Tally XML Get GST Rate Setup by Stock Group - tally

I am able to get the GST rates grouped by Stock Group using the below XML, but How do i pass the stock group in this request so that i can get GST Rates for items under the particular stock group
<ID>GST Rate Setup</ID>
I tried to pass the stock group name using static variables, but since i don't know the variable name, i am getting nowhere.

We can create Custom reports by extending existing reports in TDL definition
In below xml I extended GST Rate Setup by mentioning in use Tag
To known the variable used in report we need to refer TDL code which is available in TDL Developer Application
Here we are overwriting Stock Group Name by setting testgroup
Replace testgroup with whatever group youwant
<ID>Cust GST Rate Setup</ID>
<SVShowAll>No</SVShowAll >
<Use>GST Rate Setup</Use>
<Set>Stock Group Name:testgroup</Set>
<Form>GST Rate Setup</Form>


How to export employees from tally in XML format?

How to export employees & employee groups from tally in XML format?
I tried by using above mentioned code. But its response looks like below:
But, when I tried without filter, it provides all employees & employee group
Your Filter is wrong
you should prefix $ for ISEMPLOYEEGROUP
to get employee groups above filter works
If you want employees add another filter

How to retrieve GSTN of a company : Tally XML integration

Trying to retrieve the GSTIN of the active company in Tally ERP. Making a POST call using the following **<FETCH>Gstnotificationnumber</FETCH>** command
But no data is returned as part of the response under **<DATA>** output given below
Any help would be really great!!
<ID TYPE="Name">Example Company Name</ID>
Output From Tally ERP which is missing Gstnotificationnumber from the COMPANY object
Tally Object Schema - (For Reference)
<COMPANY NAME="Example Company Name" RESERVEDNAME="" REQNAME="Example Company Name">
<NAME TYPE="String">Example Company Name</NAME>
So the GSTIN number in Tally is not a field belonging to the Company Object. Some of the fields belonging to the Company Object are Address, Phone Number, Email, State etc. For example, modify the <FETCH> tag to have Address and the <DATA> tag in the response will give you the required details.
<ID TYPE="Name">Example Company Name</ID>
If you look deep into the Tally database structure, the GSTIN Number belongs to the Tax Unit Object. Assuming that default configurations have not been changed for a sample company, the Tax Unit object is usually 'Default Tax Unit'. Now you can query the Tax Unit Object for the company and fetch the GSTIN.
<ID TYPE="Name">Default Tax Unit</ID>
If you're getting errors in the Tax Unit, it's easier to just use the in-built code to get what you need. There's two ways you can get the GSTIN Number:
By using the formula - CMPGSTaxNumber
By using the direct Object-Method notation : $GSTRegNumber:TaxUnit:##CMPExcisePrimaryGodown
To get these in your XML, you would need to add TDL code within <TDL></TDL> tags in your SOAP request.
A sample is below, if you're interested in reading how the TDL Report structure works, you can refer this document by Tally Solutions.
<FORM NAME="GSTReportForm">
<PART NAME="GSTReportPart">
<LINE NAME="GSTReportLine">

XML format for Deleting tally voucher

Below is the xml with which I'm trying to delete voucher in tally:
<voucher action="Delete" date="01-Jan-2019" tagname="Voucher Number" tagvalue="3" vchtype="Journal">
But I'm getting this error on posting the xml although voucher number 3 with date 2019-01-01 is present in tally:
DESC not found </DATA>
Earlier the xml was working. For some reason it's not working now.
the only change i made to your xml was changing id to All Masters
<ID>All Masters</ID>
<VOUCHER DATE="01-May-2019" TAGNAME = "Voucher Number" TAGVALUE="1234" VCHTYPE = "Sales" ACTION="Delete">
<NARRATION>Deleted by Mitalee
This is the response I got:
Couple of things you could do:
Check if the journal voucher actually exists. Try it for sales, purchase, etc. after verifying that the voucher is already present.
Check if educational mode is interfering with your xml request. You could have a friend run the xml on a licensed version of Tally.
Check the company and dates selected for this voucher number.

Export Item-wise stock summary from Tally ERP 9

I am working with Tally ERP 9 (Accounting software) for export stock summary report.
I am able to export stock summary report through below xml request
<ID>Stock Summary</ID>
Now My question is How to export Stock Summary -> F5(Item-wise) report using xml request?
I am able to get Item Wise Stock Summary by by setting 'IsItemWise' variable as 'Yes'.
<ID>Stock Summary</ID>
<SET>IsItemWise: Yes</SET>

How to use DITA subject scheme maps to produce facets for faceted search

I have a DITA topic map that contains a subject scheme map that defines a taxonomy.
The topics in my topic map have been tagged with values from the taxonomy.
How can I render my topic map with facets to allow retrival of the topics, where the facets are the values from the subject scheme map?
DITA 1.2 gives you the means to create a taxonomy or facet hierarchy -- the subjectScheme map -- and the means to apply the taxonomy or facet hierarchy to your DITA content -- the classification map.
To take advantage of that markup and implement a faceted-browsing experience, you need two things:
A processor that uses the subject classification values as it renders the output
A viewing application that implements faceted browsing
Currently, I am not aware of any DITA processors or viewing applications that do this.
Well, unless I'm misunderstanding the question, I assume you mean rendering to XHTML and that you want the facet metadata in the output for use in retrieval there by the end user? And I guess you want it in a meta tag then.
If so, I would do it like this:
For the sake of the example, I will assume that you have made a taxonomy that maps to the #product attribute.
First, in the stylesheet dita2htmlImpl.xsl, find the following template and copy it to your custom.xsl to override it (as an alternative you could do another override the get-meta template in get-meta.xsl, but it's so long...), and add a call to generateProductMetadata:
<xsl:template match="*" mode="chapterHead">
<head><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
<!-- initial meta information -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateCharset"/> <!-- Set the character set to UTF-8 -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateDefaultCopyright"/> <!-- Generate a default copyright, if needed -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateDefaultMeta"/> <!-- Standard meta for security, robots, etc -->
<xsl:call-template name="getMeta"/> <!-- Process metadata from topic prolog -->
<xsl:call-template name="copyright"/> <!-- Generate copyright, if specified manually -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateCssLinks"/> <!-- Generate links to CSS files -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateChapterTitle"/> <!-- Generate the <title> element -->
<xsl:call-template name="gen-user-head" /> <!-- include user's XSL HEAD processing here -->
<xsl:call-template name="gen-user-scripts" /> <!-- include user's XSL javascripts here -->
<xsl:call-template name="gen-user-styles" /> <!-- include user's XSL style element and content here -->
<xsl:call-template name="processHDF"/> <!-- Add user HDF file, if specified -->
<xsl:call-template name="generateProductMetadata"/> <!-- Add Product metadata -->
<xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
Then, again in your custom.xml, add the template you called:
<xsl:template name="generateProductMetadata">
<meta name="product" content="{#product}"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
This gives me the following result in a test run:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
<meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
<meta name="DC.Type" content="topic"/>
<meta name="DC.Title" content="Technical data"/>
<meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="18014398553839499_Technical_description.html"/>
<meta name="DC.Creator" content="Administrator"/>
<meta name="DC.Contributor" content="Administrator"/>
<meta name="DC.Date.Created" content="2013-03-05T11:13:04"/>
<meta name="DC.Date.Modified" content="2012-12-17T11:11:02"/>
<meta name="class" content="InfoType04"/>
<meta name="wf-state" content="NotReleased"/>
<meta name="DC.Format" content="XHTML"/>
<meta name="DC.Identifier" content="topic18014398553854475"/>
<meta name="DC.Language" content="en"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="commonltr.css"/>
<title>Technical data</title>
<meta name="product" content="product1"/>
Is that what you're looking for?