Install Printer Remotely - powershell

I am currently working in Powershell. I have created a Script that allows me to install the specified printer to any given machine on our network. However, I need help with adding Parameters(Variables) so that I do not have to go back into the code each time and manually change the Printer and Its Driver/IP.
<# Declare name of the Port #>
$portName = "TCPPort:xx.xx.xx.xx"
<# Declares the name of the Printers Driver #>
$printDriverName = "HP LaserJet Pro M402-M403 PCL 6"
<# If the printer exists, get the port for it, and assign the name of it to -Name $portname #>
$portExists = Get-Printerport -Name $portname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
<# If the Port does not exist, Add the provided port name, assign it as the Printerhostaddress #>
if (-not $portExists) {
Add-PrinterPort -name $portName -PrinterHostAddress ""
$printDriverExists = Get-PrinterDriver -name $printDriverName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
<# Once the PrintDriver is obtained, Add the Printer, assign the name,portname, and driver name. Install to designated system #>
if ($printDriverExists){
Add-Printer -Name "CRCHRDirHP2" -PortName $portName -DriverName $printDriverName
Write-Warning "Printer Driver not installed"

This is an example of how your code would look if it was a function, I've changed the if statements for try / catch statements. The function is using [cmdletbinding()], this will allow you to use CommonParameters, in example, -Verbose if you want to display the Write-Verbose comments.
function Install-Printer {
Write-Verbose 'Attempting to get Printer Port'
# If this fails, it will go to `catch` block
$null = Get-Printerport -Name $PortName
Write-Verbose 'Port does not exist. Adding new Printer Port.'
Add-PrinterPort -Name $PortName -PrinterHostAddress ""
Write-Verbose 'Adding printer...'
$null = Get-PrinterDriver -Name $DriverName
Add-Printer -Name $PrinterName -PortName $PortName -DriverName $DriverName
Write-Verbose 'Printer added successfully.'
Write-Verbose 'Failed to add printer, error was:'
Install-Printer -PrinterName "CRCHRDirHP2" -PortName "TCPPo...." -DriverName "HP LaserJet..."

In addition to Santiago's answer, if you have some source for the variables it would make things a lot easier. For instance consider the following CSV file 'printers.csv' in C:\Temp:
CRCHRDirHP2,TCPPort123,HP LaserJet
CRCHRDirHP3,TCPPort1234,HP LaserJet
CRCHRDirHP4,TCPPort12345,HP LaserJet
Now we import the file and start looping through the printers to call the function that Santiago made and use the variables from the input file.
$printers = Import-CSV C:\Temp\printers.csv
foreach($printer in $printers){
Write-Verbose "Processing printer $($"
Install-Printer -PrinterName $ -PortName $printer.portName -DriverName $printer.driverName
Write-Verbose "Printer $($ failed with error: $_"


Powershell Printing Custom per Printer Permissions

First off I would like to thank everyone for helping me work thru my issue.
I am looking to write a script that will dynamically build the full set of permissions for each printer. As each printer has it's own Dynamic Group and is not allowed to have the everyone group applied to the printer.
Printer Name: PrinterA
AdGroup for Printer: gprt_PrinterA
Other groups assigned full (Print/Manage Doc/Manage Printer) permissions to the printer : Local Admin/Local Power User/Local Print Operator/Network Admins (Domain Group)
Other groups with Manage Documents and Print permissions to the printer: Endpoint (Domain Group)/Service Desk (Domain Group)/gprt_PrinterA (Domain Group)\
First what works and I see many examples about this across the web but does not meet my requirements:
$DefaultPrinterInfo = Get-Printer -Name PrinterA -Full
Set-Printer -Name PrinterB -PermissionSDDL ($DefaultPrinterInfo.PermissionSDDL)
This however does not work to meet the required specifications. The reason is the gprt_PrinterA group can not exist on PrinterB. PrinterB must have the gprt_PrinterB Group.
In one example I have attempted to:
Set-Printer -Name PrinterB -PermissionSDDL "G:SYD:(A;;LCSWSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;OIIO;RPWPSDRCWDWO;;;BA)"
I have attempted to even dynamically create the default permission groups required and if this worked then it would be easy for me to just add 1 more group that is dynamically assigned:
I kept the groups clean for easy reading but essentially just make it a continuous line with "G:SYD:" in the beginning. Then replace the PermissionSDDL in the above powershell statement. Either way though, I keep getting the error: "[Set-Printer : Access was denied to the specific resource]"
I have even attempted to do the following:
SetSecurityDescriptor method of the Win32_Printer class
The Security Descriptor Definition Language of Love (Part 2)
Adding Multiple Permissions to a Share
These did put me on the correct path! It lets me replace the permission on the printer. But it strips all existing permission, putting on only the single permission specified for the printer. I need to apply a whole set of permissions to the printer as you see above. I am a little out of my realm but learning how to build a Multi-ACL Package to apply to the printer.
I am ok with replacing all permissions, if I can assign a whole set of permissions, or simply add and remove to the existing permissions if they do or not exist.
What I have learned in my research the permission sets need to be:
Print/Manage this Printer
# G:SYD:(A;;SWRC;;;$SID)
Print/Manage this Printer/Manage Documents/Special Permissions
I hope someone the help me figure out a solution please.
Ok so after extensively researching I am getting closer.
The "Set-PrinterPermission" script is on the correct path. What I have had to do, is stripped out the ACE function from the script to place it into it's own function.
function New-PrinterACE
Param (
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = "User/group to grant permissions"
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = "Permissions to apply"
[ValidateSet('Takeownership', 'ReadPermissions', 'ChangePermissions', 'ManageDocuments', 'ManagePrinters', 'Print + ReadPermissions')]
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = "Permissions to apply"
[ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'System Audit')]
$Ace = ([WMIClass] "Win32_Ace").CreateInstance()
$Trustee = ([WMIClass] "Win32_Trustee").CreateInstance()
Write-Verbose "Translating UserName (user or group) to SID"
$SID = (New-Object security.principal.ntaccount $UserName).translate([security.principal.securityidentifier])
Write-Verbose "Get binary form from SID and byte Array"
[byte[]]$SIDArray = , 0 * $SID.BinaryLength
$SID.GetBinaryForm($SIDArray, 0)
Write-Verbose "Fill Trustee object parameters"
$Trustee.Name = $UserName
$Trustee.SID = $SIDArray
Write-Verbose "Translating $Permission to the corresponding Access Mask"
Write-Verbose "Based on"
Write-Verbose ""
switch ($Permission)
$Ace.AccessMask = "524288"
$Ace.AccessMask = "131072"
$Ace.AccessMask = "262144"
$Ace.AccessMask = "983088"
$Ace.AccessMask = "983052"
'Print + ReadPermissions'
$Ace.AccessMask = "131080"
Write-Verbose "Translating $AccessType to the corresponding numeric value"
Write-Verbose "Based on"
switch ($AccessType)
$Ace.AceType = 0
$Ace.AceFlags = 0
$Ace.AceType = 1
$Ace.AceFlags = 1
"System Audit"
$Ace.AceType = 2
$Ace.AceFlags = 2
Write-Verbose "Write Win32_Trustee object to Win32_Ace Trustee property"
$Ace.Trustee = $Trustee
Return $ACE
$MyPrinterAces = #()
$MyPrinterAces += New-PrinterACE -UserName <DomainUserA> -Permission ManagePrinters -AccessType Allow
$MyPrinterAces += New-PrinterACE -UserName <DomainUserA> -Permission ManageDocuments -AccessType Allow
$MyPrinterAces += New-PrinterACE -UserName "DomainGroupA" -Permission ManageDocuments -AccessType Allow
$MyPrinterAces += New-PrinterACE -UserName "DomainGroupA" -Permission 'Print + ReadPermissions' -AccessType Allow
This, with a few other cosmetic modifications to the "Set-PrinterPermission" script to accommodate; So that it now references this function to build the ACE's it uses and to add the ability for it to accommodate an array of multiple users/groups with permissions types.
function Set-PrinterPermission
Param (
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = "Server or array of servers",
ParameterSetName = 'OnePrinter'
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = "Server or array of servers",
ParameterSetName = 'AllPrinters'
HelpMessage = "Name of the Printer",
ParameterSetName = 'OnePrinter'
$PrinterPermissions =
#('Administrators', 'ManagePrinters','Allow'),
#('Power Users', 'ManagePrinters','Allow'),
#('Print Operators', 'ManagePrinters','Allow'),
#('OHD – Network Support Team', 'ManagePrinters','Allow'),
#("OHD – PC Support Team", 'Print + ReadPermissions','Allow'),
#("OHD - Service Desk Users", 'Print + ReadPermissions','Allow')
$greenCheck =
Object = [Char]8730
ForegroundColor = 'Green'
NoNewLine = $true
ConvertFrom-SddlString -Sddl $printer.PermissionSDDL
#Write-Host "Status check... " -NoNewline
#Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
#Write-Host #greenCheck
#Write-Host " (Done)"
Write-Output "Beginning Treatment ..."
Write-Verbose "creating instances of necessary classes ..."
$SD = ([WMIClass] "Win32_SecurityDescriptor").CreateInstance()
$Aces = #()
Foreach ($PrinterPermission in $PrinterPermissions)
$Aces += New-PrinterACE -UserName $PrinterPermission[0] -Permission $PrinterPermission[1] -AccessType $PrinterPermission[2]
Write-Verbose "Write Win32_Ace and Win32_Trustee objects to SecurityDescriptor object"
$SD.DACL = $Aces
Write-Verbose "Set SE_DACL_PRESENT control flag"
$SD.ControlFlags = 0x0004
If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "OnePrinter")
ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
$Printer = Get-Printer -ComputerName $Server -Name $PrinterName -ErrorAction Stop
$PrinterName = $
Write-Output "Beginning treatment of: $PrinterName On: $Server"
Write-Verbose "Get printer object"
It seems that i can't use the Filter parameter using a var
$PrinterWMI = Get-WMIObject -Class WIN32_Printer -Filter "name = $PrinterName"
I've also noticed that I've haven't the same result using Get-CimInstance in particular with
However I'm sure that using Get-CiMInstance will be better, but i don't know how to proceed
then I'm using the following "Legacy" approach
#$PrinterWMI = (Get-WmiObject -Class WIN32_Printer | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -like "wilpa0p11" }).GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor.dacl
$PrinterWMI = Get-WmiObject -Class WIN32_Printer | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -like $PrinterName }
Write-Verbose "Enable SeSecurityPrivilege privilegies"
$PrinterWMI.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true
Write-Verbose "Invoke SetSecurityDescriptor method and write new ACE to specified"
Write-Verbose "Treatment of $PrinterName : Completed"
} # end if OnePrinter Parameter Set
If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "AllPrinters")
ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
$Printers = Get-Printer -ComputerName $Server | Where-Object { $_.Shared -eq $true } -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Printer in $Printers)
$PrinterName = $
Write-Output "Beginning treatment of : $PrinterName"
Write-Verbose "Get printer object"
It seems that i can't use the Filter parameter using a var
$PrinterWMI = Get-WMIObject -Class WIN32_Printer -Filter "name = $PrinterName"
I've also noticed that I've haven't the same result using Get-CimInstance in particular with
then I'm using the following approach
However I'm sure that using Get-CiMInstance will be better
$PrinterWMI = Get-WmiObject -Class WIN32_Printer | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -like $PrinterName }
Write-Verbose "Enable SeSecurityPrivilege privilegies"
$PrinterWMI.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true
Write-Verbose "Invoke SetSecurityDescriptor method and write new ACE to specified"
Write-Output "Treatment of $PrinterName : Completed"
} # end if All Printers Parameter Set
} # End Try
Write-Error "Hoops an error occured"
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
Write-Output "All treatments : completed"
} # end function
Now this is working great I can easily add the dynamic group as a parameter and a ACE will get assigned to the security descriptor of the printer.
Now my problem is I am unable to add the "Manage Documents" permission to the printer. if anyone can help me with this I will have my project complete.
The permission is assigned correctly for Printing only, and Manage Printer.
Primary Issue needing help resolving:
I am so very close now... what am I doing wrong to apply the "Manage Documents" permission to the printer ACL?
The Image below is the results of the script trying to apply the "Manage Documents" Permissions.
Very Minor Cosmetic help:
is there a way to validate the $PrinterPermissions in the Parameters section of the code? My thinking is to validate the parameter in the begin section of the code and exit out if one of my validations fail. not sure if there is a better way.

Cannot install fonts with Powershell on Windows 10

On my work computer, I don't have admin privileges.
Installing new fonts cannot be done "the easy way".
At the time I was using Windows 7, I managed to run a PowerShell script that was launched at session startup and that installed the fonts from a given folder.
Here is the code I used:
add-type -name Session -namespace "" -member #"
public static extern int AddFontResource(string filePath);
$FontFolder = "C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts"
$null = foreach($font in Get-ChildItem -Path $FontFolder -Recurse -Include *.ttf, *.otg, *.otf) {
Write-Host "Installing : $($font.FullName)"
$result = [Session]::AddFontResource($font.FullName)
Write-Host "Installed $($result) fonts"
Now that I have switched to Windows 10, I thought I could go back to installing fonts "the easy way", as it is supposed to be possible to install fonts for your user without admin privileges.
This however still does not work: there is a popup window saying that "The requested file is not a valid font file". One solution is apparently to start the Windows firewall, which of course is not allowed by my administrator... but it is already running (see Edit below)
Back to the PowerShell then. The script unfortunately does not work anymore and does not provide any interesting pointers to where the problem comes from:
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\zilla-slab\ZillaSlab-SemiBold.otf
Installed 0 fonts
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\zilla-slab\ZillaSlab-SemiBoldItalic.otf
Installed 0 fonts
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\zilla-slab\ZillaSlabHighlight-Bold.otf
Installed 0 fonts
I tried using a try catch, but still have no identified error:
add-type -name Session -namespace "" -member #"
public static extern int AddFontResource(string filePath);
$FontFolder = "C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts"
$null = foreach($font in Get-ChildItem -Path $FontFolder -Recurse -Include *.ttf, *.otg, *.otf) {
try {
Write-Host "Installing : $($font.FullName)"
$result = [Session]::AddFontResource($font.FullName)
Write-Host $result
catch {
Write-Host "An error occured installing $($font)"
Write-Host "$($error)"
Write-Host "$($error[0].ToString())"
Write-Host ""
And the resulting output
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\zilla-slab\ZillaSlabHighlight-Bold.otf
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\zilla-slab\ZillaSlabHighlight-Regular.otf
Installing : C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Fonts\ZillaSlab-Light.otf
Any idea how to solve this issue?
Regarding the status of the security applications, here is the McAfee status:
McAfee Data Exchange Layer OK
McAfee DLP Endpoint OK
Programme de mise à jour McAfee OK
McAfee Endpoint Security OK
"Programme de mise à jour" means "update program" in French.
I also checked the list of running services :
mpssvc service (Windows defender firewall) is running
mfefire (McAfee Firewall core service) is not running
My last attempt is the following:
I copied the font file manually to the $($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\ folder
Using regedit, I added the entry as shown below
I restarted. Still no Bebas font in WordPad or Publisher
Here's how I do it with a com object. This works for me as non-admin based on Install fonts without administrative privileges. I can see the fonts installed to "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts" in the Fonts area under Settings. I have Windows 10 20H2 (it should work in 1803 or higher). I also see the fonts installed in Wordpad.
$Destination = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(20)
$TempFolder = "$($env:windir)\Temp\Fonts\"
New-Item -Path $TempFolder -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\fonts\* -Include '*.ttf','*.ttc','*.otf' |
ForEach {
If (-not(Test-Path "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\$($_.Name)")) {
$Font = "$($env:windir)\Temp\Fonts\$($_.Name)"
Copy-Item $($_.FullName) -Destination $TempFolder
Remove-Item $Font -Force
} else { "font $($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\$($_.Name) already installed" }
Example REG_SZ registry entry:
dir 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts*' | ft -a
Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Name Property
---- --------
Fonts Nunito Black (TrueType) : C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\Nunito-Black.ttf
You can install fonts on windows using following powershell scripts.
$padVal = 20
$pcLabel = "Connecting To".PadRight($padVal," ")
$installLabel = "Installing Font".PadRight($padVal," ")
$errorLabel = "Computer Unavailable".PadRight($padVal," ")
$openType = "(Open Type)"
$regPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"
$objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
if(!(Test-Path $fontFolder))
Write-Warning "$fontFolder - Not Found"
$objFolder = $objShell.namespace($fontFolder)
foreach ($pcName in $pcNames)
Write-Output "$pcLabel : $pcName"
$null = Test-Connection $pcName -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop
$destination = "\\",$pcname,"\c$\Windows\Fonts" -join ""
foreach ($file in $objFolder.items())
$fileType = $($objFolder.getDetailsOf($file, 2))
if(($fileType -eq "OpenType font file") -or ($fileType -eq "TrueType font file"))
$fontName = $($objFolder.getDetailsOf($File, 21))
$regKeyName = $fontName,$openType -join " "
$regKeyValue = $file.Name
Write-Output "$installLabel : $regKeyValue"
Copy-Item $file.Path $destination
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $pcName -ScriptBlock { $null = New-ItemProperty -Path $args[0] -Name $args[1] -Value $args[2] -PropertyType String -Force } -ArgumentList $regPath,$regKeyname,$regKeyValue
Write-Warning "$errorLabel : $pcName"

Powershell Script Just Returns with No Log Output

PSA: First time I've used PowerShell, my go-to is Bash or Python, sorry if it looks weird.
I have created a Powershell script that, if our Windows 2019 Server reboots (powercut for example), it'll check to see if Get-HnsNetwork | ? Name -eq "l2bridge" returns. If there is nothing returned, it then calls the function Create-Hns which creates an External and l2bridge interface which is then used with docker and kubernetes. Below is the code tha I have so far.
function Write-Log {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)]
"$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff') $Entry" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append
Function Create-Hns {
Write-Log -Entry "Starting to create the HnsNetwork..."
Try {
ipmo c:\k\SDN\windows\helper.psm1 -force
ipmo c:\k\SDN\windows\hns.psm1 -force
if(!(Get-HnsNetwork | ? Name -eq "External")) {
New-HNSNetwork `
-Name "External" `
-Type NAT `
-AddressPrefix "192.168.x.x/30" `
-Gateway "192.168.x.x" `
if(!(Get-HnsNetwork | ? Name -eq "l2bridge")) {
New-HNSNetwork `
-Name l2bridge `
-Type L2Bridge `
-AddressPrefix "192.168.x.x/24" `
-Gateway "192.168.x.x" `
$hnsNetwork = Get-HnsNetwork | ? Name -eq l2bridge
$hnsEndpoint = New-HnsEndpoint `
-NetworkId ($hnsNetwork).Id `
-Name "l2bridge" `
-IPAddress "192.168.x.x" `
-Gateway "" `
-Verbose Attach-HnsHostEndpoint `
-EndpointID ($hnsEndpoint).Id `
-CompartmentID 1
} Catch {
Write-Log -Entry "An error occured"
Write-Log -Entry $_
If ($?) {
Write-Log -Entry "VERIFY HERE"
Wrtie-Log -Entry $_
$LogFilePath = "C:\k\CreateHns.log"
$sFetch = (Get-HnsNetwork | ? Name -eq "l2bridge")
If (!$sFetch) {
Write-Log -Entry "Didn't get any info on l2bridge, we need to create one."
Else {
Write-Log -Entry "Got information for the l2bridge, nothing needs creating."
Write-Log -Entry "Nothing to do"
When I run the script with ./Check-HnsNetwork.ps1 in Powershell, it just returns and doesn't log out to the log file. According to VS code, it's formatted correctly.
Is there something I'm doing wrong with the above code block? Any advice would be appreciated.
As long as scoping is not an issue here, there are some errors in the posted code that need to be fixed. If $sFetch never evaluates to $false or $null, the errors do not present themselves at runtime. Consider the following:
The entry Wrtie-Log -Entry $_ needs to be changed to Write-Log -Entry $_
If (!$sFetch) {
Write-Log -Entry "Didn't get any info on l2bridge, we need to create one."
Create-Hns is missing the closing }

Powershell Set default printer when the installation is done

I have exported my network printers to an .xml file so they can be installed on a new PC.
Also, I haveexportet the default printer to a file so you can set a default printer after the installation.
The installation works fine. The problem is that the installation of the printers has not been completed before the script try to set the default printer.
This is my script to install the printers:
#Install the printer
$PrinterList = Import-Clixml H:\Backup\printers_export.xml
foreach($Printer in $PrinterList) {
Invoke-Expression 'rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /in /q /n $($Printer.Name)'
# Set default printer
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter((get-content h:\Backup\DefaultPrinter.txt))
One solution I have found is to put a Start-Sleep -s 15 after the first calls, can anyone point me to a better solution?
Add do/while loop condition to wait for default printer configuration is done. Like so:
$DP = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter((Get-Content H:\Backup\DefaultPrinter.txt))
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
[wmi]$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Query " SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer" |
Where { $_.Name -eq 'PUT YOUR DEFAULT PRINTER NAME HERE' -and $_.Default -eq $true}
This is the script right now:
Restore printer
$PrinterList = Import-Clixml H:\Backup\printers_export.xml
FOREACH ($Printer in $PrinterList) {
Invoke-Expression 'rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /in /q /n $($Printer.Name)'
RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
Set Default printer
$DP = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter((Get-Content H:\Backup\DefaultPrinter.txt))
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
[wmi]$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Query " SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer" |
Where { $.Name -eq '$DP' -and $.Default -eq $true}
It does not work.
Can not find the default printer and the script keeps running.

setting property "print directly to printer"

I have made a script for adding a printer and port to a print server. The server handles the queue's and uses add a queue to start printing. However since the server is quite far from many of the printers i would like to activate the option "Print directly to the printer" (Which is found in, Printer ->Properties -> Advanced)
What is the PowerShell equivalent for this option?
$PortName = Read-Host "Name of port : "
$PortIp = Read-Host "IP Adress : "
Add-PrinterPort -Name $PortName -PrinterHostAddress $PortIp
Write-Host "---------------------"
$PrintDriver = Read-Host "Print driver :"
if ($PrintDriver.Equals("HP")){ $PrintDriver = "HP Universal Printing PCL 6"}
$PrinterLocation = Read-Host "Location : "
Add-Printer -Name $PortName -DriverName $PrintDriver -Shared -Location $PrinterLocation -Published -PortName $PortName
I have tried -RenderingMode but i couldnt see that that made any difference
You can do this with PowerShell and WMI:
$printer = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer -Filter "Name = 'PrinterName'"
$printer.Direct = $true
Probably should put a try {} catch {} around that as well.
This will also set the SpoolerEnabled (deprecated read only property) and the DoCompleteFirst property both to $false.