Eclipse Wildfly integration: Missing webapp resources on server - eclipse

I'm building a java web application with Vaadin, which generates some config files on maven build. For some unknown reasons, only a part of the generated files in WEB-INF are present on the when trying to full publish to Wildfly in Eclipse. (In particular, WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/VAADIN/config/stats.json is not present which results in an error in the Vaadin application.)
Several things that were tested
Maven build does generate the file in the said location.
Copying the War built by maven directly to /standalone/deployments results in a working application without error.
After maven build and refresh in eclipse, the generated file is correctly shown in project explorer, indicating a successful refresh (right?)
Another generated file in the same directory DO get copied (flow-build-info.json). The difference between these two files may be, that flow-build-info.json exists twice in target, in classes/META-INF/VAADIN... as well as in /[final name]/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF..., while stats.json only exists in /[final name]/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF....
Used versions
Eclipse version: 21.12 & 21.9
JBoss AS, WildFly & EAP Server Tools: 3.9.106.v20210618-2025
Wildfly 17, 20, 22
Vaadin 14.7.5

I found out the problem: Maven build generates the Vaadin files just fine. However, if a maven update is executed afterwards in Eclipse before publishing to the server, the maven update would modify the target/classes directory. This modification somehow removes all files but the flow-build-info.json (still don't understand this part). This results in the missing resources after publishing.
So basically, maven build -> refresh in eclipse -> NO MAVEN UPDATE -> full publish works.


How to deploy generated resources to tomcat with m2e-wtp?

I am pulling JavaScript from a jar as part of my build process. I wish this js to be part of my web resources for the app deployed on tomcat and I have updated my build process to allow this to happen. Doing a maven build (outside eclipse) works as expected and I can package up a war with everything in its proper order.
However, when building with eclipse I have run into some headaches. My understanding was in order to have web resources deployed to tomcat through an incremental build, I needed to put these build-time generated js files into the target/m2e-wtp/web-resources directory. However, when I publish these new files are ignored and the web-resources deployed to tomcat seem to be pulled from my source.
I also adjusted my project's deployment assembly settings. Through this I still don't have it working. I have the entry [source:/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources, DeployPath:/] which should find the newly generated files when I perform a "publish" to the server. However, the same thing happens where m2e-wtp seems to be pulling from source.
Am I missing something? How can I get standard behavior from m2e-wtp (i.e. make it comparable to a build done outside of eclipse)? Or can I have eclipse just build the war and deploy it as such (not do the incremental builds, I can sacrifice some speed)?
FYI (versions):
eclipse: (Using Spring Tool Suite) 3.2.0
m2e: 1.3.1
m2e-wtp: 0.17.0
tomcat: 7.0
Experiment added later:
After deleting my target dir, I performed a publish to Tomcat and all the web-resources were copied from my source. I also got a popup about files not found, most of which are compiled classes. However, it was looking for three files in the /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/META-INF. Does the m2e-wtp plugin only look for specific files in a folder rather than the entire specified folder?
The problem is that the target directory was not being refreshed. Eclipse (or m2e plugin for that matter) doesn't recognize or care that files change in the target directory during a build, something that I was assuming. For now I have the auto-refresh (for the workspace) option on. The refresh on access option didn't working as it seemed to trigger the refresh only when I was publishing to tomcat for the first time.

Deploying a new version of WAR onto tomcat on eclipse

So I'm having this issue with eclipse and tomcat 6.
I am able to upload the first version of my war on eclipse using server(tomcat 6)->add resource, add all.
But then I tried editing some lines, and then run as maven clean->run as maven install, then clean, clean tomcat work directory, and restart the server, and it would not show me the reflected changes.
Any suggestions?
You clean your application, and executing an install, but seems you're not executing the build correctly. Ensure you're generating a new war file (take a look at the date of when it is generated to make sure you're deploying the last version). If your project has many modules, e.g: war and jars. Make sure you build the jars as well, and the jars are being replaced in the tomcat/libs folder or in your WEB-INF/libs, check the date of when are the depending jars generated too, then you can see the differences.
Best regards.

eclipse dynamic web project with groovy nature copies .groovy files

I have an eclipse dynamic web project, and it has some groovy files (not a grails project though, just using groovy for some small backend stuff). I have added src/main/groovy as a source folder. However, when I select "Run on Server", it copies the actual .groovy file as if it were a resource. Is there a way to fix this behavior?
I was running into the exact same issue here. I have a web project here using the following:
Eclipse Kepler
Spring MVC
I have a Tomcat set inside Eclipse, from the command line or from the Gradle view I can compile, assemble and generate war files, however when I try to "Run on server" the files being deployed to Tomcat are the .groovy files, not the actual .class files, even though they are successfully generated inside the build/classes/main folder
So, TO FIX this I deleted and then re-created the Tomcat server within eclipse, after doing that it was able to find and deploy the right set of files compiled by Gradle
Hope this helps

How to set up JRebel in a Tomcat environment

I'm having a hard time getting JRebel to work in my current development environment.
I have multi module maven projects. Currently, the Tomcat instance is controlled via service (tomcat monitor) and the deployed web apps are configured with a XML located at ${catalina.home}/conf/Catalina/localhost where the docBase attribute points ${absolute maven project path}/target/app (and the attribute reloadable is true). So every time I do a maven build I only have to manually restart tomcat if there any classes changed. If the modifications occurred in the static resources (JSP, HTML, JS,
etc..) a page refresh will do it.
On my first attempt, I configured the web apps to run on a tomcat server running inside Eclipse. The maven plugin provided was also configured with success: all my sub-modules inherited the plugin configuration and I can saw in the tomcat startup the output messages from JRebel indicating the absolute project paths that were been listen. The only problem is that Eclipse WTP / Tomcat plugins don't go weel with War overlay feature in eclipse. After starting the server, only the resources present in the last web app (the module that have other War as dependencies) were deployed.
So, I returned to my original configuration development and introduced JRebel to it. I passed the JRebel java options to the Tomcat Vm, all maven modules had the rebel.xml (listening to the correct resource folders), but nothing happens. I can't see the usual JRebel messages and I experimented changing a JSP in the source folder and do a page refresh but the file ins't automatically redeployed (in this case a simple copy from the source folder the the ${maven.projec}/target/app will do the trick).
My two questions are:
It's possible to over come that eclipse WTP issue?
What is a funcional development environment involving maven eclipse and a external tomcat?
Any help would be much appreciated!
So, I got it. Kind of...I'm still struggling with the war modules overlaying. I have a main web app module that depends on several webapps modules. Because the rebel.xml it's generated dynamically via jrebel maven plugin when the main webapp build occurs, only the it's jrebel.xml prevail. All the other are squashed. The rebel.xml for the jars modules are at the right places (inside the jar file).
I can get it work if I create a custom rebel.xml for the main webapp that points to all the absolute directories containing the source files (static files such as JSP, HTML, JS, CSS, images, etc.) of the depending web apps. But this is worthless for my team development environments. I'm using maven properties but we've have two different maven multi-module hierarchy that don't know about each other and I can't use a root pom to connect them. So these kind of properties will not be enough to guarantee that the absolute paths generated on each developer machine in the rebel.xml are correct.
For now, I'm trying to tackle using some kind of maven plugin to do the rebel.xml merge. For the record without success yet.
This is becoming another issue a bit different of the original question :) Maybe I should through another question.
I got it working!..finally.
I used the XSLT Generator Maven Plugin to help me merge the various rebel.xml files. Also had to use the fabulous Maven Copy Plugin because the xslt transformation occurred after the final war packaging and I had to add the resulting rebel.xml to that WAR.
If someone needs the configuration files details down't hesitate asking.
Hope's this helps someone out there.
I got it working!..finally. I used the XSLT Generator Maven Plugin to help me merge the various rebel.xml files. Also had to use the fabulous Maven Copy Plugin because the xslt transformation occurred after the final war packaging and I had to add the resulting rebel.xml to that WAR.

Spring can't find a lib and webapp doesn't start up in tomcat 6

I've this problem using STS: I'm building a simple Spring app, just to try out features like MVC and persistence. Now I've created something very simple, out of a bunch of tutorials for Spring 3, that I'm using. The application fails with this, during server startup:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping#0': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] for bean with name 'mySessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/spring/appServlet/servlet-context.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean
but I've org.springframework.orm in web-inf/classes folder (I even tried putting it in web-inf/lib). As I copied these libs there, the came out in Web App Libraries folder. Building this project in STS works fine as this dependency is set up in build path throught project properties, but how do I transfer the libs to the web app? (I'm using Tomcat 6 as it is the server I'm going to use sometime in the future for production). Is this a config problem of my XML? Or am I just missing the right way to put this lib? (I encountered the same problem before, but adding the needed lib in classes worked it out). More than this I that if I browse inside my workspace to the folder where the working folder of tomcat should be, I can't find any work directory and any commo
Go to the Servers view and double click on Tomcat Server which will open up a Tomcat Overview page. This will show you the server path and deploy path which Eclipse is using to publish your webapps to.
For example, mine are:
Server path: .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0
Deploy path: wtpwebapps
Now in a Command Prompt (or Explorer) browse to %ECLIPSE_HOME%\workspaces\default\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps and you should see your webapp. Go into the WEB-INF\lib directory and check if your jar is there.
A few things to try:
If the jar is not in WEB-INF\lib, you might need to republish it. Right-click on the Tomcat in the Servers view and click Publish. Does it appear? If not, Right-click on the Tomcat again and this time select Clean... which will clean out everything and republish. If this doesn't work, the brute force approach would be to delete the files manually and then tell Eclipse to republish them.
Clean your work directory, by right-clicking the webapp under Tomcat in the Servers view and selecting Clean module work directory. Or do it manually by deleting from %ECLIPSE_HOME%\workspaces\default\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\work\Catalina\localhost
You should also try closing-reopening/cleaning/rebuilding/refreshing your webapp project just in case Eclipse hasn't picked up the changes.
You need to put the various Spring JARs into your WEB-INF/lib directory (WEB-INF/classes is no use for JAR files).
You don't just need org.springframework.orm, you need most of them (see here for dependency diagram).
At least the libary jar files must be located at WEB-INF/lib within your war file. And you only need to deploy the war file to your productiv web server.
If you use STS but your Project is not a Maven project: then you need to put the files in <projectRoot>/WebContent/WEB-INF/libs .(to build the war with Eclipse/STS you need to execute Export/Web/WAR file.)
If you use Maven, then you need the specify your dependencies in the pom.xml, and use maven to package the war (run as/Maven package).