Missing tags in DevEco Studio, HarmonyOS - huawei-mobile-services

I am using DevEco Studio IDE. I want to create a simple LITE watch application for smart device.
1, Is there any way to use more languages like java or kotlin (I don't really like JS)? I came from Android Studio.
2, I want to use this separator or divider tag : https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/design/des-guides/separator-0000001053499780 but it looks like the IDE can't recognize that. Or this : https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/design/des-guides/scrollbars-0000001053181026
Also a lot other tags can't be recognized. Why? This document is outdated or the IDE is outdated?

For question 1, Lite version does not support Java or Kotlin.
For question 2, please refer to this document for information on supported tags. It is true that not all HMTL tags are supported or recognized by the DevEco Studio/HarmonyOS projects


Develop application on top of Visual Studio Code

I would like to know if Visual Studio Code provides an API that help you develop a desktop application on top of it platform. The main idea is to do like in Eclipe RCP or IntelliJ Plateform.
I want to use the plugin system available in VS Code instead of developing my own plugin system.
Any help, any link or any information will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
There are at least two ongoing projects that you can take inspiration from in this field:
https://theia-ide.org/ by Eclipse, which is an extensible platform to develop multi-language Cloud & Desktop IDEs. In the screenshots, you'll clearly distinguish the part coming from VSCode (like the Activity Bar) and custom ones, like the flexible layout system.
https://v2.onivim.io/ based on Vim but that should also leverage the VSCode plugins ecosystem according to the roadmap.

create collapsible code block eclipse

To make my code clean and tidy on eclipse, I wonder if it is feasible to code surrounded by Any tag to be able to retract as a function.
I use eclipse "Juno" for android development.
Yes, you can use the plugin "Coffee Bytes Code Folding".
With Indigo or Juno, you might need to grab the latest version of that plugin at "this page" (or google "com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.7.jar" for Juno-compatible version).
You will find all the illustrations in the SO question: "How to use Coffee-Bytes code folding":

How to write plugins for Aptana Studio 3

I would like to know how to write a plugin for Aptana Studio 3. To be more precise i would like to know what language should be used and where should i find an SDK or API. Of course I would also like to know how to integrate my plugin with the actual application since there is no plugin manager ( from what i have read ).
If this is not possible I would like to know if there is already a real-time collaborative code editor plugin, because this is what i intend to implement.
Ok, I have found an answer.
To be able to write plugins for Aptana Studio 3 is actually writing plugins for Eclipse just like #Thomas Clayson said.
If you are searching for real-time collaborative plugin for Aptana, than Saros plugin is your tool. You can find the installation guide here: http://www.saros-project.org/installation.
Hope this helps.

How can I get Intellij Community Edition to play nicely with GWT UiBinder?

First- I am not using the EAP version, which I understand has built-in support. This is not a viable option.
I am getting XML validation errors on simple things like HTML elements and ui:field="" attributes. What can i tell Idea to make it handle these things correctly? To my "Resources" settings, I already added the uibinder and client.ui XSD's, as well as gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent.
GWT is not supported in the Community Edition.

Plugins + Extensions on Safari 5.0.1

My question is very simple: Is it possible to pack plugins into extensions for Safari? For instance, the exact NPAPI plugins which work on Google Chrome also work on Safari. However in Chrome I'm shipping the plugins as a part of an extension (a CRX package). This is needed because HTML and JavaScript is injected into a specific web page, and this code uses the plugins. I do not see an option in Extension Builder to specify plugin files and I haven't come across any proper documentation saying that plugins cannot be packed into extensions.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
The first comment:
I don't think that is supported. A workaround could be a custom installer that installs both the plugin and the extension. – Georg Fritzsche
This is the only possible way to do it! FYI: Apple guys are against the idea of extensions accessing native code (ie, plugins). An obvious security loop-hole, but a necessity here! :)