WildFly: jboss-cli's add module creates a wrong folder - wildfly

I am taking my very first steps with WildFly application server. I want to create a database driver.
I had a look at https://www.adam-bien.com/roller/abien/entry/installing_oracle_jdbc_driver_on on how to do it manually. And now I want to do it by jboss-cli.sh. I read about these commands e. g. here and here.
So I am typing...
wildfly-26.0.0.Final/bin$ ./jboss-cli.sh -c
[standalone#localhost:9990 /] module add --name=com.oracle --resources=/home/user/Downloads/ojdbc8.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api
The command is going to be executed without error.
I would expect it to
create the module-subfolders (step 2 in the linked tutorial by Adam Bien)
copy the JAR file to the newly created folder (step 3)
create the module.xml file (step 4)
maybe even to add the necessary <driver /> tag in the standalone.xml (do not know if that should be part of the add module command?) (step 5)
Basically it does a lot of that, but different than I expect.
It creates the subfolder in a wrong(?) location. It is not created in [WILDFLY_HOME]/modules/system/layers/base/com/oracle/main like it is decribed by Adam Bien but it is created [WILDFLY_HOME]/modules/com/oracle/main. The JAR file is correctly copied, the module.xml file is created but the folder seems to be wrong. And the standalone.xml is not altered at all.
If I start the web management console I do not see the driver next to the default H2 one.
So my question is what am I doing wrong with the command so that the folder is created in the correcy localtion? Or does this work as designed and the location is not that relevant and I am making other mistakes that it does not show in management console nor in standalone.xml?
By the way, I also tried to change the command module add --name=system.layers.base.com.oracle .... Now the folder was correct, but in the module.xml the name of the module was also system.layers.base.com.oracle.
I tested with WildFly 26.0.0 and WildFly-preview 26.0.0 under Ubuntu.

It should not be created in modules/system/lasers/base. That is for components provided by the container. Having the module off the root $JBOSS_HOME/modules directory is correct.


How to deploy a module/provider/spi via scripting?

Is there a way to deploy modules to Wildfly via scripting (as in, without manually modifying XML files)? I know about the jboss-cli.sh command to add module but is there a way to either directly modify my standalone.xml/domain.xml or do some equivalent thing that will tell Wildfly to load the module?
Said another way...
I've discovered two ways to deploy modules:
1) Hot deploy a jar directly by copying it into $KEYCLOAK_HOME/standalone/deployments
(Per the README in that directory, this method is not recommended for production deployments but it works without any manual work afterward.)
2) run jboss-cli.sh --command="module add --name=com.example.MySpi" then manually edit standalone.xml (or domain.xml) to have your module in the "providers" list, like so:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:keycloak-server:1.1">
... and finally restart the server.
I'd like to use the recommended way, but without manually editing an XML file. Is there a recommended path for this?
You can do something like
jboss-cli.sh --command="/subsystem=keycloak-server:list-add(name=providers, value=module:com.example.MySpi)"
Basically you can script everything that is in standalone.xml with jboss-cli. To find out more how your configuration looks internally, you may try /subsystem=keycloak-server:read-resource(recursive=true) within jboss-cli.
Sorry, cannot add comments yet, so I'm adding this here.
I had to add the --connect option to the command above, otherwise it was complaining with no connection to the controller.
The whole command then would be:
jboss-cli.sh --connect --command="/subsystem=keycloak-server:list-add(name=providers, value=module:com.example.MySpi)"

IBM Liberty issue

An architect is having issues bringing Liberty up. Currently, an individual is running a server on his local computer and they want to move it to a shared server. When he tries to deploy a simple “helloworld” it’s failing and he is receiving an error “Context Root Not Found”. He is not sure what to set in server.xml file to have wlp recognize the application. They have ODM 8.5 on the mainframe. He thinks it might help if he saw an example of an EAR or WAR file deployed. Any ideas or suggestions?
Either put your application in the dropins folder, it will be detected and started automatically, or put it in the apps folder and configure in server.xml like this:
<webApplication id="HelloApp" location="HelloApp.war" name="HelloApp"/>
by default context root is application file name without extension, but you can change it by adding contextRoot="mycontext" attribute.

Restricting access to particular URL for sesame server deployed on JBoss (WildFly 8.2)

I have a sesame server running deployed in a WildFly 8.2.0 final container.
How can I restrict access to some particular URLs?
I know I have to edit some XML files (deployment descriptor and some other files) but I don't know which files and where to find them.
I figured it out my self.
Step 1:
Open the openrdf-sesame.war with Total Commander or any file archiver. Go the WEB-INF folder and open the web.xml file.
Edit the web.xml file by adding constraints, roles and the login-config tag as in this example : http://www.rivuli-development.com/further-reading/sesame-cookbook/basic-security-with-http-authentication/
Save the edited file within the archive and redeploy the openrdf-sesame.war file containing the modified web.xml file.
Step 2:
Go to the WildFly folder and enter the bin directory and run the add-user.bat file.
Choose b) Application User and hit Enter.
Enter a username and a password for the new user.
When you are asked "What groups do you want this user to belong to?", type in one of the roles you have created in the web.xml file and hit Enter.
When asked “is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?” type “yes” and hit Enter.
And that's all.
You now have youre particular URL's restricted.

Netbeans and PHPUnit Skeletion Generator: No such file or directory

I use netbeans 7.2.1 and newest phpunit. When I want to generate a unit test in netbeans by right-clicking on the php class then Tools-> Create phpUnit test the Skeleton generator throws an error: No such file or directory.
require_once(/sharedResources/connection.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
The issue is that the path displayed in require_once is wrong. It is generatedliek this:
$sharedResources = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/sharedResources";
and should resolve to the absolute file path. This works fine when application is running in apache. However it seems that getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") is just wrong when running from netbeans. My question is how I can set it correctly? My application is under
getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/MyApp";
and the file I'm creating a test for is in
Under Project properties there is an option web root but it is greyed out and it is impossible to set it to a folder one level higher than your application.
How can I solve this?
Further clarification:
I initially had a relative filepath to sharedResources which did not work also. the I changed to this one and of coruse ti makes sense it is not working as DOCUMENT_ROOT is set by apache and hence not set when running in netbeans. So a temprary fix is to add
$docRoot = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT");
to the head of every class. of course that is not a very practical or good solution. I would need to tell netbeans to set this environment variable or to use correct relative path.
Well here is my solution. It's not ideal but simple and works. The issue is that DOCUMENT_ROOT is obviously empty when script is not called by Apache but by netbeans. Hence it must somehow be set. To do that I edited the php file phpunit-skelgen(it does not have a file ending but it's a php file).
Below the license text as first php line I added
That did the trick.

Zf Tool cannot find Zend Framework

Just started working with the Zend Framework Zf Tool and I've already come across a problem I've spent hours trying to figure out.
For some reason when I run the Zf show version command I get a ZF ERROR indicating it cant find the Zend Framework a to add it to my php.ini include_directory.
Here is my setup. I'm currently have WAMP installed on my local machine.
I copied the zf.bat and zf.php files into the servers php directory. The path to the php directory has been added to the path environment variable. I'm pretty sure it works because I run the zf show version command in the console and get a ZF ERROR.
I keep my copy of the Zend Framework inside
So I added this to the php.ini include_path. include_path = ".;c:\wamp\includes"
I checked that this setting was set correctly by checking phpinfo() function. Which shows
include_path .;c:\wamp\includes .;c:\wamp\includes
So I think I have everything setup correctly. I can't work out what I'm missing.
I also tried setting the ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH with no success.
Any help would be appreciated. PS I did check other posts here but none of the suggested
I have worked it out! Finally. The way I have my local wamp setup there is 2 php.ini files I have to edit.
The one that made the different is the php.ini inside the Apache2 directory.
Thanks everyone for their help. I appreciate it.
Well im not sure how you downloaded installed the framework but my guess is that you dont have enough of you include path based on the way Zend release packages are constructed. The Zend folder contained in the Zend Framework installation needs its parent folder to be on the include path so typically you would add something like:
This is because the zf package structure looks like:
If you extracted ZF from the archive you will get a Zend-some_version folder, but the actual ZF is in
"include_path\Zend-some_version\library\Zend", so your include path should point include_path\Zend-some_version\library\
Just to add to what Tjorriemorrie said and to explain in detail how I got my installation on win 7 to work as simply as possible:
Download your preferred Zend package from "http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest" to "C:\wamp\www\"
unzip your zip file so that you have the extracted Zend folder (with version name) under "C:\wamp\www\".
Rename your folder by removing the version so that you end up with "C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework"
Run a simple php file with phpinfo() in your browser. Note the entries for: "_SERVER["PATH"]" under PHP Variables
"Path" under Environment
"Loaded Configuration File" at the top
"include_path" under Core and
"extension_dir" under Core as well.
"_SERVER["PATH"]" and "Path" must be identical (no brainer)
There should be only one listing for your apache server and that should be the listing under "Loaded Configuration File" but without the "php.ini". So, if your "Loaded Configuration File" is "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\php.ini" you must have "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin" in your path and that must be the ONLY reference to an apache server. If you have multiple references to apache servers Windows may pick the wrong one depending on your PATH order and use the wrong php.ini file.
Your "extension_dir" will tell you the version and location of php you are using. It is common to have different php folders lying around such as "C:\php", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3....", etc. The extension directory will tell you which one of these php folders ZF will "reference" when it is looking for its library. For example, if your extension directory says "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/", you want to focus on "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3"
Go back to your PATH and a) add the string for this php version and b) remove all the other references to the other php folders
Now that you know your running and primary php and apache folders, shutdown (do not restart), shut down your computer and boot back up (restart does not always let the PATH completely reset.
Go to BOTH php.ini files at a) "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\bin" and "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3" and find the include_path variable for Windows
Replace the default line, which looks like:
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;"
include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework\library"
ON BOTH FILES just as Tjorriemorrie notes.
Restart All Services by clicking the wamp icon and selecting said option
At this point my zf tool was working. But, just to be safe, shut down and bootup
Smile and grab a beer!