What causes the output of select-object to be truncated? - powershell

I have the following silly PowerShell script:
$username = 'rny'
$null = mkdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY"
$null = mkdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY\TODO"
$null = mkdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY\TODO\2021-12-22_Foo-bar-baz-etc"
$files = "C:\Users\$username\one-two-three-four.sql.wxyz",
foreach ($file in $files) {
$null = new-item $file
Get-ChildItem . -errorAction silentlyContinue -recurse -filter *.wxyz | select-object fullName
foreach ($file in $files) {
remove-item -literalPath $file
rmdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY\TODO\2021-12-22_Foo-bar-baz-etc"
rmdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY\TODO"
rmdir "c:\Users\$username\YYY"
When I execute it, the output of the get-childItem ... | select-object pipeline is truncated:
Note especially the last line. This behaviour was noted elsewhere on SuperUser and the accepted answer is to pipe the output into format-table with -autoSize. So far, so good.
However, If I comment the second file in the assignment of the $files array like so
$files = "C:\Users\$username\one-two-three-four.sql.wxyz",
# "C:\Users\$username\YYY\TODO\2021-11_29_abcdefghijklmnop.wxyz",
the output is not truncated anymore:
This puzzles me because the name of the file that was truncated is now fully visible and I have no explanation for this.
So, what exactly causes the truncation of the file in one case and not in the other case?

This isn't so much to do with Select-Object per se - it's more to do with how PowerShell converts values into string representations, and specifically in this case how it does that when it displays uncaptured output from cmdlets on the console.
PowerShell (Windows and Core) has a bunch of preconfigured "views" that define how some built-in types are rendered - e.g. whether they use Format-List or Format-Table, what properties to display, and in the case of tables, how wide to display each column - see about_Format.ps1xml.
For other types, PowerShell tries to make a best-guess on the fly. To do that it waits for the first N items in arrive from the input to make a decision on the formatting rules to apply. I can't find any definitive documentation that says how many items PowerShell waits for, so that might be a good follow-up question :-).
And you can obviously override these defaults by passing formatting parameters for Format-Table and Format-List.
In your case the top-level script has received pipeline output containing an array of PSCustomObject objects (i.e. the output from Select-Object) and it's decided to show them in a table with a column for the FullName property.
Example 1
In your first example, it's looked at the first two PSCustomObject items and decided to make the FullName column 54 characters wide since that's the length of C:\Users\rny\YYY\TODO\2021-11_29_abcdefghijklmnop.wxyz, and the third item gets truncated to that same width (if you include the ...) because it wasn't included in the decision-making process for column widths.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| 54 characters
Example 2
In your second example, PowerShell sees the longest FullName property in the first couple of PSCustomObjects is C:\Users\rny\YYY\TODO\2021-12-22_Foo-bar-baz-etc\another-filename.wxyz and so uses a column width of 70.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| 70 characters
Example 3
Finally, if you do what #notjustme suggests in the comments and add -ExpandProperty FullName onto Select-Object you get an array of string values instead of an array of PSCustomObjects which is why you might see PowerShell apply different formatting rules - you don't get a FullName header for example because the values are strings not objects with properties, and it's using Format-List instead of Format-Table.

To add some background to mcclayton's helpful answer:
Specifically, you're seeing the effects of the infamous 300-msec. delay built into Format-Table formatting, which PowerShell implicitly applies to instances of .NET types that have 4 or fewer properties and do not have explicit formatting data associated with them.
See this answer for details (which is given in the context of a different symptom of the same problem, namely unexpected output ordering), but the short of it is: The delay is used to infer suitable column widths from the specific property values received within the delay period.
This means that objects with property values received after the 300-msec. delay may be truncated in their column display if their values happen to be wider than the widest among the values received during the delay period.
Specifically, your symptom implies that only the first two objects were received within the delay period, and that the longer among the two property values then locked in the column width; when the third object was received later, the column width was already locked in, and the longer value was truncated (indicated with trailing ... in Windows PowerShell (3 . chars.) and … in PowerShell (Core) 7+ (single char))
The only way to avoid truncating is to know the max. column width ahead of time and pass it to an explicit Format-Table call -
notably, this prevents using the output as data. See below.
Here's a simple way to provoke the problem:
Note: The Select-Object calls below aren't strictly needed, but are provided for symmetry with the question.
# Create blocks of two objects with strings of different length in their
# .Prop value: 10 chars. vs. 100 chars.
$count = 10000 # How often to repeat each object in a row.
$objs =
(, [pscustomobject] #{ Prop = ('x' * 10) } * $count) +
(, [pscustomobject] #{ Prop = ('y' * 100) } * $count)
# Depending on the value of $count - which translates into how
# long it takes until the second block of objects starts emitting -
# truncation will occur or not.
$objs | Select-Object Prop
With blocks of 10,000 objects, I do see the truncation: it takes long enough for the first block - with the short property value - to lock in the width of the display column, causing the objects in the second block to be truncated:
yyyyyyyyy… # <- truncated, because width 10 was locked in during the delay
To prevent truncation, pass a calculated property to Format-Table specifying the max. width:
$objs | Select-Object Prop | Format-Table #{ n='Prop'; e='Prop'; width = 100 }


Powershell - Get object properties displayed in console

The point is to populate a variable with a Powershell object's property name displayed in a console.
Meaning, if I run Get-Process, I only want the eight object's properties returned in the console which are 'Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName'.
Get-Member command is not helpful here.
Can anyone help me with that?
Thank you all!
To get the column names - which may or may not be property names - of the table view that is presented for a given .NET type if it has predefined formatting data (that includes a table view) associated with it:
The following is a proper, but nontrivial and limited solution that derives the column names from the formatting data, using the first table-view definition found. It also has conceptual background information.
See the bottom section for a quick-and-dirty solution for getting the column names only, which uses text parsing to extract the column names directly from a given command's formatted output.
The middle section builds on this first section and extracts a list of property names and calculated properties mirroring the column definitions, which can be used with Select-Object, in order to create custom objects that have properties with the same values that the formatting data produces.
# Determine the .NET type of interest.
$type = (Get-Process)[0].GetType()
# Extract the names of the column headers from the *first* table-view definition.
Get-FormatData $type -PowerShellVersion $PSVersionTable.PSVersion |
ForEach-Object FormatViewDefinition |
Where-Object Control -is [System.Management.Automation.TableControl] |
Select-Object -First 1 |
ForEach-Object {
$i = 0
$rows = $_.Control.Rows
foreach ($colLabel in $_.Control.Headers.Label) {
if ($colLabel) { $colLabel } # Explicit label, with a calculated column value or renamed property
else { $rows.Columns[$i].DisplayEntry.Value } # Property name, with its value as the column value.
Caveat: The above limits output to the first table-view definition found - which may or may not apply to a given command. Which definition is chosen by default is potentially governed by criteria associated with the definitions that select based on runtime conditions, including selecting by specific input type, given that a single instance of formatting data can cover multiple types.
Also note that views may involve grouping (as you see in Get-ChildItem's formatted output, for instance), and the grouping criterion isn't covered by the command above.
Note that even for a single type multiple views may be defined, and in order to use a non-default one you must request it explicitly, via Format-Table's -View parameter, assuming you know the name,[1] e.g. Get-Process | Format-Table -View StartTime).
See also:
This answer for how to inspect formatting data in full.
You can alternatively pipe Get-FormatData output to Export-FormatData in order to export formatting data to an XML file, which has the disadvantage of being hard to read, but has the advantage of matching the XML schema used for authoring formatting data - see next point - whereas the in-memory types used to represent formatting data partially use property names that don't match the underlying XML elements.
As for authoring formatting data, which as of PowerShell 7.2.2 requires XML files (*.Format.ps1xml):
See this answer for an example of how to define your own table view.
Formatting File Overview and the Format Schema XML Reference
Using -PowerShellVersion $PSVersionTable.PSVersion with Get-FormatData is only needed in Windows PowerShell, for certain types, to work around a bug that is no longer present in PowerShell (Core) 7.1+
While column names typically correspond to the property names of the type instances being formatted, that isn't always the case, such as with the [System.Diagnostics.Process] instances output by Get-Process.
A general caveat, as zett42 notes, is that display formatting of types isn't part of the public contract regarding breaking changes, so formatting definitions are allowed to change over time.
If a given type has no predefined formatting data associated with it (in which case Get-FormatData is a quiet no-op):
The names of its (public) instance properties are used as column
You only get a table view by default if there are 4 or fewer properties but you can request it explicitly with Format-Table (With 5 or more properties, Format-List is applied by default).
To get the names of all (public) instance properties of a given object, use the intrinsic .psobject property, which is a rich source of reflection; e.g.:
(Get-Process | Select-Object -First 1).psobject.Properties.Name
To create a list of property names and calculated properties usable with Select-Object that mirror the formatting-data's column definition:
# Determine the .NET type of interest.
$type = (Get-Process)[0].GetType()
# Get an array of property names / calculated properties from the
# formatting data, for later use with Select-Object
$props =
Get-FormatData $type -PowerShellVersion $PSVersionTable.PSVersion |
ForEach-Object FormatViewDefinition |
Where-Object Control -Is [System.Management.Automation.TableControl] |
Select-Object -First 1 |
ForEach-Object {
$i = 0
$rows = $_.Control.Rows
foreach ($colLabel in $_.Control.Headers.Label) {
if ($colLabel) { # Explicit label, with a calculated column value or renamed property
Name = $colLabel
Expression = if ('ScriptBlock' -eq $rows.Columns[$i].DisplayEntry.ValueType) {
} else {
else { # Property name, with its value as the column value.
# Sample call
Get-Process | Select-Object -Property $props | Format-Table | more
The sample call produces similar output to just Get-Process alone, as it uses the column definitions as (calculated) properties - albeit with default values for formatting attributes such as column width and alignment.
Note the explicit use of Format-Table to ensure tabular output; without it - given that the [pscustomobject] instances created by Select-Object have no formatting data associated with them - list formatting (implied Format-List) would result.
As Mathias points out, the calculated properties will be string-typed even for columns based on numeric properties, because their purpose in the formatting data is to created formatted string representations.
Quick-and-dirty solution for getting the column names only:
The following uses Out-String -Stream in conjunction with Select-String to extract the column names from a given command's formatted output, which relies on two assumptions:
The column names have no embedded spaces
The command actually produces table-formatted output by default; however, you can insert a Format-Table call before Out-String, if desired.
Get-Process | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -List '^\s*--+' -Context 1, 0 |
ForEach-Object { -split $_.Context.PreContext[0] }
Note: In Windows PowerShell an additional property shows, as the first one: Handles.
[1] While tab-completion does offer view names, they appear to be out of sync with the actually available ones, as of PowerShell 7.2.2. To see the latter, provoke an error with a dummy name, and the error message will list the available ones; e.g. Get-Process | Format-Table -View NoSuch lists the following available views in the resulting error message: process, Priority, StartTime

Script has two variables when done, but when I pipe to SELECT-object only first one returns data to console

I am trying to query multiple servers with WMI, but I don't always have access to the servers.
The code is below. Alas, it returns "access is denied" to the console, but I can't seem to get rid of it. Oh well.
However, I am trapping the servers that I can't connect to, so that I can tell someone else to look at them, or request access.
But when I run the code, it only returns the first list of servers; even if $failed_servers has values, nothing is returned. If I tell both to pipe to ogv, then two windows pop up.
Why won't both "$variable|select" work? If I remove the select on $failed_servers, then it shows up, albeit just sitting immediately underneath the successful ones. Which is okay-but-not-great.
$list = ("servera","serverb","serverc")
$failed_servers = #()
$final = foreach ($server_instance in $list)
gwmi -query "select * from win32_service where name like '%SQLSERVER%'" -cn $server_instance -ErrorVariable +errors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($errors.Count -gt 0) {$failed_servers += $server_instance
$final|select pscomputername, name, startmode, state |where {$_.pscomputername -ne $null}
$failed_servers |select #{N='Failed Servers'; E={$_}}
What you're experiencing is merely a display problem:
Both your Select-Object calls produce output objects with 4 or fewer properties whose types do not have explicit formatting data associated with them (as reported by Get-FormatData).
This causes PowerShell's for-display output formatting system to implicitly render them via the Format-Table cmdlet.
The display columns that Format-Table uses are locked in based on the properties of the very first object that Format-Table receives.
Therefore, your second Select-Object call, whose output objects share no properties with the objects output by the first one, effectively produces no visible output - however, the objects are sent to the success output stream and are available for programmatic processing.
A simple demonstration:
& {
# This locks in Month and Year as the display columns of the output table.
Get-Date | Select-Object Month, Year
# This command's output will effectively be invisible,
# because the property set Name, Attributes does not overlap with
# Month, Year
Get-Item \ | Select-Object Name, Attributes
The output will look something like this - note how the second statement's output is effectively invisible (save for an extra blank line):
Month Year
----- ----
9 2021
Note the problem can even affect a single statement that outputs objects of disparate types (whose types don't have associated formatting data); e.g.:
(Get-Date | Select-Object Year), (Get-Item \ | Select-Object Name)
Applying | Format-List to the command above makes all objects visible, though obviously changes the display format.
Intra-script you could pipe each Select-Object pipeline to Out-Host to force instant, pipeline-specific formatting, but - given that the results are sent directly to the host rather than to the success output stream - this technique precludes further programmatic processing.
Potential future improvements:
GitHub issue #7871 proposes at least issuing a warning if output objects effectively become invisible.

Powershell how to subtract a variable from another variable, both contain the Exchange Mailbox Object Identity

I have two variables both which contain the Get-Mailbox object "Identity" of user accounts. I need to subtract the contents of one from the other IE:
$termednofwd = (domain.local/OUname/SubOU/Users/first1 last1, domain.local/OUname/SubOU/first2 last2)
$termedfmr = (domain.local/OUname/SubOU/Users/first1 last1)
I want something that would subtract the contents of $termedfmr from $termednofwd giving something like the below. Compare-Object only lists the contents that are in both, I basically need to subtract what is in both from the first variable.
$termednofwdnofmr = $termednofwd - $termedfmr resulting in this:
$termednofwdnofmr = (domain.local/OUname/SubOU/first2 last2)
In set theory terms, you're looking for the relative complement between two collections, which Compare-Object can provide, although it requires additional effort:
By default, Compare-Object provides the symmetric difference between two sets, i.e. it lists the union of relative complements; that is, given two sets A and B, it lists both those elements of B not present in A and those elements of A not present in B, and it uses the .SideIndicator property to indicate which is which:
'<=' indicates objects unique to set A (-ReferenceObject argument, or first positional argument), whereas
'=>' indicates elements unique to set B (-DifferenceObject argument, or second positional argument).
Therefore, you need to filter the output objects by their .SideIndicator values.
The -PassThru switch additionally ensures that the input objects are passed through (as opposed to wrapping them in a [pscustomobject] instance whose .InputObject contains them):
$termednofwd = 'domain.local/OUname/SubOU/Users/first1 last1',
'domain.local/OUname/SubOU/first2 last2'
$termedfmr = 'domain.local/OUname/SubOU/Users/first1 last1'
# Return the elements in $termednofwd that aren't also present in $termedfmr
Compare-Object $termednofwd $termedfmr -PassThru |
Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '<='
The above yields 'domain.local/OUname/SubOU/first2 last2', i.e. those element(s) in $termednofwd that aren't also present in $termedfmr.
Note: The above uses strings as input objects for brevity; in your case, since you're working with the objects returned by the Get-Mailbox cmdlet and want to compare based on their .Identity property values, you need to use:
# If you only need the identity values as results.
Compare-Object $termednofwd.Identity $termedfmr.Identity -PassThru |
Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '<='
# Alternatively, if you need the whole mailbox objects.
Compare-Object -Property Identity $termednofwd $termedfmr -PassThru |
Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '<='
See also: GitHub issue #4316, which proposes enhancing Compare-Object with set operations.
So this is essentially a practical example of Set theory i.e. I'd like all the items from Set 1 that isn't in Set 2. PowerShell doesn't have direct commandlets to do that but through the power of .Net you can lervage the Microsoft Linq libraries to do this work for you.
The only trick is that you need to cast your PowerShell variables to arrays of Objects to make the function call work right:
$results = [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Except([object[]]$mainArray, [object[]]$subArray)
Lastly, the items you are comparing in the two arrays have to be comparable. For simple things like strings this is always works. If the things you are comparing are more complex objects, they may not be comparable directly.

How to compare JSON in powershell

I have a requirement where I need to compare JSON object from a file to the JSON message which comes into Anypoint MQ queue. I am able to get the message from the queue. I have used below script but it is not working. I did both -eq and Compare-Object but they are not working.
$po_ps_output = $filemessagecontent | ConvertFrom-Json
$po_python_output = $mqmessagecontent.body | ConvertFrom-Json
$result = $po_ps_output -eq $po_python_output
If you just want to know if the two JSON-originated objects differ, without needing to know how:
$contentEqual = ($po_ps_output | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -eq
($po_python_output | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
ConvertTo-Json defaults to a serialization depth of 2 - use -Depth <n> if your data is more deeply nested to avoid truncation (potentiall data loss) - see this post.
Converting back to JSON may seem like an unnecessary step, but the -Compress standardizes the output formatting to a single line with no extra whitespace, which ensures that incidental variations in formatting in the input (if you had used the input JSON text directly) are ignored.
If you want to know how the two JSON-originated objects differ:
Note: The following is only useful in the following, limited scenario -
a generic, robust solution would require much more effort:
The inputs have the same structure and differ only in property names / values.
The ordering of (equivalent) properties is the same.
Compare-Object (($po_ps_output | ConvertTo-Json) -split '\r?\n') `
(($po_python_output | ConvertTo-Json) -split '\r?\n')
The output will show the lines that differ, each representing a single property or primitive value; e.g.:
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
"DOB": "12-03-1994" =>
"DOB": "12-03-1999" <=
=> / <= indicate that the line is unique to the RHS / LHS.
Again, the explicit reconversion to JSON is done to ensure uniform formatting; in this case, a line-oriented pretty-printed format that enables property-by-property comparison.
Again, you may have to use -Depth to prevent truncation of data.
For interactive inspection of differences, you can try a difference-visualization tool, such as the one built into Visual Studio Code, by passing the two JSON strings in pretty-printed form via files to code --diff <file1> <file2>.
As for what you tried:
ConvertFrom-Json creates [pscustomobject] instances, so you're comparing two instances of that type:
If you use -eq, reference equality is tested for, because [pscustomobject] is a reference type and doesn't implement custom equality comparison.
Therefore, $po_ps_output -eq $po_python_output will only be $true if the two variables point to the very same object in memory - which is clearly not the case here, so you'll always get $false.
If you use Compare-Object, the two instances are compared by their .ToString() values.
As of PowerShell Core 7.0.0-preview.4, regrettably, calling .ToString() on an instance of [pscustomobject] yields the empty string (''), which should be considered a bug - see this GitHub issue.
Therefore, Compare-Object $po_ps_output $po_python_output (unhelpfully) considers the two instances equal and returns nothing, since equal objects are by default not output (use -IncludeEqual to include them).

Delete a file, if it is empty except for a header row

I am trying to write a PowerShell script to delete a file if its empty, apart from the header.
postanote's answer provides some useful background information on the use of the Measure-Object cmdlet.
In the case at hand, however, it's simpler and faster to use the following:
$file = 'C:\path\to\FileOfInterest'
if ((Get-Content -First 2 $file).Count -le 1) {
Remove-Item $file
Get-Content -First 2 $file returns up to 2 lines from the start of file $file, as an array.
Note:-First is a more descriptive alias for the -TotalCount parameter; in PowerShell v2, use the latter.
(...).Count counts the elements of that array, i.e., the number of lines actually read.[1]
-le 1 (-le meaning less-than-or-equal) returns $true if, despite asking for 2 lines, only 0 or 1 are returned.
The Remove-Item call then removes file $file.
[1] Up to PowerShell version 2, .Count would return $null if only 1 line had been read, because PowerShell returns a single output object as-is instead of wrapping it in a single-element array. However, since $null is coerced to 0 in a numerical comparison such as with -le, ths solution works in v2 as well. PowerShell versions 3 and higher implicitly implement a .Count property even on scalars (single objects), which - sensibly - returns 1.
Agreed Olaf...
Khader - What did you search for. There are samples of how to count lines in a file all over the web.
Just search for 'powershell count lines in file'
Example hits.
Use a PowerShell Cmdlet to Count Files, Words, and Lines
How to count number of lines and words in a file using Powershell?
If I want to know how many lines are contained in the file, I use the
Measure-Object cmdlet with the line switch. This command is shown
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object –Line
If I need to know the number of characters, I use the character
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object -Character
There is also a words switched parameter that will return the number
of words in the text file. It is used similarly to the character or
line switched parameter. The command is shown here:
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object –Word
In the following figure, I use the Measure-Object cmdlet to count
lines; then lines and characters; and finally lines, characters, and
words. These commands illustrate combining the switches to return
specific information.
Update for OP.
You should have updated your original question for context vs putting your code in the comment
As for …
Is there any way I can return just the count and use it with an if
statement to check if it is equal to 1, and then del the file
Just use the if statement when checking for the 'lines' count greater than 1
If (Get-Content $_.FullName | Measure-Object –Line | Where-Object -Property Lines -gt 1)
'Count is greater than one'
Remove-Item ...
Again, this is very basic PowerShell overview stuff, so it's prudent you take Olaf's suggestion to limit future confusion, frustrations, misconceptions and errors you are going to encounter.