Doxygen external reference ads an extra '.html' to the url - doxygen

I have a setup with a main project, and an external library, both documented using doxygen.
I use a tag file to link to the external library, almost textbook example.
my tag setting:
TAGFILES = ../../../../hal/chip/driverlib/doc/driverlib.doxytags=../../../../../../../hal/chip/driverlib/doc/html
The creted path is broken, but I am sure the setting is correct as it is not the path to file that is wrong, but doxygen for some reason ads an extra .html to the url so
I have a vague memory of havong seen this before, but can't find anything.
The setting in the extarnal doxy to generate the tag is like this
GENERATE_TAGFILE = doc/driverlib.doxytags
Doxygen version used: 1.9.1 (ef9b20ac7f8a8621fcfc299f8bd0b80422390f4b)


Why isn't doxygen putting any external doc links in the generated doc? It is reading the tagfile

I have a library documented with Doxygen. It's doxyFile contains
GENERATE_TAGFILE = build/doc/mylib/mylib.tag
Doxygen generates the documentation and tagfile without complaint.
I have a package also documented with Doxygen. I want the package documentation to refer to the library documentation. The package doxyFile contains
TAGFILES = build/doc/mylib/mylib.tag=../../mylib/html
Doxygen reports
Reading and parsing tag files
Reading tag file `build/doc/mylib/mylib.tag', location `../../mylib/html'...
Apart from some warnings about duplicate anchors
/Users/mark/Projects/github/Foo/build/doc-x/mylib/mylib.tag:800: warning: Duplicate anchor vdiparam found
Doxygen completes without a problem. However the generated package doc does not include any references to the external library documentation.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to put explicit links in the package documentation? If so, how?
What I want is to have an entry in the first level of the left-pane treeview of the package docs that links to the library doc's main page.

How does GitHub's Gist embed work?

Let's suppose that I have a file named, and I upload it to GitHub's gist. Now I embed that gist into my blog, using the code provided by GitHub on the corresponding page.
When I browse my blog and I check the source code for the page, I discover that:
the embed code calls a js file which performs some DocumentWrite commands, inserting the appropriate html tags (with css styles) on my page, and
the associated css file is linked to my page. This file contains css declarations for 'gist' class as well as other classes.
This is all very nice. But I wonder: starting from the same file, what would I have to do to end up with the same final html code?
I've tried using pygments and rouge (via pygmentize and rougify commands) with reasonable options but none of them highlights the original code using 'gist' tags (among others) as is done when performing the GitHub embed.

Why don't the Target 8 files implement the project as described in the tutorial?

In Target 8: Define a Custom DOM Tag, the reader is told about custom DOM tags that can be created by extending other tags. A sample is described for an example called "x-converter" before listing the files as "These files implement the app:".
The three files are...
a drseuss.html file (not sure why there's a sudden deviation in the project name and the HTML file, as opposed to the matching names in previous tutorials...),
a converter-element.html file,
and a convertercomponent.dart file.
I tried creating a new application in the latest Dart editor, and replaced the default HTML file contents with that of drseuss.html, replaced the default dart file contents with that of convertercomponent.dart, and added converter-element.html file.
After fixing an include issue (the file from the tutorial refers to drseuss.css and not the default project name's CSS file), I only see the following in the Chromium browser.
As you can see, the element described in the tutorial (converter-element) doesn't show up. Why don't the files provided for the project result in what's shown in the tutorial?
For reference, here's what's shown in the tutorial.
Web UI requires the build.dart script which compiles the various components into the executable output HTML+Dart.
Take a look at the parent folder in the github src that you reference, and you will see the build.dart script.
In addition, you will need the pubspec.yaml from that folder, too, which includes web_ui package, which brings in the dwc tool(Dart Web Components compiler) used by build.dart.
Take a look at the article Tools for Web UI for more information about dwc and build.dart, and Target 6 - Getting Started with Web UI which covers similar ground, but in a tutorial format.

change html output doxygen link

I am working on a project that is heavily documented with doxygen.
In a UI I have a list of all the classes available - I would like to be able to open the right documentation page of the class I select. In order to do that I need an easy to read link, so I can dynamically build it and run it.
Is it there any way I can control the generated link of the html file? Because the ones I have right now are impossible do be built dynamically.
You could use Doxygen's tag file mechanism for that (see GENERATE_TAGFILE in the config file).
A tag file is a reasonably easy to understand and parse XML file that basically lists all symbols in your project, with for each symbol the corresponding (relative) URL to the documentation.
So you could parse the tag file from your UI to resolve the links to the doxygen generated documentation in a robust way.

iPhone Safari offline-cache manifest not working correctly

I'm working on a mobile site for the iphone. I've added a cache manifest and loaded it with a list of resources needed for offline capability. The manifest file has the correct content type. You can view the manifest file in the header of this page:
I had a bunch of links to pages but due to my user level i'm only allowed to post one link. You can see the manifest file there and the source code of the page i'm trying to cache.
I've set the correct MIME type on the server, but the cache only seems to work occasionally.. not all the time. I've tried following apples' official caching guidelines as well.
Can anyone point out where i'm going wrong?
I looked at the manifest file and found 'Â' characters in some of the blank lines. What text editor are you using? Make sure you use the proper encoding and line ending types.