Kafka reactor consumer high memory usage - apache-kafka

We built a Java application with Kafka reactor consumer. We tried to fetch the messages from Kafka broker as quick as possible in each consumers so setting up fetch.max.wait.ms as a low number like 2 or 4. We see a frequent GC due to high memory usage per consumer threads.
Once we plugin in the VisualVM and found each consumer having a high allocated Bytes / sec. We tried to stop the producer but the memory usage doesn't stop and it looks very consistent cross different consumer threads (some of the partition consumer assigned should have zero new message). Increase the fetch.max.wait.ms will reduce the usage but it doesn't explained a high usage when no new message from last fetch. Is that possible that Kafka consumer poll also container some historical buffer? (Reduce the VisualVM Sampling frequency doesn't change the result)


How to apply back pressure to kafka producer?

Back pressure can help by limiting the queue size, thereby maintaining a high throughput rate and good response times for jobs already in the queue.
In RabbitMQ it can be applied setting Queue length limit.
How can it be done with Kafka ?
Can this be done by keeping Rate Limiter(TokenBucket) between kafka producer and broker, where the current bucket size and refill rate be set dynamically with values of rate of consumption ? Like a rest api in producer receiving from consumer the rate at which consumer is processing messages.
Load is typically distributed amongst brokers, so back-pressure from the producer client-side may not be necessary.
But you can add quotas per client to throttle their requests.

Increase in Consumer Groups will increase delay in Producer Response?

I have an use case where i have to test the saturation point of my Kafka (3 node) Cluster with high no of Consumer groups.(To find the saturation point for our production use case) Producer ack=all.
I created many consumer groups more than 10000 , there is no Problem(No load Just created Consumer groups not consuming).
So i started load testing, I created 3 topics (1 partition) with 3 replication factor,Each broker is leader for a topic(i made sure by kafka-topic describe).
I planned to constantly produce 4.5MBps for each topic and increase consumer groups from zero.100KB size of 45 records to a topic.
When i produce data for no consumer groups in the cluster the producer response time is just 2 ms/record.
For 100 Consumer groups per record it taking 7ms.
When increasing consumer groups for a topic to 200 the time increasing to 28-30ms with that i cant able to produce 4.5MBps .When increasing more Consumer groups the producer response is decreasing.
The broker have 15 I/O threads and 10 Network threads.
Analysis done for above scenario
With grafana JMX metrics there is no spike in request and response queue.
There is no delay in I/O picking up by checking request queue time.
The network thread average idle percentage is 0.7 so network thread is not a bottleneck.
When reading some articles Socket buffer can be bottle neck for high bandwidth throughput so increased it from 100KB to 4MB but no use.
There is no spike in GC,file descriptor,heap space
By this there is no problem with I/O threads,Network Threads,Socket Buffer
So what can be a bottleneck here?
I thought it would be because of producing data to single partition. So i created more topic with 1 partition and parallel try to produced 4.5MBps per each topic ended up same delay in producer response.
What can be really bottleneck here? Because producer is decoupled from Consumer.
But when i increasing more no of Consumer groups to broker, The producer response why affecting?
As we know the common link between the Producer and consumer is Partition where the data remains and is being read and Write by consumers and producers respectively There are 3 things that we need to consider here
Relationship between Producer to Partition : I understand that you need to have the correct no. of partition created to send some message with consistent speed and here is the calculation we use to optimize the number of partitions for a Kafka implementation.
Partitions = Desired Throughput / Partition Speed
Conservatively, you can estimate that a single partition for a single Kafka topic runs at 10 MB/s.
As an example, if your desired throughput is 5 TB per day. That figure comes out to about 58 MB/s. Using the estimate of 10 MB/s per partition, this example implementation would require 6 partitions. I believe its not about creating more topics with one partition but it is about creating a topic with optimized no of partitions
Since you are sending the message consistently with 1 partition then this could be the issue. Also since you have chosen acks=all, this can be the reason for increased latency that every message that you pass to the topic has to make sure that it gets the acknowledgment from leader as well as the followers hence introducing the latency. As the message keeps on increasing, its likely that there must be some increase in latency factor as well. This could be in actual the reason for increased response time for producer. To have that addressed you can do below things:
a) Send the Messages in Batch
b) Compress the Data
Partition : Each partition has a leader. Also, with multiple replicas, most partitions are written into leaders. However, if the leaders are not balanced properly, it might be possible that one might be overworked, compared to others causing the latency again. So again the optimized number of partitions are the key factors.
Relationship between consumer to Partition : From your example I understand that you are increasing the consumer groups from Zero to some number. Please note that when you keep on increasing the consumer group , there is the rebalancing of the partition that takes place.
Rebalancing is the process to map each partition to precisely one consumer. While Kafka is rebalancing, all involved consumers processing is blocked
If you want to get more details
And when that rebalancing happens, there is the partition movement as well that happens which is nothing but again an overhead.
In conclusion I understand that the producer throughput might have been increasing because of below factors
a) No of partitions not getting created correctly w.r.t. messaging speed
b) Messages not being send in Batches with proper size and with a proper compression type
c) Increase in consumer group causing more of rebalancing hence movement of partition
d) Since due to rebalancing the consumer, the consumer blocks the functioning for partition reassignment we can say the message fetching also gets stopped hence causing the partition to store more of the data while accepting the new Data.
e) Acks= all which should be causing latency as well
In continuation to your query, trying to visualize it
Let us assume as per your condition
1 Topic having 1 partition(with RF as 3) and 1 to 100/500 consumers groups having 1 single consumer in each group(No rebalancing) subscribing to same topic
Here only one server(Being leader) in the cluster would be actively participating to do following functions that can result in the processing delays since the other 2 brokers are just the followers and will act if the leader goes down.

Increase or decrease Kafka partitions dynamically

I have a system where load is not constant. We may get 1000 requests a day or no requests at all.
We use Kafka to pass on the requests between services. We have kept average number of Kafka consumers to reduce cost incurred. Now my consumers of Kafka will sit ideal if there are no requests received that day, and there will be lag if too many requests are received.
We want to keep these consumers on Autoscale mode, such that my number of servers(Kafka consumer) will increase if there is a spike in number of requests. Once the number of requests get reduced, we will remove the servers. Therefore, the Kafka partitions have to be increased or decreased accordingly
Kafka allows increasing partition. In this case, how can we decrease Kafka partitions dynamically?
Is there any other solution to handle this Auto-scaling?
Scaling up partitions will not fix your lag problems in the short term since no data is moved between partitions when you do this, so existing (or new) consumers are still stuck with reading the data in the previous partitions.
It's not possible to decrease partitions and its not possible to scale consumers beyond the partition count.
If you are able to sacrifice processing order for consumption speed, you can separate the consuming threads and working threads, as hinted at in the KafkaConsumer javadoc, then you would be able to scale these worker threads.
Since you are thinking about modifying the partition counts, then I'm guessing processing order isn't a problem.
have one or more consumer threads that do all data consumption and hands off ConsumerRecords instances to a blocking queue consumed by a pool of processor threads that actually handle the record processing.
A single consumer can consume multiple partitions. Therefore partition your work for the largest anticipated parallel requirement, and then scale your number of consumers as required.
For example, if you think you need 32 parallel consumers you would give you Kafka topic 32 partitions.
You can run 32 consumers (each gets one partition), or eight consumers (each gets four partitions) or just one (which gets all 32 partitions). Or any number of consumers in between. Kafka's protocol ensures that within the consumer group all partitions are consumed, and will rebalance as and when consumers are added or removed.

Kafka Consumer Setting for avoiding High CPU

We are having Camel Kafka consumer (camel-kafka:2.23.1) to read message from Kafka. The default settings work well for daytime,However nightly there is Bulk load of messages 5000 Message per second and we are seeing high CPU, wanted to know are there any settings in Kafka Consumer/Camel Kafka to reduce high CPU usage?Do other face a similar issue

Flink + Kafka, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when parallelism > 1

I've a toy Flink job which reads from 3 kafka topics, then union all these 3 streams. That's all, no extra work.
If using parallelism 1 for my Flink job, everything seems fine, as soos as I change parallelism > 1, it fails with:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
at java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(Bits.java:693)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>(DirectByteBuffer.java:123)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(ByteBuffer.java:311)
at sun.nio.ch.Util.getTemporaryDirectBuffer(Util.java:241)
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:195)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.PlaintextTransportLayer.read(PlaintextTransportLayer.java:110)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.NetworkReceive.readFromReadableChannel(NetworkReceive.java:97)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.NetworkReceive.readFrom(NetworkReceive.java:71)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.KafkaChannel.receive(KafkaChannel.java:169)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.KafkaChannel.read(KafkaChannel.java:150)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector.pollSelectionKeys(Selector.java:355)
at org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector.poll(Selector.java:303)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient.poll(NetworkClient.java:349)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerNetworkClient.poll(ConsumerNetworkClient.java:226)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.pollOnce(KafkaConsumer.java:1047)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.poll(KafkaConsumer.java:995)
at org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internal.KafkaConsumerThread.run(KafkaConsumerThread.java:257)
How come it works with parallelism 1 but not with parallelism > 1?
Is it related to kafka sever side setting? Or it's related to comsumer setting in my java code (no special config yet in my code)?
I know that the info proviced here may not be sufficient, but I'm not able to touch the kafka cluster. I just hope that some guru may happen to run into same error before, and can share with me some suggestions.
I'm using kafka 0.10, flink 1.5.
Many thanks.
As you can see in the error logs this error is from your Kafka cluster. This issue occurs when the Direct Buffer Memory of the Kafka Broker exceeds the heap size assigned to the JVM. The Direct Buffer Memory is allocated from the heap of a JVM as required by the application. When you use parallelism > 1, multiple Flink tasks, min(Number of Flink Slots, Number of Kafka partitions) will consume data from Kafka at the same time, result in more use of Kafka brokers Heap size in comparison to when parallelism equals to one and the so-called error will happen. The standard solution is to increase the heap size available to the Kafka Brokers by adding the KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS variable to the Kafka env file or as OS environment variable. For example, add the following line to set the heap size to 2 GB:
export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xms2G -Xmx2G"
But in your case which there is no access to Kafka broker (according to your question), you can decrease the number of the record returned in a single call to poll(), so the need for Heap memory in brokers will be decreased. (It's not a standard solution, I recommend that just to disappear the error).
From this answer:
Kafka Consumers handles the data backlog by the following two
The maximum delay between invocations of a poll()
when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on
the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more
records. If poll() is not called before the expiration of this timeout,
then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in
order to reassign the partitions to another member. Default value is
The maximum number of records returned in a single
call to poll(). The default value is 500.
Ignoring to set the above two parameters according to the requirement
could lead to polling of maximum data which the consumer may not be
able to handle with the available resources, leading to OutOfMemory or
failure to commit the consumer offset at times. Hence, it is always
advisable to use the max.poll.records, and max.poll.interval.ms
So for a test, decrease the value of max.poll.records to for example 250 and check if the error will happen, yet.
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", BOOTSTRAPSERVERS);
properties.setProperty("group.id", ID);
properties.setProperty("key.deserializer", Serializer);
properties.setProperty("value.deserializer", Deserializer);
properties.setProperty("max.poll.records", "250");
FlinkKafkaConsumer08<String> myConsumer =
new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>("topic", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties);