perform patch request using trestclient component which contains json object in request - talend

I'm trying to call trestClient component in talend.
But trestClient is failing with error message of " HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type".
i'm trying to pass json request to trestclient component.
From textracJson component ,extracting recordiD and json object to pass to trestClient component.

The issue is caused by the tExtractJSONField component. You want to pass JSON into your tRestClient component, but tExtractJSON reads your JSON from the previous tWriteJSONField component converts it back to a Talend data flow. Remove this component and connect tWriteJSONField to tRestClient directly and connect your schema accordingly (check the input schema in tRestClient to see they're connected and have the right data types). To ensure this, best is to use a tMap with output string and map the JSON as a string to that column.


Talend tREST modify body

I have just started in a new company and they would like me to use Talend jobs to update the stocks of web sites. I learned towards the web services of prestashop except that I do not know the exchanges with the web services well and not at all talend.
I need to modify the body of the tREST component, for each iteration of a contentfile my ID and quantities.
Here is the body structure and my job. (Which works for a given ID and quantity)
I don't know very well the tREST component. But if you use a tRESTClient , with a tXMLMap before it, you should be able to create your XML schema in tXMLMap, then send the document produced to the tRESTClient.
tXMLMap allows you to use metadata from repository, so you can create a metadata associated with your XML example.
Type of the output in your tXMLMap should be Document (this is the java-type associated with XML), and the name of the output flow should be "payload" (i think it is mandatory , but not sure about it)

Use same parameter more than one request after fetching using JSON Extractor

Fetching data from one post response and reusing it for two other requests using JSON Extractor in Jmeter.
After reusing the response param for the first request the second request can't reuse the response and shows the default value used in JSON Extractor.
The values aren't coming in the second request, however it comes in the first request.
Most probably your placement of the JSON Extractor is incorrect, JMeter PostProcessors obey JMeter Scoping Rules so if you have the JSON Extractor at the same level as other Samplers - it's getting applied to all samplers therefore after 1st request is being executed the variable gets overwritten with the default value.
The solution is to put the JSON Extractor as a child of the request which returns the data you want to extract, something like:
You should put JSON Extractor level under request 1, and not after, in order to get the variable from response 1 only
This is because it's a post processor which is executed after each Sampler (request) in its hierarchy
The rest service which are fetching parameters and JSON extractor should be kept as a child of the web-service from which parameters are fetched. This solved my issue.

Using JMeter, how to compare table data with JSON data?

I've got a task to compare all data fetched from postgreSQL table and all data located on a website that uses REST API (HTTP request with JSON data) in order to see which is missing.
I fetch data from postgreSQL using JDBC request (SELECT * FROM exampleTable), data is in standard SQL table format.
And I get REST API data using HTTP request sampler, data is in JSON format:
{"records":[{"id":"rec6iT8M0YFZc9kxf","fields":{"Birthday":"2010-09-01","Gender":"Female","Currently In Pasture":["rec7hRbjrgTaKWdCs"],"Breed":"Jersey","Weight":1800,"Name":"Jerri","Attachments":[{"id":"attbz","url":"https://IaGSYtK8SlS.jpg","filename":"Jersey_cow.jpg","size":1555316,"type":"image/jpeg","thumbnails":{"small":{"url":"https://_Jersey_cow.jpg","width":27,"height":36},"large":{"url":"https://dl/S4tl79.jpg","width":256,"height":341}}}]}
etc etc
both requests should have the same format of data (same "columns" for comparison > name, gender, breed, weight, etc)
I've tried using JSON Extractor post processor element to get individual variables from HTTP response and compare them to individual variables from JDBC request using the Response Assertion element but with no luck
I either get this error: Assertion failure message: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String (probably cause I am using the whole SQL data set instead of data from individual columns)
or something like:
Assertion failure message: Test failed: text expected to match /${gender}/
I dont know how to successfully assign variables to data from SQL table and JSON response and then matching those variable values (seeing which entries are absent from what REST API fetches)
is there any easy way to do this using jmeter GUI and not having to rely on beanshell/groovy or any other kind of scripting (so just by using the elements available in jmeter) ?
thank you!
Not knowing your database structure it is quite tricky to come up with exact solution, however you can convert JDBC Request output into a JSON using JSR223 PostProcessor
Given the following JDBC Request sampler configuration:
Which produces the following output:
I can convert it into JSON using the following Groovy code:
def result = vars.getObject('result')
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(result).toPrettyString()
as you can see it contains column names along with the values, you should be able to use it for assertions.
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter

Google analitycs API. Get data by xmla

Whether there is a possibility of obtaining data and metadata via xmla?
I want to connect to xmla server via olap4j and visualize data from google.
Google analytics v3 returns Json not xml. No way to change that.
If successful, this request returns a response body with the JSON
structure defined below. If the output parameter is set to dataTable
then the request returns a response body with the JSON (Data Table)
structure defined below.

postman usage - how to input parameters

My rest service method demands an input parameter. I want to see data structure via postman. How can I add arguments in postman app? I get the error:
HTTP Status 500 - The bean encountered a non-application exception;
nested exception is: The server encountered an internal error that
prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Suppose that you are doing a POST, or a PUT, you want to add your data in XML or JSON or plaintext to the request.
You need to set the URL, and the right HTTP method. Once you choose, suppose POST, you can edit the data to be sent. I choose the raw input type and write inside it what I want to send to the server.
You may get 500 as server error due to error in the logic of the offered service, try to encapsulate your entity and send agin the request..