Spring Annotation: replacing #ControllerAdvice - spring-annotations

I'm tasked with removing functionality given by #ControllerAdvice(basePackages = {"com.bla.controller"}) located in an old applications. This functionality became outdated, creating some unexpected error handling issues, after another "global" functionality utilizing #ControllerAdvice got installed by a separate team.
While this "global" functionality covers most needs, the old application still has a need for custom error handling, but without #ControllerAdvice.
My knowledge of Spring Annotations is very limited, and I'm hoping that someone may have a good idea what can be used instead so that the old application would have awareness where to send errors for error handling.
Here is an implementation sample from the file utilizing #ControllerAdvice(basePackages = {"com.bla.controller"}) notation showing both custom and basic usage in the old application:
public String notFound(Model model, ResourcePageException exception) {
populateModel(model, exception);
return Mapping.NO_RESULTS_VIEW;
public ResponseEntity<Object> locationLookupRestError(NoCustomSearchResultsRestException exception) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(exception.getModel());

So far I wasn't able to find a way to move all of the #ExceptionHandler methods into a single place without the use of #ControllerAdvice, but I did find this page summarizing Spring's error handling that I found useful in terms of understanding error handling by Spring: Using Spring Boot's ErrorController and Spring's ResponseEntityExceptionHandler correctly


VaadinServiceInitListener not picked up in a Quarkus app

I have a Quarkus application using current versions of Vaadin Flow and Quarkus (23.2.4 and 2.13.1.Final). I want to have a VaadinServiceInitListener to check access annotations on the views (#RolesAllowed(...)) using AccessAnnotationChecker. I believe annotating the implementation with #VaadinServiceEnabled
should fix this, but I need to register it in META-INF/services/com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServiceInitListener to have it activated. This is how to do it when not using a dependency injection framework. Then everything works as expected and I can use AccessAnnotationChecker to see if the user has access to that view, on BeforeEnterEvent.
I also notice the message Can't find any #VaadinServiceScoped bean implementing 'I18NProvider'. Cannot use CDI beans for I18N, falling back to the default behavior. on startup. Strangely, implementing I18NProvided in a class and annotating it with #VaadinServiceEnabled and #VaadinServiceScoped makes that message go away, eg. it is recognized by CDI.
Why isn't my VaadinServiceInitListener implementation recogized? Currently it is annotated with
My pom.xml include
Instead of using a listener, you can use a CDI event.
Quarkus's dependency injection solution is based on CDI, so you can use the same events. Here's an example
public class BootstrapCustomizer {
private void onServiceInit(#Observes
ServiceInitEvent serviceInitEvent) {
private void modifyBootstrapPage(
IndexHtmlResponse response) {
"<p>By CDI add-on</p>");
More information here https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/integrations/cdi/events

How to create a JpaRepository but NOT using dependency injection

In my application I am currently creating a JpaRepository via the usual mechanism, i.e. by defining an interface like so:
public interface HistoryInfoRepository extends JpaRepository<HistoryInfo, Long>
This works all fine BUT if the DB is not available or not accessible when starting up the application then the creation of the repo bean fails, the injection into the respective service (which receives that repo as an autowired constructor argument) fails and as a consequence my applications main class:
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
fails as well. I.e. the entire application just fails with a gigantic stacktrace.
I would want to make situation a bit more user friendly in that the application at least comes up so far that it is able to display some (hopefully) helpful error message with an explanation and some hints what should be checked for.
That would require to NOT autowire the JpaRepository but create it programmatically, e.g. in said service's constructor but wrapped within some try - catch construct.
I don't want to give up that convenience that the JpaRepository mechanism provides but how can one create such a JpaRepository programmatically when there is only an interface defined and everything else is done automagically by Spring?
Is there some API-call to create such a JpaRepository for a given interface?
I would like to see something like this:
public HistoryInfoService( /* HistoryInfoRepository historyRepo */) {
try {
historyRepo = createJpaRepositoryFromInterface(HistoryInfoRepository.class);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// inform user about missing or non-reachable DB server and suggest remedies...
Here I commented away the constructor argument which is normally provided via auto-wiring, but instead I want to create the JpaRepository using some method-call. That would allow me to properly react to the failed Repo-creation as indicated by the comment in the catch clause.
I searched for something like that but I must have been using the wrong search terms and found nothing so far. Any hints?

No event context active - RESTeasy, Seam

I'm trying to add a RESTful web service with RESTeasy to our application running on JBoss 7.x, using Seam2.
I wanted to use as little Seam as possible, but I need it for Dependancy Injection.
My REST endpoints are as follows:
#Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON+"; charset=UTF-8")
public class MyEndpoint {
#In private FooService fooService;
public Response foobar(#CookieParam("sessionId") String sessionId,
#PathParam("bar") String bar)
{ ... }
I'm using a class extending Application. There is no XML config.
I can use the web service methods and they work, but I always get an IllegalStateException:
Exception processing transaction Synchronization after completion: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No event context active
Complete StackTrace
I did try everything in the documentation, but I can't get it away. If I leave out the #Stateless annotation, I don't get any Injection done. Adding #Scope doesn't do jack. Accessing the service via seam/resource/ doesn't even work (even without the Application class with #ApplicationPath).
It goes away if I don't use Dep. Injection, but instead add to each and every method
fooService = Component.getInstance("fooService");
which isn't really a good solution. Nah, doesn't work either...
I have resolved the issue. For some reason (still not sure why, maybe because I tried to use Annotations and code exclusivly and no XML config), my REST service was availiable under a "non-standard" URL.
Usually it'd be something like "/seam/resources/rest".
Anyway, if you have a "custom" path, Seam doesn't know it should inject a context. You need to add <web:context-filter url-pattern="something" /> to your component.xml.
Specifically we already had this tag, but with the attribute regex-url-pattern and I extended it to match the REST URL.

Please help on equivalent concept for JBoss AOP aspect

I am using JBoss application server 6 and using JBoss AOP aspects in my application.
An example of aspect shown below:
public class DBAspect{
public Object accessDBConnection(FieldReadInvocation invocation) {
return dbConnection;
public Object accessDBConnection((FieldWriteInvocation invocation) {
throw exception;
Currently, these advice methods are applied to a private variable in class say DBUsage by binding it with this aspect.
I am migrating to a new application server and it is not supporting JBoss AOP. So, how do I implement this concept.
How can I implement this behavior. Please help.
Applying field get/set pointcuts to private field does not sound like good application or aspect design to me. Maybe refactoring your application would be a better idea. Anyway, in AspectJ you can use get() and set() pointcuts in order to intercept field get/set actions. If you want to access private fields, you might need to use a privileged aspect.
AspectJ quick reference
Privileged aspects
AspectJ pointcut types (incl. get/set)

Using #Action annotation in openjpa

In my open jpa class, we have a method like this:
public void createRecord(EntityObject fileStatus) {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
My question is with the #Action usage. I was of the impression that we use Annotations to avoid writing boilerplate code. In this particular method, what would be the boilerplate code that we would avoid by using the annotation? I think the method would look same even without the Annotation.
It's annotation used by IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) - Related answer on IBM support page.
Annotations can be used for documenting purposes only - in that case they doesn't affect compiled code.
This one is most likely used by RAD to recognize specific JPA manager methods so it can list them in modeling tools there (this last is only mine guess).