQualityResourceKitPlan.md, README.md and xWebAdministration.psd1 at root level, Under DSCResources I have all MSFT_* folders and other stuff
When I run a custom configuration on my client node which requires xWebAdministration module, I get module not found exception.
I looked at client's event viewer for errors but don't see anything related.
Any help is appreciated.
Have you tried Publish-DSCModuleAndMof from xPSDesiredStateConfiguration?
You have to run Install-Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration first.
You can find an example of using this here.

Eclipse save error when trying to open the design view of a synapse config file in WS02 Developer Studio

I'm following the tutorials and samples of the official WSO2 ESB documentation. When I create (or load) a synapse configuration in the WSO2 Developer Studio I'm getting the error as shown below:
Save problems
Save could not be completed.
resources\sunErrorHandler.esb_diagram (The system cannot find the path specified)
This error shows up when I want to open anything in the Design view. Even when I'm not trying to save anything.
So far I have tried to add the path specified in the error, but without success. I already found a workaround to be able to save and deploy my ESB configurations. By using "Save as" I'm able to keep the changes I made in the XML files. However the error stills shows up when I open the new version of the file.
Does anyone know a better solution to permanently resolve this error message?
I had this problem as well, running eclipse.exe as administrator fixed it.
Issue remains unresolved for my Eclipse + DevStudio 3.8.0 install on a Windows 10 environment. However since I was experiencing some other issues with the WSO2 ESB I decided to migrate to a Linux (Ubuntu) environment. This seems to work much better, the eclipse does not seem to have this issue on Linux.
Eclipse want to write in C:\Program Files\eclipse\resources. I solve problem by adding full permissions to group users on folder C:\Program Files\eclipse
If this happens in Mac you can provide the required permission to the "/Applications/IntegrationStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/resources" folder.

Capistrano -- the task `staging:symlink' does not exist

I'm attempting to deploy to a server via Capistrano and I keep getting the error the task `staging:symlink' does not exist.
I've run cap:deploy setup and cap deploy successfully getting the releases and shared directories created but the above error always shows at the end and I think it's stopping my code from getting moved to the root of the directory where it belongs.
I'm new at using Capistrano and I've Googled the issue but I cannot find anything that helps. I can include my code and everything I just don't know what to show to help... let me know!
Thanks for any help you can provide!
The built-in symlink task for capistrano 2.x is cap deploy:symlink.
staging:symlink is not a valid task, unless you've defined it yourself. If you're not defining this, you are accidentally calling it somewhere in your config files (deploy.rb or one of your staging config files, if you're using multistage).
Additionally, deploy:symlink should be called automatically as part of the deploy task. You don't need to call it manually.