WMSTileLayer event handler does not works in react leaflet - leaflet

According to react leaflet documentation below code must work. Or am I doing any wrong? A suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
layers={ 'banbeis:division' }
url={ `http://localhost:8080/geoserver/banbeis/wms` }
maxZoom={ 18 }
transparent={ true }
opacity={ 0.5 }
eventHandlers={ {
click: () =>
console.log( 'layer clicked' ); <--------- does not work
} }

WMS tilelayers don't handle click events, or any other mouse/touch/pointer events, as per https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#tilelayer-wms


Proper DOM event for when an HTML template is to be made (with VueJS)

I want to run a METHOD when a template element is rendered but I'm not sure which DOM event to use:
<template v-on:something="method(parameter)">
Try mounted (One of Vue's life cycle hooks):
mounted: function() {
console.log("Your Vue application is mounted!");
use updated()
try {
catch(err) {

Mapbox GL JS: Style is not done loading

I have a map wher we can classically switch from one style to another, streets to satellite for example.
I want to be informed that the style is loaded to then add a layer.
According to the doc, I tried to wait that the style being loaded to add a layer based on a GEOJson dataset.
That works perfectly when the page is loaded which fires map.on('load') but I get an error when I just change the style, so when adding layer from map.on('styledataloading'), and I even get memory problems in Firefox.
My code is:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.token';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10',
center: [5,45.5],
zoom: 7
map.on('load', function () {
map.on('styledataloading', function (styledata) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
$('#typeMap').on('click', function switchLayer(layer) {
var layerId = layer.target.control.id;
switch (layerId) {
case 'streets':
map.setStyle('mapbox://styles/mapbox/' + layerId + '-v10');
case 'satellite':
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.open('GET', 'regions.json', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
function loadRegionMask() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
var geoPoints_JSON = JSON.parse(response);
map.addSource("region-boundaries", {
'type': 'geojson',
'data': geoPoints_JSON,
'id': 'region-fill',
'type': 'fill',
'source': "region-boundaries",
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#C4633F',
'fill-opacity': 0.5
"filter": ["==", "$type", "Polygon"]
And the error is:
Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
at t._checkLoaded (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at t.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:308)
at e.addSource (mapbox-gl.js:390)
at map.js:92 (map.addSource("region-boundaries",...)
at XMLHttpRequest.xobj.onreadystatechange (map.js:63)
Why do I get this error whereas I call loadRegionMask() after testing that the style is loaded?
1. Listen styledata event to solve your problem
You may need to listen styledata event in your project, since this is the only standard event mentioned in mapbox-gl-js documents, see https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map.event:styledata.
You can use it in this way:
map.on('styledata', function() {
2. Reasons why you shouldn't use other methods mentioned above
setTimeout may work but is not a recommend way to solve the problem, and you would got unexpected result if your render work is heavy;
style.load is a private event in mapbox, as discussed in issue https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/7579, so we shouldn't listen to it apparently;
.isStyleLoaded() works but can't be called all the time until style is full loaded, you need a listener rather than a judgement method;
Ok, this mapbox issue sucks, but I have a solution
myMap.on('styledata', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {
I mix both solutions.
I was facing a similar issue and ended up with this solution:
I created a small function that would check if the style was done loading:
// Check if the Mapbox-GL style is loaded.
function checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
return true; // When it is safe to manipulate layers
} else {
return false; // When it is not safe to manipulate layers
Then whenever I swap or otherwise modify layers in the app I use the function like this:
function swapLayer() {
var check = checkIfMapboxStyleIsLoaded();
if (!check) {
// It's not safe to manipulate layers yet, so wait 200ms and then check again
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// Whew, now it's safe to manipulate layers!
the rest of the swapLayer logic goes here...
Use the style.load event. It will trigger once each time a new style loads.
map.on('style.load', function() {
My working example:
when I change style
I get error Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
This solved my problem
Do not use map.on("load", loadTiles);
instead use
map.on('styledata', function() {
when you change style, map.setStyle(), you must wait for setStyle() finished, then to add other layers.
so far map.setStyle('xxx', callback) Does not allowed. To wait until callback, work around is use map.on("styledata"
map.on("load" not work, if you change map.setStyle(). you will get error: Uncaught Error: Style is not done loading
The current style event structure is broken (at least as of Mapbox GL v1.3.0). If you check map.isStyleLoaded() in the styledata event handler, it always resolves to false:
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()){
// This never happens...
My solution is to create a new event called "style_finally_loaded" that gets fired only once, and only when the style has actually loaded:
var checking_style_status = false;
map.on('styledata', function (e) {
if (checking_style_status){
// If already checking style status, bail out
// (important because styledata event may fire multiple times)
} else {
checking_style_status = true;
function check_style_status() {
if (map.isStyleLoaded()) {
checking_style_status = false;
} else {
// If not yet loaded, repeat check after delay:
setTimeout(function() {check_style_status();}, 200);
I had the same problem, when adding real estate markers to the map. For the first time addding the markers I wait till the map turns idle. After it was added once I save this in realEstateWasInitialLoaded and just add it afterwards without any waiting. But make sure to reset realEstateWasInitialLoaded to false when changing the base map or something similar.
checkIfRealEstateLayerCanBeAddedAndAdd() {
/* The map must exist and real estates must be ready */
if (this.map && this.realEstates) {
this.map.once('idle', () => {
if (!this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded = true
if(this.realEstateWasInitialLoaded) {
I ended up with :
map.once("idle", ()=>{ ... some function here});
In case you have a bunch of stuff you want to do , i would do something like this =>
add them to an array which looks like [{func: function, param: params}], then you have another function which does this:
executeActions(actions) {
actions.forEach((action) => {
And at the end you have
this.map.once("idle", () => {
I have created simple solution. Give 1 second for mapbox to load the style after you set the style and you can draw the layer
reDrawMapSourceAndLayer(); /// your function layer
}, 1000);
when you use map.on('styledataloading') it will trigger couple of time when you changes the style
map.on('styledataloading', () => {
const waiting = () => {
if (!myMap.isStyleLoaded()) {
setTimeout(waiting, 200);
} else {

Detecting right click position on angular leaflet map

I have a mobile page showing a map using angular-leaflet-directive 0.7.11, and have declared my required events like so:
$scope.map = {
events: [
$scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.mousedown', function (event) {
Where the debugger statement is, the event variable contains no information about where the map was clicked. The same event format was provided by the directive when the contextmenu event is triggered.
In fact, if I inspect the entire event variable, it is just an Object, not an Event:
Are the docs wrong? Is the example missing something? How can I obtain the X/Y or Lat/Lng for the particular position that I have right-clicked (tap-hold)?
You need to use the 'leafletEvent'. Try this:
myApp.controller('YourController', ['$scope', 'leafletEvent', function($scope) {
$scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.mousedown', function (event, leafletEvent) {
leafletData.getMap().then(function(map) {
map.on('click', function(e) {
console.log(e.latlng); // L.LatLng {lat: 19.642587534013046, lng: -4.5703125}

How to abort kendo chart navigator mousewheel (zoom) event?

http://docs.kendoui.com/api/dataviz/stock-chart#events-zoom seems to help in disabling mousewheel event on chart area. However, there doesn't seem to be anything that can help aborting zoom event on stockChart navigator.
Try these:
zoom: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevents mouse event
zoom: function (e) {
e.originalEvent.preventDefault(); //prevents window from scrolling
or atleast you can return false in combination with e.preventDefault()

How do I trigger tinymce 4.x focus and blur events

I realize that this question has been asked and answered several times, but I still can't make many of the solutions work. It seems like most of the discussions are older and maybe not compatible with 4.x.
My goal: be able fire some javascript functions upon focus or blur. Here's the base code:
script_url : '/xm_js/tinymce4/tinymce.min.js',
I tried examples like:
script_url : '/xm_js/tinymce4/tinymce.min.js',
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, evt) {
var dom = ed.dom;
var doc = ed.getDoc();
tinymce.dom.Event.add(doc, 'blur', function(e) {
returns:"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'add' of undefined"
script_url : '/xm_js/tinymce4/tinymce.min.js',
tinymce.activeEditor.on('focus', function(e) {
returns: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'on' of undefined"
(but not sure if I have it in the right place)
script_url : '/xm_js/tinymce4/tinymce.min.js',
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('focus', function(e) {
console.log('focus event', e);
returns: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
This works but only when initiating the editor. Other things I've tried but haven't gotten to work:
What am I missing? Thanks.
UPDATE: found a solution that worked beautifully: Why TinyMCE get focus and blur event, when user jump from other input field?
see the fiddle at http://fiddle.tinymce.com/8Xeaab/1
selector: "#editme",
inline: true,
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('focus', function(e) {
editor.on('blur', function(e) {
Your cuestion title its about TRIGGERING focus and blur events, but you really are asking about HANDLING those events.
If anybody is still looking for triggering the events, the solution should by:
selector: "#textarea_123",
then, to set focus:
var inst = tinyMCE.EditorManager.get('textarea_123');
I recently ran into this issue and although I am doing this in angularjs I was able to implement a fix for it by creating a directive that registers when you click off of it and then clears the activeElement in the html body. I will add the directive below. You just call it on the object by adding click-off like you would an ng-cloak to a tag.
(function () {
'user strict';
angular.module('app.directives').directive('clickOff', ClickOff);
function ClickOff($parse, $document) {
var directive = {
link: link
return directive;
function link(scope, $element, attr) {
var fn = $parse(attr["clickOff"]);
$element.bind('click', function (event) {
angular.element($document[0].body).bind("click", function (event) {
scope.$apply(function () {
fn(scope, { $event: event });