Insert data to DB2 table with autoincrement ID without defining column list - db2

I have a DB2 table named TEST where the ID is autoincremented starting from 1.
Columns are ID, col1, col2, col3.
When I want to insert manually like this:
It throws an error that the number of columns in the table are not in line with the number of values I want to insert.
Then I need to specify the column list in the insert statement for this to work:
INSERT INTO TEST (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (1,2,3)
I there any other way to insert the data without specifying the column list? Similar to the first version.

Try this:


Liquibase insert select multiple rows postgres

I want to insert into table1 multiple rows from table2. The problem is that I have some fields in table1 that I want to compute, and some rows that I want to select from table2. For example something like this:
insert into table1 (id, selectField1, selectField2, constant)
values ((gen_random_uuid()), (select superField1 from table2), (select superField2 from table2), 'test');
So the logic is to select superField1 and superField2 from all the rows in the table2 and insert them into table1 with constant value test and generated uids. superField1 and superField2 should be from the same row in table2 when inserting in table1. How can I achieve something like this using liquibase?
P.S: I'm using <sql> tag since it's easier to implement using SQL than using XML changeset, but if you know how to do it in XML that would be appreciated too, but just in SQL will be enough too. DBMS is postgres.
Don't use the VALUES clause if the source is a SELECT statement:
insert into table1 (id, selectField1, selectField2, constant)
select gen_random_uuid(), superField1, superField2, 'test'
from table2;

DB2 INSERT INTO SELECT statment to copy rows into the same table not allowing multiple rows

I've been looking for an answer to this question for a few days and can't find anything referencing this specific issue.
First of all, should it work if I want to use an INSERT INTO SELECT statement to copy over rows of a table, back into the same table but with new id's and 1 of the column modified?
INSERT INTO TABLE_A (column1, column2, column3) SELECT column1, 'value to change', column3 from TABLE_A where column 2 = 'original value';
When I try this on a DB2 database, I'm getting the following error:
If I run the same statement but I put a specific ID to return in the select statement, ensuring only 1 row is returned, then the statement works. But that goes against what I'm trying to do which is copy multiple rows from the same table into itself, while updating a specific column to a new value.
Thanks everyone!
It works fine for me without error on Db2
CREATE TABLE TABLE_A( column1 int , column2 varchar(16), column3 int)
INSERT INTO TABLE_A values (1,'original value',3)
INSERT INTO TABLE_A (column1, column2, column3)
SELECT column1, 'value to change', column3 from TABLE_A where column2 = 'original value'
1|original value | 3
1|value to change| 3
maybe there is something you are not telling us....
You don't mention your platform and version, but the docs seems pretty clear..
IBM LUW 11.5
A multiple-row INSERT into a self-referencing table is invalid.
First google results
An INSERT operation with a subselect attempted to insert multiple rows
into a self-referencing table. The subselect of the INSERT operation
should return no more than one row of data. System action: The INSERT
statement cannot be executed. The contents of the object table are
unchanged. Programmer response: Examine the search condition of the
subselect to make sure that no more than one row of data is selected.
EDIT You've apparently got a self-referencing constraint on the table. Ex: EMPLOYEES table with a MANAGER column defined as a FK self-referencing back to the EMPLOYEES table.
Db2 simply doesn't support what you are trying to do.
You need to a temporary table to hold the modified rows.
Optionally, assuming that your table has a primary key, try using the MERGE statement instead.

Postgres INSERT trigger (same row)

Assume I have the following postgresql table, i.e. Tbl1:
In Tbl1 I have the following attributes (C_ID is the unique ID field updated by means of a sequence):
C_ID, Col2, Col3, Col4, C_IDr, Col5, etc.
I want to create a trigger that when I INSERT a new record, the trigger must fire and set field C_IDr (5th column) equal to C_ID (based on a certain condition - the condition is the easy part), thus INSERT new record: C_IDr = C_ID
How do I go about achieving that?

PostgreSQL - INSERT INTO statement

What I'm trying to do is select various rows from a certain table and insert them right back into the same table. My problem is that I keep running into the whole "duplicate PK" error - is there a way to skip the PK field when executing an INSERT INTO statement in PostgreSQL?
For example:
INSERT INTO reviews SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE rev_id=14;
the rev_id in the preceding SQL is the PK key, which I somehow need to skip. (To clarify: I am using * in the SELECT statement because the number of table columns can increase dynamically).
So finally, is there any way to skip the PK field?
Thanks in advance.
You can insert only the values you want so your PK will get auto-incremented
insert into reviews (col1, col2, col3) select col1, col2, col3 from reviews where rev_id=14
Please do not retrieve/insert the id-column
insert into reviews (col0, col1, ...) select col0, col1, ... from reviews where rev_id=14;

select where not exists excluding identity column

I am inserting only new records that do not exist in a live table from a "dump" table. My issue is there is an identity column that I don't want to insert into the live, I want the live tables identity column to take care of incrementing the value but I am getting an insert error "Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition." Is there a way around this or is the only fix to remove the identity column all together?
You need to list of all the needed columns in your query, excluding the identity column.
One more reason why you should never use SELECT *.
INSERT liveTable
(col1, col2, col3)
SELECT col1, col2, col3
FROM dumpTable dt
FROM liveTable lt
WHERE lt.Id == dt.Id
Pro tip: You can also achieve the above by using an OUTER JOIN between the dump and live tables and using WHERE liveTable.col1 = NULL (you will probably need to qualify the column names selected with the dump table alias).
I figured out the issue.... my live table didn't have the ID field set as an identity, somehow when I created it that field wasn't set up correctly.
you can leave that column in your insert statment like this
insert into destination (col2, col3, col4)
select col2, col3 col4 from source
Don't do just
insert into destination
select * from source