Multi Object Unbound Action for updating Contained Entities in OData - rest

In OData, a contained entity does not have an entity set. All operations on it should be through the parent entity. And this is true for single-object APIs.
Can we have an unbound action to update multiple such contained entities by directly providing the ID with no parent in context? Would this be according to the Odata specs?
Thanks and Regards,

You could do it, but as an Unbound Function that is technically all it is, Unbound, there is nothing in the specification preventing you from doing it this way but it would not be constrained to a specific resource by route. That makes the Action unintuitive in terms of both discovery and expectations.
The OData way to do this would be to bind the operation to the Parent Entity. If the operation affects or retrieves data across multiple entities or you really want to avoid needing to resolve the Parent key, then it should still be bound to the Collection rather than being Unbound.
Reserve Unbound Actions for operations that are outside of the model, diagnostics or other esoteric implementations that otherwise don't have a single natural place in the OData Schema.
Having an Action That targets single or multiple Contained Entities without reference to the Parent is in the vicinity of being an Anti-Pattern, though I can not cite any sources that explicitly support this claim, the general reason for Contained Entities at all is because you can't directly reference the contained entity without the Parent Key, it was designed for scenarios where the Parent Key forms part of the Key for the contained item.
A classic example is Invoice and InvoiceLines. If your InvoiceLines Key is a simple Line Number and is only unique within the Invoice parent, so in the Database this might be a composite key using InvoiceId and LineNumber. In this case we can only expose this Entity as being Contained within a specific Invoice because there is no other way to uniquely reference a single InvoiceLine item.
If your Contained Entity has a unique Key AND you intend on performing operations directly against these Entities without reference to the Parent Entity then that Entity really should be exposed as a top-level collection of it's own.


Handling Multiple entities with a Custom Cache mechanism

We built a mechanism that on server request automatically retrieves the entities list from the DB, and maps them to ViewModels. We can't figure out how to support clearing View Models that are built from multiple DB entities when an update was made to some relevant DB entity.
This is how we've built our Cache:
We have a mapping between the key (the DB entity name) and the list of values it holds (View models).
This is how we handle entities invalidate:
On EF's Context Save method, we clear the Cache values by the saved entity's name (when it has been changed).
For most entities, all the Cache values are mapped to a single entity.
For some entities however, the Cache values depend on several other entities (which are either direct or indirect navigation properties of the entity).
For instance:
We have an EducationPlace Entity.
Its Cache key is "EducationPlace". Its values are a list of EducationPlaceViewModel.
EducationPlace entity has an Address property, and the Address entity, has a City property.
City's name is used in the EducationPlaceViewModel.
Now we want, that when the City entity is being updated, the Cache's EducationPlaceViewModel list will be cleared.
What we are looking for, is a way to update a cache entry, when an entity that the cache entry's View Model depends on is being updated.
The two solutions we've considered are:
Use reflection to find which entries should be cleared (by following the navigation properties). This will create many unnecessary dependencies, which will result in many redundant cache clears. For instance, EducationPlace has many navigation properties that are not being used by its View Model, hence should not trigger a Cache clear.
Use a custom Attribute that will decorate each relevant entity, and will hold its list of entities that its View Model depends on. This way we will easily get the entities that should be cleared when an entity is being saved at the Save method.
This way requires A LOT of maintenance. It requires for each new entity which its View Model depends on other entities for the developer to remember to use it on the new entity, and to update that entity when its View Model depends on new entities.
This is how we clear the View Models.
This method is invoked from the Context's Save method:
What this method basically does is:
It gets all the DB entities from the DAL layer
For each entity name, it:
a. Skips none-relevant entities
b. if the entity name exists as a Cache key - Clear its data

Validation in a Doctrine entity where that property itself is an Entity derived from another entity using constraints

First of all I hope this question is allowed because I guess its a rather framework-specific question (Symfony). I am running into the following problem:
A form is submitted and checked for validity for creating a new 'Toernooionderdeel' and as a result the Persist and Flush operations of Doctrine for this Entity are to be called attempting to put the newly created entity into the database. Fairly basic stuff to this point. But the form fails at ->isValid() before persisting and flushing can commence.
In my case the Constraints are applied on properties in various ways through annotation.
#Assert\Valid specifically is used on properties that define ManyToOne relationships with other entities and it all works fine, until...
I attempt to use #Assert\Valid on a property of 'Toernooionderdeel' called '$toernooi' which represents a ManyToOne relationship (Toernooionderdeel -> Toernooi).
The difference between this one and the other relationships I validate in the same way is that this 'Toernooi' Entity is derived from another entity, where the other entities aren't.
Despite obviously having a 'Toernooi' defined under the '$toernooi' property of 'Toernooionderdeel', the Constraint detects it as a violation and thus the form doesnt pass validation.
What things do i have to consider when doing this type of validation (using Constraints) on an 'advanced' entity construction like this? Has any of you done this before and if so, how did you do it?
When the entity referenced in a property ("child") is validated in the parent object via Assert\Valid, it's validity is also checked. When the child entity isn't valid, the parent isn't valid either (transitive).

When to use an owned entity types vs just creating a foreign key or adding the columns directly to the table?

I was reading about owned entity types here and I was wondering when I would use that. Especially when using .ToTable(); although I am not sure if ToTable creates a relationship with keys.
I read the entire article so I understand that it essentially forces you to access the data via nav properties and prevents the owned table from being treated as an entity. They also say Include() is not needed and the data comes down with every query for the parent table so its not like you are reducing the amount of data that comes back.
So whats the point exactly? Also whats the point of "table splitting"?
It takes the place of Complex types with the option to set it up like a 1-1 relationship /w ToTable while automatically eager-loaded. This would use the same PK in both tables, same as 1-1.
The point Table-splitting would be that you want an object model that is normalized, where the table structure is not. This would fit scenarios where you have an existing table structure and want to split off related pieces of that data into sub-entities associated with the main entity. With the ToTable option, it would be similar to a 1-1 relationship, but automatically eager-loaded. However when considering the reasons to use a 1-1 relationship I would consider this option a bad choice.
The common reasons for using it in normal 1-1 relationships would include:
Splitting off expensive to load, rarely used data. (images, binary, memo)
Encapsulating data particular to a single application off of a common entity. i.e. if I have a "Customer" which is used by a billing system vs. a CRM I might have "CustomerBillingData" and "CustomerCRMData" owned by "Customer" rather than an inherited BillingCustomer / CRMCustomer. As there is a "single" customer that may serve one or both systems. Billing doesn't care about CRM data, CRM doesn't care about Billing. If all data is in "Customer" then both systems potentially need to be updated, and I cannot rely on constraints when the data is optional to the other system. By using composition I can enforce required data for a particular system.
In neither of these cases would I want to use table-splitting or anything that automatically eager-loads, so Owned Types /w ToTable would not replace 1-1 relationships by any stretch. It's essentially a more strict version of complex types, I'd say it's strictly used for entity organization. Not something I'd admit to wanting to use very often.

Can I utilise JPA 2.1 #Converter with DB entities?

Maybe, I'm a bit wrong, however, I'm trying to refactor my code right now via making use of #Converter annotation from JPA 2.1 to out-source the attribute-to-dbdata converting from the POJO class to a separate class. I'm mainly utilising a custom transformation for storing a kind of JSON blob into a database column. I have several cases, where I need to rely on the order of child entities, i.e., I store the set of utilised child entities in a many-to-many table to keep the relationship between the items and, furthermore, the order in a JSON array that just keeps the child entity identifiers (to keep the order). Then I have a resolving mechanism that keeps both sides always up-to-date, i.e., the db-data (string) will be converted to a (ordered) list of child entities (that are also stored in the DB and available via the set of child entities (many-to-many relationship).
So right now I'm wondering, whether I can handle this with a #Converter (AttributeConverter) implementation, since I'll require the set of child entities to resolve the db-data (string) to a (ordered) list of child entities (i.e. the "convertToEntityAttribute" method implementation)? Or whether I need to rely on my (a bit cumbersome) mechanism in the POJO class to convert between both sides?
AttributeConverter is for simple types only, not collections/maps, and as such provides a mapping between a java type and a database column. Some JPA implementations may allow mapping to multiple columns (I know the JPA implementation I use does, DataNucleus JPA, and some others may also allow it), but I doubt you'll get one that allows mapping to some other table entirely.
Better to look at your entity mappings and consider creating a dummy entity for this information somehow

RIA services presentation model with 1-many or many-many relationships

I'm trying to get a presentation model (discussed here and here) working in RIA. All the examples I can find are simple, flat data entities with no 1-many or many-many relationships, which are what I can't get working - specifically, on updates and inserts into associative relationships.
Queries I can get working fine - I have my presentation classes marked up with Association attributes (and Include attributes, where appropriate), and I have a good understanding about how data is loaded into the client side and maintained there as entities. I also have inserts of new entities covered. However, I'm experiencing the following problems. For the following examples, assume we have simple Album and Artist entities, where an Album has a single artist and an Artist can have zero to many albums. Both have a Name property.
On the client side, if I do myArtist.Albums.Add(anAlbum) or myArtist.Albums.Remove(anAlbum), nothing happens. HasChanges returns false. (Note that myArtist and anAlbum were obtained solely in code by loading the entities and iterating to get references to specific entities: I'm not doing anything in UI or with DomainDataSources yet, just dinking around).
If I update the Name on an Artist and SubmitChanges, when the Update method gets called on the server, the Albums collection is null.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or can you point me to an example that uses more complex objects?
EDIT (keeping the above for posterity): Alright, it appears that the second issue (a reference to an entity or a collection of entities showing as null when Update gets called on the server) exists because the child entites aren't marked as Changed and so they aren't being serialized and sent back. I know you can force that to happen by using [Composition] and I have gotten it to work that way, but this is not a compositional relationship and I want both entities to be "top-level" entities. How can I mark an entity as changed?
The problem was that my [Association] attributes weren't correctly defined. I didn't realize that the association's Name property has to be the same on both sides of the association. When the names are the same and you do a build, the generated code on the client uses a different constructor for the EntityCollection used by the "parent" to refer to the "children" than it does if the associations aren't set up right. The new constructor takes callbacks that do a little bit of extra handling when you call Add and Remove on the collection - specifically, they take the child entity you are adding or removing and modify the property on it that refers to its parent so that everything remains in sync: the collection you removed the object from, the collection you added it to, and the object's reference to its parent.