I want some help with re-writing this code because it shows there is an error but the code works fine when run.
export function loadingReducer (state: LoadingState, action) {
return reducer(state, action);
it says I should use const or class but when I use those the code won't run.
It sounds like a linting issue rather than an actual code problem. When using const, are you using it like this? :
export const loadingReducer = (state: LoadingState, action: Action) => {
return reducer(state, action);
I am testing an event file in my flutter project.
group('ClientCreateClient', () {
test('supports comparisons', () {
expect( ClientCreateClient(1, PrivateClientModel(1, List<TestModel>.filled(2, TestModel())) ), ClientCreateClient(1, PrivateClientModel(1, List<TestModel>.filled(2, TestModel()))));
in the above code I need to provide a privateClientModel which has an id and a List as it's parameters.
How can I create a mock list to achieve this?
The above code fails the test and gives me this error
Expected: ClientCreateClient:<ClientCreateClient(1, Instance of 'PrivateClientModel')>
Actual: ClientCreateClient:<ClientCreateClient(1, Instance of 'PrivateClientModel')>
So as stated in the above comments I searched those links and it looks like I needed to extend equatable with those classes and it worked out for me.
I'm trying to implement a Blazor app that listens to keyboard input all the time (some kind of full screen game, let's say).
I can think of a key down event listener as a possible implementation for it, since there's not really an input field to auto-focus on.
Is there a better solution to just react to key-presses in any part of the screen?
In case that's the chosen one, how can I add an event listener from a client-side Blazor app? I've failed trying to do so by having a script like this:
EDIT: I modified a little bit the code below to actually make it work after fixing the original, key mistake that I was asking about.
window.JsFunctions = {
addKeyboardListenerEvent: function (foo) {
let serializeEvent = function (e) {
if (e) {
return {
key: e.key,
code: e.keyCode.toString(),
location: e.location,
repeat: e.repeat,
ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
altKey: e.altKey,
metaKey: e.metaKey,
type: e.type
// window.document.addEventListener('onkeydown', function (e) { // Original error
window.document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
DotNet.invokeMethodAsync('Numble', 'JsKeyDown', serializeEvent(e))
<!-- -->
<script src="scripts/event-listener.js"></script>
Invoking it through:
protected async override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("JsFunctions.addKeyboardListenerEvent");
and having the following method trying to receive the events:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
namespace Numble;
public static class InteropKeyPress
public static Task JsKeyDown(KeyboardEventArgs e)
return Task.CompletedTask;
I manage to get the script executed, but I'm not receiving any events.
The name of the event is keydown, not onkeydown.
I am working on a javaScript / react playground (something like very simple codesandbox.io) and I'm trying to figure out how to transpile the code. I was thinking of using Babel transform but the app itself is built using create-react-app so I do not have access to Babel. My question is, if I do something like the following and install Babel, will it also override how create-rect-app currently transpiles the code for the app?
// transpile.js
const babelOptions = {
presets: [ "react", ["es2015", { "modules": false }]]
export default function preprocess(str) {
const { code } = Babel.transform(str, babelOptions);
return code;
I've since learned that I can use Babel standalone for exactly this use case! Now it's just to figure out how to configure it. I would still appreciate help but if I find a solution first I will post for others :)
Ok so I have figured this out but it is not straight forward. I will try to add some details here in case anyone else finds it helpful.
I first needed to load Babel standalone and so I used this answer to create a custom hook to load a script:
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const useScript = url => {
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
script.async = true;
console.log(`${url} script loaded`);
return () => {
console.log(`${url} script removed`);
}, [url]);
export default useScript;
then I used it in my component like this:
import useScript from '../../../hooks/useScript';
then I later use the code I wrote in the initial question to transpile my code.
I have been trying to upload images to my Medium-editor using the Medium-editor-insert-plugin with Laravel5.5 for days without success.
To me it seems like the image is to passing to the sever and I don't know why.
I am using the latest release version of medium-editor-insert-plugin.
here is my javascript code to initiate the medium-insert-plugin:
$(function () {
editor: bodyEditor,
addons: {
images: {
fileUploadOptions: {
url: 'upload',
and the route to send the request to the back-end look like this.
// upload image route for MediumInsert plugin
Route::post('upload', 'PostsController#upload');
and inside my controller i am return all the request data like this:
public function upload(Request $request)
return array('data:'=> $request->all());
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler(array(
//'upload_dir' => public_path().'uploads/',
'upload_dir' => 'uploads/',
'upload_url' => 'posts/upload/',
but after use the plugin to insert an image to the editor i am get this error
But in my network response i am getting this.
Please can someone tell me what to do? have been trying to edited the plugin itself but no way till now.
You should probably return only the data object property.
Presently, a messagebox appears with the failing class name:
Is it possible to override the default behavior in Alfresco? Could we use forms service to present a different message ?
Additional to zladuric answer,
you can use failureCallback method to show message what you want.
But it is difficult to search failureCallback method of workflow forms for a new one because workflow forms such as "Start Workflow", "Task Edit", "Task Detail" are used form engine.
For example, in "Start Workflow" form, you can add our own successCallBack and failureCallBack by writing onBeforeFormRuntimeInit event handler in start-workflow.js like this.
onBeforeFormRuntimeInit: function StartWorkflow_onBeforeFormRuntimeInit(layer, args)
var startWorkflowForm = Dom.get(this.generateId + "-form");
Event.addListener(startWorkflowForm, "submit", this._submitInvoked, this);
fn: this.onFormSubmitSuccess,
scope: this
fn: this.onFormSubmitFailure,
scope: this
onFormSubmitSuccess: function StartWorkflow_onFormSubmitSuccess(response)
// Show your success message or do something.
onFormSubmitFailure: function StartWorkflow_onFormSubmitFailure(response)
var msgTitle = this.msg(this.options.failureMessageKey);
var msgBody = this.msg(this.options.failureMessageKey);
// example of showing processing response message
// you can write your own logic
if (response.json && response.json.message)
if(response.json.message.indexOf("ConcurrencyFailureException") != -1)
msgTitle = this.msg("message.concurrencyFailure");
msgBody = this.msg("message.startedAgain");
msgBody = response.json.message;
title: msgTitle,
text: msgBody
Since Alfresco.component.StartWorkflow(in start-workflow.js) extends Alfresco.component.ShareFormManager(in alfresco.js). You can override onBeforeFormRuntimeInit event in start-workflow.js. I hope this your help you.
I'm not looking at the code right now, but this looks like a regular YUI dialog. So it's fired by YUI. So this YUI is client side, probably in My-tasks dashlet or my tasks page.
Furthermore, the error message looks like it is a status.message from the failed backend message/service.
You could probably locate that client-side javascript file, find the method that starts the task and see what its' failureCallback handler is. Then edit that failureCallback method and make it show something different then the response.status.message or whatever it is. Perhaps something like this.msg("message.my-custom-error-message"); which you then customize on your own.
Modifying YUI dialog scripts will might affect the other functionalities as well.
If we customize start-workflow. js, its only going to be achieved in start workflow form.
So as generic solution, below is the suggestion.
When alfresco is rendering the workflow form , it is rendering the transition button using the activiti-transition.js file.Basically this buttons are doing nothing more but submitting the workflow form.
So the best way would be , customizing this activiti-transition.ftl and activiti-transition.js file , to make an ajax call and handle the response as we want.
I just had a look on full flow of how this front end error is shown.
activiti-transition is submiting the workflow form.
Using a function named as submitForm which resides inside alfresco.js, it is invoking an submit event of form
Inside the forms-runtime.js file there is one function named as _submitInvoked(handles the submit event of form), which is responsible for making an ajax call and submitting the workflow form.If there is error while submitting , it will display the error which is from backend.