why does sendgrid import contacts show aws error? - sendgrid

I'm trying to follow instructions for SendGrid Import Contacts (https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/contacts/import-contacts).
I am able to connect to SendGrid and get both the upload uri and the upload headers.
The subsequent call to the upload uri, though, won't work.
The error is
SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method
The call is built as such:
curl --upload-file "path/to/csv" "returned_url" -H 'x-amz-server-side-encryption: aws:kms'
Since I am trying to achieve this under php development, the command above is called in an exec function.
Since none of the aws part is under my management, I am having serious problems in debugging this call.
Could anybody help me?


REST API with basic auth method doesn't work when trying to use inherit

Ive got a rest api that connects with a MQ queue. Im using the IBM tools such as App connect enterprise, and MQ Explorer of IBM.
The thing its that when I send rest, using basic mode, the request results in 200 (ok). Ive assigned the values of users and passwords. But when I try to use inherit auth from parent, the answer it's unauthorized 401.
I tryed to modify the swagger doc, but it resulted very complex, and also It occurred to me that maybe if I develop an LTPA token, that could be a help.
Do you know a method to make inherit auth to work without asking the user and password again? Thank you

Using token authentication with flutter swagger_dart_code_generator

I'm currently learning flutter and how to develop mobile apps with a server backend. I've came across the library swagger_dart_code_generator, which generates Dart Models and API functions based on a swagger file.
I have followed the example they have and I managed to get myself a basic working REST Application.
So my request to api.userLogin(); returns a JWTToken as expected.
The next step was figuring out, how to send a JWTToken with requests that require authentication, but I found no examples in their GitHub repository, nor did I see a Member Function in the generated code, that lets me set headers to the HTTP request.
What I am basically trying to do, is to send the JWTToken I already got to a function like api.getSuperSecretUserInfo(); and get a response from the Server other than a "401 Unautherized".

Can't connect to Salesforce With Google Data Fusion

Trying to configure the salesforce connector to read data from salesforce using Google Data Fusion, but can't connect to Salesforce.
I keep getting "Connection to salesforce with plugin configurations failed" error message when hitting the "get schema" button on the connector. My guess is that this related to my salesforce connected app, but can't really tell. Is it related to the callback URL setting in the connected app? Did anyone succeed connecting to Salesforce using Data fusion?
It looks like the error is coming from https://github.com/data-integrations/salesforce/blob/abc563938e837b3bcfc42dbd4b26c0c6ef347451/src/main/java/io/cdap/plugin/salesforce/authenticator/Authenticator.java#L57.
Unfortunately it looks like the error message doesn't include anything from the root cause, but most likely it's failing during the oauth login, which makes a POST request to:
[login url]?grant_type=password&client_id=[client id]&client_secret=[client secret]&username=[username]&password=[password]
You could try making that request manually and see if you get an error back.
I was getting the same error, but I managed to solve it.
First things first, even though the Security Token is optional, I did not manage to make it work without it.
Apparently, depending on how your Salesforce instance is configured, if your password is mypassword, and your security token is XXXXXXXXXX, then the plugin uses mypasswordXXXXXXXXXX during the authentication.
Secondly, and most important, for the login URL field, this field is the oauth2 url. Therefore where before I was putting https://test.salesforce.com, I had to put https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token. With this final step, it worked. Below a screenshot of the field.

How to post a message to the github api using hub api?

I want to use hub to create some automation script but can't figure out how to post a message to the api. More specifically it is this api endpoint I want to post to: https://developer.github.com/v3/users/gpg_keys/#create-a-gpg-key
I've tried the following:
hub api user/gpg_keys -F armored_public_key='-----BEGING PGP ....'
hub api user/gpg_keys --raw-field "body={armored_public_key='-----BEGING PGP ....'}
None of the above work, the response back is:
{"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://developer.github.com/v3/users/gpg_keys/#create-a-gpg-key"}
which is not very helpful. I thought that -F meant fields within the payload, but I guess I'm wrong.
So how do I post a message with a body using hub api?
I did download the repo to create a modified version that has some more logging, but can't figure out what's wrong. Everything looks good from what I understand in how the request is made.
Looking through the code I found the reason to why this is. It seems like it is hard coded that you should only get the repo scopes when you log in the first time. If you use a token you've created yourself that has more access everything will work as it should.

getting "oauth_problem=nonce_used" when trying to get token and token secret from magento through POSTMAN

I'm a beginner with this while magento/postman thing. Right now I'm trying to get a token and token secret from magento using postman, but I've been stuck for days now and I don't know where else to look for solutions.
I'm using a guide posted by Franklin Strube (user from this forum), but I can't get past the first step since the response I get is "oauth_problem=nonce_used".
I've already checked the following:
- No special ports re being used to connect to my webpage
- REST roles, attributes and clients have been set up correctly in order to have access to the APIs.
- My user has already a key and a secretm which I'm using to send the request via Postman through the GET method.
This is how my postman looks right now:
Please, I'd appreciate any help you can provide me.
Thanks a lot!