Magento 2.4 Sidebar\RemoveItem - afterExecute() must be an instance of Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http - magento2

I have a plugin in my module that was working in Magento 2.3, but after upgrade to 2.4 i am getting the error
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to
must be an instance of Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http, instance
of Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Json\Interceptor given
This is the code :
use Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json;
class RemoveItemPlugin
public function __construct(
SectionPoolInterface $sectionPool,
Json $json
) {
$this->sectionPool = $sectionPool;
$this->json = $json;
public function afterExecute(
\Magento\Checkout\Controller\Sidebar\RemoveItem $subject,
\Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http $result
): \Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http {
/* Get Cart Items */
$sectionNames = "cart";
$sectionNames = $sectionNames ? array_unique(\explode(',', $sectionNames)) : null;
$forceNewSectionTimestamp = false;
$response = $this->sectionPool->getSectionsData($sectionNames, (bool)$forceNewSectionTimestamp);
/* Prepare Result */
$content = $this->json->unserialize($result->getContent());
$content['cartSection'] = $response;
$content = $this->json->serialize($content);
return $result;
I tried the answer in this question :
but once I change $result to be type resultInterface, I can no longer use $result->getContent() to return the cart json. Is there a way to do this with resultInterface?


How do I send variables to an error layout in ZF3?

What is right way to send variables to the layout templete for it be approachable in error pages?
I have AppFrontController above all my frontend controllers. It have code (code is near) in onDispatch() method:
$assocArrayOfVars = $this->MyPlugin()->getDbVariablesArray();
foreach($assocArrayOfVars as $name => $value){
$this->layout()->$name = $value;
list($catalog, $count_goods) = $this->MyPlugin()->getStandardCatalogDataForLayout();
$this->layout()->catalog = $catalog;
$this->layout()->count_goods = $count_goods;
As the result, I have my local variables in every frontend page. But I have’nt it in an error page. How I can to deside this problem? I very need your advices! Thank you!
Thank you for your advices! Problem is solved. Code of final version Module.php file below. I use listener instead of a “parent controller” by froschdesign advice.
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event)
$application = $event->getApplication();
$eventManager = $application->getEventManager();
$eventManager->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'loadConfiguration'), 2);
$eventManager->attach('dispatch.error', array($this, 'loadConfiguration'), 2);
public function loadConfiguration(MvcEvent $e)
$application = $e->getApplication();
$sm = $application->getServiceManager();
$sharedManager = $application->getEventManager()->getSharedManager();
$router = $sm->get('router');
$request = $sm->get('request');
$zendCart = $sm->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('ZendCart');
$myPlugin = $sm->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('MyPlugin');
$viewModel = $e->getViewModel();
$viewModel->setVariable('total', $zendCart->total());
$viewModel->setVariable('total_items', $zendCart->total_items());
$viewModel->setVariable('rusmonth', $rusmonth);
/* Layout variables */
$assocArrayOfVars = $myPlugin->getDbVariablesArray();
foreach ($assocArrayOfVars as $name => $value) {
$viewModel->setVariable($name, $value);
list($catalog, $count_goods) = $myPlugin->getStandardCatalogDataForLayout();
$viewModel->setVariable('catalog', $catalog);
$viewModel->setVariable('count_goods', $count_goods);
More listener examples here.

Symfony createView causes error

I am using Symfony 3.3.10
I have the following code
* #Route("/meta/edit/{metaId}", name="edit_price_meta_data")
public function editMetaAction(Request $request,ItemPriceMeta $metaId)
$metaDataForm = $this->createForm("ItemBundle\Form\ItemPriceMetaType");
$data = [
return $this->render("#Item/Prices/Manage/editMetaData.html.twig",$data);
It produces the following error.
Error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded
in vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork.php (line 2513)
public function createEntity($className, array $data, &$hints = array()){
$class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className);
//$isReadOnly = isset($hints[Query::HINT_READ_ONLY])
$id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $data);
$idHash = implode(' ', $id);
if (isset($this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash])) {
$entity = $this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash];
$oid = spl_object_hash($entity);
The actual line highlighted as causing the error is $id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $data);
Removing 'metaDataForm'=>$metaDataForm->createView(), from my array, removes the error, so it seems to be the rendering of the form that is causing the error.
Increase PHP memory usage in php.ini

How to use createUser in Facebook Ads (to replace deprecated addUsers)

Now that I've upgraded to "facebook/php-ads-sdk": "2.8.*" (, this function of mine doesn't work anymore:
public function addToCustomAudience($entriesArray, $audienceId, $inputType = CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL) {
$audience = new CustomAudience($audienceId);
$result = $audience->addUsers($entriesArray, $inputType);
return $result;
Apparently addUsers is no longer available.
I see a createUser function, but it looks quite different, and there is no documentation online about how to migrate from addUsers to createUser.
What I want to do is simple.
Given an array of email addresses and an ID of an audience, how can I add all of those email addresses to that Facebook Custom Audience?
From what I can see in the code, addUsers is still there, and it's documented on the Developer site.
I just used the latest SDK along with the following code to update an audience:
use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience;
use FacebookAds\Object\Values\CustomAudienceTypes;
$emails = array(
$audience = new CustomAudience(<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>);
$audience->addUsers($emails, CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL);
This seems to work for my purposes.
I copied some code from the facebook-php-ads-sdk as a workaround.
$audience = new CustomAudience($audienceId);
$params = $this->formatParams($entriesArray, $inputType, [], false);
$audience->createUser([], $params, false);
* Copied this from Facebook's
* Take users and format them correctly for the request
* #param array $users
* #param string $type
* #param array $app_ids
* #param bool $is_hashed
* #return array
protected function formatParams(array $users, $type, array $app_ids = array(), $is_hashed = false) {
if ($type == CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL || $type == CustomAudienceTypes::PHONE) {
$normalizer = new EmailNormalizer();
$hash_normalizer = new HashNormalizer();
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if ($type == CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL) {
$user = $normalizer->normalize(CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL, $user);
if (!$is_hashed) {
$user = $hash_normalizer->normalize(
CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL, $user);
$payload = array(
'schema' => $type,
'data' => $users,
if ($type === CustomAudienceTypes::ID) {
if (empty($app_ids)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"Custom audiences with type " . CustomAudienceTypes::ID . " require"
. "at least one app_id");
$payload['app_ids'] = $app_ids;
return array('payload' => $payload);

ZF2 - Show just one error on forms

I can't seem to get ZF2 to show just one error message for failed form validation messages.
For example, an EmailAddress validator can pass back up to 7 messages and typically shows the following if the user has made a typo:
oli.meffff' is not a valid hostname for the email address
The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list
The input appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed
How can I override the error to show something a little more friendly, such as "Please enter a valid email address" instead of specifics like the above?
OK, managed to come up with a solution for this. Instead of using the same string as the error for all validator failures as Sam suggested above, I have overridden the error messages in the InputFilter for the elements and then used a custom form error view helper to show only the first message.
Here is the helper:
namespace Application\Form\View\Helper;
use Traversable;
use \Zend\Form\ElementInterface;
use \Zend\Form\Exception;
class FormElementSingleErrors extends \Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormElementErrors
* Render validation errors for the provided $element
* #param ElementInterface $element
* #param array $attributes
* #throws Exception\DomainException
* #return string
public function render(ElementInterface $element, array $attributes = array())
$messages = $element->getMessages();
if (empty($messages)) {
return '';
if (!is_array($messages) && !$messages instanceof Traversable) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects that $element->getMessages() will return an array or Traversable; received "%s"',
(is_object($messages) ? get_class($messages) : gettype($messages))
// We only want a single message
$messages = array(current($messages));
// Prepare attributes for opening tag
$attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $attributes);
$attributes = $this->createAttributesString($attributes);
if (!empty($attributes)) {
$attributes = ' ' . $attributes;
// Flatten message array
$escapeHtml = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper();
$messagesToPrint = array();
array_walk_recursive($messages, function ($item) use (&$messagesToPrint, $escapeHtml) {
$messagesToPrint[] = $escapeHtml($item);
if (empty($messagesToPrint)) {
return '';
// Generate markup
$markup = sprintf($this->getMessageOpenFormat(), $attributes);
$markup .= implode($this->getMessageSeparatorString(), $messagesToPrint);
$markup .= $this->getMessageCloseString();
return $markup;
It's just an extension of FormElementErrors with the render function overridden to include this:
// We only want a single message
$messages = array(current($messages));
I then insert the helper into my application using the solution I posted to my issue here.

Zend Framework: Paypal

I have been attempting to implement a paypal functionality into my application by following the example here:
This is my paymentAction in my controller.
public function paymentAction()
$auth= Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$user= $auth->getIdentity();
$username = $user->username;
$cart = new Application_Model_DbTable_Cart();
$select = $cart->select()
->from(array('c' => 'cart'))
->join(array('p' => 'product'), 'p.productid = c.productid')
->where('username = ?', $username)
$fetch = $cart->fetchAll($select)->toArray();
$paypal = new My_Paypal_Client;
$amount = 0.0;
foreach($fetch as $item) {
$amount = $amount + ($item['price']*$item['quantity']);
$returnURL = '';
$cancelURL = '';
$currency_code = 'USD';
$reply = $paypal->ecSetExpressCheckout(
if ($reply->isSuccessfull())
$replyData = $paypal->parse($reply->getBody());
if ($replyData->ACK == 'SUCCESS' || $replyData->ACK == 'SUCCESSWITHWARNING')
$token = $replyData->TOKEN;
'Location: ' .
$paypal->api_expresscheckout_uri .
'?&cmd=_express-checkout&token=' . $token
throw new Exception('ECSetExpressCheckout: We failed to get a successfull response from PayPal.');
However, this is the error that returns.
Message: No valid URI has been passed to the client
Where did i go wrong? I would be happy to provide code from other areas of my application if needed. Thanks.
Zend_Http_Client::request() has not received a valid instance of Zend_Uri_Http.
Here's where the error occurs:
* Send the HTTP request and return an HTTP response object
* #param string $method
* #return Zend_Http_Response
* #throws Zend_Http_Client_Exception
public function request($method = null)
if (! $this->uri instanceof Zend_Uri_Http) {
/** #see Zend_Http_Client_Exception */
require_once 'Zend/Http/Client/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Http_Client_Exception('No valid URI has been passed to the client');//Note the exact message.
The only obvious error I see in the code you provided is :
$paypal = new My_Paypal_Client;//no () at end of declaration
I hope you implemented part one of the tutorial where the constructor is built. Otherwise you may just need to pass a better uri.
I think your problem is here:
//needs a uri value for Zend_Http_Client to construct
$paypal = new My_Paypal_Client($url);
ecSetExpressCheckout does not construct the http client so it has no idea of where it's requesting the token from.
Alternatively you could just add this line below $paypal and above $reply:
//pass the uri required to construct Zend_Http_Client
I just hope you know what the url shouild be.
Good Luck.