Flutter: Partially overlapping buttons that can switch overlapping on tap - flutter

I am trying to create a layout of two elevated buttons as below screen shots. One button is partially overlapping other button on the right side. When button on the right is tapped then it will partially overlap the button on left.
I can do it using stack but that will require a lot playing around with the positions.
I am wondering if someone could point me to the right direction on how to achieve this layout.


Unity: How can I make a button clickable under an draggable area?

I am working on a screen of a game, and I want this behaviour: when you swipe in any place of the screen (even over a button) you can scroll, but at the same time you can click in any button.
Now I have a big empty image occupying the whole screen that can capture the drag events, but since raycast is ON, click events are not passing down to the elements below in the hierarchy. So buttons are not working.
Which is the proper way of achieving this?

Flutter Two sided swipe button creation

In my case, need up and down swipe button in flutter. My UI design should exactly match the attached screen shot. Can anyone help me to achieve this please??

How could I animate to another screen by using a Material-like circle expanding effect with Flutter?

Here is an example from a mockup I made of what I am trying to achieve.
Right now in code, these are 2 separate screens, but they are simply using a regular built-in animation between screens. Where would I even start to begin achieving an animation like the mockup example? Could I use a Stack that has a circle as a background with a hero tag, and then change its radius? How could I guarantee it would fill the size of any screen?
Thank you!
It's quite simple, you can do it in 1 page, follow this:
Layer a full page popup menu widget (let's say the widgets on pink)
on the page 1 with Stack, hide it at initial.
Scale animation to the top left circle when pressing it
Show the hidden menu widget after scale animation
Hide and reverse the scale animation when pressing closing or back button

Animate card widget on button click Tinder like swipe

Hello all I am building Tinder like swipe in Flutter. So far so good I have made the stack of cards together with the gesture detector when the user swipes left/right. However my issue come when I try to animate on click of a button. Under the stack of cards there are 2 buttons which you can like or dislike on button click. I would like to get an advice how I can approach the animation when the user clicks on either button. Below is my code for displaying the stack. Best wishes
There are several options to animate the card off screen. Since you're already using a Stack, AnimatedPosition is probably the best option.
You could also use Transform.translate to set the transform property of an AnimatedContainer. Or, if you want more control over the animation you could use a SlideTransition.
For a good overview of how to decide which animations you need, see this video from two days ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXIJJkq_H8g
There's also https://pub.dev/packages/animations for more pre-packed options.

Touch feedback during swipe left and right

My app has a master-detail structure, where the user can tap on a master item to go to the detail view and then swipe left or right to navigate to other details items.
I'm using on-swipe-left and on-swipe-right to let users swipe between the detail views, however, when the user swipes, there is no visual feedback that there is a swipe happening. Only after the user has fully swiped does anything happen. I thought I could use the slide box, because the slidebox does provide visual feedback as soon as you start swiping, however, my views have vertical scroll and that conflicts with the left and right swipe actions due to the swipe sensitivity. In other words, when the user touches the screen to begin scrolling down, the swipe action takes over and it tries to swipe left or right instead of scrolling down.
So, what are my options? Is there any way I can provide some kind of an animation with on-swipe-left and on-swipe-right so that there is some kind of visual feedback (may be an ink trail on the screen) I can show the user? Or is there any way I can make the slidebox approach work so that the horizontal swipe and vertical scroll can function harmoniously? I have seen other apps that have scroll and swipe functions working harmoniously--gmail and pinterest are examples. Just not able to get it working with ionic.
Or is there another UI pattern that I am not thinking of? Worst case, I could provide buttons for next and previous, but this is a mobile app, so I really shouldn't have to resort to that.