Matlab question. What is this fft code doing? - matlab

I am new to Matlab and performing signal processing. I am trying to understand what this code is doing? How and why are we determining the indexNyquist and spectrum?
spectrum = fft(Signal,k); %generate spetrum of signal with FFT to k points
indexNyquist = round(k/2+1); %vicinity of nyquist frequency
spectrum = spectrum(1:indexNyquist); %truncate spectrum to Nyquist frequency
spectrum = spectrum/(length(Signal)); %scale spectrum by number of points
spectrum(2:end) = 2 * spectrum3(2:end); %compensate for truncating negative frequencies, but not DC component

For a purely real input signal the corresponding FFT will be complex conjugate symmetric about the Nyquist frequency, so there is no useful additional information in the top N/2 bins. We can therefore just take the bottom N/2 bins and multiply their magnitude by 2 to get a (complex) spectrum with no redundancy. This spectrum represents frequencies from 0 to Nyquist (and their aliased equivalent frequencies).
Note that bin 0 (0 Hz aka DC) is purely real and does not need to be doubled, hence the comment in your Matlab code.


How can i use fft to find the maximum frequency of a periodic signal?

I'm trying to find the maximum frequency of a periodic signal in Matlab and as i know when you convert a periodic signal to the frequency spectrum you get only delta functions however i get a few curves between the produced delta functions. Here is the code :
figure, subplot(211), plot(t,s);
subplot(212), plot(t,y);
Here is a code-snippet to help you understand how to get the frequency-spectrum using fft in matlab.
Things to remember are:
You need to decide on a sampling frequency, which should be high enough, as per the Nyquist Criterion (You need the number of samples, at least more than twice the highest frequency or else we will have aliasing). That means, fs in this example cannot be below 2 * 110. Better to have it even higher to see a have a better appearance of the signal.
For a real signal, what you want is the power-spectrum obtained as the square of the absolute of the output of the fft() function. The imaginary part, which contains the phase should contain nothing but noise. (I didn't plot the phase here, but you can do this to check for yourself.)
Finally, we need to use fftshift to shift the signal such that we get the mirrored spectrum around the zero-frequency.
The peaks would be at the correct frequencies. Now considering only the positive frequencies, as you can see, we have the largest peak at 100Hz and two further lobs around 100Hz +- 10Hz i.e. 90Hz and 110Hz.
Apparently, 110Hz is the highest frequency, in your example.
The code:
fs = 500; % sampling frequency - Should be high enough! Remember Nyquist!
s= 5.*(1+cos(2*pi*10*t)).*cos(2*pi*100*t);
figure, subplot(311), plot(t,s);
n = length(s);
f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n); % frequency range
power = abs(y).^2/n;
subplot(312), plot(f, power);
Y = fftshift(y);
fshift = (-n/2:n/2-1)*(fs/n); % zero-centered frequency range
powershift = abs(Y).^2/n;
subplot(313), plot(fshift, powershift);
The output plots:
The first plot is the signal in the time domain
The signal in the frequency domain
The shifted fft signal

Confusion on how the frequency axis when plotting the FFT magnitude is created

This code takes FFT of a signal and plots it on a new frequency axis.
freqaxis=Fs*(linspace(-0.5,0.5, length(y)));
I understand why we used fftshift because we wanted to see the signal centered at the 0 Hz (DC) value and it is better for observation.
However I seem to be confused about how the frequency axis is defined. Specifically, why did we especially multiply the range of [-0.5 0.5] with Fs and we obtain the [-3000 3000] range? It could be [-0.25 0.25].
The reason why the range is between [-Fs/2,Fs/2] is because Fs/2 is the Nyquist frequency. This is the largest possible frequency that has the ability of being visualized and what is ultimately present in your frequency decomposition. I also disagree with your comment where the range "could be between [-0.25,0.25]". This is contrary to the definition of the Nyquist frequency.
From signal processing theory, we know that we must sample by at least twice the bandwidth of the signal in order to properly reconstruct the signal. The bandwidth is defined as the largest possible frequency component that can be seen in your signal, which is also called the Nyquist Frequency. In other words:
Fs = 2*BW
The upper limit of where we can visualize the spectrum and ultimately the bandwidth / Nyquist frequency is defined as:
BW = Fs / 2;
Therefore because your sampling frequency is 6000 Hz, this means the Nyquist frequency is 3000 Hz, so the range of visualization is [-3000,3000] Hz which is correct in your magnitude graph.
BTW, your bin centres for each of the frequencies is incorrect. You specified the total number of bins in the FFT to be 512, yet the way you are specifying the bins is with respect to the total length of the signal. I'm surprised why you don't get a syntax error because the output of the fft function should give you 512 points yet your frequency axis variable will be an array that is larger than 512. In any case, that is not correct. The frequency at each bin i is supposed to be:
f = i * Fs / N, for i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1
N is the total number of points you have in your FFT, which is 512. You originally had it as length(y) and that is not correct... so this is probably why you have a source of confusion when examining the frequency axis. You can read up about why this is the case by referencing user Paul R's wonderful post here: How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
Note that we only specify bins from 0 up to N - 1. To account for this when you specify the bin centres of each frequency, you usually specify an additional point in your linspace command and remove the last point:
freqaxis=Fs*(linspace(-0.5,0.5, 513); %// Change
freqaxis(end) = []; %// Change
BTW, the way you've declared freqaxis is a bit obfuscated to me. This to me is more readable:
freqaxis = linspace(-Fs/2, Fs/2, 513);
freqaxis(end) = [];
I personally hate using length and I favour numel more.
In any case, when I run the corrected code to specify the bin centres, I now get this plot. Take note that I inserted multiple data cursors where the peaks of the spectrum are, which correspond to the frequencies for each of the cosines that you have declared (400 Hz and 1100 Hz):
You see that there are some slight inaccuracies, primarily due to the number of bins you have specified (i.e. 512). If you increased the total number of bins, you will see that the frequencies at each of the peaks will get more accurate.

What is NFFT used in fft() function in matlab?

I have a audio signal sample at the rate of 10Khz, I need to find fourier coefficients of my signal. I saw one example in mathwork's website where they are using following code to do the fft decomposition of a signal y:
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
Y = fft(y,NFFT)/L;
f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
where L is the length of the signal, I don't really understand why its defining the variable NFFT the way shown in the code above? Can't I just chose any value for NFFT? Also why are we taking Fs/2 in third line of the code above?
NFFT can be any positive value, but FFT computations are typically much more efficient when the number of samples can be factored into small primes. Quoting from Matlab documentation:
The execution time for fft depends on the length of the transform. It is fastest for powers of two. It is almost as fast for lengths that have only small prime factors. It is typically several times slower for lengths that are prime or which have large prime factors.
It is thus common to compute the FFT for the power of 2 which is greater or equal to the number of samples of the signal y. This is what NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L) does (in the Example from Matlab documentation y is constructed to have a length L).
When NFFT > L the signal is zero padded to the NFFT length.
As far as fs/2 goes, it is simply because the frequency spectrum of a real-valued signal has Hermitian symmetry (which means that the values spectrum above fs/2 can be obtained from the complex-conjugate of the values below fs/2), and as such is completely specifies from the first NFFT/2+1 values (with the index NFFT/2+1 corresponding to fs/2). So, instead of showing the redundant information above fs/2, the example chose to illustrate only the spectrum up to fs/2.
Output of FFT is complex for real valued input. That means for a signal sampled at Fs Hz, The fourier transform of this signal will have frequency components from -Fs/2 to Fs/2 and is symmetric at zero Hz. (Nyquist criterion states that if you have a signal with maxium frequency component at f Hz, you need to sample it with atleast 2f Hz .
You may wonder what does negative frequency mean here. If you are a mathematician you may care about the negative frequency but if you are an engineer, you may choose to ignore the notion of negative frequency and focus only on frequencies from 0 to Fs/2. (Max freq component for a signal sampled at Fs Hz is Fs/2)
Using FFT to learn more about frequency components present in your signal is cumbsrsome. You can use the function pwelch function in MATLAB to learn more frequencies present in your signal and also the power of these signals. MATLAB will automatically compute the NFFT required and return the frequencies present in your signal along with the power at each frequency. Use this syntax:
[p,f] = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs)
Look at the documentation of pwelch for more information.

FFT does not return the amplitudes in matlab?

I have generated the following time signal:
Now I want to perform a Discrete Fourier Transform by using the matlab command fft
Here is my code:
function [ xdft, omega ] = FastFourier( t, fs )
%% Inputs from other functions %%
[P_mean, x, u] = MyWay( t ) %From here comes my signal x(t)
%% FFT %%
xdft1 = fft(x); % Perform FFT
xdft2 = abs(xdft1); % Take the absolute value of the fft results
xdft = xdft2(1:length(x)/2+1); % FFT is symmetric, second half is not needed
freq = 0:fs/length(x):fs/2; % frequency axis
plot (freq(1:100),xdft(1:100));
And here is the plot that I get:
And what is puzzling to me is the y axis? Shouldn't the y axis represent the amplitudes of the frequency components? Is there a way to get the amplitudes of all the frequency components?
I have found that some people do the following:
n = size(x,2)/2; %The number of components and second half can be neglected again
xdft2 = abs(xdft1)/n;
This way I seem to get the amplitude spectrum, but why do I have to divide the absolute value by n?
FFT gives you a complex pair in each Frequency Bin. The first bin in the FFT is like the DC part of your signal (around 0 Hz), the second bin is Fs / N, where Fs is the sample rate and Nis the windowsize of the FFT, next bin is 2 * Fs / N and so on.
What you calc with the abs() of such a pair is the power contained in a bin.
you might also want to check this out: Understanding Matlab FFT example
Most (not all) FFT libraries preserve total energy (Parseval's theorem), which means that the magnitude has to get bigger for longer FFT windows (longer stationary waveform -> more energy). So you have to divide the result by N to get a more "natural" looking magnitude height of sinewaves in the spectrum.
If you want the amplitudes of the harmonics, then you need to plot real(xdft1) and imag(xdft1). Real(xdft1) gives you coefficients of all the cosine harmonics present in your signal, from -Fs/2 to +Fs/2, (we assume your Fs is large enough to cover all frequencies in the signal) and the imag(xdft) give the amplitudes of the sines.
What you are doing is giving you the magnitude of the signal, which is the RMS value of the total energy at a bin in both the real and imaginary frequency component.
Its often the item of most interest to people looking at a spectrum.
Basics of this: (

basic FFT normalization questions

I'm using Matlab to take FFTs of signals, and I'm getting stuck on the normalization. Specifically, how to normalize the spectrum into units of dBm. I know that 0.316228 is the correct normalization factor, but my questions are related to how to normalize the bins correctly.
I created the following program to raise my questions. Just cut and paste it into Matlab and it'll run itself. See questions in-line.
In particular, I'm confused how to normalize the bins. For example, if the FFT has indices 1:end, where end is even, when I calculate the FFT magnitude spectrum, should I multiply by (2/N) for indices 2:(end/2)? Similarly, does the bin at the Nyquist frequency (located at index end/2+1) get normalized to (1/N)? I know there's a bunch of ways to normalize depending on one's interest. Let's say the signal I'm using (St below) are voltages captured from an ADC.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
%% 1. Create an Example Signal
N = 2^21 ; % N = number of points in time-domain signal (St)
St = 1 + rand(N,1,'single'); % St = example broadband signal (e.g. random noise)
% take FFT
Sf = fft(St, N);
Sf_mag = (2/N)*abs(Sf(1: N/2 + 1));
Sf_dBm = 20*log10(Sf_mag / 0.316228); % 0.316338 is peak voltage of 1 mW into 50 Ohms
% Q: Are Sf_mag and Sf_dBm normalized correctly? (assume 0.316338 is correct
% peak voltage to get 1mW in 50 Ohms)
% Q: Should Sf_mag(fftpoints/2 + 1) = (1/N)*abs(Sf(fftpoints/2 + 1) for correct normalization
% of Nyquist frequency? (since Nyquist frequency is not folded in frequency
% like the others are)
%% 2. Plot Result
% create FFT spectrum x-axis
samplerate = 20e9; % 20 Gsamples/sec
fft_xaxis = single(0 : 1 : N/2)';
fft_xaxis = fft_xaxis * single(samplerate/N);
semilogx(fft_xaxis, Sf_dBm, 'b-')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('FFT Magnitude (dBm)');
title('Spectrum of Signal (Blue) vs Frequency (Hz)');
xlim([1e4 1e10]);
grid on;
I am not totally clear about what you are trying to accomplish, but here are some tips that will let you debug your own program.
Do fft([1 1 1 1]). Do fft([1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]). In particular, observe the output magnitude. Is it what you expect?
Then do fft([1 -1 1 -1]). Do fft([1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1]). Repeat for various signal lengths and frequencies. That should allow you to normalize your signals accordingly.
Also, do the same thing for ifft instead of fft. These are good sanity checks for various FFT implementations, because while most implementations may put the 1/N in front of the inverse transform, others may put 1/sqrt(N) in front of both forward and inverse transforms.
See this for an answer:
FFT normalization
Some software packages and references get sloppy on the normalization of the Fourier coefficients.
Assuming a real signal, then the normalization steps are:
1) The power in the frequency domain must equal the power in the time domain.
2) The magnitude of the Fourier coefficients are duplicated (x2) except for DC term and Nyquist term. DC and Nyquist terms appear only once. Depending on how your array indexing starts/stop, you need to be careful. Simply doubling the power to get a one sided spectrum is wrong.
3) To get power density (dBm/Hz) you need to normalize to the individual frequency bin size.