Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart' - flutter

i tried everything i could to import image_picker and i find on various sites but couldn't get rid of this error :
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart'.
Try creating the file referenced by the URI, or Try using a URI for a file that does exis
already added the dependencies such as :
image_picker: ^0.8.4+8
Running "flutter pub get" it turns out to
The plugin flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle doesn't have a main
class defined in C:\Users\Iradukunda
or C:\Users\Iradukunda
This is likely to due to an incorrect androidPackage: io.flutter.plugins.flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle or mainClass
entry in the plugin's pubspec.yaml. If you are the author of this
plugin, fix the androidPackage entry or move the main class to any
of locations used above. Otherwise, please contact the author of this
plugin and consider using a different plugin in the meanwhile. exit
code 1

Run flutter packages get instead of flutter pub get. If it does not work, Re-start the Visual Studio Code after flutter packages get


How to solve the error on outdated code when cloning

I am recently want to see and run some other developers code in github and clone it to run in my emulator but it showing some error like this
"Running "flutter pub get" in budgex...
Because budgex depends on basic_utils from path which doesn't exist (could not find package basic_utils at "..\packages\basic-utils-3.3.3"), version solving failed.
pub get failed (66; Because budgex depends on basic_utils from path which doesn't exist (could not find package basic_utils at "..\packages\basic-utils-3.3.3"), version solving failed.)"
i am was trying to install basic_utils package but seem failed how to solve this problem?
Click on the link to get packages in the given environment like VS code, or save your code while pubspec.yaml file is opened – it will get flutter packages for you automatically.
The error says that you are trying to use a library on your local computer: basic_utils; the pub command is searching it in the path ..\packages\basic-utils-3.3.3 but it can't find the library there.
In the pubspec.yaml you should have something like this:
path: ..\packages\basic-utils-3.3.3
You should be ok replacing this with:
basic_utils: 3.3.3
If the developer has made changes to the library you should ask him the changed library and then update the pubspec with the correct location like described here.

Trying to do a flutter pub get and got Process finished with exit code 66

Running "flutter pub get" in mobile...
Because mobile depends on charts_flutter from path which doesn't exist (could not find package charts_flutter at "../mobile-dependencies/"), version solving failed.
pub get failed (66; Because mobile depends on charts_flutter from path which doesn't exist (could not find package charts_flutter at "../mobile-dependencies/"), version solving failed.)
Process finished with exit code 66
/Users/H025712/development/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color pub get
Running "flutter pub get" in mobile...
Because mobile depends on charts_flutter from path which doesn't exist (could not find package charts_flutter at "../mobile-dependencies/"), version solving failed.
pub get failed (66; Because mobile depends on charts_flutter from path which doesn't exist (could not find package charts_flutter at "../mobile-dependencies/"), version solving failed.)
Cause: Someone in your team (could be yourself) add a plugin from their local folder. This plugin can't be found when you try to update the dependency.
Quick fix: If you use remote git, let you teammate include that plugin in the project folder, modify the pubspec.yaml path, add it to stage, commit then push. In the case not using git remote, copy those files to your computer in the path as pub spec.yaml suggested.
Ideal fix: Let your teammate use public plugin or share that plugin in private with password, then let flutter download that plugin by flutter pub get/upgrade.
Check your pubspec.yaml is well ordered, I had badly composed dev_dependencies and it failed me
Talked to my tech lead, who is familiar with the code; he said to check out the missing code that was referencing overrides in the pubspec.yaml:
Dependency overrides
You can use dependency_overrides to temporarily override all references to a dependency.
For example, perhaps you are updating a local copy of transmogrify, a
published library package. Transmogrify is used by other packages in
your dependency graph, but you don’t want to clone each package
locally and change each pubspec to test your local copy of
In this situation, you can override the dependency using
dependency_overrides to specify the directory holding the local copy
of the package.
The pubspec would look something like the following:
name: my_app
transmogrify: ^1.2.0
path: ../transmogrify_patch/

Flutter | Error: Couldn't resolve the package

I created a package that is a collection of my own helper classes for faster developing...
The package also included firebase_analytics: which requires a native implementation for each platform i want it to run. Even if i dont wanted to use firebase at all, but still wanted to use my package i was forced to create firebase-config files for the app, because the app crashes if the firebase_analytics package does not find a valid file for the specific platform. To avoid those things i splitted my package in two packages.
The Core-Package: All helper classes that run native dart code
Optional extension: Only the classes that need the firebase implementation
So if i want to use the package without firebase i just have to depend on the core.
If i want to use the firebase variant i could simply depend the firebase package, because the extension package itself depends on the core-package in its own pubspec.yaml file.
PROBLEM: Since i restructured my package like i described, all my apps that depend on it are not building anymore. The console says that all packages that i depend on in my two packages can not be found. This error occures both ways: With firebase & without.
ERROR: (Scroll down for the complete console output)
"flutter clean" & "flutter pub get" in every package and app folder
"flutter pub cache repair"
CORE-PACKAGE Pubspec.yaml:
FIREBASE-Extension Pubspec.yaml:
Plain Console Output:
Thanks for any help!!
I am facing the same issue while i was making a build in Xcode 13.So I had upgraded my flutter version 2.8.0 to 2.10.2 and also removed the version of all firebase dependencies, then the issue was finally solved.
I have faced similar issues and resolved them by removing package versions. Issues like this often arise due to mismatched versions of packages (eg firebase_core, firebase analytics). Please try to remove versions of the firebase packages or the whole packages. (like firebase_analytics :).
Sorry, my bad! As you can see i moved my dependencys to the dev section of my pubspec.yaml. They should be placed in the dependency section.

Undefined name 'Permission' for permission_handler package in flutter

Trying to write a permission code for camera and microphone on flutter
I'm currently using permission_handler: ^5.0.1 and have imported the package after adding the dependency in pubspec.yaml
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
But when I used the following code,
I have the following error.
Undefined name 'Permission'. Try correcting the name to one that is defined, or defining the name.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
I realized later that the error was because I accidentally deleted permission_handler_platform_interface-2.0.2 in my external packages inside the External Libraries > Dart Packages in Flutter SDK.
I resolved it by running
flutter pub cache repair
Try read the docs again. Maybe they have change the code or maybe make sure that you have get the package.

Flutter web cannot use packages from mobile project

A few months ago I made an android application using flutter. The application requires various dependencies such as intl, cached network image, stopper, carousel_slider, etc.
Then right now I want to convert the project to flutter_web. Here are the steps that I did:
clone github web flutter
I run the command "flutter packages pub global activate webdev"
Then I edited pubspec.yaml and I adjusted it to pubspec.yaml in the previous project (android project)
Here is the contents of pubspec.yaml on the web flutter project:
name: flutter_web.examples.hello_world
  # You must be using Flutter> = 1.5.0 or Dart> = 2.3.0
  sdk: '> = 2.3.0-dev.0.1 <3.0.0'
  flutter_web: any
  flutter_web_ui: any
  stopper: ^ 1.0.1
  build_runner: ^ 1.4.0
  build_web_compilers: ^ 2.0.0
      path: packages / flutter_web
      path: packages / flutter_web_ui
      ref: flutter_web
When I run 'pub dev', an error occurs while resolving the package stopper. Then I tried to open github from the package stopper (, after that I checked the files in the lib folder. There I found a file called stopper.dart. It turns out that in the file, still using
 import 'package: flutter / material.dart';
So that makes my pubspec error. Because the code should be replaced with
import 'package: flutter_web / material.dart';
Therefore, I tried to outsmart the problem by removing the dependency stopper on pubspec.yaml, then I created a stopper.dart file manually, then I saved it in the lib/mypackages folder. After that, I import stopper.dart from the lib/mypackages folder (it's no longer through the package).
The package stopper is just one of the packages that I use on my Android project. Actually there are many other packages that have the same problem as the package stopper. The point is I have to create the package files manually, then I change "package: flutter / ..." to "package: flutter_web /" manually, then I can import them.
What I want to ask, is there a more elegant and simple way?
Hi the instruction you are following is from an old repository here. As you can see this is discontinued. You can find the informaiton in the REadme.
Instead you should follow the instructions in this page. Read it once carefully and I would suggest to keep a backup of your main project and work on a copy.
First you will have to enable the flutter-web using flutter config --enable-web.
Then you will have to run flutter create .