How do I submit the iWatch app to the App Store? - app-store

I want to submit iWatch app on appstore.
But I can't find the option for iwatch.
Can you please help me for this?
Thank you.

When you create a new Watch App project (not an iOS App with Watch App), note that it creates a Watch App target, a Watch Extension target, AND an almost empty iOS App target (no code, storyboards, xcassets, but under build phases it is dependent on the Watch App and embeds the Watch app).
On App Store Connect, you create a new iOS app project for your independent Watch app, but only fill in the data related to the Watch part of the project.
Archive and upload your project as you normally would a standard iOS project.
Voila! (And yes, that is not intuitive).
find more here and here

Yes, it's possible to submit on the existing iOS app.
But you need to create the watch app bundle ID from iOS app ID.

alright, it's possible to submit as a watch version on existing iOS app.


How to release only independent Apple Watch app to App Store from combined iOS/Watch Xcode project

I used the iOS app with Watch app Xcode template and plan to eventually release both an iOS app and Apple Watch app. The Apple Watch app is simpler so I'd like to release just the watch app on the App Store initially.
Is it possible to just release the Watch app portion of an Xcode project to the App Store?
First of all You need to have three target at least, iOS app, WatchOS app, and Watchkit Extension app.
Select watch app and make sure Build identifier follows the pattern .watchkitapp (example:
Select watchkit extension app and make sure Build identifier follows the pattern .watchkitapp.watchkitextension (example:
Other processes are same like iOS apps; archive,increase the build number and submit.

Stand-alone Apple Watch app - CoreBluetooth

Is it possible to create an Apple Watch application without a need of an iPhone app ? I want to create a simple app that uses the bluetooth framework of the Apple WAtch and search for near devices. (without having an iphone around). Thank you
In iOS 13 it's possible to create independent watchOS application. More information can be found here. You have to download Xcode 11 to be able to create independent watchOS application.
To create it simply go to File -> New -> Project and select watchOS -> App as it's shown on a screenshot:
Be aware that even though it's possible to create indepentent watchOS app (e.g. with CoreBluetooth) there will be some limitations with methods usage. For example it's not possible to call this method of CBMutableService:
You cannot create a watchOS application without an iOS app. First of all, you can only add a Watch extension to an existing iOS project in Xcode. Secondly, even if you could create a standalone watchOS project in Xcode, you wouldn't be able to publish it to the AppStore, since each WatchKit app needs to have a functioning iOS counterpart to be accepted in the AppStore, so you cannot just create a dummy iOS app.

Submit the build of iPhone app to iTunes app store

I work for iPhone app but this is the first time I submit iPhone app to app store. I pass all request from iTunes, but the at the step Build the app, I don't know how to build and submit my build to iTunes.
I have Apple developer account, and I can build the app to my iPhone device. I am using Xcode 6.1. But I don't know how to submit my build to iTunes as this requirement. Please help. Thank you.
As you're using XCode6.1 you can submit your build using Application Loader.
Open XCode Menu -> Open Developer Tools -> (Select) Application Loader
That's it, and follow the instruction.
You may need to read,
Submitting the App.

Submit an universal app as iPhone onlly

I'm developing an universal app and i'm not finished with the iPad version. How can I submit just the iphone version without creating a new project or deleting iPad viewcontroller classes/codes which is in the universal app project. Will Apple approve such submission?
Go to your project and click on the summary tab. Below the bundle identifier and the version number there is a devices drop down change this from universal to iPhone.

Releasing iPad app, after iPhone App is in the store

I have developed an iPhone app and preparing to upload it to iTunes store.Later on I want the iPad version of the app as well which I am currently working on.
So I would like to know whether it is possible to release the iPad app later as an update to the existing app in the store?
So long as the iPad version is part of a universal bundle (iPhone and iPad resources in the same app) it would be treated as an update.
I don't believe you can. However, I think that you may be able to update it to a Universal application.
Most people just make the iPad version separate and call it App HD or provide universal versions.
Yes. You can make it Universal with an update, but you can't stop support a device after you published a universal app!
If you want to upload a different iPad-Version (e.g. AppXY HD) you can also create this in the same Xcode project and upload them as different versions.