How do you update your UI when using a state machine - swift

I'm using swifts stateMachine from gamePlayKit. It works great, but there is one thing I don't understand: The stateMachineseems to be its own isolated island; from what I can tell there is no way to pass in arguments or get callbacks. And this raises questions like, how do I update the UI?
Lets say I enter combat state:
There's no way to pass in an argument. Ok, fine. But then CombatState does its thing and when it's done it goes into another state. BUT, before that I need a callback to the view so that I can remove the units from the board lost in combat like so:
self.removeChildren(in: nodesOutOfAction)
But there's no way to send the nodes out of the stateMachine because there's no possible way to add a completion handler. So how do you work around this problem? To me the stateMacine is pointless as it canĀ“t update the UI.
Its possible to access properties of the state like so:
self.removeChildren(in: combatState.nodesToRemove)
But that can't be safe, right? Still, as this is the only option that I know of, this is how I solve it.

I totally recommend you check the DemoBots project from Apple.
You should pass the entity reference on the State Initializer
For example
class CombatState: GKState {
unowned var gameScene: GameScene
required init(gameScene: GameScene) {
self.gameScene = gameScene
override func didEnter(from previousState: GKState?) {
gameScene.removeChildren(in: ...)
With this logic you can decouple a lot of logic inside to the states.


How to make a function can be called only by specific class in swift?

I have two frameworks A and B. I have a public function inside B called getMap() which returns a copy of a map(which is a private variable in B). So I call getMap() in A to get this value. This is fine because it's a copy so whatever I do to the returned value it doesn't affect the actual variable inside B.
Now I did some processing to this value, I need to pass it back to B. Here is the problem: In order to pass it back, it has to be a public function, but I don't want other frameworks or application to call this function because only A should be making changes to this map value.
Is there any way to specify in B that only if A is calling the function then the value should be set, otherwise ignoring anyone else who is using this function? I've heard you can use delegate/protocol to achieve this but I don't understand.
Yes you should be able to achieve this using delegate/protocols. The protocol will still have to be public which means any class could implement the protocol but the simple solution to this would be to just not implement it any other class.
You would create the the protocol in framework B like this:
protocol FrameworkBDelegate {
func sendMapChanges(map: Map)
Then call the delegate method when you're ready send it back to the other framework:
func changeMap() {
var map = frameworkA.getMap()
// Do stuff to map...
delegate.sendMapChanges(map: map)
I don't want to write a whole tutorial on how implement delegation so here's a good one from Swift by Sundell: here
Let me know if you need any help.
This is not possible out of the box.
If you create a Framework than you have to decide if a method/class needs to be public or not. If a method is public than there isn't an out of the box solution which delivers a bullet proof solution which solves your requirement. In the end the method is public to ALL consumers of Framework B.
So, you will end up implementing some kind of access control mechanisms within Framework B. This means that Framework A needs to authenticate itself in some way (access code etc.).
The delegate pattern will not solve your issue as well, hence it also has to be public, so that Framework A can use it. However, if it's public than all consumers of Framework B can use it.

Where should I put my functions?

I'm working on an app and I wrote a large part of an SKScene in a single class. It works great, but when I took a (java) course this past semester, it seems that accepted industry practice is to separate it into many classes.
More specifically, my (SpriteKit) app contains a cat and a mouse and after finishing said course, I decide that instead of containing all their info in the SKScene, I should separate some of it into multiple classes (a Player superclass with Cat and Mouse subclasses) each containing their relevant info (such as x and y position,) and functions (such as moveCat) with only Scene related functions and info in the Scene class.
The problem lies in the content of the functions.
Particularly one of the functions, pathBlocked(which checks if there are any barriers blocking the desired path of movement) uses a lot of info that wouldn't make sense to contain inside the Player object (such as all the info about the barriers on the board, and how much cheese was collected).
I can't just leave pathBlocked as a Scene function because there's a function that should belong to the cat (catAI) which uses pathBlocked to navigate. If it's a method of the scene, then it won't work. I'd need to instantiate a Scene object every time I wanted to call pathBlocked.
Should I just forget about making the Cat and Mouse Classes or should I fill the Player class with info that doesn't quite belong?
or is there a third option I'm not thinking of?
If you need a snippet of the code, I could include some of it.
Ok, so what you should do is
class Cat {
var sceneRef: GameScene? //or whatever scene is called
var xPos: CGFloat!
var yPos: CGFloat!
init(s: GameScene){//just example stuff
sceneRef = s
xPos = sceneRef!.childNodeWithName("cat").position.x
yPos = sceneRef!.childNodeWithName("cat").position.y //However, these variables will not stay up to date. If you need them current, you would have to do the same thing again, xPos = sceneRef!.childNode...etc.
func doStuff{
func createNewPath()
//create a new path
Then in the scene, you can do:
class GameScene: SKScene {
var cat: Cat?
override init(size: CGSize){
super.init(size: size)
cat = Cat(s: self)
func whatever() {
if (pathBlocked()){
I think you will just have to unwrap it each time you use it, but XCode will tell you that.
^ credit for that should go to AMomchilov, I didn't know about weak references at all before this. It was a fun learning experience XD.
If you are looking to organize your code, another way you could do it is have an extension file for your scene, and throw all the low level function stuff in there, and keep all the high level stuff in the actual scene class. Make a new class, and call it SceneExtension or something:
import SpriteKit
//import whatever else you need
extension GameScene { //<- Or whatever your previous scene that you want to extend is called
func pathBlocked() {
//function code
//other functions
And just basically throw all the other functions that you don't want to look at and just take up space in the actual scene file. It acts like its in the same file, so you can call any of the functions in here, or use any variables from either class.

Typhoon loading storyboard programmatically appears to perform asynchronous instantiation without blocking

I am developing an iOS application and am trying to integrate Typhoon into the testing. I am currently trying to mock out a dependency in a view controller that comes from the storyboard, so with in my assembly:
public dynamic var systemComponents: SystemComponents!
public dynamic func storyboard() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(TyphoonStoryboard.self) {
(definition) in
definition.useInitializer("storyboardWithName:factory:bundle:") {
(initializer) in
I want to create a CameraModeViewController (the class I am unit testing) with its dependency upon a system-camera-functions-providing protocol mocked out. The dependency is dynamic var cameraProvider: CameraAPIProvider?. I think I correctly created a replacement collaborating assembly to replace systemComponents; MockSystemComponents is a subclass of SystemComponents that overrides functions. This is where I inject the mock:
let assembly = ApplicationAssembly().activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies([
MockSystemComponents(camera: true)
let storyboard = assembly.storyboard()
subject = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Camera-Mode") as! CameraModeViewController
The next line of code in the tests is let _ = subject.view, which I learned is a trick to call viewDidLoad and get all the storyboard-linked IBOutlets, one of which is required for this test.
However, I am getting very mysterious result: sometimes but not always, all the tests fail because in the viewDidLoad I make a call to the dependency (cameraProvider), and I get an "unrecognized message sent to class" error. The error seems to indicate that at the time the message is sent (which is a correct instance method in protocol CameraAPIProvider) the field is currently a CLASS and not an instance: it interprets the message as +[MockSystemCamera cameraStreamLayer] as reported in the error message.
Here's the kicker: if I add a breakpoint between the calls to assembly.storyboard() and subject.view, the tests always pass. Everything is set up correctly, and the message is correctly sent to an instance without this "class method" bogus interpretation. Therefore, I have to wonder if Typhoon does some kind of asynchronous procedure in the injection that I have to wait for? Possibly only when dealing with storyboard-delivered view controllers? And if so, is there any way to make sure it blocks?
After digging around in Typhoon's source for a while, I get the impression that in the TyphoonDefinition(Instance Builder) initializeInstanceWithArgs:factory: method there is an __block id instance that is temporarily a Class type, and then is replaced with an instance of that type; and possibly this can be called asynchronously without blocking, so the injected member is left as a Class type?
UPDATE: Adding the code for MockSystemComponents(camera:). Note that SystemComponents inherits from TyphoonAssembly.
public class MockSystemComponents: SystemComponents {
var cameraAvailable: NSNumber
init(camera: NSNumber) {
self.cameraAvailable = camera
public override func systemCameraProvider() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(MockSystemCamera.self) {
(definition) in
definition.useInitializer("initWithAvailable:") {
(initializer) in
UPDATE #2: I tried replacing the constructor injection in the MockSystemComponents.systemCameraProvider() with a property injection. Different issue, but I suspect it's equivalent in cause: now, the property that is injected (declared optional) is still nil some of the time when I go to unwrap it (but not always -- probably about 4/5 of test runs fail, about the same as before).
UPDATE #3: have tried using the following code block, using factory construction according to this answer (note that setting factory directly didn't work as that OP did, but I think I correctly used the feature added in response to Jasper's issue). The results are the same as when using property injection like Update #2 above), so no dice there.
This issue was in fact arising even before the call to the instantiation. In fact, the problem was assemblies aren't generally intended to be stateful. There are a few ways to get around this, but the one I used -- having a member variable and an initializer method -- is NOT recommended. The problem with doing this is that in the activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies method, all the instance methods of the assembly are enumerated for definitions, and initializers will actually get called on the collaborating assembly. Consequently, even if you create your assembly with an initializer, it may get called again with a bogus value.
Note that the reason there appeared to be async behavior is actually that there is nondeterministic order in which definitions are assembled (property of storing them in an NSDictionary). This means that if activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies happens to enumerate methods which depend on state first, they'll work fine; but if the initializer is enumerated first, and the state is destroyed, definitions that are created after will be borked.

Does Unity have a constructor when loading a scene?

I would like to populate the UI when I load a scene, with the correct data, instead of placeholders.
When I call "LoadSceneAsync", what would be the first object that is called, so I can fill the UI label with the correct data? I know that there is a scene GameObject, but I am not sure if that would fit my needs.
I am looking for some sort of constructor, called when a new scene object is loaded; to plug in my setup function.
You say
Indeed I did use "onlevelwasloaded" but the UI element may not be there, ready to go, when I invoke it, which lead to errors
That would be an incredibly sever bug in Unity! :)
Could it be that you are mixing-up Awake and Start somewhere?
One way to think of it is once you call Start, you know all the Awake have already run.
When I call "LoadSceneAsync", what would be the first object that is called, so I can fill the UI label with the correct data
You are still within the same frame.
Once you see LoadSceneAsync you can be absolutely assured everything is Awake 'd.
Or indeed once you use Start you can be absolutely assured everything is Awake 'd.
1) could it be that in some of your UI elements (or whatever) you are doing something in Start which you should do in Awake?
2) if (for some reason) you want to "wait until the next frame", perhaps just during development - then do that, wait a frame. You'll see a flicker, but if that's what you want to do (for some reason) do that.
3) note that if you mean you want to go to the net to get something, well of course you have to wait frames (use Update/coroutine) until the information comes back from the net, obviously. (How else could it be?)
Note that in practice, one should be using UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent everywhere.
Maybe this is what you are looking for
Relying on Unity internal functioning is not always the way to go. Particularly when dealing with RESTApi (which is somehow what you are dealing with here).
You cannot assume one object will be ready before another except if you control it.
Add a Controller script that uses Awake. In the Awake, call all the methods you are needing and use some callback to generate secondary code when primary is ready.
public class MyController: MonoBehaviour{
private ServerRequestController serverCtrl = null;
private UIController uiCtrl = null;
private void Awake(){
serverCtrl = this.gameObject.AddComponent<ServerRequestController>();
uiCtrl =this.gameObject.AddComponent<UIController>();
public class UIController:MonoBehaviour{
public void SetUI(Data data)
// And so on
public class ServerRequestController:MonoBehaviour{
public void GetData(Action onCompletion){
// This may be a coroutine if you fetch from server
Data data = GetDataFromSomewhere();
// At this point, your data is ready
Thanks to this, you are now able to know exactly when a piece of code is ready.

Let's make MVC, Singletons, and data sharing across multiple view controllers clear for beginners

Being able to share data between multiple view controllers and doing that in a way that makes use of recommended patterns such as MVC seems to be essential to create good apps, but my problem is that these things aren't clear at all for me.
I am conscient that this question is really dense, but for things to be clear I think you really need to understand the whole thing.
First of all we need to be sure of what Model, View and Controller are doing, here is how I would describe them, please tell me if I'm right about that:
Model : a class that's responsible for managing data, and only that (for example, a class that will go on the web to retrieve information, such as weather forecast).
View : a view is an object that's displayed to the user, who can often interact with it, that's the objects that you can drag and drop in Interface Builder (for example a button) and you might also create one from scratch, or custom an already existing one by subclassing it.
Controller : a controller is responsible for managing a view and its subviews, it receives events (such as viewDidLoad, or even when the user taps a button) and can react to it, for example, it might change the text of a label.
Now about the way they are interacting between each other, I'd say that the controller is between the view and the model, it's managing the view and might ask for data to the model. In addition to receiving events from the view, it might also receive events from the model, for example, if the controller asks to the model for a specific data on the web (let's say if it asks weather for a specific city) the data won't be available immediately, instead, the model will notify the controller so that it can update the view with the data it received. Am I right?
One of the first thing I'm wondering is if an object could be considered as a model if it isn't here to retrieve data, but to do other things that are simply not related to the view, for example, could an object that's responsible for communicating and managing a bluetooth accessory considered as a model ? Could an object that sends data to a cloud considered as a model ? And what about a Tic Tac Toe AI ?
Then, singleton instances, I often heard of them when an app had to share data between multiple views, but first of all, I never really understood why it was necessary to use them in this case ?
Then, here is a singleton that I found in an article of the We Heart Swift website.
class Singleton {
struct Static {
static let instance = Singleton()
class var sharedInstance: Singleton {
return Static.instance
The problem if that I have had difficulties to find anywhere more details about why it's written in this way, and most of all, can a singleton have an initializer that takes arguments? How to add properties and methods to a singleton like this one? What are exactly the Static structure and the sharedInstance?
My last question is about why, technically, does a singleton makes it possible to get an access to things we have defined somewhere else? What I mean is that if I create an instance of let's say, a Dog class in my AppDelegate, and if I want to access to this specific instance in a view controller, then it wouldn't be possible, so how does singleton makes that possible under the hood?
EDIT : Oh, and, is the use of singletons recommended by Apple?
Thank you.
It has to do with the static in the struct. Static is essentially a class variable that persists for every instance of that class, so when you make the shared instance static, every time you access it, even from another instance of Singleton.instance it is the same variable because it is static. It persists amongst instances. However, Swift does not support class variables yet, so when it does, that should quickly replace the Struct syntax that is common of singletons. It is very similar to static variables in java.
For example:
class Singleton {
var someVar = 0
struct Static {
static let instance = Singleton()
to create a singleton with a variable and the following to access it:
let foo = Singleton.Static.instance
foo.someVar = 11
let bar = Singleton.Static.instance
println(bar.someVar) // Prints 11
As you can see, bar.someVar was never set, and that is because the variable for the shared instance was set, so it prints 11.