Paypal Implement refunds - paypal

I'm trying to integrate "Paypal smart buttons" in my webpage which was with a deprecated paypal implementation.
On this new integration I'm using server-side SDK and I can create and capture an order and save data in my DB.
The problem I have now is to implement the refund.
On my last implementation I had an IPN Listener and whenever I get a refund I could register it in my BD.
Since now IPN listener is deprecated, how can I implemented the "listener function"? Is the webhooks the new approach to implement the listener? I know that with Webhooks Management API I can list all webhooks events, but then how can I related them with the payment made and registered before in my BD?
I've already read lots of official paypal documentation but this is no clear to me, yet.

Register a webhook listener URL for the events you want, including refunds.
When you receive a refund webhook event at that URL, the body of the webhook will contain information about the capture/payment object (transaction id) that was refunded.
If in addition to the capture/transaction id you need some additional id for reconciliation purposes, there are two pieces of information you can include in the original order creation.
an invoice_id, which is essentially your system's unique order ID. It must be unique, never used before for a successful completed transaction since it is used to block any future duplicate (accidental) payment attempts of the same ID.
a custom_id, which can have any arbitrary value and is not indexed and not visible to the payer.


What event is triggered from PayPal on successful recuring payment (for subscription)?

I have a subscription based web site where I would like to get statistics about all the current active subscribers and how many cycles they have made. This would have been easy task if the PayPal API had an endpoint for fetching all subscriptions but this is missing from their API. So I'm tracking this in our DB. I'm successfully recording the new subscriptions and the cancellations. But I'm not sure what event I should expect from PayPal to be triggered when a subscription renews.
In PayPal's documentation I have found only few events related to the subscriptions, and none of those seems to serve my needs. There are also an event called BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.RE-ACTIVATED but it comes from "Billing plans and agreements" which is deprecated.
In SO I have found this post which advises to check for the PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED, but this is not perfect as I will get all sort of payments that hit this PayPal account (it is used not only for subscriptions but also for one-time payments).
For one time payments, a /v2/checkout/orders integration shouldn't trigger that same event, only the deprecated /v1/payments does AFAIK.
You can tell whether it's a subscription payment by the payload, subscription IDs begin with I-

Is IPN required to detect cancellation of REST created Subscriptions?

I have REST API created Payment Plans and agreements and would like to be able to detect when a user cancel an agreement. My original take on this was that the cancel_url on the merchant_preferences object for billing_plan would be used if a users canceled the agreement through the PayPal API, but I am not seeing any callbacks coming in so perhaps this is incorrect?
I have seen plenty on information on IPN processing cancellations and I would love to know if that is the only way to receive a cancellation notification or should I be using another field in the REST API to set this up?
I'm not against using IPN (hey whatever gets the job done!), but it seems to me that the REST API should have its own capabilities for achieving this as well.
Hey this is Avi from PayPal. Refer to this github issue for information about getting IPN notifications for subscription events.
The REST API does have webhooks, and work is in progress to support subscription events for webhooks as well.

Can I save custom variable/id in paypal transaction?

For now the flow looks like this: mobile app performs paypal payment and when it is complete it sends information about transaction to backend API. Then backend API makes request to paypal API and check transaction. What I need is to somehow "mark" transaction to identify it later. Is it possible to send some custom variable/id when making payment (on IOS) and then retrieve it by transaction id?
There's two ways to specify a payment for an order. one is the invoice field and the other is custom. Both will be passed back to you via paypal-ipn or in your request for information about the transaction ID.

Paypal REST API and Chargebacks/Cancellations

I have been working paypal integration to an existing system of ours and successfully done tests on sandbox by using rest api and express checkouts.
Although documentation is detailed, I couldnt see anything about chargeback (i.e reverse transactions) and cancellations on rest api documentation page
So in case a user buys something successfully and the payment status becomes "completed", then there is a reverse transaction like chargeback, paypal will send a request to the return and cancel urls which are predefined while creating the related payment, or the client application has to check the payment statuses manually by rest calls? Or are there any other configs that I need to send while triggering the very first payment request?
You'll need to setup Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to handle that sort of thing.
IPN will automatically POST data about all transactions that hit your PayPal account to a URL you specify. This URL (a script) can receive the data and update your database, generate email notifications, or anything else you might want to automate based on the transactions.
You can handle all sorts of things with IPN. For chargebacks specifically, you would receive an IPN with the following params...
Of course, you'll get a bunch more parameters, too, but those would be how you can pick out the chargebacks and processing them accordingly.

Is using the PayPal IPN as a API trigger a good implementation?

As recommended by PayPal I am using a combination of the PayPal API and the IPN to create a 'Adaptive Payments' flow.
When my IPN listener receives a new notification from PayPal I have two options (after security checks):
1) Use the received data to make direct actions in my website (for example set a preapproval as approved)
or instead a more secure and clean way (I think):
2) Detect the transaction type variable (or other identifier) and request more details from PayPal accordingly.
For example if the 'transaction_type' is 'Adaptive Payment Preapproval' then I will use the received 'preapproval_key' to request the preapproval details using the PreapprovalDetails API call and then use the received data of that call to set the preapproval as approved.
Is this (option 2) the better way to go?
In general there is probably enough information in the IPN for you to act on, but IPNs are pretty confusing what with all the optional fields and the way that there is no payment_status or txn_id on subscribe events, and no subscription information on payment events, so marrying them up can be interesting. You may well find it easier to understand if you go ahead and get the relevant information from them for each IPN via their API as you suggest.