How to solve "No cameras rendering" in Unity? - unity3d

I am entirely new to Unity. I have a task to work with a tool in Unity. I'm not sure the "Game" is where I should work or the "Scene"? this is how my "Game" tab looks like, but I saw animations in the "Scene" tab. for changing parameters of animation, I should come back to the "Game" tab to change and again go to the "Scene" tab to see the result. I think something is wrong, and I should see the animation in the "Game" tab. Am I right?
It was confusing for me to explain my problem cause I have no idea!

It's very confusing what is happening in your Unity scene.
I assume either you have a disabled camera object or no camera at all.
Search the hierarchy for a MainCamera object and enable it. The game view is rendered from cameras in the application. If you cannot find a camera gameobject, try adding a camera (Gameobject>Camera). If you could find a camera gameobject, you should also check it's Camera component has target display set to Display 1.

In the Scene View at the top left, you can click 2D View. Then you can select the canvas in the hierarchy and press "F", while your mouse is over the scene view, to focus it there. In the end, you should be able to see the canvas in the scene view just as you can in the game view.
In fact, you don't need a camera in the scene to render UI elements, which is quite confusing. So if you don't need to solve the "no camera rendering" problem, as long as there are no 3D objects you want to draw. Keep in mind that you will probably need to manually place an audio listener if you want to hear something at some point.

In your hierarchy window search box write this :
And see if any will show up. The camera needs to be enabled if there is one present. If there is none, then you need to create one from GameObjects -> Camera.

As above answers indicate, there is a missing Camera object. Please keep in mind also that a disabled parent object will affect child objects. This was my case, my Camera object was a child object for a XR Ring object which was disabled and I was getting the "No Cameras rendering" message.


Why are gameobjects not visible in the Scene Tab but visible in the Game Tab?

I am working on a Unity project. I save it, and then I open more later, and now it's not showing the objects in the Scene tab.
However, in the Game tab, it does.
I read these forums, and the majority think it's because objects are not in the same layer option or something with the camera.
Links here , here and this.
Here are a Gameobject that dont showing in Scene Tab. It's a rectangle:
My main camera is working well, showing all the objects correctly:
All gameobjects are set up in the "Everything" option:

Why do certain sprites ,look as if they're further back in the window?

I am learning how to make games using unity, i have used free sprite packs from unity's store.
i have selected each individual sprite and changed its z position to 0, but when the game runs it looks completely different to how it looks in the editing window.
please help.
Here is a video I recorded.
Are your sprites on a prefab, or children of another game object? The Transform of the parent object affects the transform of all children.
It looks like this is a camera problem. Your camera is set to perspective, it is possible to do parallax backgrounds with a perspective camera and you may have already accomodated for it, but that is the first thing I would check.
You can modify this by going to your Main Camera and selecting Orthographic from the Projection drop-down menu.

Show silhouette or outline of player through other gameobjects

I am using an orthographic camera view where the camera follows the player, but does not rotate. When the player goes behind other objects I need a way to still see it. I played with hiding the objects but the prefabs I am using from the asset store do not seem to work well unless they are rendered opaque.
How can I have the player show through other objects, or have an outline or 'ghost' of the player visible?
I would suggest you to use another camera which will have same behaviour (same position/rotation, movement) as your main camera but will only render the player's layer. so when player goes behind other objects, this camera can still see it and make sure it renders on top of everything else using Depth property of camera.
Hope it helps

can't interact (in game view) with objects displayed by secondary camera - Unity

I have two cameras that occupy different spaces in the Game view. The problem is that I can interact with my object shown by the main camera, but when I move this object (in scene view) to make it appear in the visual field of the second camera, the object is displayed in Game view but I can't interact with it (the object is a scroll Rect btw) through Game view. Seems to have a very simple solution but I couldn't find it.
Here are the parameters of both cameras:
Main Camera:
Pretty sure you can only interact with the current MainCamera in Unity.
If you could explain what you're trying to achieve with 2 cameras maybe we can help you find a better solution.

How can I look through my camera in the Scene view in Unity?

Without going to game view. Is this even possible?
Actually, it's GameObject Menu->Align View To Selected.
I think I know of a solution for you. . .
In Unity:
Select the Camera (GameObject) that you would like to look through while in the Scene view.
Then go to the "GameObject" Menu and select "Align View to Selected."
I hope this helps.
Why not drag your gameview below or above your sceneview. That way you can see both windows. I always work that way ;)
Click on your camera object from hierarchy and click on GameObject->Align View to Selected.
I think what he's describing is the ability to have the "Scene" window be from camera and therefore have it that changes to perspective using the alt key could be automatically adjusting the keys. Is that correct?
In other words, the ability to animate the camera from the scene window with the camera as your view by using alt to drive value changes. That would be helpful.
3D programs like Maya and Max let you select the camera as your view and by having the camera selected and autokey on will adjust the key values based on changes you're making in your viewport.
But bowditch's suggestion is the next best thing. Change the scene view window to what you want, then select the camera object and in the GameObject pulldown select "Align with View" and the camera will snap to that. Then set a key on the camera object.
Go to hierarchy bar in Unity Editor
Press F Key
Double click on object/ main camera
To view objects in different angels you can externally apply rotation, transformation (move) in any of x,y,z and for more details or less details you can zoom in-out with ease of mouse clicks.
Assuming you have Unity Pro (which makes render textures available), constructing a quick editor script to handle this should not be too difficult.
You can select the camera in the hierarchy and then click on the rotation button , after that you can change camera directions in the x,y,z planes and see the camera align in a small sqaure in the scene view , Therefore no need for game view
Hope that helps