Is there a way to dynamically add a "last" class to the last post appearing in a Tumblr tag page? - tumblr

I was wondering whether it is possible to add a "last" class to the last post appearing in a tumblr tag page in order to be able to customize it in css?
The goal is the following: let us say that a certain tag has 3 posts, so when I navigate in that tag page, the 3 posts appear, one below the other. I would like the first two separated by a line located at the bottom of each post body, but the last one on the bottom of the page should not have a separation line at its bottom, so I guess I would need a specific class for that post since it is the last one.
Thank you.

As per my comment you can achieve this by simply using a css selector :last-of-type or :nth-child(last)
Here is an example.
<div id="posts">
<div class="post">
Post 1
<div class="post">
Post 2
<div class="post">
Post 3
#posts .post {
margin-bottom: 20px;
border-bottom: 2px solid #444;
#posts .post:last-of-type {
background-color: orange;
border-bottom: none;
There is a jsfiddle here:
So each post item will have a border bottom, but for the last post of type we override this with border-bottom: none


How to design a "two column button" in Ionic framework

What I would like to achieve is this:
Surely, I went through the button documentation, but it seems nothing similar is there. So, I would appreciate some pointing in the right direction (codepen with a basic example would be most awesome).
So, ideally, this would be one button tag where I would be able to pass two variables (one which would appear on the left and one on the right). This does smell like a job for a Angular directive, though I haven't fiddled with it too much just yet so a friendly nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
There is something similar to this in their documentation
<div class="button-bar">
<a class="button">First</a>
<a class="button">Second</a>
What I ended up doing in the end was this: I created a div with a class button and then inside it I created additional two div's with custom classes.
The code below:
.leftButtonSide {
width: 50%;
float: left;
color: #000;
.rightButtonSide {
width: 50%;
float: left;
background: #F2F2F2;
color: #000;
border-radius: 2px;
<div ng-repeat="d in data" class="button button-positive-outline">
<div class="leftButtonSide">2</div>
<div class="rightButtonSide">2,00</div>
True, for the exact same look you would have to play a bit with CSS. I ended up with this in the end:
Hope this helps someone too!

Multiple Full Screen Backgrounds on the same page with hashes - CSS or maybe Jquery

I made a website that has a jquery slider with left and right arrows that move to the next slide (webpage). All of the content is contained in one webpage and uses hashes.
It needed to have different full screen backgrounds for each page (hash) so I used a CSS technique that puts full screen backgrounds in DIVs which I found here (CSS Technique 1)
This works but the height of the image is running off the bottom of the screen and therefore adding vertical scrollbars and you can't see the whole background image. I don't mind distorting the backgrounds a little (they are all w1024px x h682px) I just want the whole image in the viewable area.
I haven't been able to get it to work with CSS, let me know if someone has a suggestion otherwise maybe someone could recommend a jquery solution; but I don't know how to make most of those jquery examples work inside the DIVs for the multiple hashes.
Here is the CSS I am using now: {
/* Set rules to fill background */
min-height: 100%;
min-width: 1024px;
/* Set up proportionate scaling */
width: 100%;
height: auto;
/* Set up positioning */
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
#media screen and (max-width: 1024px){ {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -512px; }
And here are examples of two of the slides
<div id="home" class="slide">
<img src="images/bg_home1.jpg" class="bg">
<div class="outer-wrapper">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<div class="header">
<div class="nav">
<span class="rightnav">Next</span>
<div class="content">
test content
<!--Content ends-->
<div id="about" class="slide">
<img src="images/bg_about1.jpg" class="bg">
<div class="outer-wrapper">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<!--Header starts-->
<div class="header">
<!--Navigation starts-->
<div class="nav">
<span class="rightnav">Next</span>
<!--Navigation ends-->
<!--Content starts-->
<div class="content">
test content 02
<!--Content ends-->
The code itself looks correct. One thing that you didn't include but I would make sure of is that the header and navigation you have listed are positioned absolutely on the page rather than floating left and using margins to position things. That will add space to the 100% of the page.
So the image itself is expanding to the height of the page and the heights of header and navigation are being added on top of that. Most likely that is the problem if you seem to scrolling the height of those objects.

Internet Explorer Like button madness

I have a page with an image. When you hover over the image, a slightly transparent white div appears on top of it with a couple of action buttons and some info. When you move your mouse off the image, the info/button box disappears (display: none).
In that hidden/mouseover box is a facebook like button. It shows up perfectly fine in all other browsers, but As you might have guessed, it has strange behaviour in the notorious IE browsers.
In IE7 - IE8, the like button appears for just a second and then disappears. It still leaves a space in the design like when it would be there, it just isn't. Doesn't matter if I rollover first or not. Button appears for a second, then disappears.
In IE9 however, the button does appear and stays there. When I rollover a second time though, the iframe gets a white background, even though the first rollover got me a transparent background.
html code of hidden mouseover div:
<div id="hoverPopup">
<div class="fbLikeWrapper">
<div class="fb-like" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-show-faces="false"></div>
<a href="javascript:reserveGift(#qry_kadoogle_detail.id_kadoogle_detail#, 1)">
<div class="btn_small_prefix"></div>
<div class="btn_gift_center">button1</div>
<div class="btn_small_suffix"></div>
<a href="##">
<div class="btn_small_prefix"></div>
<div class="btn_gift_center">button2</div>
<div class="btn_small_suffix"></div>
css code:
/*width : 50px;
margin-left : auto;
margin-right: auto;*/
.fbLikeWrapper div
display : block;
line-height: normal;
screen captures:
Try this:
#hoverPopup .fb-like {
width: 47px;
display : inline-block;
width : 51px;
text-align : center !important;
margin : 30px auto 10px;
box-sizing : border-box;
-moz-box-sizing : border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing : border-box;
overflow : hidden;
If this not helps, may the javascript causing the problem, not the css and you have to share more information (javascript, html, etc.)...
I found the answer through one of my colleagues who's had a similar problem.
When the page was loaded, the popup needed to be hidden, so I gave them a class that said display:none;. When I hover I toggle the class on and off. In every browser that works with a facebook like button, with IE it doesn't.
I don't exactly know why yet, but I did find out that if I use the jquery .hide() and .show() functions to toggle and initially set the hidden div and not use a class, it works like a charm.
Case closed. IE continues to suck.

Verizon Emails are Coming Out Blank?

I send tens of thousands of emails out, and all my Verizon subscribers are getting blank emails.
Looking into the HTML/HAML they return to me, it seems that Verizon's email parser is placing all the content after my clear:both div tags inside of the Div tag.
Here's an example of my clear div tag and its other attributes.
%div{:style => "clear:both;display:block;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0; font-size: 0; float: left;"}
How can I work around this problem, so that my emails are displayed the same way for Verizon subscribers as for everyone else?
Just add some Foobar text inside of the clear div. For some reason, this bypasses their bug with div tags set to clear consuming all the div tags below it.
An example :
%div{:style => "clear:both;display:block;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0; font-size: 0; float: left;"}
Whatever Text.
In plain HTML:
<div style="clear:both;display:block;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0; font-size: 0; float: left;" class="clear">
Whatever text.

How to make custom share buttons

I have always wanted to add Facebook share buttons to my applications, but the problem that I have is that they all look different. I see sites like this that have custom designed share buttons. Does anybody know a good tutorial, or have any pointers, about how to tackle this?
Sharing something one facebook is quite easy, here is the HTML for my custom share button.
<div id="share_div">
<div id="share">
<a class="click" href="{{fbapp_id}}&link={{link_url}}&message={{share_message|urlencode}}&display=popup&redirect_uri={{link_url}}" target="_blank">
Where all the {{variables}} are to be replace by correct value :
fbapp_id is the id of your facebook application.
link_url is a link attached to the shared content (like a link to your site)
and share_message|urlencode is the message that is shared and it needs to be urlencoded.
Also here some css to style this like a real facebook button :
#share {
border:1px solid #0D386F;
width: 100px;
#share {
border-top:1px solid #879DC2;
padding: 2px 10px;
cursor: pointer;
But I let you the pleasure of customizing as you like, the important part being the href of the a tag
Does it answer your question ?