Query child model with mongoose - mongodb

I'm updating the mongoose version from 5 to 6 and found a change in the behavior.
This is a small example:
We have two models
const MessageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ text: String });
const Message = mongoose.model('Message', MessageSchema);
const Notification = Message.discriminator(
new mongoose.Schema({important: Boolean})
And let's say, we create two documents:
const m = new Message({text: 'Some text 1'});
await m.save();
const n = new Notification({important: true, text: 'Some text'});
await n.save();
And we run this query:
await Message.find({important: true})
In mongoose v5 the query will use important in spite of it not being declared in the Message schema. And the result will be just one document.
However, in the new version, it will ignore important if you query Messages, and will return all the documents, because without important query is just {}.
My question is, how can I achieve the same behavior with the new version?
I know that I could use the Notification model instead of Messages, but image if there were several models like Notification (children of Message), that had important in them, and I wanted to search in all of them.


Is it possible to query a mongoose model using a text field in an associated model?

I have two mongoose models with a relationship like this:
const ProductSchema: Schema = new Schema(
name: String,
category: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Category'
description: String
with a text index on name and description fields.
The category schema looks like this
const CategorySchema: Schema = new Schema(
title: String
with text index on title field.
Is it possible to have a fulltext search for products such that the keywords can include the category title or even just a text search with the category title alone?
You could find all Products, populate them, and then filter using .filter().
The code would look like this (I guess you know how to gather user input, so I skipped that part):
// If you have saved the user input in a variable
const searchFieldInput = "foo";
const products = await Product
.find({}) // Finds all Products in the DB
.populate("category"); // Populates the Category field
// Filter the products array based on the user input
const filteredProducts = products.filter((product) =>

Designing many to many model with map

I am new to firestore and am wondering if anyone could tell me whether this solution is viable for a many-to-many relationship. I have a collection of Rosters and collection of Students which are related Many-to-Many. As the information I most frequently need about a student is just their name, would it be viable to have a map of students like {<StudentID> : "Student Name"} stored in rosters, and so if I want to retrieve more detailed information about students in a roster, I retrieve the map's keys and iterate through them to retrieve each student's document individually?
I am basing my solution off of this answer.
I'd greatly appreciate any advice! Thank you
Update to this, it is working fine. Here is my code for the cloud function to update athlete names if anyone in the future needs:
export const onUserUpdate =
async (change) => {
const after = change.after.data();
const before = change.before.data();
const bid = change.before.id;
console.log("BID: ");
const userId: any = change.before.ref.parent.parent?.id;
if (after.athleteName != before.athleteName) {
console.log("Change name detected");
const snapshot =
await db.collection(
`athletes.${bid}`, ">=", "").get();
const updatePromises : Array<Promise<any>> = [];
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
.doc(doc.id).update(`athletes.${bid}`, after.athleteName)
await Promise.all(updatePromises);

Add a document reference to two different collections

I'm creating a simple job board site.
You have a JobSeeker, a JobListing and a JobApplication
Both the JobSeeker and the JobListing should have a collection of JobApplications.
When a JobSeeker applies for a job, I want to create a JobApplication document, and add it to both the JobSeeker's collection, and the JobListing's collection.
But that should be a reference to a single document. (ie. if you update it in one place, it should update in the other).
How do I achieve this?
I see according to this answer:
Cloud Firestore multiples document with the same reference
I can add a Reference as a datatype in Firestore - but I'm not exactly sure which method to use to add it.
ie. the collection.add method accepts DocumentData, but I can't see how to set that as a reference?
Can you tell me what syntax to use to:
Create the JobApplication document
Add the document reference to a collection.
Retrieve the document reference from either collection.
Here's the way I ended up solving this:
To set the data:
const docData = {
listingId: "someExistingId",
jobSeekerId: "anotherExistingId",
otherData: "whatever other data goes here",
const docRef = await db.collection("job-application-collection")
await db.collection(`job-seeker-collection/${docData.jobSeekerId}/applications`)
await db.collection(`job-listing-collection/${docData.listingId}/applications`)
That as, what we do is we create one 'real' document, that goes into the job-application-collection and in the JobSeeker and JobListing collections we add a 'pointer document' that just contains a single field ref, containing the document reference.
To retrieve it (in this example, retrieve all of the applications for a given JobSeeker):
const jobSeekerId = "someJobSeekerId";
const colRef = await db.collection(`job-seeker-collection/$jobSeekerId}/applications`);
const colSnapshot = await colRef.get();
* The docs on the collection are actually just documents containing a reference to the actual JobApplication document.
const docsProms = colSnapshot.docs.map((async (colDocData) => {
const snapshot = await colDocData.data().ref.get();
return {
id: snapshot.id,
const data = await Promise.all(docsProms);
return data;
Pretty straight forward, we get the collection on the JobSeeker document, and then on each of those documents, there is a ref field, which we can use the .get() method to return a document snapshot.

Mongoose Error - Mongoose models with same model name

I am working on a NodeJs application and I am using mongoose node package.
Sample Code
I am using following method to create dynamic collections and these collections sometimes fail to persist the data in database -
const Mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = new Mongoose.Schema({
// schema goes here
module.exports = function (suffix) {
if (!suffix || typeof suffix !== "string" || !suffix.trim()) {
throw Error("Invalid suffix provided!");
return Mongoose.model("Model", Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
I am using this exported module to create dynamic collections based on unique ids passed as suffix parameter. Something like this (skipping unnecessary code) -
const saveData = require("./data-service");
const createModel = require("./db-schema");
// test 1
it("should save data1", function (done) {
const data1 = [];
const response1 = saveData(request1); // here response1.id is "cjmt8litu0000ktvamfipm9qn"
const dbModel1 = createModel(response1.id);
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
// test 2
it("should save data2", function (done) {
const data2 = [];
const response2 = saveData(request2); // here response2.id is "cjmt8lm380006ktvafhesadmo"
const dbModel2 = createModel(response2.id);
.then(dbResponse2 => {
// assert for count
The issue is, test 2 fails! It the insertmany API results in 0 records failing the count assert.
If we swap the the order of the tests, test 1 will fail.
If I run the two tests separately, both will pass.
If there are n tests, only first test will pass and remaining will fail.
I suspected the mongoose model creation step to be faulty as it is using the same model name viz. Model while creating multiple model instances.
I changed it to following and the tests worked perfectly fine in all scenarios -
return Mongoose.model(`Model_${suffix}`, Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
This leaves me with following questions -
Am I following correct coding conventions while creating dynamic collections?
Is suspected code the actual cause of this issue (should the model name also be unique)?
If yes, why is it failing? (I followed mongoose docs but it doesn't provide any information regarding uniqueness of the model name argument.
I you are calling insertMany method on dbModel1, where you variable is declared to dbModel2.
Change your test 2 from:
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count

Firestore - batch.add is not a function

The documentation for Firestore batch writes lists only set(), update() and delete() as permitted operations.
Is there no way to add an add() operation to the batch? I need a document to be created with an auto-generated id.
You can do this in two steps:
// Create a ref with auto-generated ID
var newCityRef = db.collection('cities').doc();
// ...
// Add it in the batch
batch.set(newCityRef, { name: 'New York City' });
// Commit at the end
await batch.commit();
The .doc() method does not write anything to the network or disk, it just makes a reference with an auto-generated ID you can use later.
In my case, using AngularFire2, I had to use the batch.set() method, passing as first parameter the document reference with an ID previously created, and the reference attribute:
import { AngularFirestore } from '#angular/fire/firestore';
private afs: AngularFirestore
I'll offer an answer for Firebase 9 in which the syntax differs from Firebase 8.
For Firebase 9, the equivalent of add() is addDoc() as explained at https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/manage-data/add-data#web-version-9_6 . It is for when you're not using batch nor transaction. As per the original problem posted, there is no equivalent of addDoc() on batch nor transaction on Firebase 9 either.
I found a way to achieve the equivalent of addDoc() for a batch on Firebase 9 by following the answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/69859144/2848676 as follows:
const batch = writeBatch(db);
const docADocRef = doc(collection(db, "DocA"));
batch.set(docADocRef, {
fieldA: "This is field of an instance of DocA"
const docBDocRef = doc(collection(db, "DocB"));
batch.set(docBDocRef, {
docAID: docADocRef.id
In this example, instances of DocA and DocB are created and DocB receives a pointers to the DocA instance.
According to the docs
Behind the scenes, .add(...) and .doc().set(...) are completely equivalent, so you can use whichever is more convenient.
Perhaps this applies to batches as well?
For PHP you can try :
$batch = $db->batch();
$newCityRef = $db->collection('cities')->newDocument();
$batch->set($newCityRef , [ 'name'=>'New York City' ]);
To create a document with auto-generated ID with firestore batch, you cannot use the addDoc(). You have to use batch.set() with a reference to the document to be created as below
const db = getFirestore();
// Create a transaction to update both the product stock value and add the new stock data
const batch = writeBatch(db);
const prodRef = doc(db, `products/${productId}`);
const stockRef = doc(collection(db, `stocks`);
// newDocId = stockRef.id;
batch.set(stockRef, stock, {merge: true}); //create new document with autoId
batch.update(prodRef, {available : increment(quantity), stock: increment(quantity)});
Create the reference to the collection in which you are going to add the batch data
We loop over the req.body using forEach and set the each data to be added in to the collection using the set method
We commit the data and save the data to the collection using the commit method and on success ,send a success response.
cloud firestore
Lets assume that you have list of cities and you want to write them in batch.
final CityList = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('cities')
WriteBatch batch = FirebaseFirestore.instance.batch();
for(CityList city in cities) {
final newShoppingItem = ShoppingList.doc();
batch.set(newShoppingItem, {
'name': city.name,
'createdAt': DateTime
Sam Stern's answer is the correct way to do it, although if you are using AngularFire, .doc() cannot be used withouth a parameter to generate a new docId (see https://github.com/angular/angularfire/issues/1974).
The AngularFire way of doing this would be:
// Create a ref with auto-generated ID
const id = this.db.createId();
const newCityRef= this.db.collection("cities").doc(id);
// ...
// Add it in the batch
batch.set(newCityRef, { name: 'New York City' });
This worked for me and it is mentioned in the docs for PHP
$batch = $db->batch();
# Set the data for NYC
$nycRef = $db->collection('samples/php/cities')->document('NYC');
$batch->set($nycRef, [
'name' => 'New York City'
# Update the population for SF
$sfRef = $db->collection('samples/php/cities')->document('SF');
$batch->update($sfRef, [
['path' => 'population', 'value' => 1000000]
# Delete LA
$laRef = $db->collection('samples/php/cities')->document('LA');
# Commit the batch