Apache Zeppelin Not Showing Full Stack Trace - scala

I have the following Paragraph that does some Outlier detection using the InterQuartileRange method and strangely it runs in an error, but Apache Zeppelin is kind of truncating it to be useful.
Here is the code:
def interQuartileRangeFiltering(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
def inner(cols: Seq[String], acc: DataFrame): DataFrame = cols match {
case Nil => acc
case column :: xs =>
val quantiles = acc.stat.approxQuantile(column, Array(0.25, 0.75), 0.0) // TODO: values should come from config
val q1 = quantiles(0)
val q3 = quantiles(1)
val iqr = q1 - q3
val lowerRange = q1 - 1.5 * iqr
val upperRange = q3 + 1.5 * iqr
inner(xs, acc.filter(s"$column < $lowerRange or value > $upperRange"))
inner(df.columns.toSeq, df)
Here is the error when run in Apache Zeppelin:
scala.MatchError: WrappedArray(NEAR BAY, ISLAND, NEAR OCEAN, housing_median_age, population, total_bedrooms, <1H OCEAN, median_house_value, longitude, INLAND, latitude, total_rooms, households, median_income) (of class scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofRef)
at inner$1(<console>:74)
at interQuartileRangeFiltering(<console>:85)
... 56 elided
I have indeed verified the corresponding setting in the spark interpreter to true:
Any ideas as to what is wrong here with my approach and how to get Apache Zeppelin to print the whole stacktrace so that I can find out what the actual problem is?


How to set type of dataset when applying transformations and how to implement transformations without using spark.sql.functions._?

I am a beginner for Scala and have been working on the following problem:
Example dataset named as given_dataset with player number and points scored
|player_no| |points|
1 25.0
1 20.0
1 21.0
2 15.0
2 18.0
3 24.0
3 25.0
3 29.0
Problem 1:
I have a dataset and need to calculate total points scored, average points per game, and number of games played. I am unable to explicitly set the data type to "double", "int", "float", when I apply the transformations. (Perhaps this is because they are untyped transformations?) Would anyone be able to help on this and correct my error?
No data type specified (but code is able to run)
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").orderBy("player_no")
Please note that I would like to retain the player number as I plan to merge total_points_dataset, games_played_dataset, and avg_points_dataset together.
Data type specified, but code crashes!
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").as[Double].orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().as[Int].orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").as[Double].orderBy("player_no")
Problem 2:
I would like to implement the above without using the library spark.sql.functions e.g. through functions such as map, groupByKey etc. If possible, could anyone provide an example for this and point me towards the right direction?
If you don't want to use import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{FloatType, IntegerType, StructType} then you have to cast it either at the time of reading or using as[(Int, Double)] in the dataset. Below is the example while reading from CSV file for your dataset:
/** A function that splits a line of input into (player_no, points) tuples. */
def parseLine(line: String): (Int, Float) = {
// Split by commas
val fields = line.split(",")
// Extract the player_no and points fields, and convert to integer & float
val player_no = fields(0).toInt
val points = fields(1).toFloat
// Create a tuple that is our result.
(player_no, points)
And then read as below:
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "StackOverflow75354293")
val lines = sc.textFile("data/stackoverflowdata-noheader.csv")
val dataset = lines.map(parseLine)
val total_points_dataset2 = dataset.reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y)
val total_points_dataset2_sorted = total_points_dataset2.sortByKey(ascending = true)
val games_played_dataset2 = dataset.countByKey().toList.sorted
val avg_points_dataset2 =
.mapValues(x => (x, 1))
.reduceByKey((x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))
.mapValues(x => x._1 / x._2)
.sortByKey(ascending = true)
I locally tried running both ways and both are working fine, we can check the below output also:
For details you can see it on mysql page
Regarding "Problem 1" try
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").as[(Int, Double)].orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().as[(Int, Long)].orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").as[(Int, Double)].orderBy("player_no")

Increase of hash tables in MinHashLSH, decreases accuracy and f1

I have used MinHashLSH with approximateSimilarityJoin with Scala and Spark 2.4 to find edges between a network. Link prediction based on document similarity. My problem is that while I am increasing the hash tables in the MinHashLSH, my accuracy and F1 score are decreasing. All that I have already read for this algorithm shows me that I have an issue.
I have tried a different number of hash tables and I have provided different numbers of Jaccard similarity thresholds but I have the same exact problem, the accuracy is decreasing rapidly. I have also tried different samplings of my dataset and nothing changed. My workflow goes on like this: I am concatenating all the text columns of my dataframe, which includes title, authors, journal and abstract and next I am tokenizing the concatenated column into words. Then I am using a CountVectorizer to transform this "bag of words" into vectors. Next, I am providing this column in MinHashLSH with some hash tables and finaly I am doing an approximateSimilarityJoin to find similar "papers" which are under my given threshold. My implementation is the following.
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature._
import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg._
import UnsupervisedLinkPrediction.BroutForce.join
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf, when}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
object lsh {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.ERROR) // show only errors
// val cores=args(0).toInt
// val partitions=args(1).toInt
// val hashTables=args(2).toInt
// val limit = args(3).toInt
// val threshold = args(4).toDouble
val cores="*"
val partitions=1
val hashTables=16
val limit = 1000
val jaccardDistance = 0.89
val master = "local["+cores+"]"
val ss = SparkSession.builder().master(master).appName("MinHashLSH").getOrCreate()
val sc = ss.sparkContext
val inputFile = "resources/data/node_information.csv"
println("reading from input file: " + inputFile)
val schemaStruct = StructType(
StructField("id", IntegerType) ::
StructField("pubYear", StringType) ::
StructField("title", StringType) ::
StructField("authors", StringType) ::
StructField("journal", StringType) ::
StructField("abstract", StringType) :: Nil
// Read the contents of the csv file in a dataframe. The csv file contains a header.
// var papers = ss.read.option("header", "false").schema(schemaStruct).csv(inputFile).limit(limit).cache()
var papers = ss.read.option("header", "false").schema(schemaStruct).csv(inputFile).limit(limit).cache()
import ss.implicits._
// Read the original graph edges, ground trouth
val originalGraphDF = sc.textFile("resources/data/Cit-HepTh.txt").map(line => {
val fields = line.split("\t")
(fields(0), fields(1))
}).toDF("nodeA_id", "nodeB_id").cache()
val originalGraphCount = originalGraphDF.count()
println("Ground truth count: " + originalGraphCount )
val nullAuthor = ""
val nullJournal = ""
val nullAbstract = ""
papers = papers.na.fill(nullAuthor, Seq("authors"))
papers = papers.na.fill(nullJournal, Seq("journal"))
papers = papers.na.fill(nullAbstract, Seq("abstract"))
papers = papers.withColumn("nonNullAbstract", when(col("abstract") === nullAbstract, col("title")).otherwise(col("abstract")))
papers = papers.drop("abstract").withColumnRenamed("nonNullAbstract", "abstract")
val filteredGt= originalGraphDF.as("g").join(papers.as("p"),(
$"g.nodeA_id" ===$"p.id") || ($"g.nodeB_id" ===$"p.id")
val filteredGtCount = filteredGt.count()
println("Filtered GroundTruth count: "+ filteredGtCount)
val tokPubYear = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("pubYear").setOutputCol("pubYear_words")
val tokTitle = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("title").setOutputCol("title_words")
val tokAuthors = new RegexTokenizer().setInputCol("authors").setOutputCol("authors_words").setPattern(",")
val tokJournal = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("journal").setOutputCol("journal_words")
val tokAbstract = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("abstract").setOutputCol("abstract_words")
println("Setting pipeline stages...")
val stages = Array(
tokPubYear, tokTitle, tokAuthors, tokJournal, tokAbstract
// rTitle, rAuthors, rJournal, rAbstract
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
println("Transforming dataframe\n")
val model = pipeline.fit(papers)
papers = model.transform(papers)
val udf_join_cols = udf(join(_: Seq[String], _: Seq[String], _: Seq[String], _: Seq[String], _: Seq[String]))
val joinedDf = papers.withColumn(
).select("id", "paper_data").cache()
val vocabSize = 1000000
val cvModel: CountVectorizerModel = new CountVectorizer().setInputCol("paper_data").setOutputCol("features").setVocabSize(vocabSize).setMinDF(10).fit(joinedDf)
val isNoneZeroVector = udf({v: Vector => v.numNonzeros > 0}, DataTypes.BooleanType)
val vectorizedDf = cvModel.transform(joinedDf).filter(isNoneZeroVector(col("features"))).select(col("id"), col("features"))
val mh = new MinHashLSH().setNumHashTables(hashTables)
val mhModel = mh.fit(vectorizedDf)
println("MinHashLSH.getHashTables: "+mh.getNumHashTables)
val dfA = ss.sqlContext.sql("select id as nodeA_id, features from vecDf").cache()
val dfB = ss.sqlContext.sql("select id as nodeB_id, features from vecDf").cache()
val predictionsDF = mhModel.approxSimilarityJoin(dfA, dfB, jaccardDistance, "JaccardDistance").cache()
val predictionsCount = predictionsDF.count()
println("Predictions count: "+predictionsCount)
val pairs = ss.sqlContext.sql("select datasetA.nodeA_id, datasetB.nodeB_id, JaccardDistance from predictions").cache()
val totalPredictions = pairs.count()
println("Threshold: "+threshold+"\n")
println("Hahs tables: "+hashTables+"\n")
println("Ground truth: "+filteredGtCount)
println("Total edges found: "+totalPredictions +" \n")
println("Calculating true positives...\n")
val truePositives = filteredGt.as("g").join(pairs.as("p"),
($"g.nodeA_id" === $"p.nodeA_id" && $"g.nodeB_id" === $"p.nodeB_id") || ($"g.nodeA_id" === $"p.nodeB_id" && $"g.nodeB_id" === $"p.nodeA_id")
println("True Positives: "+truePositives+"\n")
println("Calculating false positives...\n")
val falsePositives = predictionsCount - truePositives
println("False Positives: "+falsePositives+"\n")
println("Calculating true negatives...\n")
val pairsPerTwoCount = (limit *(limit - 1)) / 2
val trueNegatives = (pairsPerTwoCount - truePositives) - falsePositives
println("True Negatives: "+trueNegatives+"\n")
val falseNegatives = filteredGtCount - truePositives
println("False Negatives: "+falseNegatives)
val truePN = (truePositives+trueNegatives).toFloat
println("TP + TN sum: "+truePN+"\n")
val sum = (truePN + falseNegatives+ falsePositives).toFloat
println("TP +TN +FP+ FN sum: "+sum+"\n")
val accuracy = (truePN/sum).toFloat
println("Accuracy: "+accuracy+"\n")
val precision = truePositives.toFloat / (truePositives+falsePositives).toFloat
val recall = truePositives.toFloat/(truePositives+falseNegatives).toFloat
val f1Score = 2*(recall*precision)/(recall+precision).toFloat
println("F1 score: "+f1Score+"\n")
I forget to tell you that I am running this code in a cluster with 40 cores and 64g of RAM. Note that approximate similarity join (Spark's implementation) works with JACCARD DISTANCE and not with JACCARD INDEX. So I provide as a similarity threshold the JACCARD DISTANCE which for my case is jaccardDistance = 1 - threshold. (threshold = Jaccard Index ).
I was expecting to get higher accuracy and f1 score while I am increasing the hash tables. Do you have any idea about my issue?
Thank all of you in advance!
There are multiple visible problems here, and probably more hidden, so just to enumerate a few:
LSH is not really a classifier and attempt to evaluate it as one doesn't make much sense, even if you assume that text similarity is somehow a proxy for citation (which is big if).
If the problem was to be framed as classification problem it should be treated as multi-label classification (each paper can cite or be cited by multiple sources) not multi-class classification, hence simple accuracy is not meaningful.
Even if it was a classification and could be evaluated as such your calculations don't include actual negatives, which don't meet the threshold of the approxSimilarityJoin
Also setting threshold to 1 restricts joins to either exact matches or cases of hash collisions - hence preference towards LSH with higher collisions rates.
Text processing approach you took is rather pedestrian and prefers non-specific features (remember you don't optimize your actual goal, but text similarity).
Such approach, especially treating everything as equal, discards majority of useful information in the set primarily, but not limited to, temporal relationships..

XGBoost failing after using windowing functions on label column

I have successfully trained an XGBoost model where trainDF is a dataframe hacing two columns: features and label where we have 11k 1s and 57M 0's (unbalanced dataset). Everything works fine.
val udnersample = 0.1
// Undersampling of 0's -- choosing 10%
val training1 = output1.filter($"datestr" < end_period1 &&
$"label" === 1)
val training0 = output1.filter($"datestr" < end_period1 &&
$"label" === 0).sample(
false, undersample)
val training = training0.unionAll(training1)
val traindDF = training.select("label",
"features").toDF("label", "features")}
val paramMap = List("eta" -> 0.05,
"max_depth" -> 6,
"objective" -> "binary:logistic").toMap
val num_trees = 400
val num_cores = 200
val XGBModel = XGBoost.trainWithDataFrame(trainDF,
useExternalMemory = true)
Then, I want to change the y label with some windowing, so that in each group, I can predict y label earlier.
val sum_label = "sum_label"
val label_window_length = 19
val sliding_window_label = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy(
asc("timestamp")).rowsBetween(0, label_window_length)
val training_source = output1.filter($"datestr" <
sum_label, sum($"label").over(sliding_window_label)).drop(
"label").withColumnRenamed(sum_label, "label")
val training1 = training_source.filter(col("label") === 1)
val training0 = training_source.filter(col("label") === 0).sample(false, 0.099685)
val training = training0.unionAll(training1)
val traindDF = training.select("label",
"features").toDF("label", "features")}
The result has 57M 0's and 214k 1's (soughly the same number of rows though). No NAs in "label" column of trainDF and the type is still double (nullable=true). Then xgboost fails:
Name: ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.XGBoostError
Message: XGBoostModel training failed
StackTrace: at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoost$.postTrackerReturnProcessing(XGBoost.scala:316)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoost$.trainWithRDD(XGBoost.scala:293)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoostEstimator.train(XGBoostEstimator.scala:138)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoostEstimator.train(XGBoostEstimator.scala:35)
at org.apache.spark.ml.Predictor.fit(Predictor.scala:118)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoost$.trainWithDataFrame(XGBoost.scala:169)
I can include the logs as needed. My confusion is that using the windowing function and literally not changing any other setting, causes XGB to fail. I would appreciate any thoughts on this.
It turns out that saving the table traindDF in hive and reloading it into Spark solves the problem:
Then, you can easily load the table:
val traindDF = spark.sql("""select * from database.tablename""")
This trick solved the problem. It seems like spark windowing function is a bit unstable and saving the result into a hive table makes it work.
A better way to do this is using windowing functions in hive instead of Spark.

Spark MLib ALS input and output domains

I'm using Spark MLib ALS and trying to use the trainImplicit() interface to feed it the number of an item purchased by a user as the implicit preference. I don't know how to validate my model though. My input is in the domain [1, inf), but the output predictions seem to be floats in (0, 1).
The usual kind of code:
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS, MatrixFactorizationModel, Rating
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(appName="Quantity Prediction Model")
hive = HiveContext(sc)
d = hive.sql("select o.user_id as user, l.product_id as product, sum(l.quantity) as qty from order_line l join order_order o ON l.order_id = o.id group by o.user_id, l.product_id")
ratings = d.rdd.map(tuple)
testdata = ratings.map(lambda t: (t[0], t[1]))
for rank in (4, 8, 12):
model = ALS.trainImplicit(ratings, rank, 10, alpha=0.01)
predictions = model.predictAll(testdata).map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2]))
ratesAndPreds = ratings.map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2])).join(predictions)
# Error is pretty bad because output raitings aren't in the same domain as quantity
ratesAndPreds = ratings.map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2])).join(predictions)
MSE = ratesAndPreds.map(lambda r: (r[1][0] - r[1][1])**2).mean()
print("Rank: {} MSE: {}".format(rank, MSE))
Extra credit: When using train() what is the input/output domain? Are "ratings" some how expected to be on a five point scale? This isn't documented anywhere.
RMSE is not an ideal metric for implicit ALS (the original paper suggests a more elaborate evaluation technique). However, you can still apply RMSE to evaluate implicit ALS training results if you map your input ratings to (-1;1) as well.
See https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/597 for details.
Finally, some code to get you started (inpsired by MovieLens example for ALS from Spark):
logger.info(s"Calculating RMSE on ${testingSet.count()} ratings")
def groupRatings(rs: RDD[MLlibRating]): RDD[((Int, Int), Double)] =
rs.map { r => ((r.user, r.product), r.rating) }
// When using implicit ALS we should treat actual and predicted
// ratings as confidence levels. See also apache/spark#597.
// Predicted ratings are clamped to [0;1]
def clampPredicted(r: Double): Double =
math.max(math.min(r, 1.0), 0.0)
def clampActual(r: Double): Double = if (r > 0.0) 1.0 else 0.0
def sqr(x: Double): Double = x * x
val ratingSquaredErrors =
groupRatings(alsModel.predict(testingSet.map { r => (r.user, r.product) }))
.map { case (_, (predictedRating, actualRating)) =>
sqr(clampPredicted(predictedRating) - clampActual(actualRating)) }
val rmse = sqrt(ratingSquaredErrors.mean())
logger.info(s"RMSE: ${rmse}")

Spark - LinearRegressionWithSGD on Coursera Machine Learning by Stanford University samples

Software Version: Apache Spark v1.3
Context: I've been trying to "translate" Octave/MATLAB code to Scala on Apache Spark. More precisely, I work on ex1data1.txt and ex1data2.txt from coursera practical part ex1. I've made such translation into Julia lang (it went smoothly) and now I've been struggling with Spark...without success.
Problem: Performance of my implementation on Spark is very poor. I cannot even say it works correctly. That's why for ex1data1.txt I added polynomial feature, and I also worked with: theta0 using setIntercept(true) and with extra non-normalized column of 1.0 values(in this case I set Intercept to false). I receive only silly results.
So, then I 've decided to start working with ex1data2.txt. Below you can find the code and the expected result. Of course Spark result is wrong.
Did you have similar experience? I will be grateful for your help.
The Scala code for the exd1data2.txt:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.StandardScaler
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.SquaredL2Updater
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.{LinearRegressionModel, LinearRegressionWithSGD, LabeledPoint}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
object MLibOnEx1data2 extends App {
val conf = new SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.app.name", "coursera ex1data2.txt test")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val input = sc.textFile("hdfs:///ex1data2.txt")
val trainData = input.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
val y = parts(2).toDouble
val features = Vectors.dense(parts(0).toDouble, parts(1).toDouble)
println(s"x = $features y = $y")
LabeledPoint(y, features)
// Building the model
val numIterations = 1500
val alpha = 0.01
// Scale the features
val scaler = new StandardScaler(withMean = true, withStd = true)
.fit(trainData.map(x => x.features))
val scaledTrainData = trainData.map{ td =>
val normFeatures = scaler.transform(td.features)
println(s"normalized features = $normFeatures")
LabeledPoint(td.label, normFeatures)
val tsize = scaledTrainData.count()
println(s"Training set size is $tsize")
val alg = new LinearRegressionWithSGD().setIntercept(true)
.setUpdater(new SquaredL2Updater)
.setRegParam(0.0) //regularization - off
val model = alg.run(scaledTrainData)
println(s"Theta is $model.weights")
val total1 = model.predict(scaler.transform(Vectors.dense(1650, 3)))
println(s"Estimate the price of a 1650 sq-ft, 3 br house = $total1 dollars") //it should give ~ $289314.620338
// Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error
val valuesAndPreds = scaledTrainData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, prediction)
val MSE = ((valuesAndPreds.map{case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()) / 2)
println("Training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)
// Save and load model
val trySaveAndLoad = util.Try(model.save(sc, "myModelPath"))
.flatMap { _ => util.Try(LinearRegressionModel.load(sc, "myModelPath")) }
println(s"trySaveAndLoad result is $trySaveAndLoad")
STDOUT result is:
Training set size is 47
Theta is (weights=[52090.291641275864,19342.034885388926],
Estimate the price of a 1650 sq-ft, 3 br house = 153983.5541846754
Training Mean Squared Error = 1.5876093757127676E10
trySaveAndLoad result is -1
Well, after some digging I believe there is nothing here. First I saved content of the valuesAndPreds to text file:
case {x, y} => s"$x,$y"}.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile("results.txt")'
Rest of the code is written in R.
First lets create a model using closed form solution:
# Load data
df <- read.csv('results.txt/ex1data2.txt', header=FALSE)
# Scale features
df[, 1:2] <- apply(df[, 1:2], 2, scale)
# Build linear model
model <- lm(V3 ~ ., df)
For reference:
> summary(model)
lm(formula = V3 ~ ., data = df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-130582 -43636 -10829 43698 198147
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 340413 9637 35.323 < 2e-16 ***
V1 110631 11758 9.409 4.22e-12 ***
V2 -6650 11758 -0.566 0.575
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 66070 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7329, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7208
F-statistic: 60.38 on 2 and 44 DF, p-value: 2.428e-13
Now prediction:
closedFormPrediction <- predict(model, df)
closedFormRMSE <- sqrt(mean((closedFormPrediction - df$V3)**2))
closedFormPrediction, df$V3,
ylab="Actual", xlab="Predicted",
main=paste("Closed form, RMSE: ", round(closedFormRMSE, 3)))
Now we can compare above to SGD results:
sgd <- read.csv('results.txt/part-00000', header=FALSE)
sgdRMSE <- sqrt(mean(sgd$V2 - sgd$V1)**2)
sgd$V2, sgd$V1, ylab="Actual",
xlab="Predicted", main=paste("SGD, RMSE: ", round(sgdRMSE, 3)))
Finally lets compare both:
sgd$V2, closedFormPrediction,
xlab="SGD", ylab="Closed form", main="SGD vs Closed form")
So, result are clearly not perfect but nothing seems to be completely off here.