Graph's API bitlocker/recoveryKeys calls return less than a handful of keys per call - azure-ad-graph-api

I have been following a couple of solutions to retrieve a list of Azure AD registered BitLocker keys using the MS Graph API. The code I am using is:
$AzureTokenURI = "$TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$BitlockerURI = ""
$TokenRequestBody = "grant_type=password&username=$($SACred.UserName)&client_id=$ClientId&client_secret=$ClientSecret&password=$($SACred.GetNetworkCredential().Password)&scope="
$TSStart = [datetime]::Now
$BitlockerKeys = #()
while ($BitlockerURI) {
If (!$ResponseJSON -or ([datetime]::Now - $TSStart).TotalSeconds -gt ($ResponseJSON.expires_in - 300)) {
$TSStart = [datetime]::Now
$ResponseJSON = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AzureTokenURI -Method POST -Body $TokenRequestBody -UseBasicParsing |ConvertFrom-Json
$BitlockerHeader = #{Authorization = "$($ResponseJSON.token_type) $($ResponseJSON.access_token)"; 'ocp-client-name' = 'BL_List_Keys_IDs'; 'ocp-client-version' = '1.0'}
Write-Host "Token Renewed"
$BitlockerKeysResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $BitlockerURI -Headers $BitlockerHeader -Method Get
$BitlockerKeys += $BitlockerKeysResponse.Value
Write-Host $BitlockerKeys.Count.ToString().PadRight(6), (New-TimeSpan $TSStart ([datetime]::Now)).ToString('hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')
$BitlockerURI = $BitlockerKeysResponse.'#odata.nextLink'
Now everything works, however when the keys are coming (little less than 5,000 in total) I realize that each call brings back just a few keys and I cannot seem to find a method to force the server side paging to a reasonable value (say a couple thousand keys per call). See the output below for the first 30 keys:
Time Lapsed
This implies that just 5k keys take about 2 hours to download and this is nearly as bad as querying each device one by one which defeats the purpose of using the "/informationProtection/bitlocker/recoveryKeys" method in first instance. There is only one call in the list that returned 200 keys and that took 8 seconds which tells me that lapsed time does not depend on no of keys returned. Therefore the only way to make this method efficient is to force hundreds of keys to be returned at the same time. How can I force the API to return hundreds or thousands of keys per each call?

have you tried using $top={number} to get the specific number of calls that you want? Please refer to the paging - docs. Let us know if that worked for you and please feel free to reach out to us.


PowerShell, simple timed script delivers unreliable results

I´m quite new to PowerShell and just a bit more experienced with programming as such.
The goal of the current excercise our teacher gave us, is basically to code a simple crossroads traffic light.
I use Windows Forms to display labels, that change colors.
Now I coded a button, that is supposed to run through the traffic light "phases" once.
Thanks to prior experiences I went with the method to have a incrementing variable and a Function that checks the value of said variable.
But the colors turn the intended way once every 4 tries or so, without a recognizable logic to it.
Am I missing something basic in the way PS reads code and the timing thereof?
Button, supposed to reset the variable, then increment it, then call the function. Due to the Write-Host I can at lease say that the variable does count to 4 as intended
$Button1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button;
$Button1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,100);
$Button1.Text = "Next Phase";
#Set Phase 0, then increment & update Function Phase
$current_phase = 0;
Do {
Write-Host $current_phase;
} Until($current_phase -gt 3)
Two of the functions minus some of the color changes, intended to change the colors and then wait a while
Function Phase_update
#Phase A
if ( $current_phase -eq 1 )
$LightTop.ForeColor = 'red';
#Phase B
elseif ( $current_phase -eq 2 )
$LightTop.ForeColor = 'green'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# Show Form
Thanks in advance for any input, problem specific and in general

Get WorkItems from Azure DevOps

I'm having some troubles to get all Work Items. I want to get all of the Test Cases ( they are more than 300), but unfortunately I can get only 187 of them.
$uri = "/_apis/wit/reporting/workitemrevisions?includeLatestOnly=true&api-version=5.0-preview.2"
$workItems = $response | Where-Object ({$_.fields.'System.WorkItemType' -eq 'Test Case'})
We can add the field maxPageSize to specify the maximum number of results to return in the result.
Please refer this doc for more details 
Sample url:
$uri = "/_apis/wit/reporting/workitemrevisions?includeLatestOnly=true&$maxPageSize={$maxPageSize}&api-version=6.0-preview.2"
As test result, the maximum number is 1000
#Vito Liu-MSFT
I tried with batches [Work Items - List][1] . Devided 10 000 items to 50 different groups and queried them. Working fine and gives me back the result I want.

Creating PowerShell if statement for True over time

I have CSV document. Each row of the CSV has a timestamp, along with various performance metrics as they were when recorded at that time.
What I want to be able to do is consume the csv and perform a logic test on it of this kind of nature:
If said metric is above a specified threshold for a specified amount of time = True
I can easily setup a logic statement comparing two numbers/metrics, but I wasn't sure how to add in the component as to whether that condition is true for a certain amount of time.
CSV might look something like this:
time,KB/sec,IOPS,Avg. Latency ms
8/6/2017 10:30,10616.79606,117.2243058,35.63250298
8/6/2017 10:20,11337.82872,149.4084982,28.55670254
8/6/2017 10:17,12276.47016,172.2729097,25.43457276
8/6/2017 10:14,10125.01863,106.2432985,37.38492431
8/6/2017 10:11,12185.1857,127.452136,32.40784617
So I might want to know if the latency is consistently over a certain amount for a couple of hours for instance
I could use a bit of direction and would greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide.
First you need to convert the values from your CSV from string to the proper type (DateTime and double respectively).
Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$_.time = [DateTime]$_.time
$_.'KB/sec' = [double]$_.'KB/sec'
$_.IOPS = [double]$_.IOPS
Check if the value in question is above the given threshold. You have 3 cases to cover:
The value exceeds the threshold for the first time: remember the current timestamp.
The value exceeds the threshold and also exceeded it in the previous iteration: calculate the difference between the current timestamp and the previously remembered timestamp. Return $true if the timespan is greater than the maximum duration you want to accept.
The value does not exceed the threshold: forget the previously remembered timestamp.
Well not knowing exactly what you're aiming for perhaps the below will help.
function Monitor-Something
$Date = '8/6/2017',
$StartTime = '10:17',
$StopTime = '10:30',
$CSVLogfile = 'C:\temp\test.csv'
$csv = Import-Csv $CSVLogfile
[datetime]$monitorStart = $("$Date $StartTime")
[datetime]$monitorStop = $("$Date $StopTime")
foreach($item in $csv)
[datetime]$objDateTime = $item.time
if($objDateTime -gt $monitorStart -and $objDateTime -lt $monitorStop)
#do stuff here, compare against your threshold report things build an object for an output
$item.IOPS #This is here just to show you a successful result
#return some report or object that you can analyze

select option by text in webform

I'm using powershell for completing webform. I have dropdown there and can select it by value:
$dropdown.value = '3236'
It works fine, but I need to select by text. I read this answer and tried this code:
($dropdown | where {$_.innerHTML -eq "sometext"}).Selected = $true
It works too, but because dropdown has too many options (probably several thousands), it takes several minutes to select, which is not acceptable.
How can I improve this?
btw, I use powershell 2.0
Okay, I found solution, maybe it isn't perfect, but I got performance improved in hundreds times, instead several minutes it takes less than second.
I created the following function:
function getValue($innerHTML, $Name)
$innerHTML = $innerHTML.Substring($innerHTML.IndexOf($Name) - 11, 10)
return $innerHTML.Substring($innerHTML.IndexOf('=') + 1)
Function takes innerHTML of dropdown as string, search for option name and return value instead.
and use function the following way:
$drop.Value = getValue $drop.innerHTML 'somename'

Are earlier historical metrics published to CloudWatch Delayed?

I've got a custom CloudWatch metric based on a historical value, so I'm publishing them with explicit timestamps. I've seen an issue using both the C# and PowerShell APIs where I don't see all my metrics right away.
In the example below, I'm creating sample points for every hour for the past two weeks, but I only see the last ~48 hours in my graph in the CloudWatch console.
$cwNamespace = 'Historical CW Sanity Check'
# generate some data
$now = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()
$startTime = $now - [TimeSpan]::FromDays(14)
$t = $startTime
$x = 0
while ($t -le $now)
$t += [TimeSpan]::FromHours(1)
$datum = New-Object -TypeName 'Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.MetricDatum'
$datum.Unit = [Amazon.CloudWatch.StandardUnit]::Count
$datum.Value = 2 * $x
$datum.Timestamp = $t
$datum.MetricName = 'Test 2'
$x +=1.0
Write-Host "($t, $x)"
Write-CWMetricData -Namespace $cwNamespace -MetricData $datum
From the docs, I thought it supported up to two weeks' worth of historical data. I'm wondering why I see the new points before the old points (or if the old points are going to show up at all). It looks like I'm only getting two days' worth.
From the help text on Write-CWMetricData:
Data that is timestamped 24 hours or more in the past may
take in excess of 48 hours to become available from submission time using
I'm betting the same limit holds true for the graphs in the Console.